

한국의 친구 서, 부디 검토해 주십시오

한국의 여러분, 우리는 여러분이 독도가 한국령이라고 믿고 있어지는 것을 알고 있습니다.그러나, 한편, 우리는 그 섬이 실은 일본령이라고 하는 것을 확신하고 있습니다.양국의 우호를 위해서 한번 더, 함께 역사를 검증해 보지 않겠습니까?
감정이 아니고, 과학적으로 이성적인 눈으로 한번 더 재검토해 보세요.
이하가 지금까지 우리가 조사하고 사실이라고 생각한 항목입니다.

(1) 우야마시마는 독도(Liancourt rocks)는 아니다.
이하의 투고를 봐 주세요.(영어로 써 있습니다만, 여러분에게는 읽을 수 있을 것입니다.)

(2) 대한제국(1897-1910)에서는 조선의 동쪽의 국경은 울능도라고 생각하고 있었다.
따라서 1900년의 칙령 41호에 쓰여진 이시지마는 독도는 아니다.
이하의 투고를 봐 주세요.

(3) 안용복은 「일본의 마츠시마는 우야마시마다」라고 주장했지만, 안용복자신이 우야마시마가 어디에 있는지, 어떤 섬인가 이해하고 있지 않다.안용복의 진술은 2전재역전 하고 있고, 신뢰를 둘 수 없다.이러한 인물의 진술이 한 명 걷고 , 우야마시마=일본의 마츠시마(독도)라면 한국에서는 오해 받고 있지만, 근거가 없는 설이다.




그 밖에도 일본에는 17 세기부터 독도에 건너고 있던 역사가 있어, 독도의 정확한 지도가 많이 남아 있는 것, 17 세기의 한일의 교섭으로 타케시마(울능도)는 한국령과 결정했지만 마츠시마(독도)는 한국에 건네주지 않았던 것, 유감스럽지만 한국에는 독도의 정확한 지도가 한 장도 없었던 것이나 독도라는 이름도 1900년대가 되고 처음으로 문헌(게다가 일본의 문헌)에 등장하는 것부터 한국은 독도를 근년까지 몰랐던 가능성이 높은 일, 등등 많은 사실이 이 사이트에서 다루어지고 있습니다.부디 이성적인 눈으로 읽혀지고, 반론이 있으면 투고해 주세요.(할 수 있으면 간단한 영어로 좋기 때문에, 영어로의 투고를 부탁합니다.그러면 여러분의 의견이 온 세상의 사람에게 읽혀지게 되고, 공평한 의견교환을 할 수 있다고 생각합니다.)


  1. Gerry,

    I posted the text in Korean language. I don't know if this is effective but it seems to me that it is a god chance to attract Korean people's eyes to this site. (I hope the text is not so incpmplete...)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi..I'm a korean. I saw the post and I'm so...disappointed. Dokdo is exactly korean land. when korea was under the rule of Japanese imperialism, japan stole Dokdo by force. you know? in korea you can send a snail mail from korean city to Dokdo within the country. but if you're in japan,you can't! in japan you can send a mail to dokdo by international mail!! after all japan insists that the land is not Dokdo but Takeshima, why they can't send a mail to their land!
    please..investigate the history in true eyes...I believe the truth will out.....

  4. long times ago, japaneses trespassed into dokdo. so some koreans warned that "this is korean land" and japaneses ran away.

    here are attachment(about Dokdo) in korean language.

    ㆍ0512년 신라 지증왕 13년 이사부 군주 우산국 정복
    신라 영토 편입 - 삼국사기

    ㆍ1693년 안용복은 일본 애도막부에게
    울릉도, 독도가 조선 영토임임을 서계를 받음 - 숙종실록

    ㆍ1900년 광무 4년 고종은 칙령 제41호 제정반포로 울릉도를 울도로 개칭하고
    도감을 군수로 하며 독도를 울도군 관할로 편입

    ㆍ1905년 일본의 독도를 다께시마(죽도)라 칭하고 시마네현 고시 40호에의해
    일본 영토로 편입(1905년 11월 을사보호조약으로 국권 상실)

    ㆍ1907년 울릉도 및 독도의 관할권이 강원도에서 경상도로 이속

    ㆍ1946년 GHO(연합국 최고사령부)에서 SCAPIN(연합국 최고사령부 지령)
    제667호에 의거하여 독도를 일본통치권에서 제외

    ㆍ1953년 독도의용수비대조직 - 독도 경비(대장 홍순칠외, 대원 32명)

    ㆍ1956년 국립 경찰 독도경비인계

    ㆍ1981년 독도 주민증 최초 전입 (최종덕, 울릉읍 도동리 산67)

    ㆍ1982년 국가지정 문화재로지정 - 천연기념물 제336호 (독도해조류 번식지)

    ㆍ1998년 신한일 어업협정 체결

    ㆍ1999년 국가지정문화재관리단체 지정 및 천연기념물 제336호 독도관리지침 고시
    문화재명칭변경(독도해조류 번식지 → 독도천연 보호구역)

    ㆍ2000년 2000. 4. 7 행정구역 명칭 및 지번 변경
    · 행정구역 : 당초-도동리 → 변경-독도리(서도-1반, 동도-2반)
    · 지 번 : 당초-도동리 산42∼76번지 → 변경-독도리 산1∼37번지

    NOW Koreans are not in colony
    we will fight them over distortion of history.

  5. Hi big6201 !

    You wrote;
    "long times ago, japaneses trespassed into dokdo. so some koreans warned that "this is korean land" and japaneses ran away."
    Sounds like a fairly tale. But are you talking about 安龍福's illegal voyage to Japan in 1696? The Choson official said that he is a stupid liar and we shouldn't take what he said seriously.

    肅宗 31卷, 23年( 1697 丁丑 / 청 강희(康熙) 36年) 2月 14日 乙未 3번째기사 "至於漂風愚民, 設有所作爲"

    Besides, the island he said Korean was not Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo, but it was Jukdo.

    This is a proof.

    First, he said he left Takeshima(Ulleundo) on 15th and arrived at Matsushima on same day to the Japanese officials in Oki. Though he didn't say what time or how long he took from Ulleundo to Matsushima. It's recorded in Japanese document.
    "五月十五日竹嶋出船 同日松嶋江着 同十六日松嶋ヲ出十八日之朝"「元禄九丙子年朝鮮舟着岸一巻之覚書」

    And he also said that he went to Jasando at dawn in the next morning. It is recorded in official Korean document.
    "肅宗 30卷, 22年 9月 25日 戊寅 条 "遂以翌曉, 拕舟入子山島, 倭等方列釜鬻煮魚膏。""

    Notice he said he arrived at Jasando next dawn? Considering he testified that hemoved from Ulleundo to "Matsushima" on the same day earlier, it should be at dawn on the same day when he left Ulleundo. He should have commuted from Ulleundo to Matsushima=Jasando within a few hours (at dawn). Thus, it cannot be Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo which locates 92km away from Ulleundo.

    big6201 said;
    "we will fight them over distortion of history."

    I agree. Before I started to study this issue last year, I had been actually believed it is Korean island, but after I read both basis , I realized that Korean has absolutely no concrete proof that they had owned Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo. Then I came to think Korean government is distorting the history and Korean academics are not telling truth.

    Please do fight against their manipulation if you truely love your country, Korea. Don't let your own government fool their own people.

  6. In korea,your country and wherever,
    manipulation exists in every history, no matter where.
    so I interested in dokdo.
    The more I learn about dokdo, the more I believe dokdo is korean land.
    not because I'm a korean
    I want people know the land is dokdo.
    Now Dokdo guards are in dokdo.
    and I'm in online to guard dokdo.
    I don't want to see very samll country is robbed of dokdo one more.
    I can't bear korea is perverting own history.
    but I can't bear japan is perverting the truth all the more.
    especially putting the pro-Japanese group to use!
    they distort from korean history and japanese imperialism to dokdo.....
    I can't endure!
    Kaneganese,Thanks for your response.
    But while I read it,
    I felt you see the dokdo by only nagative eyes.
    You wrote waht the korea can't prove in a row.
    The other side, you don't write what japan can't prove, or what the korea can prove.
    You say korean's history is wrong and koreans are misknow.
    but I can't understand what you said.
    You believe what is of great advantage to takeshima in korean's history and what the opposition to dokdo in it.
    I repect your study and your opinion
    but I hate that the truth you're seeing one side by two eyes
    I'm heartbreaking that I can't you see the more information because of my shallow learning...

  7. +in part of my former-reply
    "long times ago, japaneses trespassed into dokdo. so some koreans warned that "this is korean land" and japaneses ran away."
    It's not a tale but a true story.
    For example, yong bok an(안용복) who the fisherman lived in ullung-do, guards ullungdo and dokdo.

  8. "guards ullungdo and dokdo."
    ↑not guards but guarded
    haha..sory..my mistake.

  9. Big 6201,

    Thank you for your honest opinion. I understand you must have needed guts to admit you have only "shallow learning".

    Big 6201, actually, I used to believe that Takeshima/Dokdo was Korean land just like you. But after I saw the emotional and nationalistic reaction from Korean people last year, I got interested in what was going on and started to look into the issue. At first, I thought that it is weird that Korean people didn't even know exactly where it is just like you. But unfortunatly, I couldn't find any single concrete evidence that Korean knew exactly where it is nor owned the island before 1952 so far. And now I believe it was simply not economically useful for Korean people to go beyond Ulleundo. Very simple.

    Well, anyway, I hope you learn your own history with your own eyes and brains. And if you have any logical objection, not emotional one, to what I wrote above, please feel free to present here.

    But I highly respect the logical contradictory opinion from pro-Korean side. Actually, we really need someone more like myCoree, who is a good and honest debator. I hope you would learn more like him so that we can enjoy logical debate.

  10. Anonymous21/7/08 11:46

    '한국의 친구 서'라고 해서 서 씨 친구가 있는 줄 알았습니다. 애쓰시네요. '한국인들에게'라고 하시는 게 좋을 듯해요. 당신이 하는 활동을 알고 있는 사람들이라면 '친구'라는 호칭은 비호감일 듯하네요. 이 블로그는 3인의 공동 블로그인가 봅니다. 엄청 헤매고 있는데 Pacifist님의 프로필을 못 찾고 있습니다. Gerry님의 프로필은 찾아서 읽었지만, 다른 한 분의 프로필도 찾기가 힘드네요. 팀에 대한 설명을 좀 해주실 필요가 있다는 생각이 듭니다. 여기저기 덧글 달아놓고는 못 찾아가는 컴맹이니 이해해 주세요.

  11. Thank you Guebal-gebal,

    영어로 씁니다만, 이해해 주는 것을 바랍니다.한글로 쓰는 것은 시간이 걸리기 때문에.

    I and Kaneganese are just helping Gerry. We knew Gerry from the Occidentalism and his "Korean Language Note" era.

    Through these sites we came to know that Gerry is a very fair person and has a scientific mind.

    I myself is a ordinary Japanese citizen and like Korean culture. The beginning of my interest with Korea was a Korean tv dramas as usual Japanese.

    I found that Korean people are living in the same way as Japanese. And their language is very similar to Japanese language, at least grammer is almost the same. To tell the truth, until the Korean tv drama boom came I don't know details of Korean culture.

    I was interested in the difference of the two countries too - they drink different alcohol called Soju, they drink their cups with moving heads towards side when they drink with uppers, they eat chige and kimchi....I was interested and went to Seoul and found their foods tasted good. And also found that Korean people are kind and familiar people. Since then I went to Korea every once in a while, I am going to Chejudo and Busan soon this sumemr.

    But all of a sudden, one day I was astonished by a TV news - Korean protesters were marching shouting something anti-Japan and a man was biting Japanese flag. They were protesting against Takeshima Day.

    This made me suspicious - (frankly speaking, I thought "are these people insane?" sorry but it was true)...because all the Japanese people know that Takeshima is Japan's land which was occupied by Rhee Syngman in 1950's and many Japanese fishermen were caught or shot dead. But the country still occupying the island is protesting, isn't this strange?

    So I began gathering information to know what is the problem. And I realized that (sorry to say this but) Korean government has educated their people "Dokdo is ours" to encourage their nationalistic feeling. I think this is the reason why they got furious when they were demonstarting. Sorry to say this, but this was the beginning.

    But the truth is only one. We have to find the truth together, both of Japanese and Korean people can find it if we get together, not blaiming each other. We can be friends if the issue is resolved with each other's help.

    P.S. I still have a favor and respect to Korean culture and people. I think I keep going to Korea to enjoy them. You should come to Japan, to communicate with each other is the best way to understand each other.


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