

Japanese News Update : July 11, 2008

July 11, 20:40 - "Fukuda Yasuo, Prime Minister of Japan, told that the issue is still under discussion among ministries concerned, and it will be decided by taking every factor into consideration." - 時事通信(Jiji Press) (cache)

July 11 - "Tokai Kisaburo(渡海紀三朗文部科学相), minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology, claimed Territory is a Base for the Nation. " - 産経新聞(Sankei Shimbun) (cache) , 読売新聞(Yomiuri Shimbun), 山陰中央新報(San-in Chuo Shimpo)
"Tokai Kisaburo(渡海紀三朗文部科学相), minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology, claimed "Territory is a Base for the Nation." The minister discussed the issue with Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura Nobutaka(町村信孝官房長官) at Prime Minister's Office and explained the necessity for teaching students the standpoint of Japan and the concern from the aspect of education if it would be put off. Mr. Machimura expressed the diplomatic concern about the influence on the six-parties talks over the nuclear issue with North Korea, though he didn't order anything. Mr. Tokai told it is still under the process of decision(調整中) and the decision would be made around a day before 14th this month."

July 11, 12:26 - "The final decision is up to Prime Minister's overall consideration, Tokai Kisaburo(渡海紀三朗文部科学相), minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology explained" - 共同通信社(Kyodo Press) , 産経新聞(Sankei), 毎日新聞(Mainichi)

July 11 12:25 - "It is Japan who decide, the Foreign Minister claimed." - 時事通信(Jiji Press) cache
The Foreign Minister Kohmura Masahiko (高村正彦外相) told press that he expressed that describing Takeshima in the new course of study manual of the junior high school social studies clearly or not is to be decided by Japan, in the Japan-South Korea foreign ministerial meeting on the eighth.

July 10 - "Shimane Prefecture strongly demand "Sovereignty over Takeshima" to be clearly described in the manual" - 中国新聞(Chugoku Shimbun) cache, 山陰中央新報(San-in Chuo Shimpo) cache
The parties concerned in Shimane prefecture , including the "League of assembly member for establishment of Takeshima's territorial sovereignty in Shimane(竹島領土権確立島根県議会議員連盟)", a Governor Mizoguchi Zenbee(溝口善兵衛) and acting secretary general Hosoda Hiroyuki(細田博之自民党幹事長代理) of the Liberal-Democratic Party who is a representative of of Shimane 1election district including Okinoshima town, which the island belongs to, strongly demanded Japanese Government not to overturn or reconsider describing Takeshima clearly in the manual for teachers.

July 6 - (Editorial)"Japanese government still in consideration of describing Takeshima clearly in the teacher's manual or not. " - 産経新聞(Sankei Shimbun)

June 13 - "Korean Protesters damaged the door of Consulate General of Japan in Pusan" - 産経新聞(Sankei Shimbun) cache
"Korean protesters against Japanese decision of describing the sovereignty over Takeshima in the new teacher's manual, damaged the door of Consulate General of Japan in Pusan. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan received the report, and the South Korea police authorities clarified it on the 13th. Japan is requesting a thorough investigation and the relapse prevention from South Korea. The group composes of the former North Korea agent provocateur and it's bereaved families, according to parties concerned. One person beat the door with the hammer when rallying against in the doorway. "


  1. Kaneganese,

    Thanks for the post.

    I think modesty may be a Japanese good point but as to such an international issue, modesty is disadvantageous.

    Japan has kept modest posture toward Korea in order to keep good relation with her. The Shogunate in the Edo period took the same kind of Posture. But such a posture didn't change Korea's anti-Japan policy. So Japan has to assert that Liancourt Rocks belong to Japan under the international law.

  2. Thank you, pacisit.

    I'm still in arranging the post, which I somehow failed to do neatly.

    I don't believe Fukuda's decision would be a good news for us, but we'll wait and see. I hope he'll utilize this for diplomatic card in order to get more cooperation for abduction issue from South Korea. Anyway, it was really good to hear something positive from Mr.Hosoda(細田博之).

  3. Anonymous13/7/08 04:18

    Just for your information, the name of the Japanese foreign minister (高村) is pronounced not Takamura but Ko-u-mu-ra.

  4. Thanks anonymous,

    I corrected it.

  5. Anonymous15/7/08 15:52

    Dokdo is apparently a territory that belongs to Korea.
    There are so many evidences that state Dokdo as a Korean territory. If you have time to research on Dokdo, you can easily find the fact, the right information regarding Dokdo.

    In my perspective, the Japanese government's attitude and actions toward Dokdo are unreasonable.

    Japan's international power might be stronger than Korea's but it has nothing to do with this on-going territorial dispute;
    Under International Law, Dokdo is a Korean territory.


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