To follow is from the USA answers to Australian government concerning the SF Peace Treaty. It is apparent that USA thought that Liancourt rocks (Takeshima) belongs to Japan.
Undated Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs. (From "Answers to Questions submitted by the Australian government")
It is thought that the islands of the Inland Sea, Oki
Retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Riishiri (sic), Tsushima, Takeshima, the Goto Archipelago, the northern most Ryukyus,
and the Izus, all long recognised as Japanese, would
be retained by Japan. The central and southern Ryukyus, the Bonins, including
Rosario Island, the Volacanos, Parece Vera and Marcus would be placed under the
trsuteeship system of the United Nations with the United States as the
administering authority. Because of the considerable population of the Ryukyus
and and the virtual certainty that that strategic trusteeship would be veoted by
the Soviet Union, the United States would seek ordinary trusteeship for these
islands. Japan would accept the United Nations Security Council action of
April2, 1947 extending the trusteeship system to the former Japanese Mandated
Islands. The treaty would contain no reference to Pratas Reef and Island, over
which China formally reasserted sovereignity in 1947 or to the Paracel Islands
or Spratly Island, title to which has been disputed between France and China.
While Japan also claimed Spratly Island before the war its claim to this
uninhabited spot is not believed important enough to warrant mention in the
treaty. The Japanese government never claimed any territories in the Antarctic.
It is not considered that Japan should be required in the treaty to renounce
claims on behalf of Japan made by Japanese Antarctic expeditions.
(オーストラリア政府の質問に対するアメリカの回答 1950)
内海にある諸島、隠岐列島、佐渡、奥尻、礼文、利尻、対馬、竹島、五島列島、琉球北部及び伊豆は永く日本のものと認められて来たものであり、日本によって保持されることになる。琉球の中部と南部、西之島・火山列島・沖の鳥島・南鳥島を含む小笠原諸島はアメリカ合衆国を行政当局とする国連の信託統治の下に置かれる。 琉球の人口の多さのため、そしてその戦略的な信託統治がソビエト連邦から拒否されるであろう現実的な確実性から、アメリカ合衆国はこれらの島に直接の信託統治をしたいと考える。 日本は、以前の日本の委任統治諸島に信託統治システムを適用する1947年4月2日の国連安全保障理事会の決議を受け入れることになる。