

1861年 - 金正浩「大東輿地圖」

1861 - Daedong Yeojido (大東輿地圖) - Ulleungdo


1861 金正浩「大東輿地図」鬱陵島図 国会図書館版_1

1861 金正浩「大東輿地図」鬱陵島図 国会図書館版_2


英宗十一年 江原監司趙最壽啓言 盃(鬱)陵島地廣土沃有人居田他而其西又有于山島 亦廣闊云則所謂西字與此各之在東相佐


上の地図はLee Sang-tae氏の著作、「Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereignty over DOKDO」からの引用です。于山と記された島の下に、ご本人が "Usando (Dokdo)"と書き加えてあります。つまり、彼はこの隣接島が"独島" (竹島/Liancourt Rocks)であると主張しているわけです。しかしながらこの地図は、于山島を一つの島からなる島として描いており、この事からも于山島が"独島" (Liancourt Rocks)ではないことが分かります。"独島" (Liancourt Rocks)は鬱陵島の南東92kmに位置する、主な2つの島からなる島だからです。一つの島ではないのです。これは韓国の学者が盲目的に証拠を無視し、"于山島"が"独島" (Liancourt Rocks)の古名であると主張する、いつものパターンなのです。しかしながら、この地図が示しているように、これも又、于山島が鬱陵島の隣接島に過ぎない事を示しているのです。



Korean Nationalism and so-called "Dokdo"

As some of the readers may have noticed, Korean keep commenting on last month's specific post by Pacifist and leaves many unrelated nationalistic comments. I don't understand why they don't even read what it is written or comment on what it is written, instead chanting " It's ours !" "Japan colonized us !". It looks like a religious cult to me. What's going on in Korean educational system? I hope next Korean government stops brainwashing their own kids and train them to be able to debate logically based on facts and evidences.

I found a funny video about recent incident of driver's licence manual in Oregon, U.S. I highly recommend Korean to stop those eccentric acts around the world. It makes not only Korean but whole Asian looks stupid.

Korean news about this video.

1699 - Today's Kwannundo(観音島) and Small Udo(小于島) in 「欝陵島図形」 by Choson Official Inspector, the Identical Figures.

I found the excellent work by our frequent commentator GTOMR over at Enjoy Korea BBS last week. He compared the figures of today's Kwannundo in modern Naver and Small Udomap in 1699 「欝陵島図形」 by Choson Official Inspector. Honestly, I was quite surprised to see those, since they are almost identical.

From his superb work, it is now safe for us to determine that those two are the same island, today's Kwannundo(観音島). The shapes of today's Jukdo in Naver map and Big Udo(大于島) are also similar enough to say they are the same island(竹嶼 or 竹島 in Korean), too. It is now clear that Choson officials knew the existance of Kwanundo and the fact that so-called Usando is today's Jukdo. And they mapped it with accurate shapes and location on the official report. Yabutarou's work is also worth to check.

20071223 小于島とNaver地図 20071223 大于島とNaver地図
20071223 Naver Mapで鬱陵島の北東部を見てみる。 1699 「欝陵島図形」
(Huge thanks to GTOMR for permitting me to use his work.)
GTOMR wrote a excellent summery titled "10 reasons why Usando is not Takeshima/Dokdo", too (Korean)

1800年代以前(推定) - 東京山川 八道地圖

Donggyeong San Cheon (東京山川) - Paldo Jido (八道地圖)

以下に挙げたのは、「東京山川 八道地圖」の朝鮮半島と江原道の図です。地図帖の作成年代は不明ですが、1800年代以前の辺りであると考えられています。韓国の高麗大学図書館の所蔵です。(地図へのリンク)

朝鮮半島図には、 "于山"と書かれた小さな附属島がある鬱陵島が東海岸に描かれています。韓国側はこの"于山島"が竹島/Liancourt Rocks/独島の古名だと主張しますが、他の多くの地図同様、この地図も、于山島は"独島"などではなく鬱陵島の隣接島であるに過ぎない事をあらわしています。この事実は、同じ地図帖の中の江原道図からも証明できます。

江原道図 (リンク) には、鬱陵島の拡大図があり、すぐ東海岸に"于山島" と書かれた島が描かれています。この地図の于山島が"独島"などではありえないことは明白です。というのも"独島"は鬱陵島の東南92kmにあり、基本的に二つの島嶼からなる島だからです。この地図に描かれているような、単独の島ではないのです。この地図では5つの小さな島が南海岸に描かれており、このことは韓国の鬱陵島の古地図に共通する特徴であると言えます。

1800年代以前(推定) - 東京山川 八道地圖_2 1800年代以前(推定) - 東京山川 八道地圖_4


Geographical Survey Institute of Japan(国土地理院) first displays Takeshima's details in the topographical map.

(This is a translation of San-in Chuo Shinpo article on 12th December、2007.)

(Original by San-in Chuo Shinpo : 原文)
国土地理院が地形図に竹島の詳細を初表示 (山陰中央新報)http://www.sanin-chuo.co.jp/news/modules/news/article.php?storyid=446064006
(Korean News : 韓国のニュース)http://news.joins.com/article/aid/2007/12/16/3032497.html

(Takeshima, which consists of an east and a west island has now been drawn on detailed Japanese topographical map. The characters "隠岐の島町" (Okinoshima Town) indicate possession.

The Geographical Survey Institute of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport published, for the first time, the topographical map of Takeshima (South Korea: Tokdo) with a scale of 1/25,000, which shows the details of the islets. Both Japan and Korea claim ownership of the islets.

The map was made using a space satellite image, which shows Takeshima more clearly than past maps. Previous maps only showed outlines of the islets since detailed investigations could not be made. The map shows not only Japanese territory, but also the geographical features of the territory.

The need for an updated topographical map was especially felt when the new Oki Airport was opened in July 2006. In addition, to the Okinoshima town's in giving birth by the amalgamation in October, 2004, and having become this town belonging, Geographical Survey Institute reformed after an interval of nine years. Takeshima formerly belonged to Gokasho village(五箇所村), Shimane Prefecture.

It is a topographical map of this town that divides into five pieces that Takeshima who consists of the two island in east and west appears. Among these, the east island (Higashijima : 東島) of the altitude 97 meters and west island (Nishijima : 西島) of 168 meters were published while having shown the Nishimura(西村) district.

Takeshima was impossible to be mapped in detail due to the illegal occupancy of South Korea, since the topographical map of 1/25,000 was usually made based on the photograph and the field investigation. However, it was decided to be possible to supplement because the prospect had looked up in the topographic survey that used the space satellite image.

The PR room of the insititute announced that "It is an obligation of Geographical Survey Institute to arrange Japanese territory on the map. At last, Takeshima's details were able to be displayed though the field investigation etc. were not able to have been done."

To use it to enlighten the Takeshima problem, Shimane Prefecture exhibits this topographical map in the Takeshima Reference room that installed it in old prefectural museum in the Matsue City town

(Huge thanks to pacifist for checking my translation.)


1840~1860年頃 隠岐国松島



隠岐国松島ノ西嶋*ヨリ海上道●(規:左が矢)凡ソ四十里許リ北方ニ一島アリ名テ竹島ト云フ 此ノ島日本ニ接シ朝鮮ニ隣シ地形三角ニシテ周囲凡ソ十五里許リ

(*松島ノ一小属島ナリ 土俗呼テ次島=ツキノシマト做ス)




ca 1840-1860 Matsushima of Oki County

To follow is from the book 文鳳堂雑纂 (Compilation of various things by Bun-ho-do) by Bun-ho-do (文鳳堂) aka Yamashiroya Chubei (山城屋忠兵衛), who was a scholar in the late Edo period. The exact published date is unknown but it may have been mid to late 19th century - perhaps 1840-1860.

In the chapter of Takeshima (Ulleungdo), he referred to Matsushima (Liancourt rocks) as Oki county's Matsushima. This is another evidence to show that Japanese in the Edo period believed that Matsushima (Liancourt rocks) was a part of Oki county.

(The map of Ulleungdo is from this book.)

There is an island at 40-ri north from Nisji-jima *
(western island) of Oki county's Matsushima
, which is called Takeshima. This
island is close to Japan and is next to Chosun, and its shape is triangular with
the circumference about 15-ri.

(*Nishi-jima: a small islet which belongs to Matsushima. People in this area usually call it as "Tsugi-no-shima", the next island.)


1954年 ヴァン・フリート使節団報告書






*Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.


For English text, please look at:

1954 Report of Van Fleet mission to the Far East

The Report of Van Fleet Mission to the Far East is a secret report drafted by James Van Fleet, a US special mission ambassador, after a round of visits to South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines, and sent to the 34th U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954.

To follow is from the report:

The Island of Dokto (otherwise called Liancourt and Take
Shima) is in the Sea of Japan approximately midway between Korea and Honshu
(131.80E, 36.20N). This Island is, in fact, only a group of barren, uninhabited
rocks. When the Treaty of Peace with Japan was being drafted, the Republic of
Korea asserted its claims to Dokto but the United States concluded that they
remained under Japanese sovereignty
and the Island was not included among the
Islands that Japan released from its ownership
under the Peace Treaty. The
Republic of Korea has been confidentially informed of the United States position
regarding the islands but our position has not been made public. Though the
United States considers that the islands are Japanese territory
, we have
declined to interfere in the dispute. Our position has been that the dispute
might properly be referred to the International Court of Justice
and this
suggestion has been informally conveyed to the Republic of Korea.

General Van Fleet's view is as follows:

Unilateral proclamation of sovereignty over the seas (Syngman Rhee line) is illegal.
The United States had concluded Japanese sovereignty over the rocks.
The dispute over the rocks might properly be referred to the International Court of Justice.

As the San Francisco Peace Treaty* shows, Liancourt rocks (Takeshima/Dokdo) were not included in the list of islands which Japan should give back to Korea.

*Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.

USA meant that Liancourt rocks (Takeshima/Dokdo) are Japanese territory and recommend to go to the International Court of Justice - Japan proposed Korea to go to ICJ twice since then but they kept rejecting the proposal.

1950年 オーストラリア政府の質問に対する米国の回答



As to the English text, please see: http://dokdo-or-takeshima.blogspot.com/2007/12/1950-usa-answers-to-australian.html


1950 USA answers to Australian government

To follow is from the USA answers to Australian government concerning the SF Peace Treaty. It is apparent that USA thought that Liancourt rocks (Takeshima) belongs to Japan.

Undated Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs. (From "Answers to Questions submitted by the Australian government")

It is thought that the islands of the Inland Sea, Oki
Retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Riishiri (sic), Tsushima,
Takeshima, the Goto Archipelago, the northern most Ryukyus,
and the Izus,
all long recognised as Japanese
, would
be retained by Japan. The central and southern Ryukyus, the Bonins, including
Rosario Island, the Volacanos, Parece Vera and Marcus would be placed under the
trsuteeship system of the United Nations with the United States as the
administering authority. Because of the considerable population of the Ryukyus
and and the virtual certainty that that strategic trusteeship would be veoted by
the Soviet Union, the United States would seek ordinary trusteeship for these
islands. Japan would accept the United Nations Security Council action of
April2, 1947 extending the trusteeship system to the former Japanese Mandated
Islands. The treaty would contain no reference to Pratas Reef and Island, over
which China formally reasserted sovereignity in 1947 or to the Paracel Islands
or Spratly Island, title to which has been disputed between France and China.
While Japan also claimed Spratly Island before the war its claim to this
uninhabited spot is not believed important enough to warrant mention in the
treaty. The Japanese government never claimed any territories in the Antarctic.
It is not considered that Japan should be required in the treaty to renounce
claims on behalf of Japan made by Japanese Antarctic expeditions.


1953 Jul 22 - US Doc. Reconfirms Dean Rusk Letter

In an August 9, 1951 letter to the Korean Ambassador, US Secretary of State Dean Rusk wrote the following:
"As regards the island of Dokdo, otherwise known as Takeshima or Liancourt Rocks, this normally uninhabited rock formation was according to our information never treated as part of Korea and, since about 1905, has been under the jurisdiciton of the Oki Islands Branch of Shimane Prefecture of Japan. The island does not appear ever before to have been claimed by Korea...."
Some Koreans and Dokdo advocates claim that the US government changed her mind on the status of Liancourt Rocks with the signing of the 1952 treaty between Japan and the US, but the following 1953 letter reconfirms that the US government still considered Liancourt Rocks to be Japanese even after the signing of the treaty. The 1954 Van Fleet report, HERE, also reconfirmed the US position. (For a Japanese explanation of the letter below, see HERE)

1953 Jul 22 - Methods of Resolving LIancourt Rocks Dispute 1

1953 Jul 22 - Methods of Resolving LIancourt Rocks Dispute 2

August 9, 1951 Dean Rusk Letter to Korean Ambassador

1951Aug9 - Dean Rusk Ltr 1
1951Aug9 - Dean Rusk Ltr 2
1951Aug9 - Dean Rusk Ltr 3
1951Aug9 - Dean Rusk Ltr 4

Korea's NE Asian History Foundation Advertisement

I opened my Yahoo! Mail today and noticed an advertisement for Korea's Northeast Asian History Foundation in the sidebar. The ad is using a history quiz contest to get new members for the foundation's Web site. You need to be a member to take the quiz. See HERE.

The categories of the quiz are as follows:
  • History Book Distortion
  • East Sea
  • Dokdo
  • Yasukuni Shine
  • Comfort Women
  • Baekdu Mountain
  • Northeast "Gongjeong" (I do not know what "Gongjeong" means in this case.)

Does that look like a history quiz or a propaganda quiz? Anyway, it seemed a little strange to me that a "history" foundation would be advertising for members like that.


Donggyeong San Cheon (東京山川) - Paldo Jido (八道地圖)

Below are maps of the Korean peninsula and Gangwon Province from the atlas "Donggyeong San Cheon: Paldo Jido" (東京山川 八道地圖). The date of the atlas and maps are unknown, but they were most likely made sometime before the 1800s. The atlas is stored in Korea's Koryo University Library. (Link to Korean Map)

The map of the Korean peninsula shows Ulleungdo (鬱陵島) off the east coast with a small neighboring isand labeled "于山" (Usan). Korea claims that the "island of Usan" (于山島) was the old Korean name for "Dokdo" (Liancourt Rocks), but this map, like many others, shows that Usando was a neighboring island of Ulleungdo, not Dokdo (獨島). This is confirmed by the Gangwondo (江原道) map that was included in the same atlas.

The Gangwondo map (LINK) shows a close-up of Ulleungdo with an island just off its east shore labeled "于山島" (Usando). We know that the Usando on this map was not "Dokdo" because Dokdo is ninety-two kilometers southeast of Ulleungdo and is essentially made up of two islets, not one. The maps also shows Ulleungdo with five other small islands just off its southern shore, which was a common feature of Korea's old Ulleungdo maps.

The writing below Ulleungdo gives the dimensions of the island (80 ri east to west & 50 ri north to south) and the flora and fauna found there. It also says that Ulleungdo was two days away by boat from Uljin (蔚珍), which is a place on the Korean peninsula.

Donggyeong San-cheon - Koreal

Donggyeong San-cheon - Ulleungdo

Donggyeong Sancheon - Gangwondo full

Donggyeon San-cheon - Ulleungdo 2

Donggyeong San-cheon - Ulleungdo 2

1905年1月28日 閣議決定資料









The translated text in English is here:


1861 - Daedong Yeojido (大東輿地圖) - Ulleungdo

Below is a is a wood-block printed map of Ulleungdo (鬱陵島) from the "Daedong Yeojido" (大東輿地島) atlas, which was made by Kim Jeong-ho (金正浩) in 1861. The interesting thing about the map is that it does not show the neighboring island of Usan (于山島), even though the island was included on Mr. Kim's 1834 "Cheonggudo" (靑邱圖) map of Ulleungdo.

1861 - Daedong Yeojido - Ulleungdo

Below is another map of Ulleungdo, which looks to be a copy of Kim Jeong-ho's 1861 "Daedong Yeojido" Ulleungdo map shown above, but notice that Usando is added to the map below, as well as other information about Ulleungdo. Supposedly, Mr. Kim revised parts of his 1861 "Daedong Yeojido" map in 1864, so the map below is probably a copy of that revised version.

2nd half of 19th C - Daedong Yeojido

The writing in the uppper part of the map was also written on Kim Jeong-ho's 1834 "Cheonggudo" map and translates as follows:

In the 11th year of Yeongjo (1735), Gangwon Provincial Governor Jo Choi-su reported to the king, ‘A survey of Ulleungdo has found that the land is wide and fertile, and there are signs that people have lived there. Also, to its west is Usando, which is also wide and spacious.’ The so-called “west” character is different on this map, where (Usando) is to the east.
The above map is from Lee Sang-tae's book, "Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereignty over DOKDO. Notice that below the neighboring island labeled as "于山" (Usan), Professor Lee typed "Usando (Dokdo)," which means he is claiming that the neighboring island is "Dokdo" (Liancourt Rocks). The map, however, shows Usando as "one" island right next to Ulleungdo, which means the Usando on this map was not "Dokdo" since Dokdo is ninety-two kilometers southeast of Ulleungdo and is essentiallly made-up of two islets, not one. This is another example of a Korean scholar blindly ignoring the evidence to claim that "Usando" was an old Korean name for Dokdo (Liancourt Rocks); however, the above map shows, once again, that Usando was just a neighboring island of Ulleungdo, not Dokdo.


Mid 1700s - Haedong Chongdo (海東總圖) - Gangwondo

Below is a map of Gwangwon Province (江原道) from the "Haedong Chongdo" (海東總圖) atlas, which is believed to have been made sometime in the mid 1700s. The map and atlas are supposedly stored in the National Library of Korea.

The map clearly shows Usando (于山島) to the west of Ulleungdo (鬱陵島), which means that it could not have been "Dokdo" (Liancourt Rocks), as Korea claims, since Dokdo is ninety-two kilometers southeast of Ulleungdo. Nevertheless, in his book, "Historical Evidence of Korean Sovererignty over DOKDO," Lee Sang-tae (이상태) wrote the following about the map:

울릉도를 표시하고 그 서쪽에 우산도(독도)를 표기하여 두 섬이 우리 영토임을 분명히 아였다.

Here again, Usando (Dokdo) has been situated west of Ulleungdo, thus clearly indicating that the two islands belong to Korea.

Notice that Professor Lee again put "Dokdo" in parentheses next to Usando in spite of the fact that the Usando on this map could not have possibly been referring to Dokdo since Dokdo is east of Ulleungdo, not west. This is another example of how Korean scholars blindly ignore the evidence in their attempt to claim that Usando was the old Korean name for Dokdo.

Mid 1700s - Haedong Chongdo - Gangwondo 1

Mid 1700s - Haedong Chongdo - Gangwondo 2

1923年 島根県誌





第5章 竹島






"Wayurok" (臥遊錄) - Ulleungdo (鬱陵島 - 울릉도)

The following is a description of Ulleungdo from the "Wayurok" (臥遊錄), which is a collection of travel logs that was made sometime during the Joseon Dynasty. I am just putting it up for reference, hoping that it gets translated over time. (Link to the Text)

[주:新羅史曰于山國島名鬱陵]. 地誌
鬱陵或曰武陵. 亦曰羽陵登高望之. 三峰岌嶪, 撑空. 而南峰稍低. 日初出時. 風恬浪靜. 則衆峰攢靑. 岩壑呈露. 沙汀樹木. 歷歷可指. 新羅智證王. 聞于山國負險不服. 命伊湌異斯夫爲阿瑟羅州軍主(阿瑟羅江陵)往討之. 斯夫以爲于山愚頑負險. 難以力服. 易以計下. 乃多造木獅子. 分載戰艦誑之曰. 伱不急下. 當放此獸摶噬之. 國人恐懼來降. 及高麗太祖十三年. 島人使白吉土豆獻方物. 毅宗聞羽陵地肥廣可立州縣, 遣溟州道監倉金柔立往視. 回啓曰島中有大山從山頂向東行至海濱一萬三千餘步向南行一萬五千步向北行八千餘步有村落基址七所或有石佛鐵鍾石塔多生柴胡藁本石南草土多嵓石民不可




1711 - 朴昌錫「鬱陵島圖形」

1711 - Bak Chang-seok's (朴昌錫) Map of Ulleungdo

下の地図は朴昌錫が1711年に行った鬱陵島検察の後に描いたとされる「鬱陵島圖形」です。韓国国際文化大学大学院Lee Sang-tae教授の「Hstorical Evidence of Korean Sovereighnty over Dokdo」 という書籍を写したものです。この地図はこの竹島論争において特に重要です。というのは、この地図は于山島を鬱陵島の東岸に隣接島として描いているだけではなく、"海長竹田(海長竹の竹林)"がある、と記述しているからです。この海長竹とは、7メートルにも成長する種類の竹で、しかも竹島/Liancourt Rocksは竹林が成長できる土壌のない島ですから、地図に描かれた于山島が"独島(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)"である可能性をこの地図は全否定するのです。


地図が于山島を鬱陵島のすぐ東の沖に竹林を持つ単独の島として描いているのにも関わらず、この本の著者であるLee Sang-tae教授は、地図の于山島のすぐ横に"独島"と書きこんでいます。これは、韓国の学者が"独島"のことになると如何に盲目になってしまうか、のよい例です。独島/竹島/Liancourt Rocksはそもそも二つの大きな不毛な岩で構成される鬱陵島から92km南東にある島なのです。

拡大図で漢字(「海長竹田 所謂 于山島」)がよく読めます。




東方五里許 有一小島 不甚高大 海長竹叢生於一面


現在の鬱陵島の東沖約2.2kmの所に、竹嶼(韓国名 竹島)があり、そこにはいまだに背の高い竹が生えています。1711年の朴昌錫の地図の于山島と1694年の張漢相の報告にある小さな島は、明らかに"独島"を指していません。その代わり、ほぼ確実に現在の鬱陵島の隣接島である竹嶼を指していることは間違いありません。(1711年の検察報告についてはこちらを参照→1711年 鬱稜島に派遣された検察官朴昌錫の残した碑文

1711年の検察は安龍福の事件の後に行われました。つまり、安のいう于山島とは、結局鬱陵島の隣接島である竹嶼であり、竹島/Liancourt Rocks/独島では無いということになります。



捜討官:折衡將軍 三陟營將兼水軍僉節制使 朴昌錫、軍官 折衡 朴省三、金壽元、倭學(日本語通訳) 朴命逸


1736 ~ 1767 - 「輿地圖」 - 鬱陵于山両島



この江原道図について興味深いのは、鬱陵島に"鬱陵干山兩島" ("干"山は"于"山の記述ミスだと思われます。)と書かれている事です。この事実は、この二島が隣り合わせにある事を意味していると考えられます。 このように二島が併記されているということは、于山が鬱陵島の単なる隣接島であるためだと思われます。また鬱陵島の文字が先に来ている事から、鬱陵島の方が大きな島であると考えられます。この考えは同じ地図帖(第五冊)の下の鬱陵島図によって追認されます。その図では于山島は鬱陵島の東岸に小さな島として描かれており、その小島には"所謂 干山島"と書かれています。ところで、鬱陵島図の于山島にも江原道図と同じ記述ミス("干"山島)があることがお分かりでしょうか。また、于山島以外に鬱陵島の南岸に5つの小さな島が描かれていることに注意して下さい。これは、韓国の鬱陵島図に共通する特徴です。似たような地図はここで見られます。

世宗実録 地理志(1454)の中で、鬱陵島は蔚珍縣の項でこう記述されています。

于山武陵二島在縣正東海中二島相去不遠 風日淸明則可望見
韓国はこの記述を"于山"が"独島"(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)である証拠としており、この文中の距離は独島(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)と鬱陵島の間の距離であると主張しています。("武陵島"は鬱陵島の別名です。)しかし、日本はこの距離は蔚珍縣と鬱陵島と于山島二島の距離を意味している、と主張しています。下の二つの地図はこの二島を隣接島として描いており、日本の主張の正しさを裏うちしています。



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1700年中期 - 「八道輿地圖」 - 鬱陵島



この江原道図について興味深いのは、鬱陵島に"鬱陵干山兩島" ("干"山は"于"山の記述ミスだと思われます。)と書かれている事です。この事実は、この二島が隣り合わせにある事を意味していると考えられます。 このように二島が併記されているということは、于山が鬱陵島の単なる隣接島であるためだと思われます。また鬱陵島の文字が先に来ている事から、鬱陵島の方が大きな島であると考えられます。この考えは同じ地図帖の下の鬱陵島図によって追認されます。その図では于山島は鬱陵島の東岸に小さな島として描かれており、その小島には"所謂 干山島"と書かれています。ところで、鬱陵島図の于山島にも江原道図と同じ記述ミス("干"山島)があることがお分かりでしょうか。また、于山島以外に鬱陵島の南岸に5つの小さな島が描かれていることに注意して下さい。これは、韓国の鬱陵島図に共通する特徴-です。似たような地図はここで見られます。

世宗実録 地理志(1454)の中で、鬱陵島は蔚珍縣の項でこう記述されています。

于山武陵二島在縣正東海中二島相去不遠 風日淸明則可望見
韓国はこの記述を"于山"が"独島"(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)である証拠としており、この文中の距離は独島(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)と鬱陵島の間の距離であると主張しています。("武陵島"は鬱陵島の別名です。)しかし、日本はこの距離は蔚珍縣と鬱陵島と于山島二島の距離を意味している、と主張しています。下の江原道図はこの二島を隣接島として描いており、日本の主張を支持しています。


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1711 - Bak Seok-chang''s (朴錫昌) Map of Ulleungdo

Below is a map of Ulleungdo (鬱陵島圖形) made by Inspector Bak Seok-chang (朴錫昌) after his inspection of the island in 1711. It was scanned from a book entitled, "Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereighnty over Dokdo," by Professor Lee Sang-tae of the Graduate School of Korea International Culture University. The map is important in the Dokdo/Takeshima debate because it not only shows Usando (于山島) as a neighboring island off Ulleungdo's east shore, but it also shows the small island as having grove(s) of haejang bamboo (海長竹田), which is a bamboo that can grow up to seven meters tall. That fact, in itself, eliminates any possibility that the Usando on this map could be "Dokdo" (Liancourt Rocks) since Dokdo does not have the soil needed to grow groves of bamboo.

In spite of the fact that the map shows Usando as a single island just off Ulleungdo's east shore that has groves of bamboo, the author of the book, Lee Sang-tae, still wrote "Dokdo" in parentheses next to Usando on the map. This is an example of just how blind Korean scholars can be when it comes to Dokdo (Liancourt Rocks), which is essentially two large, barren rocks ninety-two kilometers southeast of Ulleungdo.

The Chinese characters written on Usando can be seen more clearly on the following closeup of the island. They translate as follows: "groves of haejang bamboo, the so-called Usando" (海長竹田 所謂 于山島).

In 1694, sixteen years before the above map was made, Jang Han-sang (張漢相) also inspected Ulleungdo. In his report, Inspector Jang wrote the following:

東方五里許 有一小島 不甚高大 海長竹叢生於一面
동쪽으로 5리 (2킬로) 쯤에 한 작은 섬이 있는데, 고대(高大)하지 않으며 해장죽 (海長竹)이 한쪽면에 무더기로 자라고 있다.

About five ri (2 km) to the east (of Ulleungdo) is one small island. It is not very big or very high, and it has a grove of haejang bamboo (海長竹) growing on one side.
Notice that Inspector Jang also wrote about a small island with haejang bamboo two kilometers off Ulleungdo's east shore. The small island was almost certainly the Usando on the 1711 map.

About 2.2 kilometers off the east shore of present-day Ulleungdo is a small island called "Jukdo" (竹島), which still has groves of tall bamboo growing on it. The Usando on Inspector Bak's 1711 map and the small island mentioned in Inspector Jang's 1694 report were obviously not referring to "Dokdo" (Liancourt Rocks). Instead, they were almost certainly referring to Ulleungdo's present-day neighboring island of Jukdo. (Go HERE to read more about the 1694 inspection.)

The 1711 inspection occurred after the An Yong-bok incident, which means that An Yong-bok's "Usando" ended up being Ulleungdo's neighboring island of Jukdo (竹島), not Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo).

On the left side of the 1711 map is written the following:

辛卯五月十四日自倭舡倉移舟待風所拙書 一句以標日後(刻立卯岩木於方上)萬里滄溟外將軍駕桂舟平生伏忠信履險自無漫搜討官折衡將軍三陟營將兼水軍僉節制使朴錫昌軍官折衡朴省三金壽元倭學朴命逸


On March 14 in the "shin myo" year (辛卯 - 1711), we moved the boat from the Japanese boat house (倭舡倉) to the "wind-waiting place" (待風所). A verse was written and made into a sign for posterity (拙書一句以標日後). It was craved in wood and erected on a rock facing east (刻立卯岩木於方上):

On the distance blue sea, the general sails on a cinnamon tree ship. He has been loyal and faithful all his life, so even if there is hardship, there is no need to worry.
Inspector: Jeochung General (折衡將軍), Samcheok Camp Commander (三陟營將) & Navy Cheomjeoljesa (水軍僉節制使) Bak Seok-chang (朴錫昌)
Military Civil Servants (軍官): Bak Seong-sam (朴省三), Kim Su-won (金壽元)
Japanese Interpreter (倭學): Bak Myeong-il (朴命逸)

It seems that the above verse may have been what was written on one of the sign posts that are indicated on many old maps of Ulleungdo.

1737~1776 - 廣輿圖 - 江原道と鬱陵島

1737 ~ 1776: "Gwang Yeodo" (廣輿圖) - Gangwondo & Ulleungdo

下の地図は朝鮮の地図集である「廣輿圖 」のうち江原道と鬱陵島を描いたものです。この地図集自体は1737~1776年の間に作成されたと考えられています。江原道の地図は"關東道"という呼称で呼ばれています。これらはソウル大学奎章閣韓国学研究院にあります。

この江原道図について興味深いのは、鬱陵島に鬱陵島と干山島の両方の名前が併記されている事です。それは、この二島が隣り合わせにある事を意味していると考えられます。("干"山島は于山島の記述ミスだと思われます。)このことは同じ地図集(第七冊)の鬱陵島図によって追認されます。于山島は鬱陵島の東岸に小さな隣接島として描かれており、その小島には"所謂 干山島"と書かれています。

世宗実録 地理志(1454) の中で、鬱陵島は蔚珍縣の項でこう記述されています。
于山武陵二島在縣正東海中二島相去不遠 風日淸明則可望見
韓国はこの記述を"于山"が"独島"(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)である証拠としており、この文中の距離は独島(竹島/Liancourt Rocks)と鬱陵島の間の距離であると主張しています。("武陵島"は鬱陵島の別名です。)しかし、日本はこの距離は蔚珍縣と鬱陵島と于山島二島の距離を意味している、と主張しています。下の江原道図はこの二島を一つの島として描いており、日本の主張の正しさ、つまりこの記述は二島間の距離ではなく、半島本土から二島までの距離を示している事を示唆しています。


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