Below is a March 30, 1903 article from the Korean newspaper "Hwangseong Sinmun" (皇城新聞). The article seems to be reporting on a Japanese newspaper article that talks about Japanese immigrants to Korea, but I need to study it more before I can be sure.
One interesting thing about the article is that it says that 220 people were living on Usando (千山島에 二百二十名) and about 1,000 people were living on "Jukdo" (竹島에 約 千名), which is pronounced as "Takeshima" in Japanese. However, it also seems to be saying something about Japanese on Ulleungdo (鬱陵島), so it is possible that the Takeshima in the article was not referring to Ulleungdo. It is also possible that there was another "Usando" because I think I also remember their being another Usando on the West Coast of Korea.
Anyway, I would like some help in translating this article, which is not very clear. There may even be a record of the Japanese article it referred to, which would probably have also been published in March 1903. This may be an important piece of evidence, so I hope people will help me understand it. The article can also be found HERE.
Click twice to enlarge
To Pacifist, Kaneganese, GTOMR, Opp, and anyone else who would like to help:
ReplyDeleteI would appreciate any help anyone could give me in translating the 1903 Korean newspaper article in this post. It is hard for me to recognize a lot of the Chinese characters because they are not very clear, so I thought that if we all worked together, we could figure it out.
Also, the Korean article seems to have been quoting a Japanese newspaper article, so if someone could find that article, maybe it would help use translate this article? The Japanese article would probably have also been published in March 1903.
The article may be nothing, but then it may also be something very important.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting an interesting article. It's very blurry and quite hard to read, but I'll give it a try.
Thank you, Kaneganese. If you click on the link, it appears a little bigger. In the beginning of the article, it appears to give the name of the Japanese newspaper it is quoting from, but I cannot read it. Maybe you can figure it out?
ReplyDeleteI look forward to comparing notes.
This is the upper part, and very rough one. Gosh, it is hard...And the name of Japanese newspaper is not mentioned, unfortunately.
ReplyDelete1-1 日本新聞○報●記○●●移住民
1-2 ●数●●●●●●●●形●●占●
1-3 ●●●●●●二三年膨張●●大
1-4 ●●人人●●●足●疆間●●●●
1-5 ●全●●詐報如左●●●●●●●
1-6 ●租界内●日人増加●●勿●●●
1-7 京●地方●●●永登●●水原地方
1-8 ●日人●村落●建●●●●●地方
1-9 ●●●●●●勿●大邱地方●日人
1-10 ●●●●層●●租界●●鬱陵島●
1-11 住●●●本邦人●●●●二百九十
1-12 名●上●遼●●済州島内●在●●
1-13 者●約二百名●●●●安島●三
1-14 十名、●●島●●十名、竹島●約千
1-15 名、于山島●二百二十名、珍島●四
1-16 十名●●●●●●●●●全●忠清
1-17 ●道●上●我領●●●●独占●●
1-18 盛●●●●●●●年年●巨利七得
1-19 ●●●●●的経営●近●●顔●見
1-20 ●事●●海上●本邦人●捲殖●●
1-21 如恁●盛●●又●土●●●●●●
1-22 ●礼景●●八十名、●登●●一千
1-23 四十名、水原地方●二百名、大邱●
1-24 三十名、東莱●十名、●●鎮●二百
1-25 餘名●有●●京●以●明●府●二
1-26 百名、改修●二十名其他●●山河
1-27 ●至今本邦人●足●●不到處●繕
1-28 ●●●人口増加●●●●事業●亦
1-29 漸●●●●●保護●漸漸進歩●●
1-30 見●●●租界地●警備隊及警察●
1-31 己為十分完全●●●●●●●線管
1-32 轄●●●●●●●三百名●韓国●
1-33 道●●●●交通●保護●●郵便航
This is the second row.
ReplyDelete2-1 道●●●●●頃●六道●●●●●●
2-2 ●航●●十●人大●本邦人乎●●
2-3 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-4 ●●巳●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-5 ●●仁●間郵便●●●●●●●●
2-6 ●事●●●●●●韓人教育●目的
2-7 ●●●本邦人●開始●●話●●●
2-8 ●●●漸漸好況●●●●大邱●●
2-9 ●●光●●州全州水原●●●●●
2-10 気●●●遣的基礎●●●●●●●
2-11 ●●一里以外●●●●●●●●●
2-12 ●●●名●●●●上●上●●●●
2-13 ●●●●●●●●●●好況●●●
2-14 ●主●●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-15 ●●●●韓●●●●●●●●●内
2-16 ●人十●●●●●●●●●人●●
2-17 ●●●實●●●●●●●●●●●
2-18 ●害人●以上好況●●●●●●●
2-19 ●●本邦人●間●●●●●●●●
2-20 ●韓国●●法人●●●及●●●●
2-21 隣●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-22 ●●實●貧●●●●●●●●開発
2-23 ●●●●●●故●貧国●●●●●
2-24 ●富源●●大●●我国●●●●●
2-25 ●遠●●●疑●●●弾丸●子●小
2-26 天埴●●蒼●●●●●●●●鶏林
2-27 ●渡●●事●●起●●但其一人●
2-28 利益●●●則●●吾入●遺憾●●
2-29 ●●韓国●●●邦人●播殖●但●
2-30 韓●力●専●●●●●●●以定及
2-31 ●西●●●●●●●●朝鮮●南方
2-32 ●●従●●●●●●●●北方●●
2-33 従●●制●●容易●●韓国歴史●
2-34 証明●●●南方●●●●勢力●屡
Thank you, Kaneganese.
ReplyDeleteI have done a little, but I have been preparing for classes tomorrow. I will try to figure it out on Friday. Your work will help me a lot.
I know it is difficult, but this is kind of like a puzzle, but it is a very interesting puzzle.
If the Usando in this article was Ulleungdo's Usando, then having 220 people living there would definitely prove that it was not Liancourt Rocks.
Does it seem to be talking about Japanese immigrants in Korea?
Anyway, thank you for all of your hard work.
And this is the third row. I could hardly understand what it says... I hope you would fill in Hanguls tomorrow so that we can get more clues for what unknown Chinese characters are. I think this is about what Japanese newspaper reported about Japanese immigrants to Korea.
ReplyDelete3-1 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-2 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-3 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-4 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●昔
3-5 ●●●●●●●力●●●●●●●
3-6 ●●●●●●●●●●●●来●●
3-7 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-8 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-9 ●●●●●吾●●●●●●●●●
3-10 邦人●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-11 ●●●●●●●邦人●其●●●●
3-12 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-13 ●住●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-14 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-15 ●●●●●●
3-16 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-17 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-18 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-19 ●●●全国●●●●●●●●冒●
3-20 ●●●●●●●●●●而不●●●
3-21 ●●●●●●●●●●人●●●●
3-22 ●●●●但●●●●●●●●●●
3-23 之●●●則●●●●●●●●●●
3-24 不●●年●日人之●●●●●●●
3-25 調●●客勢日●●●●●●●●●
3-26 ●吾●●紙●●●●大鳥●●●●
3-27 嗚呼●●●
The population of Japanese on Ulleungdo was reported to be around 1000 people in the early 1900s. This was recorded in Japanese documents.
ReplyDeleteThere were no people living on Jukdo Island living at the turn of the century. This was recorded in the Japanese report on Ulleungdo.
However, there were groups of people from Ulleungdo who voyaged to Dokdo from Ulleungdo at this time. So Usando could be Dokdo in this article but not Jukdo.
1-13 者●約二百名●●●所安島●三
ReplyDelete1-22 ●礼景●●八十名、永登浦●一千
ReplyDeleteIt is quoting from a Japanese newspaper article, and the Japanese did not refer to Liancourt Rocks as "Usando" (于山島). All of Japan's maps showed Usando as a neighboring island of Ulleungdo.
Also, 220 people could not live on Liancourt Rocks.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteUnconfirmed adjunctive island of Usando,discribed west or southwest or east of Ulluengdo in Japanese maps, referenced from Chosun maps, are disappeared after 1880's survery which confirms Matushima is Ulleungdo and Takeshima is Jukdo-Boussole Rk.
Japan and Korea tend to use Usando is just another name of Ulluengdo after around 20Century.
Gerry, the Japanese did not refer to Jukdo Islet as Usando. Ever.
ReplyDeleteGroups of Japanese and presumably Koreans (around 50 each) voyaged to Liancourt Rocks in the summer.
Jukdo Islet has no water and it was recorded by the Japanese report (1902)on Ulluengdo that people could not live on Jukdo for that exact reason.
Even today only a man and his son live on Jukdo Islet. His wife lived there too, but she fell of the edge and died. No kidding.
ReplyDeleteI know about Jukdo and who lives there. In fact, you seem to have forgotten that I told you about the man's wife falling off the edge of the island when she went out digging for herbs.
They gather rainwater on the island and there is a lot of rain. Four or five families were already living on Jukdo in the 1960s when the old man now living there first came to the island.
A 1412 Korean document talks about sixty people living on the island, so a fairly large number of people can live on the fifty-one acres that make up the island. Here is a link to my POST on Jukdo.
As for Japanese maps, all of them showed Usando as a neighboring island of Ulleungdo.
Here is an 1894 Japanese Map.
Gerry, I don't know what you mean. I don't recall you telling me about the woman falling off of Jukdo Islet. But I do remember the man who lives there telling me in person last May when I visited there.
ReplyDeleteI think it's possible the island in the 1412 document was Ulleungdo itself. Surely if so many Koreans lived on Jukdo Islet for an extended period of time there would be archeological artifacts or evidence. But this is not the case. They have done archeological digs on Ulleungdo numerous times throughout the last century.
Anyway, as I've said, the Japanese report of Ulleungdo clearly states nobody lived on Jukdo Islet because there was no water there.
For people to live on Jukdo they would need to continuously climb this sheer cliff on the islands East side.
I find it outrageous to think ancient Koreans would have slogged up this wall to live on a rock with no fresh water and no mooring when only 2kms away was very fertile soil, fishing and fresh runnning water.
Whatever those Japanese maps may have said they don't agree with some Japanese documents that say Usando is what (we) Japanese call Matsushima (松島)
There are some 竹島 in Korea, but I guess the 竹島 in this report have two possibility where is famous for fisherly.
ReplyDelete1.竹島 (12浬 Northwest of 群山)
About Japanese fisherman village
2.竹島 (全羅道、Nearby隔音諸島)
About Fishing area
1-1 日本新聞○報에記載한바移住民
ReplyDelete1-2 의数로써●●●●●●●形●●占●
1-3 ●●●●●●二三年間膨張●●大
1-4 ●●人人●●●足●疆間●●●●
1-5 ●全文을譯載如左하노●●●●●
1-6 ●租界内●日人増加●●勿論●●
1-7 京●地方●●●永登●及水原地方
1-8 에日人의村落는建設하●●●●地方
1-9 ●●●●●●勿●大邱地方에日人
1-10 ●●●●層●●租界●●鬱陵島●
1-11 住●●●本邦人●●●●二百九十
1-12 名以上에逹하고済州島内에在하는
1-13 者도約二百名이오●所安島에三
1-14 十名、●●島에●十名、竹島에約千
1-15 名、于山島에二百二十名、珍島에四
1-16 十名이有하니●●●●●全●忠清
1-17 南道●上●我領●●●●獨占●●
1-18 盛●●●●●●●年年●巨利을得
1-19 ●●●●●的経営은近来●頗●見
1-20 ●事●●海上●本邦人●捲殖●●
1-21 如恁●盛하고又陸上에서는
1-22 ●礼景●에八十名、永登浦에一千
1-23 四十名、水原地方에二百名、大邱에
1-24 三十名、東莱에十名、●●鎮에二百
1-25 餘名이有하고京●以●明●府에二
1-26 百名、海州에二十名其他●●山河
1-27 에至今本邦人의足迹이不到處가無
1-28 하도다人口増加를●●●事業도亦
1-29 漸進하●●●●保護●漸漸進歩함을
1-30 見하●●租界地에警備隊及警察은
1-31 己為十分完全에逹하고●●●線管
1-32 轄●●●●●憲兵三百名이韓国●
1-33 道에安全과交通을保護하●郵便航
2-1 道●●●●●頃●六道●●●●●●
ReplyDelete2-2 ●航●●十●人大●本邦人乎●●
2-3 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-4 ●●巳●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-5 ●●仁川間郵便電話●●●●●●
2-6 ●事●●●●●●韓人教育의目的
2-7 ●●●本邦人에開始●●話●●●
2-8 ●●●漸漸好況을呈하야●大邱●●
2-9 ●●光●●州全州水原●●●●●
2-10 気●●●遣的基礎●●●●●●●
2-11 ●●一里以外●●●●●●●●●
2-12 ●●●名●●事實上●上●●●●
2-13 ●●●●●●●●●●好況을呈●
2-14 ●主●●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-15 ●●●●韓●●●●●●●●●内
2-16 ●人十●●●●●●●●●人●●
2-17 ●●事實●●●●●●●●●●●
2-18 ●吾人는以上好況●●●●●●●
2-19 ●●本邦人●間●●●●●●●●
2-20 ●韓国●●法人●●●及●●●●
2-21 隣●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
2-22 ●●實●貧●●●●●●●●開発
2-23 ●●●●●●故●貧国●●●●●
2-24 와富源의●大●●我国이●●●●
2-25 ●遠●●●疑●●●弾丸●子●小
2-26 天埴●●蒼●●●●●●●●鶏林
2-27 ●渡●●事●●起●●但其一人의
2-28 利益만아닌則●●吾人의遺憾하는
2-29 ●●韓国●●●邦人●播殖●但●
2-30 韓●力●専●●●●●●●以定及
2-31 ●西●●●●●●●●朝鮮에南方
2-32 으로従하야制함은●하고北方으로
2-33 従하야制함이容易함은韓国歴史●
2-34 証明●●●南方●●●●勢力은屡
ReplyDeleteThank you for the cooperation. I hope there is more clearer image of this article.
Indeed I hope so too.
ReplyDelete2-1 運●●●亦近頃●大進하야●●●●
2-2 ●航●●十●人大●本邦人乎에●
2-20 ●韓国에는邦人의●●及経営에決
2-21 断코●●함을満足●●●●●●韓
2-22 国은實노貧●●●●●●●●開発
2-24 와富源의多大함은我国이及지못한
2-30 韓●力만専●하고●●京城以北及
2-31 以西에는及지못함이●朝鮮에南方
ReplyDeleteThank you for your help in translating this. I added a few things to what you wrote to get the following. Please check it for mistakes.
Now, I am looking to see if there was another Usando (于山島) that Japanese might have lived on in 1903. Anyway, I will continue to try to fill in the blanks.
日本新聞*報에記載한바 移住民의 数로써**에 吾 形*를 占친다하랴** 二三 年間 膨張함은 大端히 人人의 意 足히 疆間케 한 이 * 全文을 譯載 如左하노니 市名港의 租界内에 日人 増加난 史 勿論이오 京城 地方에서 난 永登* 及 水原地方에 日人의 村落은 建設하며 **地方에 난 密** 漁 他 *勿* 大邱地方에 日人의 層하고 租界 以外 鬱陵島* 住邊항 난 本邦人 *난 *口 二百九十 名以上에 逹하고 済州島内에 在하는 者도 約 二百名이오 ***安島에 三十 名, **島에 四十名, 竹島에 約 千名, 于山島에二百二十名, 珍島에 四十名이 有하니 全* 忠清南道* 海上은 我領** 과 갓치 獨占*아 盛하게 ***함에 年年치 巨利을 得하니 其 **的 経営은 近来에 頗 *見한 事로다
Kaneganese, GTOMR, Pacifist, Chaamiey:
ReplyDeleteCould one of you please check to see if there was a Japanese newspaper called 週報 because I think the first line in the March 30, 1903 document was as follows:
日本新聞 週報에 記載한 바....
I do not know if this 週報 newspaper was printed in Korea or Japan, but I have looked through other "Hwangseong Sinmun" (皇城新聞) articles and have seen references to it.
It would be much easier to translate the Korean article if we could find the original Japanese article.
Or do you think it could just be a weekly report on news collected from all Japanese newspapers?
ReplyDeleteAfter doing a little research, I think the original article may have come from the 朝鮮新報 (조선신보), which was a Japanese language newspaper printed for the Japanese residents in the open port of Busan.
ReplyDeleteOr 週報 could have been a reference to 朝鮮週商報, which was a Japanese newspaper for Japanese residents in the Incheon area.
Does anyone know of any archieves of the above newspapers?
By the way, the 朝鮮新報 (조선신보) was Korea's first newspaper. The newspaper's first edition was printed on December 10, 1881, which was about one year and ten months earlier than the 漢城旬報 (한성순보), which was Korea's first Korean language newspaper.
ReplyDeleteI googled and found there were "週報" published by Japanese MOFA, since 1936, which was much later than 1906.
ReplyDeleteI also found the article written by Korean of Japanese Gakugei University(東京学芸大学).
It mentioned about modern newspapers in Joseon by Japanese.
"朝鮮新報" was the first among them, and it looks like the first newspaper in Korea. I don't know where I can read the article.
Hi Kaneganese,
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to an April 10, 1903 "Hwangseong Sinmun" article talking about an earlier 朝鮮新報article on 移住民. That makes be think the source of the March 30 article was the 朝鮮新報. Also, I think this article can be used to help fill in the blanks in the April 30 article.
About 「日本新聞 週報에 記載한바....」,
ReplyDeleteI think it may be 「過報」,which means a article reported some days ago.
「 」is my reading,
ReplyDelete日本新聞「過」報에記載한바 移住民의 数로써「強盛해」吾「国의」形「勢」를 占친다하랴** 二三 年間 膨張함은 大端히 人人의 意 足히 疆間케「함」이 * 「한」全文을 譯載 如左하노니 市「各」港의 租界内에 日人 増加난「곳」勿論이오 京城 地方에서 난 永登* 及 水原地方에 日人의 村落은 建設하며 **地方에 난 「街」***** 大邱地方에 日人의 ***層하고 租界「如」* 鬱陵島* 住「居」「하」난 本邦人「數」난 「既已」二百九十名以上에 逹하고 済州島内에 在하는 者도 約 二百名이오 ***安島에 三十 名, **島에 四十名, 竹島에 約 千名, 于山島에二百二十名, 珍島에 四十名이 有하니****은全*忠清南道海上「을」我領* 과 갓치 獨占「하야」盛하게 ***함에 年年치 巨利을 得하니 其 **的 経営은 近来에 頗 *見한 事로다
And,「난」can be read as 「는」,I think.
2-23 식히지못한然故로貧国●●있어니
ReplyDelete"식히지"는 "시키지" 와 같은 의미 인가요?
ReplyDeleteNo, but it seems to be using it with that meaning here because the sentence is--
開港 식히지 못 한 然故로 貧国으로 있거니와....
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, but I have been busy with something else tonight, so I have not been working on the translation.
You are doing a good job because you are catching things I don't think i could have figured out.
Maybe we can compare notes tomorrow?
네, 내일도 이 페이지를 방문할 거에요.
ReplyDelete2-19 ●히本邦人에開하야希望한●●하
ReplyDelete2-9 ●●光州麗州全州水原●●●●●
ReplyDelete2-12 為로●名하고事實上에土地●所有
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1-21 如恁히盛하고又国土에서는京城以
ReplyDeleteI'm going to give up decoding of this article ,after writing below.
ReplyDelete3-1 ●密●●●●●●●●●●●에●
3-2 ●하나●●●●●●●●●●하난
3-3 ●●何●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-4 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●난●
3-5 ●●난●●●●力●●●●●●●
3-6 ●●하야●●●●●●●●来●●
3-7 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-8 ●●●漸次●●●●●●●●●●
3-9 ●하야하니吾●●●●●●●●●
3-10 無人●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-11 을●●●●●●邦人을其●●●●
3-13 ●住●야●●●●●●●●야●●
3-14 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-15 도●하●●●
3-16 ●子●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-17 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-18 하야●●●●●●●●●●●●●
3-19 ●●●全国●●●●●야●●冒●
3-20 ●●●●●時点니●●而不●●●
3-21 裂하고●●骨●●●●人●計画을
3-22 ●●●나但●●●●●●●●●●
3-23 之街●●則●奚●●●●야●●●
3-24 不●●年의日人之●●以●●●●
3-25 調하야客勢日●●●●●●●●●
3-26 오吾●●紙●●못●大鳥●●●●
3-27 嗚呼問吻여
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your hard work; however, there is no way we can translate that last part without a better copy.
Actually, I think we only need to translate the first part of the article since that is where the relevant information is.
I am sorry, but I have been busy with other things the past few days, including trying to find something that would explain the Usando in the article.
I do not like the fact that Usando was separated from Ulleungdo in the article. That makes me wonder if it were not some other Usando; however, even though I have found a reference to another Usando, I cannot find much information on the island.
I think in the next day or two, I will just translate what we have and let people come to their own conclusions.
Well,then I will wait for your new good report.
ReplyDeleteThis article seems to be saying that there were only 290 Japanese living on Ulleungdo in March 1903, but shouldn't there have been more?
ReplyDeleteCould the Takeshima (竹島) in the article be referring to Ulleungdo by its old name? Was there another Takeshima in Korea where 1,000 Japanese were living in 1903?
Also, the fact that Usando (于山島) immediately followed Takeshima makes me think Takeshima was referring to Ulleungdo and Usando was referring to Ulleungdo's neighboring island of Jukdo.
There were permanent Japanese residences on Ulleungdo, and there were many others who came there only during the fishing season. Where did all these other Japanese stay when they came to Ulleungdo? Is it possible that some of them could have made a base from themselves on Ulleungdo's neighboring island of Jukdo (Usando) during the fishing season?
Anyway, I cannot find another Takeshima that had 1,000 Japanese living on it in 1903.
Is there a Japanese source that tells how many Japanese were living on Ulleungdo in 1903 or if there was another Takeshima where 1,000 Japanese were living at that time?
Anyway, here is a link to a September 12, 1901 Hwangseong Sinmun (皇城新聞) article that says there were about 1,000 Japanese living on Ulleungdo in 1901.
Why wouldn't there have been 1,000 or more Japanese living there in March 1903?
"Japanese population was almost 300 a few years before but it decreased to only 140-150 after the order of withdrawal."
ReplyDeleteThe 1903 Black Dragon Society book said that there were 300 Japanese a few years ago, but it decreased after the order to evacuate. Wasn't that order in 1900? Couldn't the Japanese have come back in the three years since then?
The 1902 Japanese book of documents, "Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Trade, Document Section: Trade Documents" (外務省通商局編纂 通商彙纂) listed 548 Japanese on Ulleungdo. And since it was a 1902 book, it was could have been referring to 1901 figures or even earlier figures. By 1903, the numbers could have been back up to 1,000.
Anyway, I think it would be useful to find another source giving the number of Japanese living on Ulleungdo in 1903.
I think the 1904 "Business Guidebook on Korea" (最新韓国実業指針) would have some helpful information since Chapter 5 talks about Korean islands.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the map in the 1904 guidebook shows Ulleungdo labeled as "Ulleungdo" (鬱陵島) and the non-existent island of Argonaut labeled as "Takeshima" (竹島). That suggests that Japanese were still confusing Ulleungdo and Takeshima even in 1904, which may explain why Ulleungdo and Takeshima both appeared in the March 30, 1903 article.
ReplyDelete140-150 is the number in 1903 spring by the Japanese original text.
This article has many mysteries. As you said,I too suppose there were some misunderstanding in the original Japanese newspaper article.
This July 26, 1902 Hwangseong Sinmun article reported that 263 Japanese fishing boats had come to Kunsan's Jukdo (群山竹島), which is in North Cholla Province. It also said that the boats carried more than 1,000 fisherman. Therefore, I think the Jukdo (竹島) in the above article was probably referring to Kunsan's Jukdo.