Choson online reported that Korean scholar found Japanese map in Edo era which depict Jasando(子山島) as Choson territory.
However, at a glance, if you have any knowledge of geography and the location of Takeshima/Dokdo, you can clealy understand that it is not today's Takeshima. It's locates north northwest of Ulleungodo and even bigger than Ulleungdo. Usando(Jasando) doesn't always mean today's Takeshima. Actually, never.
On the contrary to Korean claim, it is a good evidence that Japanese in Edo era did recognized so-called Jasando(Usando) was not Japanese Matsushima(today's Takeshima). Interestingly, Ahn Yong-bok testified the location of Jasando as north of Ulleungdo. It matchs those historical record.
It is clear that Ahn's Jasando was not today's Takeshima. The Japanese map which depict Jasando is not rare, by the way.

Again, Korean scholar kindly presented a good evidence that reinforce the claims by Japan. Professor 李相泰 made it clear that Usando in some maps , including 1711 official map, are Jukdo, not today's Takeshima/Dokdo on Seoul National University site. I don't understand why this Jasando looks today's Takeshima/Dokdo to him in any way. He explains that this is geographically incorrect since it was made in 1600's and Japanese then didn't have enough knowledge of Choson, then what kind of historical value this map holds in the first place? I sincerely recommend Korean to give up the fabrication that Usando was today's Takeshima, or it goes nowhere but makes looking Korean academics pathetic to all over the world. Sadly, they look like almost comedian to me.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I wonder why do these "scholars" always shoot their own feet.....
I can't believe that they truly think Usando in the map is Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima/Dokdo). If they really do, it is a proof that the level of "scholars" in Korea is very low.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI thought personal attacks were not allowed? What's up with this???
ReplyDelete"I sincerely recommend Korean to give up the fabrication that Usando was today's Takeshima, or it goes nowhere but makes looking Korean academics pathetic to all over the world. Sadly, they look like almost comedian to me."
and also the comments don't sound too friendly either.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of this map? Is Jasando looks like today's Takeshima/Dokdo to you?
It`s not matter whether it is Ulleungdo or Usando. I just want you to come Ulleungdo see yourself. When you arrive there, you can see the Dok-Do by your eyes. Then you will understand how stupid and useless japanese insisting on Dok-Do is.
ReplyDeleteMoreover Japanese polictical right-wing want to revive the dead imperialism of 1900s to cover their failed policies of domestic and Diplomatic one.
You can you why Japanese right-wing government are so addicted to territorial disputes.
ReplyDelete"It`s not matter whether it is Ulleungdo or Usando. "
It matters. A lot. The professor is specialst of geography of maps.
Visibility nor closeness has anything to do with sovereignty over the territory. What matters is effective control. So far, there is absolutely no Korean documents or maps which prove any control whatsoever.
ay foos..
ReplyDeleteof course koreans dont got the documents cuz them japanese burnt all existing documents when Korea was overruled by the japanese..
them japanese just wants more territory..but u know what..
just wait till them islands sink..
then there will be no more japan
korean ppl just wait
who's protecting dokdo/takeshima?
ReplyDeletei think Korean people are protecting the island..
so isn't it Korean island???
who's protecting dokdo/takeshima?
ReplyDeletei think Korean people are protecting the island..
so isn't it Korean island???
ReplyDelete"of course koreans dont got the documents cuz them japanese burnt all existing documents when Korea was overruled by the japanese.."
Don't make stupid execuses. It was Korean who burned important documents.
The (Korean) man (at the Daepungheon (待風軒)) said that they used to have a lot more documents, but they were all intentionally burned a few decades ago.
There are thousand of Korean old documents, as we had studied. But there is no single Korean documents or maps which shows today's Takeshima/Dokdo clearly to be their territory. Nothing.
ReplyDelete"who's protecting dokdo/takeshima?"
Technically, Korean has been just illegally occupying Takeshima since 1952. A long as there is no consent from Japan, who is the right owner of Takeshima, it is impossible for international community to recognize as it is invader's.
So you think that Ulleungdo residents who can see and Dok-Do every day, take it as a zone of life don`t have the control of it?
ReplyDeleteHow sad are you?
People who lived in Ulleungdo which was Usan-Guk was korean from 512 by Silla.
When will you forget about 1900s imperialism? You poor right-wing japanese.
Say Dokdo is illegaly occupied by Koreans, then why not japanese take it back from them, even a long time ago? are they so fool? or lack of power? This clearly shows that japs have something on their mind. This is dipute is really so stupid. Japs in World War II, invaded almost every country in Asia can killed many and raped many women, especially Koreans. They really should keep their dirty mouth shut if they are sorry about what they have done in the past. Shame on japan! The war hasn't even been over for a century yet, are you jap monkeys trying to start war again? Grow up, dudes.
ReplyDelete"So you think that Ulleungdo residents who can see and Dok-Do every day, take it as a zone of life don`t have the control of it? "
Takeshima/Dokdo cannot be seen from Ulleungo every day. It is less than 5-7 days a year even there is modern observation platform with a direction sign. Actually, there is only one record that wrote about visibility from Ulleungdo. Only one. This 1694 張漢相 official report turned out to be the crucial evidence for Usando to be Jukdo, not Takeshima/Dokdo.
Usanguk didn't include today's Takeshima. Usan(Usando) was the old name for Ulleungdo and it's country. Later in 1700's Usando became the name of Jukdo, or sometimes, a mystery flying island, but never be Takeshima/Dokdo. Choson people didn't know where it is until early 1900s when Japanese hired and took Korean to the island for seal hunting. Korean first called it "Yanko" just like Japanese, then they changed the name to "Dokdo", which means "sole or lonly island."
YL ,
ReplyDeleteJapan has been officially calling for resolving the issue at ICJ. This is the crucial evidence that Japanese are peaceful people and aren't aggresor in any sence. It is Korea who are keep rejecting it to be solved peacefully.
The Japanese are being irradical and unfair.
ReplyDeleteEven by just looking at the map you can see Dokdo is far closer to Korea than it is to Japan.
Also, Korea has most of the documents about Dokdo and from the past that proves that Dokdo is clearly Korea's territory.
It is unjust for Japan to whip up some ridiculous facts and bring back things from WWII and try to 'PROVE' that dokdo is theirs.
Can you even SEE dokdo from Japan?
How could anyone possibly say that the Korean's are illegally occupying dokdo? When it is the koreans that are trying to protect and save dokdo?
What have the japanese done for the beautiful island on the yellow sea?
Just spit out lies and say that it's theirs and changing their history isn't a good enough arguement.
And if it is true that the Koreans are illegally occupying Dokdo, why don't the Japanese confront them and ask for it back? Why can't they do that? Afterall the Koreans are 'ILLEGALLY' occupying it.
I think this is absolutely ridiculous how the Japanese are trying to take over Korean territory.
I don't even see why they want more of the sea, because they are an island and all four sides of their country are surrounded by the ocean.
I'm telling the Japanese here.
If you think you are so right and if you think Dokdo is yours, prove it.
Not with some faulty piece of paper, give specific dates AND prove EVERYTHING and not JUST what YOU want the world to know and believe.
It's not too late to say sorry and back off. I'm sick and tired of Japan, how they raped korean women and brutally killed korean men.
It is about time for the Japanese to spot their faults and stay silent.
I mean what kind of a right do the Japanese have?
Stop using dirty tricks to occupy Korean land before things get more serious.
The Japanese government is pissing the whole korean public off.
ReplyDeleteIt's not just a piece of paper. Japan officially incorporated Takeshima into Shimane prefecture in 1905.
"28th January 1905 (the 38th year of Meiji)
We have examined the proposal by the Secretary of the State for Home Affairs, which was about an uninhabited island. As to the uninhabited island, at 37 degree 9' 30" N. latitude, 131 degree 55' E. longitude and 85 sea miles northwest of Oki island, there were no traces of occupation by any other countries and as a Japanese Nakai Yozaburo recently petitoned to incorporate the island and to lend it to him after he began sea lion hunting at the island two years ago in the 36th year (of Meiji, 1903), built a hut for fishery, tranferred laborers and got proper fishing gear, we need to clarify the belonging to which prefecture and the name of the island. The proposal asked us how about to name the island as Takeshima and to make it control under the jurisdiction of the local government of Oki island of Shimane prefecture from now on.
So we examined the matter and found that there is a fact of occupation under the international law as it is clear from related documents that Nakai Yozaburo moved to the island since the 36th year of Meiji (1903) and has engaged in fishery there. So we think that we may make it belong to Japan and put it under the jurisdiction of the local government of Oki island of Shimane prefecture. So we admit that it is reasonable to let the Cabinet make the decision as the proposal. "
You need to be precice like this about the location of the island if you wanted to be recognized it as your territory internationally.
Everyone, could you please use IDs so that who is talking what? Thanks.
I couldnt remember where I saw this map before....
ReplyDeleteThis map has also two Jeju-island,same like two Ulluengdo(Ulleungdo and Usando)
(See on the right side bottom)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNow I remember this map is attached on;
ReplyDelete1863.「改正増補江戸大節用海内蔵』朝鮮国図 文久3(1863)
Tsushima Island (対馬 Tsushima) belongs to Joseon(Korea)on map.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteDid you notice three islets on northwest of Ulleungdo? I think it is a typical case of the mistake of direction. Jasando should be northeast, actually.
ReplyDelete"Tsushima Island (対馬 Tsushima) belongs to Joseon(Korea)on map.
Thank you."
Good point. It simply means those islands on this map doesn't necessary represent the territorial claim. Thus, even this Jasando doesn't mean it is Choson territory. Professor Lee should have known this simple facts, but he apparently ignored the fact.
Hey typical Korean,
ReplyDeleteCan you prove what you wrote below?
By the way, it is much more true to say "I'm sick and tired of Korea, how they raped Vietnamese women and brutally killed Vietnamese men".
Study history, babogae.
I'm sick and tired of Japan, how they raped korean women and brutally killed korean men.
How stupid are you?
ReplyDeleteYou can see clearly Dok-Do in Ulleungdo. And they did`n t go there by foot. :)
You know, it is after 512. It is the year that your ancester was called shorty(矮人)
Sad and poor right-wing japanese.
ReplyDeleteWhen will you learn?
It was your innocent people who died of atomic bomb cause of recklessness imperialism by the name of your "矮人 地皇"
You wanna another blood?
ReplyDeleteWatch your mouth and behave. You should know that your commnets makes whole Korean Racists.
And there were almost 10,000 Korean people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Takeshima/Dokdo cannot be seen from Ulleugdo "clearly". It's just a tip of the islets which can be seen from Ullengdo and it is less than 5-7 days a year.
Anyway, visibility and closeness has absolutely nothing to do with sovereignty. Are you allowed to grab everything you can see from the right owner in Korea?
chandler 미친개,
ReplyDelete도끼로 이마까 깐이마또까 밧겟스로, 피받아.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you said in Korean, but it sounds not good.
I highly respect your insights and want to hear your opinion more. But I don't want you to be get involved into this emotional dispute. So, please don't use too many insulting words. Please?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
Unfortunately, however, we are forced to use harsh words against those ignorant Koreans here and there.
Everybody, be calm. We have to be cool and consider about the issue seriously.
You wrote; "Say Dokdo is illegaly occupied by Koreans, then why not japanese take it back from them, even a long time ago?"
Japan claimed just after Rhee Syngmann declared the Rhee Syngmann Line and after that keeps claiming regularly. But she can't attack by military power because the Constitution of Japan prohibits from using military power to resolve international disputes.
But this illegal occupation is thought to be an invasion, Japan can attack Korea militarily ...although this should be the last step. If this occured, there will be a war, so Japan can't do it easily.
But when one keeps claiming, another one can't get ownership of the land under the international law. So even if Korea keeps occupying Liancourt Rocks for 100 years, it won't be their island.
To resolve the dispute peacefully, two countries must go to ICJ. USA advised Korea to go to ICJ and Japan proposed to do so but Korea keeps rejecting it.
You wrote;
"Also, Korea has most of the documents about Dokdo and from the past that proves that Dokdo is clearly Korea's territory".
Please show us the documents if there are such documents. We reviewed Korean documents but they only mentioned Usando where people could live...it can't be Takeshima/Dokdo because Takeshima/Dokdo is barren rocks and no one can't live there.
Please read the articles in this blog and think about it calmly. Thank you.
Tsushima Island (対馬 Tsushima) belongs to Joseon(Korea)on map.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
The name of map is Joseon(Korea)'s national map(朝鮮国図). It means that the map shows only Joseon's(Korea) territory. People can see well the truth on this map which is made by Japanese in 1600's. The map says that both Dokdo Island(Takeshima) and Tsushima(対馬) were Korean territory.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Takeshima/Dokdo in the map, it only shows Usando just beside Korean peninsula.
A map doesn't always mean territorial claim, Tsushima maybe drawn to show the location of it.
The most important thing here is that Usando was not Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima/Dokdo).
Tsushima Island (対馬 Tsushima) belongs to Joseon(Korea) on the map.
ReplyDeleteMaybe??? Every people who graduated from elimentary school knows that Tsushima(対馬) was not just drawn for showing lacation.
It is interesting that Jejudo is mentioned as two islands "濟州" and "耽羅(Tamna)" in the Japanese map.
ReplyDeleteSo, on the contrary to the claim by the Korean professor, the map itself is a self-contradicting proof that "子山島" and "爵陵(鬱陵)" in the map don't necessarily mean two islands. :-)
ReplyDeleteFor elementary kids, manybe. But for Junior high school students and over, it is not territorial map.
If you want to claim you found a evidence Tsushima belongs to Korea, why don't you go and report your "finding" to professor Lee Sang-te? I think it makes Korean academics wonder what was wrong with their educational system.
ReplyDeleteYes, GTOMR also noticed that. And I agree it it very interesting. Did you notice there are three islets on southeast of Ulleungdo? This is very interesting map.
But, there are only two islands near the east cost of Korea, as you can see in the modern map. So the location of the 'jusando' could be wrong, but you must remember there are only two island, ulung-do and dok-do.
ReplyDeleteDo you understand? There are only two islands, and that means one is ulung-do, and the other is dok-do.
ReplyDeleteI have a question to you.
Which is bigger, Jukdo or Dokdo?
Which is nearer to Choson, Jukdo or Dokdo?
Which island consists of only one islets, Jukdo or Dokdo?
Now, you'll understand it is not Takeshima/Dokdo.
The two Ulleungdo and Two Jejudo reminds me this phrase on 1882 by the Korean Ulluengdo inspector Lee Gyuwon.
ReplyDelete則于山之稱鬱陵 卽如耽羅之稱濟州是白如乎
Tsushima Island (対馬 Tsushima) belongs to Joseon(Korea)on map.
This blog is nothing to do with the issue of Tsushima island, but if you have interesting in the Korean map about Tsushima island , see here.
Notice: You need to install Kyuujanggak viewer and Koryo University viewer.
Don't you understand? Juck-do is located too near to Ulung-do. You can see clearly in the modern map.
ReplyDeleteJuck-do is not a seperated island from Ulung-do.
You should point how near Juck-do and Ulung-do are located.
When we look the really short distance between juck-do and ulung-do, we can't think juck-do is jusan-do.
If you have interesting in Jukdo(Boussole Rock/Usando),located north east of Ullunegdo,
ReplyDeleteCompare the detail map of Ullungdo, by Korean Ulleungdo official inspector
ReplyDeleteI also thought of that sentence.
We need to find a Korean map with "濟州" and "耽羅" now.
ReplyDelete"Juck-do is not a seperated island from Ulung-do."
Yes it is. Especially, it is inhabitable island, while Takeshima/Dokdo is not.
Look, if all you can is such a childish things, you should go back to school and study geography.
ReplyDeleteUse some handle name instead of "anonymous". You all look same like a jindogae. :-)
Gtomr, anf the others
ReplyDeleteThe distance between Ullung-do and Juck-do is less than 0.75 kilometers.(about 600 meters)
WOW, too far~
And, still do you think Juck-do is a separated island from Ulung-do and still think the Juck-do is THE JUSANDO in the old map of JOSEON(Korea)?
How ridiculous are you? As you said, only in the detail map we can see THIS "JUCK-DO".
The JUCK-DO is not the USAN-DO in the old map.
ReplyDelete"The distance between Ullung-do and Juck-do is less than 0.75 kilometers"
No, it's not. It's more than 2 km east of Ulleungdo. Could you please get some basic information?
ReplyDeleteYou said
"Look, if all you can is such a childish things, you should go back to school and study geography."
I have one question.
What is such a childish things?
Do you think to poin how near is the distance between Juck-do and Ullung-do is such a childish things?
How about your comment? "go back to shool and study more"
That is a usual expression used by a really chidish people when they are angry but don't have any reasonable things.
Shame on you.
When the elementary school students argue each other, always someone start to say bad words like you~! hahaha
"Look, if all you can is such a childish things, you should go back to school and study geography." This is a really interesting comment that I've ever heard~ ;)
ReplyDeleteSo, you found a "Dokdo" in the Japanese map.
Now prove that the "Jasando" is Dokdo.
I've counted that distance by GOOGLE EARTH.
ReplyDeleteYou can also do that~
come on~!!
you can do it. go go~ and do that.
From the cost of Ullung-do and the cost of Juck-do.
of course, between the nearest cost lines. Do you calculate from the other side of Ullung-do?
Come on!
I think you should gp back to school and study geography more.
Don't you think? am I wrong? :)
ReplyDeleteIf you are not a child, you are not supposed to behave in such a childish way, baboya.
Let's see now if you are a child or not. Prove that the "Jasando" is Dokdo.
ReplyDeleteBaboya, stop behaving like a child.
Prove now that the "Jasando" is Dokdo, babogae.
ReplyDeleteYou are totally wrong.
How old are you? If you are underage, it is understandable for you to make such a silly comments, but if you are not, you simply look stupid. I didn't know Korean are such a stupid people.
Go to Wiki
. Korean always claim it is 2km trying to make it nearer, but it is almost 4km, actually. But this is the first time for me to read it is less than 1km.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean "juuno,
So, you found a "Dokdo" in the Japanese map." ?
When did I find Dok-do in the Japanese map?
Do you think it's the first time to find Dok-do in old map?
It is just one of evidence to find a old Japanese map which can prove our right on Dok-do.
Are you joking?
Let me link one site. Of course that is a korean site and also written by Korean.
But, still you can see many of our old maps where Dok-do is pointed clearly.
This discovery is just small thing and as that is A JAPANESE MAP, there are a lot of mistakes made by porpose.
The location of JASANDO is different from our old map.
here is the link:
ReplyDeleteYou are such a babo, but I don't blame you for being such a babo.
It's from your Korean brainwashing education, babogae.
ReplyDeletewiki is not always correct, especially in a small thing like the distance between Ullung-do and Juck-do.
If you have the google earth. you can calculate by your self.
AND NOW I would like to say about your evidence, the old JAP'S MAP.
THIS old jap's map is totally wrong like you people. ;)
That is an old 1600? japanese map and that is about the other country, Korea.
But, your idea about JASANDO is based on this old jap's map. ha! ;)
Let me introduce this site where many of old Korean map are posted again.
TO everybody here,
This is one of links where many old Korean map pointing DOK-DO.
These map are not japanese old map which indicated the other countries like Korea or Chinese.
And you should know that in that time, the japanese civilization is not quite good enough to make a good map.
As you can see, in the 1600 years The China was the best country in East Asia.
China was the best and Korea was next, then Japan was the last in their civilization.
only after 1890, Japan started to be rich and civilized by the United States. ;0
The old Japan was not like nowadays.
You should know this, when you look the old japanese map or old history documents.
Be careful~
When someone is really stupid, they always say wrong word like "babo"
ReplyDeleteBecause, they don't have anymore words in their brain....
I feel sorry to you, raguel and kaneganese.
two poor people.....
ReplyDeletein this link, there are a lot of old 'Korean' map about Korea.
Not a old Japanese MAP about the other country.
Hi, I am a Japanese woman living Japan.
ReplyDeleteI knew this site through Japanese yahoo web site relating to this issue. I don't have any bad feelings for Korean. On the other hand, I am fed up with this issue as Korea often mention this issue especially when the Korean president suffers from low populatity rationg. To cause nationalistic feeling is easy to get popularity, but silly way to treat this issue.
It's easy to solve the ploblem. Japanese government has offered Korean Government to settle this case at International Court of Justice several times. Why Korea never accept the offer?
There's no need to be emotional for both Korean and Japanese.
do you think the judge of international court is fair?
ReplyDeletein that court, there is one Japanese judge.
And do you think he will make a justice? I don't think so.
And LET ME ASK JUST ONE question.
when you, kaneganese look the map in the wikipedia, DO YOU REALLY THINK JUCK-DO is the JASANDO in your old map? ha
such a ridiculous wikipedia holisme. HA
ReplyDeleteNo other word in Korean can refer you better than "babo", michingae.
Anyway, if you find a pre-1905 Korean map with Dokdo, come back to us.
Otherwise, stay at home eating kimchi.
Hi, junno
ReplyDeleteThank you for your quick reply.
I still think "the International Court of Justice" is the best answer.
Think about the United Nations!
You know the secretaly general of the United Naions is a Korean, now. I am a Japanese, but I don't think he treats Japan badly.
Why can't you believe in the fairness of the Court? If We live in international community. Both of us should respect international law. This issue should not be solved by popularity poll. So, even all the Korean believe the island is their own country, it means nothing if it is againt the law. Vice versa.
And do you know? The all expenses of the International Court is now supported by Japanese goverment.
ReplyDeleteAnd the judge of the court is the father of japan prince's wife.
And I also know what did the Japanese gavernment to the other international organization by THE MONEY.
you can see by yourself the map, by google earth and the other detail methods.
And you can also calculate the distance between juk do and ullung do. and you can see juk do is also one of group island of ullung-do.
just down load 'the google earth' and look.
But, the wikipedia say like this. Juk-do is a seperated group of island from ullung-do and 4kilometers from ullung do.
How ridiculous!!!
Just check and calculate by yourself.
This is one of reason why we don't accept the judge.
really poor raguel,
ReplyDeleteare you from spain?
anyway, I've already linked at the previous my comment.
find that.
hu.... haha
(and if you want, I WILL LINK ANOTHER'S. GOT IT?)
ReplyDeleteAnd I really want to ask you.
Did any Korean punch you? or kick your ass? or hit? hahaha
when i read your comment, babo, michingae, i feel you must have had a bad memory with some Korean.
Becasue the words you wrote are korean bad expression.
hey, come on, take it easy~
haha, i feel pity for you..ha
Hi, Junno
ReplyDeleteDo you know that Japanese goverment pays more than 25% of budget of the United Nations every year? But, still a Korean could be the President. And you know, Japan has been wanted to be a permanent menber of UN Security Council. But, Japan still couldn't get the seat.
If Korea do the same thing, Korean could understand that "money talks but not so often".
It's the same in the International Court of Justice.
Mr. Owada, the father of Princess Masako, used to be a vice minister of foreign affairs in Japan long before his daughter got married Prince. Mr. Owada got the post not because he is the father of the princess, but because of his abillity. And Japanese loyal family NEVER commits politics. It's against constitution of Japan.
So, don't worry about fairness of his personality.
Take it easy!
ReplyDeleteI see that you find a Dokdo anywhere.
Did you find a Dokdo in your kimchi today, michingae?
ReplyDeleteThe International Court of Justice is not that kind of unfair organ.
"Judges must be elected from among persons of high moral character, who possess the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or are jurisconsults of recognized competence in international law.
The Court may not include more than one national of the same State. Moreover, the Court as a whole must represent the main forms of civilization and the principal legal systems of the world.
In practice this principle has found expression in the distribution of membership of the Court among the principal regions of the globe. Today this distribution is as follows: Africa 3, Latin America and the Caribbean 2, Asia 3, Western Europe and other States 5, Eastern Europe 2, which corresponds to that of membership of the Security Council. Although there is no entitlement to membership on the part of any country, the Court has always included judges of the nationality of the permanent members of the Security Council.
Once elected, a Member of the Court is a delegate neither of the government of his own country nor of that of any other State. Unlike most other organs of international organizations, the Court is not composed of representatives of governments. Members of the Court are independent judges whose first task, before taking up their duties, is to make a solemn declaration in open court that they will exercise their powers impartially and conscientiously.
In order to guarantee his or her independence, no Member of the Court can be dismissed unless, in the unanimous opinion of the other Members, he/she no longer fulfils the required conditions. This has in fact never happened.
No Member of the Court may engage in any other occupation during his/her term. He/she is not allowed to exercise any political or administrative function, nor to act as agent, counsel or advocate in any case. Any doubts with regard to this question are settled by decision of the Court."
And the president and vice -president are not Japanese or Korean:
"On 6 February 2006 the Court elected Judge Rosalyn Higgins (United Kingdom) to be President and Judge Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh (Jordan) to be Vice-President".
There is only a Japanese, Hisashi Owada, in the ICJ but he is one of judges in the Budgetary and Administrative Committee and Rules Committee.
If you can't believe such a fair international organ, your country won't be relied by any other countries in the world. Are you going back to the closed country of Yi Dynasty?
ReplyDeleteYou are taking this Korean fellow too seriously.
He is not here to learn something new.
He is here to repeat the Korean lies which he has been taught as the only truth again and again since he was born.
ReplyDeleteI really want to let you know the "TAEKWON-DO" , not only babo,kimchi.
and, we don't need to take a risk at this moment.
ReplyDeletewe are not stupid like you~
and, the international court appair is not the thing to be taken easly.
ReplyDeletestupid...don't use that expression at anytime.
ReplyDeleteHere is my 300 bucks. Go get a nice pair of glasses made in Japan.
With your Korean-made cheap glasses, you are seeing "Q" as "G".
No wonder you find Dokdo everywhere, babogae. :-)
Korean lies??!!!
ReplyDeleteSince u mentioned "lies"
How about the jap lies and coverups regarding their brutality towards the Koreans, especially Korean women??
Don't the japanses textbooks make the above sound as if it was nothing?
I have many sweet and cool japanses friends.. but they have no idea how brutal japan was to korea - my friends were educated in japan and they told me they never learned anything about it.
what do you call this then??
Hi, Raquel
ReplyDeleteThanks for your advice. I think to exchange opinions with Korean is not in vain. We should understand more each other.
I know how Korean(and Chinese) educate their children about history. For Japanese, the war is long time ago. But, it's only yesterday for Korean and Chinese. Maybe, they want to get respect from Japanese. We, Japanese, should try to understand their feelings more.
At the same time, Korea (and China)should learn how to behave in internatilnal community.
In any problems, Korean always mention about the war and imperialism, in the end. There's no relationship with the war in this case. But, when I turned on TV, I saw Korean were swearing roudly. Part of them are wartime comfort women and mentioned about the war and how they are badly treated by Japanese. As a woman, I feel angry for Japanese Government treated women badly(it was not only Korean women's problem). But, why comfort women mentioned about the war even if there's no relationship with this case?
Korea shoud stop changing the subject when talking about another problem.
Anyway, I have a dream like "Maratin Luther King". Someday, Japanese and Korean can be real good friends!
Gook anonymous,
ReplyDeletePutting aside the comfort women for now, let me ask you this:
Do you think that the Japanese were more brutal in Korea than the Koreans were in Vietnam?
Yes or no?
Hello everyone,
ReplyDeleteI am neither corean nor japanese, so I just wanted to point out that I am saying this as an unbiased european person:
Let's say this island "was" japs.. why can't they just let the coreans have it? Why won't japan stop bothering corea? The people in the island are coreans, so if jap takes it back, what are they gonna do to the koreans on the island? kick them out? I really don't understand. Also, past is past, and present it present. Corea should forget about japonais brutality towards them, and the japanses should just leave coreans alone, so they don't get reminded of the past.
One last words. Unless jap wants war, there's nothing to lose on this island for the japs. There is no jap history on this island or any japanses people. Look at the coreans. They used to cover much more land, and i heard many historical sites on korean history is in china.. but coreans just leave those at china. not take it away. japanese: hold hands, don't declare war.
haha i like what anonymous at 11:32 said...... the "C"orea part..
ReplyDeletesorta random.. but i would like to point out that korea used to be Corea... the japs changed it to K during their rule so that Corea could come after them.
at least in france, spain, and other european countries use C, not K.. lol
Pacifist et al.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, if hear another Japanese tell the Koreans to go to the ICJ I'm going to puke.
The Japanese refuse to do the same on their disputes!!
What a bunch of hypocrites!!
ReplyDeleteSince I'm not a Japanese, don't take me seriously in saying this.
But I think Japanese and Koreans will never be friends as long as Japanese are considerred better and more advanced in the eyes of the world.
Friendships should be between equals.
We, Japanese, should try to understand their feelings more.
Someday, Japanese and Koreans can be real good friends!
ReplyDeletekorean's major export products are not the glasses, but the electronics like samsung and LG, OR IRIVER.
GO TO THE MOBILE phone store. haha
HEY, and do you know about our ability for making a ship?
haha, sapin had a good ship before, i mean long long times ago, but not now.
AND about the good friendship between Jap and the other asia countries depends on the behavior of JAP.
Do you know why every countries in asia exept JAPAN still hate jap?
after world war II, German regretted their behavior really. and they really apologied to the other european countries.
But, the JAP didn't do that.
they just pretended to regret and apology by the show of their prime minister.
every Asian in Asia know that.
why still china and korea think the war was just like the things of yesterday?
Hey, stupid guys ,who are always cheated by Japanese fake kindness, wake up.
DO YOU KNOW THAT in philipine, the victim by japan is more than by spain and america.
Japan ruled that country for ony 5 years, America for 50 years, and spain for 500 years.
Believe me or you will be same as the phillipinoes.
Hi, Raquel
ReplyDeleteLast year, I've visited in Viet Nam. I heard a little about Korean at the war.
...It seems Korean were very brutal at the war and killed many women and children. I heard even babies were killed brutaly.
But, how can I compare them with Japanese at WW2? I don't think Japanese did the same thing for Korean. But, thinking about Nanjing Massacre, there were Japanese brutaly killed Chinesse women and children at the war. I know the number of Chinese victims at Nanjing were overexaggerated and several brutal pictures are doctored by China. But, still there's a fact that Japanese soldiers killed many unarmed women and children in Nanjing.
So, I don't know. I can't compare.
Dear European anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with u:
Let's say this island "was" japs.. why can't they just let the coreans have it? Why won't japan stop bothering corea? The people in the island are coreans, so if jap takes it back, what are they gonna do to the koreans on the island? kick them out? I really don't understand. Also, past is past, and present it present. Corea should forget about japonais brutality towards them, and the japanses should just leave coreans alone, so they don't get reminded of the past.
One last words. Unless jap wants war, there's nothing to lose on this island for the japs. There is no jap history on this island or any japanses people. Look at the coreans. They used to cover much more land, and i heard many historical sites on korean history is in china.. but coreans just leave those at china. not take it away. japanese: hold hands, don't declare war.
and about the education,
ReplyDeleteGerman teach their young people that nazzi is bad.
but, still JAPANESE GOVERNMENT teach their young children like this.
"At the time of 1900's year, invasion and conqure the other countries is normal thing. So that's not a big bad thing. We could not help anymore, we should attack the other countries for our living."
Did you talk about the education? ha
I know, and you should know, and the GOD in heaven must know that.
And I really wish God to do something.
Do you know this? the only people who are attacked by automic boms is this japanese.
I really don't want to say this, but I think they are really cursed people on the unsafe land.
I am sorry for that, but The japanese government and some stupid people in japan make me to say this finally.
I am very sorry, but if you don't change your mind to good thing, the real good, not pretending and hypocrisy, then your country will be destroyed by anyone.
sorry, but you shoul change your mind for yourself. I advice you!
you poor people.......
ReplyDeleteAfter having seen you, I understand why the Koreans are more hated than the Japanese in most countries in Asia except in Korea, of course. :-)
Anyway, get your kimchi head straight. You have eaten too much "kimchi lies" since you were born in the Kimchi Republic.
ReplyDeleteThis issue is the key to the true friendship of the two countries.
So we can't ignore the issue.
Both of the governments should have serious talks bringing documents and maps together in a scientific manner. Truth is only one.
And if the talks didn't work well, both of the countries should go to ICJ. This is the most fair way to resolve the issue.
Korean governments, who keep rejecting to go to ICJ, should recognise that they have a responsibility for the issue.
Hey everyone, please be calm and let's get back to the original point that this post presented.
ReplyDeleteLet's get back to discussion on the validity and implication which this "newly found map" might suggest.
ReplyDeleteDid you see what kind of people you are working for?
Those are the Korean monkeys you are working so hard for.
ReplyDeleteonly one word you know about korea is the 'kimchi'
hahaha :0
poor you, raguel who pretend to be another coutry people, but he is A real JAP.
when i read this poor guy's comment, i feel another pretending.
...........he is japanese.raguel
I agree with zzz,
ReplyDeletethis really is nonsense.
so.. lands should be returned to the orginal owners?? then u know, the u.S. wouldn't exist right now
hi, Raquel
ReplyDeleteThanks to your honest opinion.
Do you think war is better than law?
For you, Korean, international law seems not good enough. But, there's nothing better than law at the moment.
So, it's a common sense to obey the international rule even though you don't want.
Do you think Japan is arrogant because Japan is an advanced country and Korea is not? I don't think so. But, if you really think so, why don't do the same thing that Japan do? Japanese government pays lots of money for poor countries in Asia and Africa. When it comes to earthquake, Japan always paied lots of money for the countries even though we have huge amount of debt. Korea should take responsibility for international community. If Korea did the same, Korea could get the same respect from other countries.
Yes, please be calm everybody.
ReplyDeleteKorea can't be safe without Japan and Japan can't be safe without Korea. The two countries are tied with each other, we have to go together. It is not a time to hate each other.
This blog is to discuss about the Takeshima/Dokdo issue. Please show your opinions about the issue, not emotional dirty words.
ReplyDeletewhere are you from?
and are you so naive as to believe the fairness of ICJ ?
HAHA, how old are you?
do you know that?
The America is the only the country who did not agree with the 'TOKYO AGREEMENT FOR PREVENTING THE GLOBAL WARMING'.
Moreover, they start to insist that global warming is a fake theory.
This is the reality. this is the real world.
believe the ICJ'S fairness?
the dog beside you, will smile.
we are not too stupid to take a risk in the ICJ where THE JAP judge is staying,
And, ICJ doesn't have any legal rights to force us to take part in.
Moreover in the DOK-DO, there is our police, not soldier. That means we controll this island properly.
Then why sould we take a part in the ICJ?
anonymous S,
ReplyDeleteLook at those Koreans here.
Do you seriously think that they are capable of thinking for another countries?
They are so ethnocentric and they can only think of themselves.
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteyou mentioned "respect"
i think u should try to count the number of countries that "really" respect jap and those that disrespect.
do u know the meaning of respect?
and this is my last comment, I will go to sleep.
ReplyDeleteBecause on 26 day of July I will go to Washington DC to study international LAW.
I have lots of things to prepare my leaving.
Good bye~
and good night! (this is for the european who know the truth.)
To the Koreans here:
Look at those monkeys.
Pacifist, I think you need to put a shorter leash on Raquel.
ReplyDeleteThe integrity of your blog is at stake here. (not that you had any to begin with)
raguel raguel raguel
ReplyDeletethe country that only thinks about themself is japan
that's why jap, unlike Germany, never officially apologized to the "other" countries: US (pearl harbor) China, Korea, and more
ReplyDeleteGet your kimchi head straight, okay baboya?
the real last word.
ReplyDeleteAfter punching someone's face, anf say "take it easy and calm down?"
ha, and rguel, please look yourself and your attitude in your commentment.
then say something, like "think another"
really stupid and poor RAGUEL HAHA.
ReplyDeleteraguel shame on u
u deleted ur previous comment
making my previous comment look random
what i dont care what other ppl think
just hope u get it straight
and did u know??
japan tried to make the Americans think that Kimchi was japanese.. but Korea blocked that
So please.. Get YOUR KIMCHI head straight
ReplyDeleteIf you are living in the closed country like old Korea under Yi Dynasty or North Korea under Kim Jon-il Dynasty, your position maybe not to be blamed.
But in the 21st century, you can't keep some other country's land occupied forever without listening to outer world, as long as another country keeps insisting objection.
Let's go back to the Takeshima/Dokdo issue.
junno, if you believe that "Dokdo is Korean territory", please give us the grounds. Show us the evidence that they knew and controlled the island before 1905.
ReplyDeleteGo eat some dogmeat to get your kimchi head straight, okay michingae?
ReplyDeleteDon't be emotional.
I was born and grown up in Japan, but I haven't learned history like you said. I've learned that War Crimes were to blame. After Tokyo tribunal of war criminals, many of leaders were hanged or went into jail. If you are talking about ordinaly people, they had no choice to attend the war. Even in Germany, only Nazzi and Hitlar was blamed. Ordinally people weren't blamed, because they had no choice.
It's contraversal if Showa emperor, Hirohito, was to blame. Right wing is deny his responsibility. But, personally, I think Hirohito was to blame. But, he was escaped from hanging. It was not his wish at the time. It was America decided not to hang him up(Now, we can know the truth by some documants). America government thought Hirohito is useful to govern Japan easily. And actually, Hirohito helped a lot.
Anyway, don't confuse what government did and people.
this is just a simple ucc.
But that will help you to understand, you jap.
ReplyDeleteur comments just prove that u have nothing more to say =P
merci beaucoup =)
forgive me, but i would like to say one final raguel-like comment: goro bbagaero hahaha
Japanese still doesn't know why they give a lot of money to other asian country, but why the asian still hate Jap.
ReplyDelete..........that's really pitiful.....
bye, no more comment from now. I'm really busy nowadays. sorry and bye bye.
ReplyDeleteYou said "this is my last comment" some time ago. Keep your promise. You must lead the way by setting an example.
ReplyDeleteYou are the good example of a Korean liar.
You said something and do something else.
Go to America to learn, not to shoot people like the one at Virginia Tech, okay michingae?
Now go and don't come back.
ReplyDelete미친개, 도끼로 이마까 깐이마또까 밧겟스로, 피받아.
Hi, Junno
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll be calm after good sleep.
If I were you, I never accept any money if someone did bad thing for me or my family and I decided not to forgive him.
If Korean decided not to forgive Japan forever, why Korea accept huge amounts of money?
And Korea did the same thing for Viet Nam? I heard Korea didn't nothing for Viet Nam. No appology, no money. What do you think about it?
I don't like this kind of topic, because it doesn't create anything.
Anyway, have a nice dream!
Japanese still doesn't know why they give a lot of money to other asian country, but why the asian still hate Jap.
Excuse me, raguel,
ReplyDeleteI think all of us would agree that your racist comments are not appreciated here. Please refrain from writing unnecssary comments.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSorry for that. But why don't you remain a bystander as your name suggests?
To someone who posted under the name of "bystander" at 12:55 AM,
ReplyDeletePlease stop pretending to be someone else. I used first and kept using "bystander" for my name here.
I assume you are juuno in disguise. Why? Because juuno is the only person who have repeatedly used "raguel" while "raquel" (with Q, not G in it) is proper way to name him/her.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading the comments on here and enough is enough!!! What is your problem raguel? Why are you declaring war on everyone?? Your sarcastic comment on bystander is especially ridiculous. What a pity!!!
ReplyDeletePlease don't get me wrong. The post of 12:55 AM was not mine. I try to remain a bystander as much as possible.
Dear bystander,
ReplyDeleteI apologize. I thought I had written bystander2 (first name that came to my mind after looking at ur ID), but I guess I had not. I am not the juuno person. So I also apologize to juuno for making ppl think u had done something u didn't.
real bystander,
ReplyDeleteAs you see, they are liars.
juuno, now go and don't come back, you dog.
Pacifist, do you support Raquel?
ReplyDeleteThis is partly your blog and you sit there with your hands in your pockets and play with yourself.
This is your mess. You have access to the posts on this blog.
Clean up this mess or be accountable for its content you coward....
ReplyDeleteSo, how did you write "raguel"?
Hello Raguel~
ReplyDeleteAre you japanese?
If so, I do not think you should utilize offensive language on here. You are making me, and other japanese look foolish.
ReplyDeleteFor the first time, I agree with dogdo.
Please clean up the mess. Koreans are getting too emotional and that's understandable.
I will stop here.
Also, I am confused..
ReplyDeleteI wrote ra"g"uel. But it is ra"q"uel? I think many of us are confused as to this enigma.
ReplyDeleteone more thing, you told Japnese didn't kill korean women.
ye that's right.
but, they took our young women to their military base.
to have a fun, they didn't kill our girls.
however, still the japanese government insist that the girls were volunteers and hockers.
ye ye~ the korean young girls must volunteer for the victory of japan empire, ye~ that's right, or they do that for the money at the border line's military bases.
how wonderful!!
and now you said, we didn't kill the korean women.
how honorable~
shame on you, the garbage people.
Hi, Pacifist, Raquel and other guys
ReplyDeleteSorry. I messed up this chat.
I didn't mean to.
islander, forget it.
ReplyDeleteWe better talk about more serious things like Liancourt Rocks.
ReplyDeletei now have realized my mistake. Anyways, yes, serious talk is good. So please raquel. As I think you are Japanese like I am, please do not utilize offensive comments like some of the previous ones. It makes us look ridiculous.
juuno babogae,
ReplyDeleteGo go. We don't understand why you don't talk of the Korean rapists and murderers in Vietnam with the same passion.
Don't come back.
those peolpe make me not to sleep.
do you know their feeling? even though they hate jap, but they have to get the money from jap.
do you know? how many destroying happened in Asia by you jap?
you are evil people.
you punched them, and throw the bread to them.
and you said, if you were them, you wouldn't get the bread.
do you want to bet?
I really want to make your people like them.
then I would like to see what will you do, when you are hungry.
Just die? or eat the bread.
How dare you say " if i were they, i wouldn't get the money"
I really wish to watch your people.
o please raquel
ReplyDeletewould u like it if a korean used japanses curses like that?
please stop it raquel
don't mind.
ReplyDeleteraquel is just a "bbagayaro", the same meaning of asshole or 'babo'
And there is no word like 'babogae' in Korea. haha
babo means a fool.
gae means a dog.
But, there is not the word 'babogae' in Korea.
He is just a fool.
Don't mind about him, raquel. haha
And I don't need to waste my time anymore in this silly blog.
he will go to hell, unless he change his attitude. he is a real fool. stupid haha
Do you know the " Kant " ?
ReplyDeleteThe great philosopher of German.
The "Immanuel Kant" ,
who was so functual that every citizen in his hometown corrected their watches when he took a walk in the street.
And do you know his hometown is still in the territory of Rusia.
Do you know why?
Because the German government say nothing about that place.
They are so sorry about their behavior during the world war II that they don't say anything about the 'Kant' hometown.
That is the regret. And that is the repenter. That is the real attitude of saying sorry.
But, how is this JAP?
Dok-do was the Korean island from 500 AD.
When the JAP attcked Korea in 1905, they took this island from Korea.
So after the downfall of JAP'S empire, Korea took the island again.
But now look at Jap's behavior.
Do you think the Jap regretted really? are they really sorry for the history?
No, they just pretend to feel sorry.
Please, think about the 'Kant' hometown and this 'Dok-do' situation.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote;
"Dok-do was the Korean island from 500 AD".
But above theory seems to be doubtful nowadays. Please read the adequate articles in this blog.
Usando in the old documents was not Liancourt Rocks. So it became apparent that Dokdo (Liancourt Rocks) was not Korean land in 500AD.
If you have a different opinion, please show us the evidence that made you believe so. Thank you.
I have a question for y'all
ReplyDeletearen't there documents that prove that jap agreed dokto was korean land, not jap land? and if so, isn't that enough reason for the jap to stop trying to take other country's territory? if there are no such documents, just ignore this comment. i was just curious. and for y'all information, im neither on korean nor jap side, so please dont say any racist comments.
ReplyDeleteIf you start to behave like a human being, we will treat you as an equal human being.
Ok, michingae?
ReplyDeleteSo, why are you calling Japanese "Jap"?
Do you have something against Japanese?
ReplyDeleteYou wrote;
"aren't there documents that prove that jap[anese] agreed dokto was korean land, not jap[anese] land?"
There is no such document because Japan never ever had admitted Liancourt Rocks to be Korean territory.
You maybe confused with the fact that the Shogunate gave up Ulleungdo (Takeshima in those days) in the late 17th century.
But they never gave Matsushima (Liancourt Rocks) to Korea.
ReplyDeleteAs for the "Usando" in the old Korean documents, please read this article:
ReplyDeleteyou definitely understand the english language, dont u?? i had clearly said im on neither side, and no racist comments would be appreciated. and for your information, in my country we abbreviate japanese as japs when we type, but we have never abbreviated koreans as kors. thatz the only reason i have done that before.
and pacifist, thank you very much for your quick reply.
think, by the way.
ReplyDeleteYou have two misconceptions in your followig low-level posting:
1. Japan did not attack Korea.
Japan did attack China and Russia, but not Korea
2. Japan did not take the Liancourt Rocks from Korea. It belonged to nobody when Japan incorporated it as Japanese possession.
When the JAP attcked Korea in 1905, they took this island from Korea.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, use "Japan" or "Japanese" insetad of "Jap".
It will show yourself as a more respectable sub-human in our eyes.
ReplyDeleteYou are right.
People using "jap" prove themselves as
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't necessarily mean that they are racists.
It means also that they are losers, low-level creatures and inferiors, etc.
ur really funny raquel
low-level creatures and inferiors??
u must be talking about urself
look at your previous comments with wierd words, that seem to be curses
shame on u raquel
fix your attitude first
ReplyDeleteYou yourself is a good proof.
Look at your face in the mirror. Don't you see a low-level creature in the mirror?
As you know, it eats dog meat too. :-)
ReplyDeletedog meat? is that supposed to be making fun of the koreans? u must have thought i was korean or something/ w/e u could think whatever u want. but u know. japan would have been nothing if it wasn't for my country. get that straight america wanna-be?? k??
The JAPANESE deserves to be written as a "Jap"
told us that she is jap and she was taught the behavior of jap's empire should be blamed.
But, the behaviors of Jap 100 years ago and now are totally same.
They never regret, but just pretend. :0
Jap deserves to be pointed as Jap.
It's their fault, not ours.
<< look at the situation of 100 years ago, in 1905 >>
In 1905, there were a lot of Jap's soldiers around the palace of Chosen DYNASTY.(the kingdom of old Korea)
He, the commander of soldiers, said " we are here to protect the king of Korea from chinese army."
However inside of the palace, there were a prime minister of Jap and the king of Korea, and the prime minister started to threaten the king to sign a agreement for an unification between Korea and Jap.
And then, Korea and Jap were unified to the Jap empire.
And still now, the JAP insist that the unification was legal, it was made by the international LAW~
<< NOW look at this 'DOK-DO' situation >>
Everyday the japanese say " GO TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE where the father of jap's princess is staying as a JUDGE."
How genius !!
They are all same and never change their mind through 100 years. WOW!
They are really genius. They are really good at cheating THE OTHER PEOPLE.
In front of people, Jap pretend to be like an angel.
But, behind of people, Jap start to make a stratege for cheatting the others.
They are really a wolf with a mask of sheep.
Congratulation~!! Jap!
There are documents that show the Japanese considered the islands Korean,
But most importantly all Japanese maps show that Dokdo was never considered to be part of Japan all throughout history.
Pacifist is great at posting maps, however he forgets to mention none of them show the islands as part of Japan.
In fact, Japanese maps show the islands as part of Korea.
Here is the truth of the military involvement by Japan on Dokdo.
Read the truth about Japan military annexation of Dokdo. We should never again let Japan re-colonize Dokdo. Somebody tell the managers of this website the colonial era is over!!
pacifist and others,
ReplyDeleteI have become more confused than before. The links above... are these not true??
very very confused....
ReplyDeleteWOW, before of this comment, there are lots of links wow~~!
EVERYONE should go through those links.
(I have now some free time, and there is a great comment, thanks)
The God will bless you~!!!
=There is only one truth, and The God also knows.=
hi, raquel
ReplyDeleteI'm on your side.
We can ignore racist.
Junno biased my comment. I just said that "I can't compare brutal Korean at Viet Nam war with Japanese at Nanjing". And he ingore the point that Korean did brutaly killed unarmed women and children, even babies at Viet Nam. And Korea never apology nor give them money.
He never listen to other people's opinions correctly. I think he is crazy.
ReplyDeleteI guess what i had asked the first time is right? Japan had admitted giving up Dokto... so there is no reason to argue??
Somebody... please.. a unbiased person should answer...
anonymous and think,
ReplyDeleteYou both are typical low-level Koreans in terms of mentality.
It is no wonder that Korea with such low-level populations was colonized.
Look at this and learn the true history of Korea.
And think who made the Joseon Dynasty so miserable as seen in the film.
Koreans themselves. Get this into your kimchi heads.
hi, confused
Japan proposed to go to the International Court of Justice.
If there's another way to solve the problem without war, Korea should propose it. Japan is not a crazy country. If Korea proposed a reasonable way to solve, Japan would think about it sincerely.
Japanese forein minister proposed to talk with Korea yesterday. But, Korean government rejected. Even talk can impossible with the nation.
ReplyDeletehey, don't you know the war in viet-nam was not for us.
That was for America.
Do you know the American forced us to join that war?
Do you know the commander of the war was not Korean, but American?
Do you know the feeling when we have to do something by not our willings?
Do you really want to blame Korean army in Viet-nam?
Then, blame the American at first.
and blame us.
Don't you see the movie "PLATOON"?
ReplyDeleteIt is no use to talk to the Koreans here.
They are not here to learn something new.
They are here to show how stupid they are by claiming that Dokdo is theirs WITHOUT even a single map to back their claim.
my question has not been answered properly. the links that dokto- posted previously, aren't these proofs that show that dokto is korean? someone plese answer this question...
ReplyDeleteThe fact is "Korean brutaly killed unarmed women and children and babies". It doesn't matter for Vietnamese if Korean went the war willingly or not.
Yes, raquel
ReplyDeleteI came to understand why you said it's a waste of time to talk with him. I've lived in an European county for several years. And traveled more than 15 countries. But, I've never seen such a person in any other countries.
Maybe, they are different.
Hi, confused
ReplyDeleteIt is understandable that you are confused, .since his site is full of lies and half-truths driven by ethno-hatred. But you have to think who is telling truth on your own, unfortunately. I honestly hope you are going to read our posts and compare with other pro-Korean sites. We have peruzed hundreds of ducuments from Korea, Japan and western and concluded that there is no single proof that Korean had ever effective control over Takeshima/Dokdo before 1952.
Hi Sayaka
ReplyDeleteYou remind of me 2 years ago. I was just like you and thinking that we can communicate each other, since we have lots in common. But, after I started to study this issue, I just realized how serious the Korean historical distortion is, and we don't share almost nothing in common. I think we are totally different, Japanese and Korean.
Yes, when it comse to Takeshima/Dokdo issue, especially, Korean never ever listen to other side's story and only listen to what they want to hear. It seems almost crazey for ordinary Japanese like me. But sometimes, there are one or two, out of 10,000 Korean, IMO , who has ability to talk and write logically. So I guess, we have to keep presenting "facts" to those Korean who has some ability to think and learn the truth.
Anyway, thank you for your comments. I hope you'll study about Takeshima issue and commit our blog often. This is some kind of penance or something I guess, but we have to say wrong is wrong. If ordinary citizens like us get more concerned about the issue and learn the truth about Takeshima that Korean claim is absurd and they are using this as a verbal attack and diplomatic card against us, maybe our government would do more.
Thanks for the reply Kaneganese.
ReplyDeleteWell, those maps on the previous links looked reasonable also. I don't think we should be allowed to say that they are just lies. Don't get me wrong though. I am not on the Korean side either. Recently, I have also read an article about how a Japanese professor believed that Korea surely has all the proofs gathered. However, Korea has not done enough work to let the world know about it. Japan as translated their resources into many languages, but the Korean society has not done as much. And according to that professor, if Korea just gathers together to organize all the resources they have and reveal it to the world in various translations, the game's over. I see Japan has some respectable professors. Well... whatever the real truth is, I just hope it gets settled soon, and no more conflict forms between the two counntries.
peace =)
ReplyDeleteCould you tell us where you read the article that mentions the Japanese professor?
Also, give us his name.
ReplyDeleteI hope your confusion will re resolved soon.
As to the maps Steve Barber (Dokdo-Takeshima.dom) showed you;
The first map is not a proof of ownership of islands. It was written personally by a Japanese but the colour doesn't mean territory - he may have only coloured the places in the topic. Anyway, this is not an official map - one can't say ownership based on such a hand-written map.
The second one is about the document "How Takeshima and Matsushima became part of Joseon" but Matsushima in the document is not always directing Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo). Please read the following article:
The next six maps are old Japanese maps Steve always show but there are many Japanese maps, some doesn't have Matsushima (Liancourt Rocks) while some have "Matsushima". So you can't say about the ownership even if these maps didn't show Matsushima (Liancourt Rocks). If Steve's method is adapted to Korean maps, all the Korean maps must have "Dokdo" to prove that "Dokdo is Korean land"... Steve is shooting his own foot with such a childish thought.
ReplyDeleteAs to Prof.Hosaka's map, please read the following:
Please read yourself and think yourself.
Thank you, confused
ReplyDeleteYes, there are lots of Japanese academics who blindly support Korea. They have their reason to do so. Most of them are communism and socialism sympathizer. Their agenda is to accuse Japanese government and build the nation like North Korea. The point is, in Japan, it is allowed to speak anti-Japan/pro-Korean side, but in Korea, it is almost a suicide for pro-Japan sympathizer when it comes to Takeshima/Dokdo.
Anyway, use your brain when you read those ethno-hatred sites. Don't be dragged into their rhetoric. And keep it mind, you should always refer to the original documents when they present some. Since they always conceal what they don't want to show in order to mislead the readers.
Thanks for your quick reply, Kaneganese
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100%.*^^*
Ironically, I've learned from Korean how fact and truth is important.
Like you said to me, I'll keep studying and watching this issue without ideology.
we have to keep presenting "facts" to those Korean who has some ability to think and learn the truth.
So, "confused" is a Korean disguised as a foreigner who pretends not to know much about the Dispute.
ReplyDeleteIf you read what he wrote, you see that it's a sneaky propaganda for Korea by suggesting that even a respectable Japanese professor is saying that Korea is right.
Of course, we all know who the Japanese professor is, and he can't be considerred an objective first-rate scholar on the subject.
Some people ,who don't repect the other people's human right, also don't need to be respected.
ReplyDeleteSo, they can be called "JAP".
ReplyDeleteYou really remind me of the stupd and poor Jap guy who killed 6 or 7 persons on the street of Tokyo. haha.
<< He doesn't have a girl friend, so he killed 6 person.>>
I think Raquel must be the younger brother of him.
Puhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahha
think and juuno,
ReplyDeleteYou are two hopeless low-level Korean creatures.
The problem is that there are so many of you in Korea.
Enjoy kimchi and dog meat while you can, michingae-deul.
Japan also wanted to snatch away kimchi. They failed to change kimuchi instead of kimchi.
ReplyDeleteShut your mouth, Stupid Jap!
I am sick and tired of Jap's lies.
ReplyDeleteI'm really got angry for you, as you are a racist.
You haven't answered my question.
What do you think about massacre of Korean at Viet Nam war?
They brutaly killed unarmed women, children, old people and babies.
They raped women and killed. Babies were burned even if they were still alive. I heard Korean laghed at watchint the killing.
I heard the story from Vietnamese in Viet Nam last year.
Besides, Korea took war comfort women, sex slave, together.
What do you think? Answer the question.
ReplyDeleteoh! I am very sorry for my racism.
ReplyDeleteAnd NOW I appology to you~
ANd, do you want my money?
(what's this? this is a same show acted by your prime minister. and still now he is trying to get another country's land. like a thief.)
now, are you satisfied?
ReplyDeleteOf course, I don't need any money.
But, why don't you pay for VietNamese? Why don't you apology?
If they were the same as you, how much money you paid, they never forgive you forever. But, if you want to blame Japanese, at least, you should pay MORE money than Japan did for Korean and Chinese.
ReplyDeleteI just want you to see this film.
I think you are a woman, when i read your name, sayaka.
and I really want you to think about "Japanese military comfort women"
If you type this on the youtube, you can easily find many of films.
I tried to keep calm. But, some Korean are beyond my torelance.
ReplyDeleteKorean seem to mind what Japanese did for them. On the other hand, Korean don't care what they themselves do for the other people. You mentioned about war comfort women at WW2. What do you think that Korean government took Korean and VietNam comfort women.
Korean don't mind war comfort women as long as Korean men could enjoy sex.
Until now, Korea never apology for VietNamese nor war comfort women.
How nice people you are!
Shame on you.
As a woman, I really disguise your selfish logic.
ReplyDeleteand, sayaka
I really don't like japanese.
because, you are really disgusting.
just bye.
and for your question,
If the Korean scientists find something, then I will answer.
As you know, A group of Republic of Korea scientists started to find something, but I don't know about the result.
If you have any evidence, show me. then I will answer. ok?
And this is the behavior of KOREA.
ReplyDelete"A group of Republic of Korea scientists Thursday wrapped up a study of the war in central Vietnam with focus on the issue of Vietnamese women being forced into sex slavery by Korean troops."
AS said in your link.
But, when we think of the behavior of japan about their crime, we can easily know how different are they(korea and japan).
Japan always denied. just say 'sorry' and give some money.
But still Jap deny their crime.
as you know, real sorry is not like that.
AND if you are angry, because I used JAP again, just ask to your prime minister.
I just folloed his way.
fu... really stupid. ha
Both korean and japan government have to apologize to the victims.
ReplyDeleteBut, in vietnam, korean government do not lead it. Korean solders have resposiblilty for it. And they do not make comfort women. Even though, korean government have to apologize.
But, Japan government has direct responsobility to the comfort women. They leaded it. Now, Japanese nationalism makes a problem. Japan must go home.
YL said...
ReplyDeleteSay Dokdo is illegaly occupied by Koreans, then why not japanese take it back from them, even a long time ago? are they so fool? or lack of power? This clearly shows that japs have something on their mind. This is dipute is really so stupid. Japs in World War II, invaded almost every country in Asia can killed many and raped many women, especially Koreans. They really should keep their dirty mouth shut if they are sorry about what they have done in the past. Shame on japan! The war hasn't even been over for a century yet, are you jap monkeys trying to start war again? Grow up, dudes.
So let me get this straight. You wonder why Japan won't take the islands back by force, while simultaneously accusing Japan of trying to start a war... by NOT trying to take Dokdo back by force?
Is there a single Korean on planet Earth that can make a logical argument? Just one? There must be at least one, somewhere.
ReplyDeleteApologize and pay money for Vietnamese. There're many Korean-Viernamese in VietNam, because of rape. You, Korean take responsible for their lives. VietNamese are poorer than Korean.
Paying money is not enough. They might never forgive you. But, still pay money. Just apologize means nothing for them. Pay huge amounts of money, then you have to work for them as a result. That is important thing.
Talking about Korean War comfort women, how poor they are! They were abused by their own country's men. When they curse the Korean men, they have to curse their own blood too as Korean. How crucial it is!
You, Korean are hypocrite. You don't mind how other people feel, but do mind very much what you feel. If all the Korean were like you, how nice people Korean are!
I don't think American government ordered Korea to take war comfort women.
ReplyDeleteDid American ordered Korean to rape VietNamese? Did American ordered to burn babies even though they were still alive?
You, Korean should face the fact and take responsibility for that.
Actually if we find something, then we should appology to vietnam, and have to help them.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree,
If our korean soldiers did some or many wrong things to the vietnam women, then we should apology sincerely.
But, you jap's girl, don't say.
you are not the one who proclaim our sin.
ok? just shut up. and I will never answer to you who don't have any sense of shame.
Just get out.
ReplyDeleteThose Koreans are too busy with themselves.
What they did in Vietnam by raping and murdering Vietnamese women and children means nothing to those good-hearted Koreans.
They are not hypocrites. Even hypocrites know what is good and bad.
Japanese are really bad.
ReplyDeleteYou'd better apologize first.
I'm Korean,
ReplyDeleteand this might make me biased
because of the education I recieved
but I don't think
ANY of you should diss the whole country, no matter if it's Japan or Korea.
Some people in Korea don't even care about the issue about Dokdo
and I'm sure some people in Japan
don't care about Takeshima either.
I don't see why
some of you are dissing the whole country because of some individuals going barabaric over this situation.
Especially Raquel and Juuno.
To me, when I read your comments I think this is just a 'dispute' between you two.
So keep it to yourselves and don't mention the whole country and start dissing the countries. Diss yourselves.
As a Korean, I do believe that Dokdo belongs to Korea and it has always been Korean property.
However I wouldn't mind the Japanese thinking that it's Takeshima, because after all the Japanese people are to believe what they have learnt.
We can't blame them, because that is what they have been learning and what they have been taught.
I don't know when this issue of Dokdo or Takeshima will die down, but I do hope it doesn't ruin the relationships between Korea and Japan.
Raquel and Sayaka, I think you two are going a bit too far here.
ReplyDeleteKorean Dog?
Korean- version Nazi?
And what do you think you are?
What gives you the right to say such a thing?
Do you have any conscience of what you are saying?
And Sayaka,
where exactly did you hear about
a Korean raping a Japanese tourist?
Are you sure it's not some sort of rumour that was spread to worsen the reputation of Koreans?
I think you two are going a bit too far.
You guys should know when to stop and when you're crossing the line.
Just because you can hide your identities online and none of us are meeting face to face, this doesn't mean you guys can make rude comments as such.
And Juuno, stop doing the same thing towards Japan as well.
This whole thing is a debate about Liancourt Rocks, NOT about which country is better.
Anonymous (at 9:55PM),
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I'm with you.
Although we may have different views on the issue, we have to talk with respect to each other.
I'm a Japanese but I respect Korean culture. I hope you Korean people do have the same kind of respect to Japanese culture too.
Even the educational basis is different, we can discuss the matter calmly.
I'm glad to know you, Anonymous (please use some identity name), you let us know that there are gentle and intelligent people in Korea who can discuss the matter with us calmly.
Please read the article I have just posted and give us your opinios. Different opinions are welcome (of course).
Dokdo belonged to Korea since 515AD and NOW Japan wants that island because the natural gas lies beneath there.... Japanese... please you guys have rewriten various historys and now you guys are trying to steal Korea's precious island... I think you guys need to stop your disgraceful aggression. Please..
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (at 10:13PM),
ReplyDeletePlease read the post here and give us your opinion:
BTW, please remember that Japan refuted just after Rhee Syngmann made the line in the 1950's - it was long before the undermarine resources were found.
anonymous (10:22 & 10:23),
ReplyDeleteThose words were not meant to you personally. They were meant to specific Koreans:
So, calm down.