


隠岐列島ノ西八十五浬、朝鮮鬱陵島ノ東南五十五浬ノ絶海二俗二リャンコ島ト称スル無人島有之候. 周囲各約十五町ヲ有スル甲乙二ヶノ岩島中央二対立シテ一ノ海峡ヲナシ, 大小数十ノ岩礁点々散布シテ之ヲ囲繞セリ. 中央ノ二島ハ四面断岩絶壁ニシテ高く屹立セリ. 其頂上ニハ僅二土壌ヲ冠リ雑草之二生ズルノミ.

全島一ノ樹木ナシ. 海辺彎曲ノ処ハ砂礫ヲ以テ往々浜ヲナセドモ, 屋舎ヲ構エ得ベキ場所ハ甲嶼ノ海峡二面セル局部僅二一ヶ所アルノミ. 甲嶼半腹凹所二潴水アリ, 茶褐色ヲ帯ブ, 乙嶼ニハ微々タル塩分ヲ含ミタル清冽ノ水, 断岸渭滴仕候. 船舶ハ海峡ヲ中心トシテ, 風位ニヨリ左右二避ケテ碇泊セバ安全ヲ保タレ候.

本島ハ本邦ヨリ隠岐列島及ビ鬱陵島ヲ経テ朝鮮江原, 咸鏡地方二往復スル船舶ノ航路二当タレリ. 若シ本島ヲ経営スルモノアリテ人之二常住スルニ至ラバ, 夫等船舶ガ寄泊シテ薪水食糧等万一ノ欠乏ヲ補ヒ得ル等, 種々ノ便宜ヲ生ズヘケレバ今日暇駸々乎トシテ盛運二向ヒツ々アル処ノ本邦ノ江原, 咸鏡地方二対スル漁業貿易ヲ補益スル所少ナカラズシテ本島経営ノ前途最モ必要二被存候.

本島ハ如斯絶海二屹立スル最爾タル岩島二過ギザレバ, 従来人ノ顧ルモナク全ク放委シ有之候. 然ル処私儀鬱陵島往復ノ途次会本島二寄泊シ, 海驢ノ生息スルコト夥シキヲ見テ空シク放委シ置ノ如何ニモ遺憾二堪ヘザルヨリ爾来種々苦慮計画シ, 兪明治三十六年二至リ断然意ヲ決シテ資本ヲ投ジ漁舎ヲ構へ人夫ヲ移シ漁具ヲ備ヘテ先ヅ海驢猟二着手致候.

当時世人ハ無謀ナリトシテ大二嘲笑セシガ, 元ヨリ絶海不便ノ無人島二新規ノ事業ヲ企テ候事ナレバ計画齟齬シ設備当ヲ失スル所アルヲ免レズ. 剰へ猟法製法明カナラズ. 用途販路亦確ナラズ. 空シク許多ノ資本ヲ失ヒテ徒二種々ノ辛酸ヲ嘗メ候結果, 本年二猟法製法其二発明スル所アリ. 販路モ亦之ヲ開キ得タリ.

而シテ皮ヲ塩漬ニセバ牛皮代用トシテ頗ル常用多ク, 新鮮ナル脂肪ヨリ採取セル油ハ品質価格共二鯨油二劣ラズ. 其粕ハ十分二搾レバ以テ膠ノ原料トナシ得ラルベク, 肉ハ粉製セバ骨ト共二貴重ノ肥料タルコト等ヲモ確メ得候. 即チ本島海驢猟ノ見込略相立チ候.

而シテ海驢猟ノ外本島二於テ起スベキ事業陸産ハ到底望ナク, 海産二至リテハ未ダ調査ヲ経ザルヲ以テ今日確信シ難キモ, 日本海ノ要衝二当レバ本島附近二種々ノ水族来集棲息セザル筈ナケレバ本島ノ海驢漁業ニシテ永続スル事ヲ得バ, 因テ以テ試験探査ノ便宜ト機会トヲ得テ将来二有利有望ノ事業ヲ発見シ得ルナラント相期シ候. 要スルニ本島ノ経営ハ, 資本ヲ充実ニシ設備ヲ完全ニシテ海驢ヲ捕獲スル上二於テ, 前途頗ル有望二御座候.

然レドモ, 本島ハ領土所属定マラズシテ他日外国ノ故障二遭遇スル等不測ノ事アルモ, 確乎タル保護ヲ受クルニ由ナキヲ以テ, 本島経営二資力ヲ傾注スルハ尤モ危険ノ事二御座候. 又本島ノ海驢ハ常二棲息スルニハアラズ. 毎年生殖ノ為其季節即チ四五月(年ニヨリ遅速アリ)来襲シ生殖ヲ終リテ七八月頃離散スルモノニ候. 随テ其漁業ハ其季間二於テノミ行ヒ得ラレ候. 故二特二猟獲ヲ適度二制限シ繁殖ハ適当二保護スルニ非ンバ, 忽チ駆逐殄滅シ去ルヲ免レズ. 而シテ制限保護等ノ事ハ競争ノ間ニハ到底実行シ得ラレザルモノニシテ, 人ノ利二趨クハ蟻ノ甘キニ附クガ如ク世人苟クモ本島海驢猟ノ有利ナルヲ窺イ知セバ, 当初私儀ヲ嘲笑シタルモノモ並ビ起ツテ大二競争シテ濫獲ヲ逞ウシ, 直チニ利源ヲ絶滅シ尽シテ結局共二倒ル々二至ルハ必然二御座候.

私儀ハ前陳ノ如ク, 従来種々苦心ノ結果本島ノ海驢猟業略々見込相立チタレバ, 今ヤ進ンデ更二資本ヲ増シテ一面ニハ捕獲スベキ大サ数等ヲ制限スルコト, 雌及ビ乳児ヲバ特二保護ヲ厚クスルコト, 島内適当ノ箇処二禁猟場ヲ設クルコト, 害敵タル鯱, 鱶ノ類ヲ捕獲駆逐スルコト等種々適切ノ保護ヲ加へ, 一面ニハ猟獲製造二備フル種々精巧ノ器械ヲ備へ装置ヲ設クル等設備ヲ完全ニシ, 傍ニハ漁具ヲ備へヘテ他ノ水族漁労ヲモ試ム等大二経営スル所アラント欲スルモ, 前陳ノ如キ危険アルガ為頓挫罷在候. 如斯ハ啻二私儀一己ノ災厄ノミナラズ, 又国家ノ不利益とトモ被存候 .

就キテハ, 事業ノ安全利源ノ永久ヲ確保シ以テ本島ノ経営ヲシテ終ヲ完ウセシメラレンガ為二, 何卒速二本島ヲバ本邦ノ領土二編入相成之ト同時二, 向フ十ヶ年私儀へ御貸下相成度, 別紙図面相添此段奉願候也.



内務大臣   子爵 芳川 顕正 殿
外務大臣 男爵 小村寿太郎 殿
農商務大臣 男爵 清浦  圭吾 殿

Link to English Translation


  1. Gerry,

    As a trial, I posted the petition by Nakai which I translated and used in Occidentalism before.

  2. pacifist,

    I think you need to label the post as "Posts: Japanese" or "Posts: English". ポスト下の鉛筆をクリックして編集画面に行って、右下のラベル欄にコピペするだけです。I would link this to the document title later.

    By the way, could you tell me how to translate 経世論者 in English?
    I am making 林子平 for Japanese grossary, but I cannot think of good word for this.

  3. Kaneganese,

    So I think social-economist of Edo period would be adequate, although it's still not an exact translation.

    Wikipedia says that Shihei Hayashi was a military scholar, Britannica says he was a scholar, specialist in military affairs.

    BTW, I will try to amend my posting.

  4. Kaneganese,

    I tried to amend it... "Posts: English" and links to article in English...but I don't know if this is alright.

    BTW, what do you mean by "My bad, pacifist"?

  5. pacifist、

    When I first saw your post, I thought you didn't label at all. That is why I wrote first comment like that. Then I noticed you have labelled already just after I posted the comment. Then I realized my misunderstanding...

    Anyway, thank you for the translation. I think "social-economist of Edo period" will do.

    If you have something to add to "Japanese Name Glossary", "Japanese Document and Map Links" or "Japanese Articles on Dokdo/Takeshima", let me know.

  6. Kaneganese,


    BTW, I thoroughly looked at 14 Japanese made maps of Korea or Sea of Japan after the late 19th century (1867 - 1903):
    I wrote down the characters of them concerning the three islands Takeshima, Matsushima & Liancourt rocks (please see below), and I found that almost all didn't include Liancourt rocks in the map of Chosun.

    Only four of them depicted Liancourt rocks, 大日本沿海略図, 朝鮮東海岸図,
    日本本州九州及四国附朝鮮, 朝鮮全岸 - all these four maps were not Korean maps, these are maps of Sea of Japan or its surrounding lands. So I suppose the Meiji government didn't think that Liancourt rocks to be Korean territory at all.

    大日本沿海略図(日本、勝海舟、1867):竹島(破線)(=Argonaut)、松島(= Ulleungdo)、リエンコヲルトロック(=Laincourt rocks)

    朝鮮全図(日本、海軍水路寮作成 1873): 于山島 - 蔚島 (no Liancourt rocks)

    亜細亜東部輿地図 (日本, 陸軍参謀局 1875): 竹島(=Argonaut)、松島 (= Ulleungdo) (no Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮全図(日本、陸軍参謀局 1875): 竹島(破線)(= Argonaut)、松島(= Ulleungdo) (no Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮東海岸図(日本、海軍水路寮 1876): アルゴナフタ島(破線)(= Argonaut)、松島(= Ulleungdo)、オリオツ礁とメ子ライ礁(= Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮国全図(日本、地理局 1882): 松島(= Ulleungdo) (no Liancourt rocks)

    銅版朝鮮国全図(日本、木村、 1882):竹島(Argonaut)、松島(= Ulleungdo)

    日本本州九州及四国附朝鮮(日本、海軍 1891):欝陵島(松島)、リアンコールト岩(=Liancourt rocks)

    明治二十七年六月朝鮮全図(日本、柴田源三郎 1894):欝陵島、于山島、(no Liancourt rocks)

    新選朝鮮国全図(日本、1894):竹島(= Argonaut)、松島(=Ulleungdo) (no Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮輿地図(日本、清水常太郎、1894): 竹島(= Argonaut)、松島(= Ulleungdo) (no Liancourt rocks)

    新撰朝鮮地理誌(日本、大田才次郎、1894):竹島(破線)(=Argonaut)、松島(= Ulleungdo)(no Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮全図(日本、東京地学協会、1894):欝陵島(松島)(no Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮全岸(日本、海軍水路部、1896): 欝陵島(松島)、リアンコールド岩(= Liancourt rocks)

    亜細亜東部輿地図(日本、河合利喜太郎、1898): 松島(欝陵)(= Argonaut?)、竹島(=Ulleungdo?) (no Liancourt rocks)

    朝鮮全図(日本、小藤文次郎、1903): ULLEUNG-DO (MATSU-SHIMA) (no Liancourt rocks)

    Links to almost all of the above maps can be found at Tanaka's site, except two (大日本沿海略図 & 銅版朝鮮国全図).

  7. P.S.
    All the four maps with Liancourt rocks were made by navy or its affiliates, which may mean that navy needed precise maps of islands including small rocks for the safe voyage.

  8. Thank you, pacifist

    Very interesting. I think you can make post with this quick research later. I will add those maps to the J-map section later.

  9. Pacifist,

    Can you organize the paragraphs in your post a little neater? I did the first two paragraphs based on the contents of a book I have, but I am not sure of where the remaining paragraphs begin and end.

    By the way, I used commas in certain areas to link sentences together, which is how it was written in a book I have.

  10. Gerry,

    I did a little amendment placing spaces here and there, how does it look?
    But the original text didn't have such spaces as you can see it at the link Kaneganese made...

  11. Thank you, Pacifist.

    It looks a little better, but it still seems like some of the sentences are loose and could be organized into paragraphs better. The way it is now, it looks more like a list than a letter.

  12. Gerry,

    I put commas and periods in the text (but the original text didn't include commas and periods because it was written in a traditional Japanese way without commas).
    How does it look this time?

  13. Pacifist,

    With your commas and periods in place, I combined the individual sentences into paragraphs. I hope they read all right.

  14. Pacifist commented :

    Only four of them depicted Liancourt rocks, 大日本沿海略図, 朝鮮東海岸図,
    日本本州九州及四国附朝鮮, 朝鮮全岸 - all these four maps were not Korean maps, these are maps of Sea of Japan or its surrounding lands. So I suppose the Meiji government didn't think that Liancourt rocks to be Korean territory at all.

    Whis is it so?


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