"East Sea and Dokdo in Old Maps " hosted by the Northeast Asian History FoundationThe exhibition "East Sea and Dokdo in Old Maps " was held by the Northeast Asian History Foundation, that is research laboratories of the South Korea government, from this March 2 to the 9th at the the second floor of National Diet Library in South Korea. However, it made me feel that I was deceived by the extravagant advertisement, since there were only photographed panels in the hall not originals. According to the brochure distributed in the hall and the explanation of the hall, it seems they wanted to claim as follows.
"Regarding the name "East Sea", it is notable that certain old maps printed in European countries such as Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom had used the name even before it was marked as such in the due sea area on some Korean maps for the meaning of "an east side of Eurasia" at that time."As for Takeshima, they also claim that "In the past, Korean called "Dokdo" as Usando, Sambongdo, Gajido or Seokdo", and " on those European old maps, Dokdo is referred to as 'Tchian-chan-tao', 'Liancourt Rocks', 'Hornet Rocks', 'Menelai' or 'Olivutsa'." They also seem to further claim that the label "East Sea" is correct for the Sea of Japan and Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo has historically been Korea's.
However, again, there was no grounds of Korea's claim to show why Takeshima is Korea's and Japan Sea should be called East Sea. Though the brochure says that "the name "East Sea" was marked as East Sea in the due sea area", throughout the Joseon Dynasty, the area of East Sea which corresponds to indicates Yellow Sea(黄海), Bohai Sea(渤海) or the eastern seaboard of the Joseon peninsula and those areas don't overlap the area of the "Sea of Japan". How does the Northeast Asian History Foundation" who sponsored this exhibition take this fact?
Their understanding of East Sea can be inferred from the explanation in the brochure, since they interpret the "Map of the Eight Provinces" (八道總圖 - 팔도총도) from "Sinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seungram" (新增東國輿地勝覽 - 신증동국여지승람) as follows.
"Map of the Eight Provinces" is the complete map of Joseon which is collected first in the "Sinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seungram". It only recorded simple information that everyone know, such as prominent mountains, rivers, islands and seas, in order to prevent the top secret of the state."However, this explanation of "Map of the Eight Provinces" is only an arbitrary interpretation that neglects the document criticism. The postspcript of the map says "The complete map is a record for the ritual of worship(祀典)", meaning that the objects that the nation enshrines as spirits/gods of the nature are depicted in "Map of the Eight Provinces". Which means that the "East Sea" in not the label for the name of the sea, but for the places where the shrines of gods/spirits of the sea-waves along the eastern seaboards of Choson peninsula.
In fact, "The map of Kanwondo" from the same "Sinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seungram" etc. labels the ocean as "東抵大海" (to the East, it reaches to the ocean) and "東北抵大海" (to the Northeast, it reaches to the ocean), making it clear that they are not coastal part, but the open seas far from the land. In short, the majority of the Sea of Japan area was recognized as "大海"(ocean), not "東海(East Sea)" in those old Korean maps.
Moreover, the "East Sea"(東海) defined in the worship(祀典) can be also confirmed in the "Samguk Sagi"'s Monographs part (三国史記 雑志) that was compiled in Goryeo era. And it indicates the coast part of the Korean peninsula's east shore throughout the age of Silla, Goryeo and Joseon. Against this historical fact, Korea's Northeast History Foundation misread the Chinese character "東海", replacing with "日本海"(the Sea of Japan) in the modernistic way of thinking, and falsely claimed that "東海" in the maps are the historical evidence to show ancient Korean called the Sea of Japan as East Sea. However, it was after modern ages that the name's of the Sea of Japan as East Sea became general, and East Sea until a Joseon age indicated the coast part of the Korean peninsula east shore, Yellow Sea and Pohai.
The similar example of their stretching interpretation "East Sea" far to the Sea of Japan can be seen in their explanation of "A Map of Marco Polo's Voyages" as well. The map was produced by British Emanuel Bowen in 1744 and it labeled the area as "EASTAN SEA" on the are of the Sea of Japan. They explained it is the evidence that western society called the Sea of Japan as East Sea in the brochure. However, as was explained, Korea's "East Sea" indicated the coastal part of Korean peninsula's eastern part, and it doesn't overlap with "EASTAN SEA" that corresponds to the Sea of Japan. And yet from the point that "EASTAN SEA" actually is written in "A Map of Marco Polo's Voyages", it should be translated rather as "Eastern Sea" or "Sea in the East" to follow the Marco Polo's "The Book of Marco Polo" which is nicknamed as " Oriente Poliano". But they explain it as "regarding the name "East Sea", it is notable that certain old maps printed in European countries such as Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom had used the name even before it was marked as such in the due sea area on some Korean maps" without any fact as such, in their brochure and the board on the hall. It is because there are overwhelmingly numbers of western old maps which label the sea area concerned to be "Sea of Japan", "Goryeo sea" and "Joseon sea", but "East Sea".
Therefore, the exhibition "East Sea and Dokdo in Old Maps " will, on the contrary to their expectation the world to correct the Sea of Japan as East Sea, have proven the fact that East Sea claimed by South Korea doesn't overlap with the Sea of Japan. Keeping fabricating the history of the lie, and cheating the inside and outside the country only complicate relations between Japan and South Korea fruitlessly. This kind of political advertisement never leave an excellent result to future generations, but simple international reliability to South Korea is lowered and the stain is left for the history, .
It is necessary to clarify to which of historical titles of Takeshima in Japan-South Korea to belong when the Takeshima Issue as the history issue is discussed. They dissemble as if Korea's historical base on Takeshima/Dokdo sovereignty is well-grounded, by explaining that Liancourt Rocks have been "called as Usando, Sambongdo, Gajido and Seokdo, etc..." and the islets were labeled as "Tchian-chan-tao、Liancout Rocks、Hormet Rocks、Menelia or Olivutsa, etc... in old western maps." However, unfortunately, there is anything that shows Korea's historical title on Takeshima at all.
The same thing goes to their other explanation that "the claim by Japanese Government that Japan had owned Takeshima before 1905 is false" because "The map of the Great Japan", which the bureau of the staff of a Japanese army(日本陸軍参謀局) produced in 1877, does not depict Takeshima. This kind of sophistry comes from the disregard for the historical fact as is explained later.
Although Korean claim that they called today's Takeshima as Usando, Sambongdo, Gajido and Seokdo, etc...", but that is absolutely groundless as I have already proved empirically in my article "A Study on the Name of Dokdo". Accordingly, as far as Korean has been keep failing to prove they had owned Takeshima/Dokdo before 1905, the year Japan officially incorporated Takeshima into Shimane Prefecture, Korea does not deserve to criticize Japan. The exhibition and their sophistry practically prove that they don't understand the historical background of Takeshima Issue at all. The origin of the issue can be traced to 18th January, 1952, the day Korean government installed the illegal delineation "The Syngman Rhee Line", encompassing the island of Takeshima and a large area of water with fisheries jurisdiction, over international waters. Afterwords, South Korea was yet able to prove it was historically Korea's territory, and all they talk was big brag "The territorial issue doesn't exist between Japan-South Korea", though the government of two countries exchanged memos, and repeated a formal controversy until the 1960's. This is the reason the government of Japan accuse Takeshima occupation in 1954 by South Korea to be an illegal occupancy.Korea's Takeshima/Dokdo Research has been carried out on the assumption that "Dokdo is our territory (Takeshima is South Korea's territory)", and they interpreted documents and old maps, which has no competence to prove the sovereignty in the first place, arbitrary to claim their legitimacy. The exhibition "East Sea and Dokdo in Old Maps " fall under this category. The background why such events are repeatedly held is it originates in the fact that the past Takeshima controversy between Japan-South Korea was irregular.
Although it is already proven that Takeshima was not Korea's territory in the view of history, there are two opinions concerning of the Takeshima Issue. Shimane Prefecture's Takeshima Research Center, that summarized the point of issue, concluded that Takeshima is Japanese territory on the ground the fact then Meiji government named Liancourt Rocks, of which there were no traces of occupation by any other countries / Terra nullis, and incorporated into a Japanese territory in accordance with International Law in 1905. While Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan concludes that Takeshima is Japanese territory from Edo period, from the details of the controversy by the exchange of memos of Japan-South Korea so far.
Then, South Korea that wanted to refute the Japan's claim at any cost disregarded the opinion of the Takeshima Research Center of Shimane Prefecture and made the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a subject of discussion. This time, they presented "The complete map of Japan"(大日本全図) as the grounds of an argument that the bureau of the staff of a Japanese army(日本陸軍参謀局) produced in 1877. According to their explanation, it supposed to be "the proof of Japanese Government's opinion that Japan had owned Takeshima before 1905 is false" since Takeshima was not depicted.
However, it is natural that Takeshima that became a Japanese territory in 1905 doesn't exist in the map of Japan produced before 1905. No matter how maps that similar to this "The complete map of Japan" are collected, it hardly become any evidence to prove Takeshima is South Korean territory. South Korea's, who lacks empirical evidence to prove Takeshima is South Korea territory, claim that "Japanese government claim falsely" is just a propaganda maneuvers to justify their illegal occupancy of Takeshima. "False claim" is not on Japanese side, but on Korean side, who herself accuse Japan of false claim.In fact, there is Korea's deceit behind the words the brochure says, "Dokdo is referred to as 'Tchian-chan-tao', 'Liancourt Rocks', 'Hornet Rocks', 'Menelai' or 'Olivutsa' in western old maps." The name "Liancourt Rocks" originate from the fact French whaler Liancourt found the islets in 1849. "Hornet Rocks" originate from the fact that British warship H.M.S. Hornet identified them and plotted on the nautical-chart in 1855. "Menalai and Olivutsa Rocks" again originate in the fact Russian frigate Paleada have surveyed the island and named it Olivutsa(Оливуца) & Menelai(Менелай) in 1854. Accordingly, there are concrete reason that Takeshima/Dokdo was named as such in western old maps. The point is, "Tchian-chan-tao" (the sound of the Chinese word "千山島") is not today's Takeshima/Dokdo. "Tchian-chan-tao" in western old maps comes from "Map of the Eight Provinces" (八道總圖 - 팔도총도) in ”A Revised Edition of the Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea” (新增東國輿地勝覽 : The Sinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seungram) indicates "千山島" and it does correctly indicates "千山島". However, "千山島" in "Map of the Eight Provinces" is the same island with different names of Ulleungdo, and it has no relationship with Takeshima in territorial dispute between Japan-Korea. "千山島" in "Map of the Eight Provinces" is depicted between Joseon peninsula and Ulleungdo, and it is apparent from the description of "Annals of King Taejong" (太宗實錄 - 태종실록) , which was quoted in ”The Sinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seungram”, that it was another name of Ulleungdo. However, problem is, the incorrect geographical knowledge of "Map of the Eight Provinces" was followed suit by western old maps (Note by translater ; via China) and Usando, which is the same island/different name of Ulleungdo, imparted to as well. "Royaume de Coree" by French royal geographer D'Anville in 1737, which was on display at the exhibition, is one of those maps and it is the ringleader who confuses the Western old maps. "The Chart of Japan" by William Heine, who accompanied the first expedition of the US fleet under Commander Matthew Perry to Japan as an official artist/book illustrator in 1853, depicts three islands, "Takeshima"(Argonaut=non-existant),"Matsushima"(Ulleungdo/Dagelet), "Hornet Rocks"(today's Takeshima), plus two islands "Pan-ling-tao", which indicates Ulleungdo and "Tchian-chan-tao" which originates in "千山島" in the vicinity of the East coast of Joseon peninsula. Same goes to "(U.S) Navy Chart of the Coast of China 、Pacific coast (Asia), Japan islands Copied to ordered by Commandar Mattew Perry(1855)", a foldout map in "The Narrative of the Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry's Expedition to Japan", and it depicts two Ulleungdos, namely "Dagelet or Matsushima"(=Ulleungdo) and "Pan-ling-tao"(=Ulleungdo), following the geographical knowledge of "Royaume de Coree" by D'Anville.
The exhibition "East Sea and Dokdo in Old Maps " held by the Northeast Asian History Foundation arbitrarily decide ”Tchian-chan-tao” in "Royaume de Coree" by D'Anville is today's Takeshima, but in fact, ”Tchian-chan-tao” only followed the mistake of "Map of the Eight Provinces". Therefore, it can never become a evidence for Korea's sovereignty over Takeshima.
Korean side claim Takeshima is their territory by arbitrary interpreting the documented source or old maps neglecting document criticism, however, this kind of claim, which lacks the technique of a fair historical study, is nothing but just a reckless remark."The New Detailed Map of Japan, Russia, China and Korea"(日露清韓明細新図) which Korea's Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University opened on this April 1 to the public is not the exception. The map is written as to have been produced by "The Department of Survey of Imperial Army/
Navy"(帝国陸海測量部) in 1903, and borderline is appearing between Japan and Korea with "Takeshima" and "Matsushima" on Korean side. Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University claimed that the map "depict what Japanese call "Takeshima=Ulleungdo" and Matsushima=Dokdo" belong to Joseon territory", and Kim Hwa-Kyung(金和経), the head of the Institute, said that "Japan should discontinue the insistence on the sovereignty over Dokdo in the situation with evidence Japan himself divided the border voluntarily recognizing the South Korean territory Dokdo". (Note by translator : There was no such department as "The Department of Survey of Imperial Army/Navy"(帝国陸海測量部) in Military history of Japan. This handy map is apparently produced by non-official Mr. Kurimoto(東京日本橋:栗本長質), the private mapmaker who seems to have tried to sell the map under a fake official name. The map is made for the soldier who goes to war to the oversea land. )However, "Takeshima" and "Matsushima" in "The New Detailed Map of Japan, Russia, China and Korea"(日露清韓明細新図) are phantom island "Argonaut" and "Ulleungdo", respectively, apparently from their longitude. Because, Ulleungdo had been recognized as "Matsushima" in Japan since about 1883(16th year of Meiji). The remote cause of the confusion is Philipp Franz von Siebold's map "Karte vom japanischen Reiche, nach Originalkarten und astronomischen Beobachtungen der Japaner die Inseln Kiusiu, Sikok und Nippon"(1840) , which depicts "Takasima (I. Argonaute)", the island of uncertain whereabouts (129°50" E) and Ulleungdo as "Matsusima (I. Dagelet)" (130°56" E). Therefore, after this Siebold's map, western maps and charts depict phantom island "Takeshima=Argonaut" and "Matsushima=Dagelet", which is Ulleungdo, and Japan followed it. Takeshima, which is currently occupied illegally by South Korea, locates at 131°55" E. Accordingly, it has nothing to do with "Take(a)sima" (129°50" E) nor "Matsusima" (130°56" E) in Siebold's map "Karte vom japanischen Reiche, nach Originalkarten und astronomischen Beobachtungen der Japaner die Inseln Kiusiu, Sikok und Nippon"(1840).
Therefore, "Takeshima" and "Matsushima" in "The New Detailed Map of Japan, Russia, China and Korea"(日露清韓明細新図) (1903) are phantom island "Argonaut" and "Ulleungdo", respectively, and it is also apparent from their longitude and latitude. For that reason, it is prejudiced opinion to disregard the fact of the history for Kim Hwa-Kyung(金和経), the head of the Institute, to have said that "It is the evidence Japan himself divided the border voluntarily recognizing the South Korean territory Dokdo". Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks, which used to be called as "Matsushima" by Japanese in Edo era, was officially named as "Takeshima" when it was incorporated into official Japanese territory in 1905, being switched by the old name of Ulleungdo, which used to be called as "Takeshima", because of mislabel of Ulleungdo as Matsushima in Siebold's map "Karte vom japanischen Reiche, nach Originalkarten und astronomischen Beobachtungen der Japaner die Inseln Kiusiu, Sikok und Nippon"(1840).
"Takeshima" and another island = "Matsushima" of the Dajokan instruction, which Korean frequently takes up for a subject for discussion, simply meant that phantom island "Takeshima" and "Matsushima" as a another name of Ulleungdo, and it didn't instructed that today's Takeshima to be outside the territory of Japan. South Korean seems tend to interpret documents and maps recklessly in order to make Takeshima/Linancourt Rocks is Korea's territory. However, it is impossible and unreasonable for them to claim Takeshima which have never been their own territory in the first place, as their own.
Finally, both the exhibition "East Sea and Dokdo in Old Maps" and the Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University are interpreting documents and a part of the old map arbitrary, and fabricating the history of the lie. This kind of act will leave the wound with irreparable relations between Japan and South Korea. This is a reason to dare to give unpleasant but wholesome advice.
“実事求是 〜日韓のトゲ、竹島問題を考える〜 第26回 「東北アジア歴史財団」主催の「東海独島古地図展」について 下條正男”
Courtesy of Web Takeshima Research Center.
The 25th column “"Opinion Ad by The Unity of Asian Peace and History Education"”
The 22th column “ Refutation against "The Meiji Government's recognition of Takeshima=Dokdo" by Mr. Park Byeong-seop(朴炳渉)””, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4The 21st column " Refutation against "Analysis of Shimojo Masao's Editorials" by Mr. Park Byeong-seop(朴炳渉)”
The 20th column “Act of Folly by "Northeast Asian History Foundation"”
The 16th column ""Dokdo Month" without any historical grounds."
The 15th column " South Korea's Groundless Claim of "Inherent Part of (Korean) Territory"
The 12th column “Northeast Asian History Foundation and Dokdo Research Center's Misunderstanding”
The 10th column " A Blunder of Sokdo(石島) = Dokto(独島) Theory”
The 9th column "Criticism on Dokdo Research Center”
The 8th column “The Historical Facts" The 6th column “Onshu-shicho-goki (隠州視聴合記)" and the "Nihon Yochi Totei Zenzu (日本輿地路程全図)" by Nagakubo Sekisui(長久保赤水)"The 5th column “South Korea’s erroneous interpretation of the document 'Takeshima and Another Island are Unrelated to Japan"
The 4th column “Errors in Educational Video Produced by the Northeast Asian History Foundation (東北アジア歴史財団)."
References ;
1817 - Aaron Arrowsmith's map of Japan and Von Siebold
1877 - Argument about "another island": details of the compiled official documents (公文禄) of the Ministry of the Interior (太政官指令)
1880 - Japanese Warship "Amagi" (軍艦天城) Surveys Ulleungdo and finds "Takeshima" is Jukdo.
「竹 島外一島之儀本邦関係無之について」再考−明治十四年大屋兼助外一名の「松島開拓願」を中心に−
2008-下條正男「独島呼称考 : 韓国政府版「独島:六世紀以来韓国の領土」批判」
ReplyDelete"Neither "Takeshima" nor "Matsushima" of the Dajokan instruction, ..."
""Takeshima" and another island = "Matsushima" of the Dajokan instruction, "
ReplyDeleteb) a に今回の1894年の日本朝鮮支名三国地図をPlot
Kaneganese are you still selling Professor Shimojo’s snake oil again? Tell your boss everyone West of Shimane Prefecture isn’t buying it.
ReplyDeleteThe interpretation of Japanese maps should be done carefully and we can make some generalization about cartographers during history.
Japanese mapmakers had little knowledge of Ulleungdo’s and Dokdo’s real forms or even accurate location. The first Japanese maps showed Dokdo as too far from Korea (East) and incorrectly shaped.
Note the shape of Ulleungdo and Dokdo is wrong.
Even 60 years later the Japanese would copy Nagakubo Sekisui’s incorrect shapes and locations.
Many Japanese maps of the 19th Century show Takeshima as Ulleungdo NOT a ghost island.
GTMOR look closely at your map link you posted.
As with almost all three island maps of the 19th Century next to Argonaut Takeshima we can see the letters “PD” this means “Position Doubtful” meaning whoever drew this map knew Argonaut was non existent.
By the mid-1850s the Argonaut mystery had been solved by even the Europeans and we know that Japan was aware of this error too.
Mapmakers of the 19th Century were not historians or surveyors they usually copied maps made from earlier charts. We know the origin of these mistakes (Seibold)
Japanese map makers for centuries mapped two islands in the East Sea. Ulleungdo and Dokdo they had little real knowledge of the islands true shapes or locations. However, they frequently showed Matsushima (Dokdo) as Korean and not as Japanese.
The Japanese bizarre interpretation of Meiji Era maps is Japan’s mapmakers knowingly omitted an island they mapped consistently for 150 years (Dokdo) and drew Ulleungdo twice is nonsense.
2010/06/09 13:04 송고 送稿
"`독도는 일본땅' 러스크 서한은 美 월권행위"
호사카 교수 "연합국 합의 없이 작성해 한국에만 전달"
(서울=연합뉴스) 김계연 기자
일본이 독도 영유권을 주장하는 근거로 이용하는 이른바 `러스크 서한'이 일본 영토의 범위를 함께 결정하기로 한 연합국과 합의 없이 작성돼 무효라는 주장이 제기됐다.
ラスク書簡は、第2次世界大戦の連合国と日本がサンフランシスコ講和条約を結ぶ直前の1951年8月10日、当時のディーン・ラスク(Dean Rusk)米国務部極東担当次官補が、梁裕燦(ヤン・ユチャン)駐米韓国大使に送った手紙で、「独島は朝鮮の一部として取り扱われたことがなく、1905年頃から日本の島根県の管轄下にある」という内容を含んでいる。
러스크 서한은 제2차 세계대전 연합국과 일본이 샌프란시스코 강화조약을 맺기 직전인 1951년 8월10일 당시 딘 러스크(Dean Rusk) 미 국무부 극동담당 차관보가 양유찬 주미 한국대사에게 보낸 편지로, `독도는 조선의 일부로 취급된 적이 없고 1905년경부터 일본 시마네현의 관할 하에 있다'는 내용을 담고 있다.
세종대 독도종합연구소장 호사카 유지 교수는 9일 오후 교내 군자관에서 `러스크 서한의 분석과 극복'을 주제로 시민강좌를 열어 "미국이 러스크 서한을 연합국도 모르게 작성해 한국 대사관에만 보낸 것은 일본의 영토를 연합국이 결정하도록 한 포츠담 선언을 어긴 월권행위다"고 규정했다.
保坂教授はこの主張の根拠として、1952年11月、アラン・ライトナー(Allan Lightner) 駐韓米国大使館臨時代理大使が、ラスク書簡の内容を伝達されて国務省に送った手紙を提示した。
호사카 교수는 이 주장의 근거로 1952년 11월 앨런 라이트너(Allan Lightner) 주한 미국대사관 임시대리대사가 러스크 서한의 내용을 전달받고 국무성에 보낸 편지를 제시했다.
ライトナー代理大使は、ケネス・ヤング(Kenneth T. Young) 東北アジア課長に送った手紙で、「国務省は、この問題に関し明白な立場を取ったラスク書簡が、韓国大使宛てに送られたという話を聞いたことがない。我々が、永い間、間違った仮定の上に活動してきたことを考える時、情報を得て非常にうれしく思う」と書いた。
라이트너 대리대사는 케네스 영(Kenneth T. Young) 동북아과장에게 보낸 편지에서 `국무성이 이 문제에 관해 명백한 입장을 취한 러스크 서한이 한국대사 앞으로 보내졌다는 이야기를 들은 적이 없다. 우리가 오랫동안 틀린 가정 위에서 활동해온 것을 생각할 때 정보를 얻어 매우 기쁘게 생각한다'고 썼다.
러스크 서한은 내용을 가장 잘 알고 있어야 할 주한 미국대사에게도 전달된 적이 없는 비공개 문서였다는 것이다.
호사카 교수는 또 1953년 11월 작성된 미 국무성의 내부문서를 제시하며 러스크 서한이 다른 연합국과 합의 없이 작성됐고 공개되지도 않았음을 보여준다고 주장했다.
이 문서에는 `충돌이 되풀이된다면 우리는 러스크 서한을 공개해 그 내용을 말하지 않을 수 없고 한국 정부가 이를 받아들일 수 없다면 조정이나 국제사법재판소 행을 고려해야 한다고 제안할 것이다'라고 적혀 있다.
彼は「独島が日本領土であるという米国の立場は、今まで一度も日本政府に正式に伝えられたことがない」という内容のまた別の米国務省文書、及び「米国の立場は大韓民国に秘密裏に通知されたが、私たちの立場はまだ公表されたことがない」と書かれたジェームズ ・ヴァン・フリート(James van Fleet)特使の帰国報告書も例にあげ、「日本や連合国にも知らせずに独島の帰属を定め、韓国にだけ通知したもので、不法ありで無効である」と指摘した。
그는 `독도가 일본 영토라는 미국의 입장은 지금까지 한 번도 일본 정부에게 정식으로 전달된 적이 없다'는 내용의 또다른 미 국무성 문서와 `미국의 입장은 대한민국에 비밀리에 통보됐지만 우리의 입장은 아직 공표된 바가 없다'고 적은 제임스 밴 플리트(James van Fleet) 특사의 귀국보고서도 예로 들며 "일본과 연합국 몰래 독도의 귀속을 정하고 한국에만 통보했기 때문에 불법이고 무효"라고 지적했다.
그는 일본이 "러스크 서한을 10개국어로 옮기고서 외무성 홈페이지에 올려 독도 영유권을 주장하고 있다"며 "한국 정부도 러스크 서한의 이런 성격을 외교통상부 독도사이트에 올려 일본의 논리를 격파해야 한다"고 덧붙였다.
↑ これ、いいですねえ。「ラスク書簡」とか「国際司法裁判所」とかいう言葉が改めて韓国人の間に広まることでしょう。
ReplyDelete以前、Rusk noteがDullesの話として社会党かどこかが塚本氏以前1970年代に発表していたとの話し、投稿されていたと思いますが、どこに投稿されたのかご教示願えれば幸いです。
*ジョシュア・カステリノ(Joshua Castellino)教授(ミドルセックス大学)「領土に対する権原確立:国際司法裁判所の法理」
*ミノル・ヤナギハシ(Minoru Yanagihashi)前教授(アリゾナ大学)「サンフランシスコ平和条約と領土問題」
*池漫郊(Chi Manjiao)博士(中国国際法アカデミー)「独島と有事紛争解決のため新しいアジア的接近」
*ラウル・ペドロゾ(Raul Pedrozo)教授(Naval War College)「世界2次大戦以前の独島領有権問題」
とりあえず、Minoru Yanagihasiが出てきません。
ReplyDeleteJoshua Castellino middlesex univ.
池漫郊/Xiamen univ/
Raul Pedrozo Naval War College
この方についても、Naval war collage内で検索をかけてもかかりません。
ReplyDelete“韓国の独島支配 認めなければならない”
2010-05-21 KOREANTIMES(米州韓国日報)
独島領有権は、国際法上の「占有物留保原則(uti possidetis)」によって、現在独島に対する主権を行使している韓国にあるという指摘が出た。
ワシントン独島守護特別対策委員会(会長チェ・チョンポム)は、20日、ワシントン DC 所在ナショナルプレスクラブで開催した「第2回国際独島シンポジウム」でジョシュア・カステリーノ教授(ロンドン・ミドルセックス大学)は、「韓国も日本も自己の主張を証明できる歴史的な資料を提出することができる状況において、ローマ法に根拠したこの原則は尊重される必要がある。」としてこのように述べた。uti possidetisとは、「領土や財産などは条約(treaty)によって他の規定が整備されない限り、紛争終了時現在の所有者に帰属する」と言う原則だ。
彼はまた、「日本は韓国を併合するのに先立って1905年に独島を先に編入したと言うが、これは韓国を合邦する一過程だったので、韓国の完全な独立を保障したサンフランシスコ平和条約によってこれも無効になる。」とし、1905年の独島編入は領有権主張の根拠資料にならないと付け加えた。彼はまた、「1951年に作成されたサンフランシスコ平和条約が韓国に帰属するすべての領土を明示していないところで、日本と戦った連合軍諸国の独島に対する立場が皆同じだとは限らない。」と国際司法裁判所(Internat ional Court of Justice) など国際機関の仲裁と交渉を通じて持続的に解法を捜す必要があることを強調した。
国際専門家たちを招待して独島領有権問題を深く考察してアメリカ主流社会に独島を巡る諸問題を正しく知らせようという主旨で開かれたシンポジウムには、ジョシュア・カステリーノ教授を始め、キム・ピルギュ教授(メリーランド大学)、日系ミノル・ヤナギハシ教授(アリゾナ大学)、マンジャオ・チ教授(シアメン国際法大学) など国際法と領土紛争関連の専門家たちが多数招請されて熱い討論を交わした。
花井浩司「竹島解決への新たな提案」(今日の焦点 国際)『月刊社会党』日本社会党中央本部機関紙局1978年7月 通号261
最近「1951年の米外交文書」が公表されたが、ヤン駐米韓国大使が竹島の領有権を主張したのに対し、ダレス国務長官は「われわれの情報によれば、竹島は1905年頃から韓国の一部として扱われたことがなく、島根県陰岐支庁(ママ 隠岐支庁か)の管轄下におかれている。それ以前においても韓国が領有を主張したことはない」と日本の固有の領土であることを韓国側に通告している。(51・8・10国務省覚書)
この論文の著者は、「花井浩司 国際問題研究家」とあります。
・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
前提に 事実誤認の 多ければ
ReplyDelete国際法も 山に登らむ (茶阿弥)
ReplyDelete皇城新聞 1905.08.12
鬱島郡守 沈興澤氏의 報告를 據則 本郡士商契者 不通商港口에 日人之結幕商販者ㅣ 爲百餘戶而皆是頑惡하야 私自敺打之獘와 橫奪之習이 無處不起하야 法不能禁이오 力不能制 故로 一郡士民이 同聲相議하야 設立此契하고 彼之悖者와 我之寃者 與其組合所로 對面交涉하야 以商販經緯로 正理裁判에 彼我爭詰이 漸次 止息하야 彼之悖者 頑者가 自爾歸順則 可謂 一郡理事之禊也而數至一百五十餘人이온데 皆知事知法之民이오 純實正理之士也어 金章玉 崔景夫 金明秀輩가 不識事理고 符同悖類야 稱以農務禊員하고 誣謟此禊니 公私損害에 民失安堵 故로 一齊等訴이온바 外人交涉이 無不妨害하오니 如彼無憚之輩를 不可尋常措處오니 該漢 等을 押上照律하야 以杜後獘하라 얏더라
ReplyDeleteソース:聯合ニュース(韓国語) "新羅の時独島表示した鬱陵島地図もあった"
【竹島問題】 新羅時代、独島を「舞能島」と呼んで領土と認識~「韓国領独島本部」設立する鮮干栄俊博士[07/17]
1 :蚯蚓φ ★[sage]:2008/07/17(木) 22:22:43 ID:???
【竹島】 「われらの領土、独島の元々の名前は`武陵島`」~鮮干英俊博士[11/08]
【竹島】 「朝鮮成宗時見つかった‘三峯島’は独島に当たる」~鮮干英俊著「高麗と造船国時代の独
Korean Scholar Says "Usando" Was Ulleungdo's "Jukdo"
「『占有物留保原則(uti possidetis)』によって、現在独島に対する主権を行使している韓国にあると 言う指摘が出た。」ですって。なんかわけのわからないことを言い出しましたね。まさにこれは泥棒の論理ですね。
それと今回、連合国最高司令官訓令第677号(SCAPIN 677)の話が出てきていませんね。やっとこれが論拠とならないと気付いたのでしょうか。「国際法上も我が領土」との主張の唯一の根拠だったのに、これを取り下げたなら、自分たち主張が誤りであったと認めたも同然なのですが……。
님아 마리 대는 소리를 지꺼리세요... X도 모르면 입닫고 가만 있으세요. 돌맞고 찔찔 짜지말고... 어서 되도안하는 자료갖고 설쳐? 우리나라가 느그나라 할배뻘이여 일본도 우리가 어부바~어부바~해서 키운 똥개여 자료가 있어도 우리나라에 있고 없어도 일본에는 뜯어고친 자료밖에 없어 그러니까 되도 않는 소리말고 니가 좋아하는 니뽄년이랑 밤마실이나 나갔다와라 안그럼 니 대가리가 마실을 나갈태니까
ReplyDeleteProf. Shimojo said:
ReplyDelete"Takeshima" and "Matsushima" in 日露清韓明細新図 are phantom island "Argonaut" and "Ulleungdo", respectively, apparently from their longitude.
This is Prof. Shimojo's typical ugly distortion on Meiji era maps and western mapping error. "Argonaut" in western maps is an phnatom island, but "Takeshima" in the Japanese Meiji era maps is not an phantom island. Japanese never called Takeshima as Argonaut.
If Prof. Shimojo truly believe "Takeshima" is "Arognaut" and "Matsushima" is "Ulleungdo" because they are in the positions of wrong western maps, he needs to learn why and how western mapping error took place.
To see the real western mapping error , click HERE .
If Takeshima is Argonaut as Prof. Shimojo absurdly insists, where is Dokdo in this map? I know pro-Japanese people's typical answer. They shamelessly say "Dokdo was omitted." There's no ,if any, Japanese maps depicting Takeshima(Ulleongdo) alone without Dokdo(Matsushima). Japan has consistently depicted two islands together for over 150 years. Dokdo didn't disappear because of western mapping error. The two islands Meiji era mapmakers tried to draw were Korean Ulleongdo (Takeshima) and Dokd(Matsushima) regardless of the wrong location. The shape and location of Takeshima and Matsushima in the most of the Meiji era maps are inaccurate.
"日露清韓明細新図" must have been made for the Russo-Japanese War because it was produced just 4 months before Japan's declaration of war with Russia. Dokdo was very important for imperial Japanese Navy as strategical site. The Navy map of the great Imperial of Japan without Dokdo is beyond imagination. Kaneganese wrote "The map is made for the soldier who goes to war to the oversea land". Can you imagine imperial Japanese Army and Navy let the Japanese soldiers go to the war with the map with an phantom island and without Dokdo in the East Sea(Sea of Japan)?
The identity of Argonaut was found to be non-existent around 1858 and the western maps didn't draw Argonaut afterwards. Japan also got to know the identity of the Argonaut as Watanabe Kouki proved in 1878. It's nonsense to claim “The Japanese Empire’s Army and Navy Survey Department" knowingly drew non-exist Argonaut in the military map for the Japanese soldiers in 1903.
Pro-Japanese people make "Takeshima" and "Matsushima" in the Meiji era maps "Argonaut" and "Ulleongdo" respectively citing the wrong location caused by the western mapping error. They do so to deny Japan during Meiji period considered Matsushima(Dokdo) as Korean land.
To claim Takeshima is "Argonaut", there should be three islands - Takeshima , Matsushim and Liancourt Rocks- in the map. For example, 大日本沿海略図(1867) and 大日本四神全図(1870) depict three islands. If there are only two islands ( Takeshima and Matsushima) in the East Sea between Korean peninsula and Oki island, they are always Ulleongdo and Matsushima. The mapmakeres did draw Takeshima and Matsushima based on the names, not on the accurate locations.
日露清韓明細新図 is the decisive evidence Japanese Cabinet in 1905 lied that Dokdo had no traces of being owned. This map is just one of many evidence Japanese incorporation of Dokdo was illegal. Japanese claim to sovereignty on Dokdo based on the false is very foolish and self-destructive.