Below is the second part of the translation of The 22nd column “Seeking Truth Based Solely on Facts(実事求是)” by Prof. Shimojo Masao
" Refutation against "The Meiji Government's recognition of Takeshima=Dokdo" by Mr. Park Byeong-seop(朴炳渉)” - Part 4"
(3) Department of the Navy's recognition of "Takeshima and Matsushima"
Mr. Park wrote, " It is noteworthy that Liancourt Rocks was described only to 'Joseon waterway magazine(朝鮮水路誌)', and had not been described to 'Japanese waterway magazine "(p45) He assumed it as a evidence that "Hydrography Department considered Liancourt Rocks, that is, Takeshima = Dokdo outside a Japanese territory." (p46)
However, this is groundless claim since his interpretation of the description of 'Joseon waterway magazine' was strained. The article "Situation" in 1894 edition of the book clearly described that territory of Korea is, " From 124º 30'E longitude to 130º 35'E". Naturally, Liancourt Rocks which situate in 131°55" E is not included in Korean territory.Besides, the article "Japan Sea", in which Liancourt Rocks are listed, also list "Ulleungdo(another name Matsushima)" and "Waywoda Rock(ワイオダ岩)" as well. According to 'Joseon waterway magazine', "The Waywoda Rock, above water, was originally reported by the Russian corvette Veovoda, in 1859, as situated in lat. 42°16' N., long. 137°18' E." and "The Sea Chart of Hokkaido and Northeastern Islands(北洲及北東諸島)"(1893), which was drawn based on Admiralty Chart No.2405(1895), placed it between Hokkaido and Amur Coastal State(黒龍沿岸州).
"Waywoda Rock" was simply listed as the dangerous rocks(暗岩危礁)" in the Sea of Japan, and Liancourt Rocks was listed by the same reason. It can't be any kind of "evidence" that the author considered it as Joseon territory only because it was included in "Joseon waterway magazine".
On the other hand, Liancourt Rocks was discovered by French whaling ship Le Liancourt in 1849 and Takeshima, Matsushima and Liancourt Rocks are drawn in "Complete Map of Pacific Ocean" of French naval forces in 1851. Takeshima(Argonaut) disappeared from around Admiralty Chart No.2347 `JAPAN- NIPON, KIUSIU & SIHOK AND PART OF KOREA` (1876), and it described Matsushima(Uleungdo) and Liancourt Rocks. It was one year before Dajokan instructed "Takeshima and other island" and 4 years before Meiji government confirmed that Matsushima was Ulleungdo as well.
Therefore, Liancourt Rocks was actually "Terra nullius" that did not belong to the country at the time. It cannot be an invasion even if Meiji government had named it as Takeshima and incorporated into Shimane Prefecture as "Terra nullius" in 1905. Because there are nohistorical grounds that make Liancourt Rocks a Korean
territory in South Korea, and "Dongguk Munheon Bigo(東国文献備考)"(1770)'s annotation, which SK had been relayed on as grounds of an argument, is already proved as the falsification of posterity.Recently, Korean started to claim that Dokdo(=Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks) as their "inherent territory", and Mr. Park even wrote that "it is needless to say that this is contradictory to "Takeshima as inherent territory" by Japanese government (p49). However, the only country which is qualified to claim it as "inherent part of the territory" is Japan. The term "Inherent Territory(固有の領土)" indicate the territory which have never been ruled by any other country either like northern territories. As for Takeshima, which had been "Terra nullius" in 1905, Japan was ruling effect from at least 1905 to prewar day. Japanese government has a right to claim Takeshima as "Terra nullius, but South Korea, who invaded Japanese territory in 1954, is apparently disqualified to do claim Dokdo as her "inherent territory" at all.
In conclusion, it is clear that Mr. Park's claim that "theMeiji government consistently held to the policy of making Takeshima and Matsushima outside the territory in Japan until incorporation in 1905" (p36) and they made Korean territory as Japanese territory justifying it as it was "Terra nullius" in the middle of Russo-Japanese War is baseless claim. His article "The Meiji Government's Recognition of Takeshima=Dokdo" (Studies of the cultures in Northeast Asia, no.28, 2008, pp.33-49.) was only a political advertisement that fabricated the falsified history, which confused the Takeshima issue as the history issue, too.
“実事求是 〜日韓のトゲ、竹島問題を考える〜 第22回 朴炳渉氏の「明治政府の竹島=独島認識」(「北東アジア文化研究」第28号)を駁す 下條正男”
Courtesy of Web Takeshima Research Center.
The 22th column “ Refutation against "The Meiji Government's recognition of Takeshima=Dokdo" by Mr. Park Byeong-seop(朴炳渉)””, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
The 21st column " Refutation against "Analysis of Shimojo Masao's Editorials" by Mr. Park Byeong-seop(朴炳渉)”
The 20th column “Act of Folly by "Northeast Asian History Foundation"”
The 16th column ""Dokdo Month" without any historical grounds."
The 15th column " South Korea's Groundless Claim of "Inherent Part of (Korean) Territory"
The 12th column “Northeast Asian History Foundation and Dokdo Research Center's Misunderstanding”
The 10th column " A Blunder of Sokdo(石島) = Dokto(独島) Theory”
The 9th column "Criticism on Dokdo Research Center”
The 8th column “The Historical Facts" The 6th column “Onshu-shicho-goki (隠州視聴合記)" and the "Nihon Yochi Totei Zenzu (日本輿地路程全図)" by Nagakubo Sekisui(長久保赤水)"The 5th column “South Korea’s erroneous interpretation of the document 'Takeshima and Another Island are Unrelated to Japan"
The 4th column “Errors in Educational Video Produced by the Northeast Asian History Foundation (東北アジア歴史財団)."
Reference :
1656 - "Yojiji (輿地志)" by Ryu Hyung-won (柳馨遠) didn't say "Usan is so-called Japanese Matsushima."
1667 - Onshu Shicho Goki (隠州視聴合記)
1877 - Argument about "another island": details of the compiled official documents (公文禄) of the Ministry of the Interior (太政官指令)
1893 - "The Sea Chart of Hokkaido and Northeastern Islands(北洲及北東諸島)" plots Waywoda Rock far outside of Korean territory
1853-1922 - Kimotsuki Kaneyuki (肝付兼行)
Does anybody know how "黒龍沿岸州" is written in English?
竹島問題 ・于山島検証動画part1 / 竹島(독도)검증동영상
ReplyDeleteI show here OHTSUKI Shuuji considered Matsushima and Takeshima Korean islands.
Prof. SHIMOJO Masao said OHTSUKI Shuuji recognized Takeshima and Matsushima as Japanese territory. “OHTSUKI Shuuji: Summary of Japanese Geography, Reprinted (1879)” quoted by Prof. SHIMOJO writes, however, that Matsushima and Takeshima don’t belong to any nations.
Referring to an intelligible translation by Mr. Kaneganese, I translate the last passage of “Oki Province” in “Summary of Japanese Geography (1875)” as follows. “To begin with, the Province of Oki occupies remote islands on the western periphery in the sea of Japan. To the northwest of the Province are two islands, Matsushima and Takeshima. Both approach the Coast of Korea; nevertheless, they are uninhabited and seem not to belong to any nations. Then, it is said that the islands are an occasional fishing and hunting ground of people from different countries.”
In “OHTSUKI Shuuji: Summary of Japanese Geography, Revised (1886)” the following was written. “The Province of Oki occupies remote islands on the western periphery in the sea of Japan. To the northwest of the Province are two islands, Matsushima and Takeshima. Both are about one hundred ri away from Oki, and Koreans call the main island Iryoutou. Recently, it is said that the islands were resolved to belong to Korea.”
Thank you very much.
Thanks for the information, arare
ReplyDeleteHowever, it says only Ulluengdo, not Ryanko-to, which was the name of today's Takeshima at the time in Japan, it is highly unlikely that Ohtsuki considered today's Takeshima as Joseon's.
Please refere to the latest report by Mr. Sugihara.
Apparently, Meiji government concluded that Takeshima and the other island (= Matsushima) was Ulleungdo and both islands belong to Joseon. Ohtsuki's revision perfectly coincides with this.
ReplyDeleteCould you please show us the images of the original text of Ohtsuki's three books? You can send me by the e-mail (My HN at gmail dot com). It could be a good example of Meiji Government's process of the recognition of the two islands, thanks.
arare さん
「明治十六年、 更に日韓両政府の談判あり、 我往漁の舟を還して、 再往するなからしめ、 明に朝鮮の所屬と爲しぬ。」
とあります。吉田東伍も大槻修二同様、明治期の日本政府の地誌作成に深く関わった人物であることはarare さんもよくご存知ですよね。
ちなみに以前ヤフーの掲示板でarare さんは1882年の鈴木敬作の『朝鮮國全圖』の竹島松島について竹島=鬱陵島であり松島=現竹島=独島であると主張されていらっしゃいましたがこれは間違いではないでしょうか。
同じく1882年に描かれた武田勝次郎の『大日本朝鮮支那全図 』と見比べて下さい。西洋の古地図にあるアルゴノート島の形をした竹島の東に実際の鬱陵島の形をした松島があり、さらにその東南にリエンコヲルトロック=現竹島=独島があります。
『朝鮮國全圖』の松島が現竹島ならば、同じ年に描かれた『大日本朝鮮支那全図 』に松島のほかにリエンコヲルトロックがあるのは明らかに不自然です。
1966年の川上健三の『竹島の歴史地理学的研究 』には、鈴木敬作の『朝鮮國全圖』の竹島松島は長久保赤水系の地図の認識であるかのごとく書かれていますが、これは『大日本朝鮮支那全図 』を確認できなかったために判断を誤ったものと思われます。
百年の 時を隔てて 日韓に
ReplyDeleteいさかい残す 測量のミス
ReplyDeleteThanks for comment.
That “Matsushima” is “New Takeshima”, not Ulluengdo, is confirmed by the accounts in “Revised Dictionary on Summary of Japanese Geography (1879)”, which gives a brief explanation by NAGATA Housei of the words used in “OHTSUKI Shuuji: Summary of Japanese Geography”. NAGATA says that Matsushima is 148 ri northwest of the Province and similarly Takeshima 212 ri.
「松島」は「新竹島」であり鬱陵島ではないことは、『大槻修二閲・永田方正編:改正日本地誌要略字引』に、「松島:國ノ西北海上百四十八里ニアリ 竹島:同ク洋中二百十二里ニアリ」と書いてあることから明らかです。
前掲の「松島:國ノ西北海上百四十八里ニアリ 竹島:同ク洋中二百十二里ニアリ」の記事は、その中の『改正日本地誌要略字引』の138コマ目にあります。数値は何からとったか不明ですが、浬のつもりかもしれません。大槻修二はまた、1874年の『日本地名字引』にも「松島:隠岐西北海上百四十八里ニアリ 竹島:同二百十二里ニアリ 両島共ニ朝鮮ニ接ス」と書いています。松島と竹島が朝鮮に接するとは、今までにない表現です。『日本地名字引』は北大北方資料室と早稲田大学図書館からネットで公開されています。
上記の松島竹島の記述は隠岐条の末尾にありますが、隠岐条の最初は「隠岐ハ、・・出雲ノ海上・十六里ニアリ、」と隠岐の位置を示しています。それにも拘らず、再び「抑・此國ハ、日本海中西邉ノ絶島ニシテ、」と「隠岐が日本の海域(the sea of Japan)では西邉の遠く離れた島である」ことを述べています。次の「其西北洋中ニ、松島・竹島ノ兩島アリ、共ニ朝鮮・地方ニ接近スレドモ、亦・居民・統屬ナク」は、大槻修二が最も言いたかったことではないかと思います。
しかし、日本には誤った欧米人の地図に惑わされない人々が大勢いました。幕府は竹島松島を朝鮮に譲ったから、伊能図に竹島松島が無いのは当然として、太政官地誌課は1873年Take I.・Matsou I.と記した『Carte de l'empire du Japon』を作りウイン万国博に展示しました。この地図には、はるかに大きい済州島を載せていないので、作成者(塚本明毅?)は竹島・松島を日本領と考えていたように見えます(ヤフー掲示板「竹島」No.15816)。その説明として『日本地誌提要』は書かれました。『日本地誌提要』は、隠岐國島嶼の項の最後に、隠岐の小島とは別に、「又西北に方リテ松島竹島ノ二島アリ。土俗相傳テ云フ。穩地郡福浦港ヨリ松島ニ至ル。海路凡六拾九里三拾五町。竹島ニ至ル。海路凡百里四町餘。朝鮮ニ至ル海路凡百三拾六里三拾町。」と記し、地誌課も松島と竹島を別々の島と考えていました(ヤフー掲示板「竹島」No.15715)。
一方1900年の吉田東伍の『大日本地名辞書』には、「明治十六年、 更に日韓両政府の談判あり、 我往漁の舟を還して、 再往するなからしめ、 明に朝鮮の所屬と爲しぬ。」とあります。(中略)ということは『改正日本地誌要略』に「明に朝鮮の所屬と爲しぬ。」とあるのは1877年の太政官指令ではなく、1883年(明治十六年)の日韓両政府の談判によって「明に朝鮮の所屬と爲し」たと判断すべきではないでしょうか。
yabutarou様、大変面白い武田勝次郎『大日本朝鮮支那全図』(1882)の紹介を有難うございます。この地図は川上健三『竹島の歴史地理学的研究』(1966)等で紹介されている橋本玉蘭『大日本四神全圖』(1871)と殆ど同じです。左下に「御届明治十五年八月二十六日 槁本玉蘭齋原圖 編集人 武田勝次郎」とありますから、武田勝次郎が『大日本四神全圖』を1882年に『大日本朝鮮八道支那三國全圖幷琉球沖縄縣小笠原島㠀開墾圖』と題して再版したもののようです。
ReplyDelete「百年の 時を隔てて 日韓に いさかい残す 測量のミス」(Chaamiey)
「日韓に いさかい残す 測量のミス 昔を今に 為すも 虚しく」(arare)
ReplyDelete"That “Matsushima” is “New Takeshima”, not Ulluengdo, is confirmed by the accounts in “Revised Dictionary on Summary of Japanese Geography (1879)”, which gives a brief explanation by NAGATA Housei of the words used in “OHTSUKI Shuuji: Summary of Japanese Geography”. NAGATA says that Matsushima is 148 ri northwest of the Province and similarly Takeshima 212 ri."
Absolutely, not. Actually, I think you are totally wrong. You should know by now that Japanese government, MOFA, finally concluded Matsushima(=another island) is Ulleungdo in 1881.
1881 - Kitazawa Masanari(北澤正誠), a official of MOFA concluded that "Takeshima" is Jukdo in "A Study of Takeshima (Takeshima Kosho 竹島考証) "
“Revised Dictionary on Summary of Japanese Geography (1879)”seems to be printed in 1879. That is the concrete evidence that Ohtsuki followed the government's recognition that Matsushima is Ulleungdo, not today's Takeshima.
Please don't get confused with those information. When we talk about Matsushima around this period, we have to be extremely careful about what exactly Matsushima means.
In fact, new documents found in Shimane clearly tells that another island in Dajokan Order in 1877 was actually Ulleungdo.
Those process, Japanese government concluded that Ulleungdo alone is the Joseon's territory, not Hornet Rocks, which Watanabe Kouki mentioned as Japan's territory, in spite of Shimane's giving them the information on old Matsushima=today's Takeshima, is very strong evidence that Japanese government considered today's Takeshima is not Joseon's territory at all. The revising process of Japanese geographers in those days is also important issue to follow, I guess. And you are doing fabulous job for Japanese side.
Anyway, as I said, information and resources you are providing us are very important and extremely favourable to Japanese claim against your will. Thanks for that.
BTW, I think this is the second time I ask you a favour. Could you please send me an original documents for me? Thanks.
『大槻修二閲・永田方正編:改正日本地誌要略字引』に、「松島:國ノ西北海上百四十八里ニアリ 竹島:同ク洋中二百十二里ニアリ」
12:11 AM のコメントを日本語で書かれていたので読み落としていたようです。失礼しました。資料のご提供、有難うございました。これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
ところでよろしければこちらの大槻兄弟の情報も、どちらに基づいて書かれたのか、教えて頂けませんか? ネットのいい所は、こうして素人が資料をすぐにシェアできるところだと思いますので、是非ご協力お願いいたします。また、常に出典を示しながらコメントすることで、arareさんに対する信頼も増すと思います。どこまでが引用なのか、推測に基づいた自説なのか、区別がつきません。
arare さん
ReplyDelete私はarare さんのこの文章を読んで内藤正中・金柄烈『史的検証竹島・独島』の182pのこちらの文章を思い出しました。
そこで私はてっきりarare さんも金柄烈氏と同様大槻修二が一八七七年の太政官指令の内容を知った上で太政官指令を根拠に松島竹島を「統属なき地」から「朝鮮の属島」と改正したと主張していらっしゃるのではないかと考えて、大槻修二の文章を時系列順に並べてそのような考えが成り立たたないことを論証してみました。
arare さんのお考えはそういうものではなかったのでしょうか。私は二階に上がって梯子をはずされたような気分です。
ReplyDeletearare さんは大槻修二は、松島と竹島を互いに離れたそれぞれ別々の島と認識していたので、両方鬱陵島を指すダジュレー島とアルゴノート島とは考えていなかったとお考えのようです。
1855年山路諧孝の「重訂万国全図」日本付近拡大図をご覧になってください。日本海中に「アルゴナウト島即竹島」・「ダゲレト島即松島」とあります。arare さんはこれを見て山路諧孝は松島と竹島を互いに離れたそれぞれ別々の島と認識していたので、両方鬱陵島を指すダジュレー島とアルゴノート島とは考えていなかったとお考えでしょうか。
arare さんは明治十六年の日韓両政府の談判で日本政府が鬱陵島だけでなく現竹島も朝鮮領土に認定したとお考えのようです。
明治十六年(1883年)の外務省"朝鮮国所属蔚陵島ヘ我国民渡航禁止ノ件""内達案 "には次のようにあります。
談判の当事者たる外務省が松島を鬱陵島と認識していた以上、鬱陵島だけが朝鮮の所属となった、と書き換えても何の問題もないと思います。むしろ部外者の認識を持ち出して談判で松島たる現竹島が朝鮮領土に認定されたのを知りながら都合が悪かったので奥原碧雲がごまかしたかのごとき解釈のほうが不穏です。arare さんの立場としては止むを得なかったでしょう。
arare さんは川上健三氏が『大日本朝鮮支那全図 』を無視したのはシーボルトの誤りを未だ訂正しなかった欧米の地図を参考にしたものであって1882年当時にはすでに時代遅れの史料価値のないものであったからであるとお考えのようです。
私は『竹島の歴史地理学的研究 』については半年位前に読んだきり読んでいないので記憶が曖昧で申し訳ないのですが、たしか1890年代の地図(1894年の清水常太郎の「朝鮮輿地図」???)を取り上げて、1890年代に至ってもなおアルゴノート島を竹島とし、ダジュレー島を松島と誤って記載している地図が存在していたことを指摘した記述があったはずです。(どなたか詳しく知っている人は教えてください。)
川上氏は1890年代のアルゴノート島を竹島とした地図に言及しているわけですから1882年の『大日本朝鮮支那全図 』が誤った地図だったからという理由で問題にしなかったはずはなく、やはり見ていなかったのだと思われます。
しかしながら鈴木敬作の『朝鮮國全圖』の竹島はアルゴノート島の位置にあり、松島はダジュレー島の位置にあります。1882年の『大日本朝鮮支那全図 』に松島竹島のほかにリエンコヲルトロック=現竹島=独島があることと併せて考えれば、鈴木敬作の『朝鮮國全圖』も単に島の形が不定形で曖昧なだけであって、やはり「西洋の地図の松島竹島系統」の地図に分類すべきであったと考えます。
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think the Meiji government concluded that Takeshima is Ulleungdo and another island (=Matsushima) is an island between Ulleungdo and Oki. I do not understand KITAZAWA Masanari’s conclusion that Takeshima is Jukdo in “A Study of Takeshima (竹島考證)”. Japanese have called Ulleungdo Takeshima since the 16th century.
According to “A Study of Takeshima”, in 1877 the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a petition to open up an island named Matsushima. TANABE Taichi, Head of Communication Bureau, at once, attached a tag, in which he wrote that Matsushima in the petition is Korean Ulleungdo (松島ハ朝鮮ノ欝陵島ニシテ) and it is not within our territory (我版圖中ナラス), so it should be notified that we have no right to permit SAITOU’s petition (斉藤某ノ願意ハ許可スルノ權ナキ旨答フベシ).
He also interpreted Matsushima as follows: “It is said that Matsushima was named by us Japanese (聞ク松島ハ我邦人ノ命ゼル名ニシテ), but the truth is, the real name of this island is Usan which belongs to Korean Ulleungdo (其実ハ朝鮮蔚陵島ニ属スル于山ナリト)”. The phrase that “Matsushima” was named by us Japanese suggests that “Matsushima” is neither Ulleungdo nor Jukdo. The name Matsushima to Ulleungdo was given erroneously by P. F. von SIEBOLD, the greatest Japanologist. Jukdo never has been named by us Japanese Matsushima.
The Meiji government was convinced that “Takeshima” is Ulleungdo and “Matsushima” is “Usan (now Takeshima=Dokdo)” which is located on the way to Ulleungdo from Oki.
Thank you very much.
Mr Bevers, there is not one shred of concrete evidence to suggest Jukdo Islet was called “Songjukdo”
ReplyDeleteIf so, why did Lee Gyu Won call Jukdo Island “Jukdo” in both his report and on his survey map during his inspection? If he thought Jukdo Islet was “Songjukdo” he would have labeled it as such. But he didn’t. In fact, when Lee Gyuwon interviewed the Japanese on the island they told him Ulleungdo was (Songdo) Matsushima. So you are wrong. Lee Gyu Won did not think Jukdo was Songjukdo pre or post survey.
Bak Seok Chang did not label Jukdo Island and Usando Gerry. He labeled it as “So-Called Usando”
(所謂于山島) meaning this was his best guess. He also placed the island incorrectly and marked it identically (due East of Dodong) as Jang Han Sang in the Ulleungdo Sa-Jeok. In the Ulleungdo Sajeok both Jukdo and Dokdo were un-named. This means Bak was citing previous inspectors on his map and making his own assumptions based on his very limited knowledge of Ulleungdo.
I think the term “Songjukdo” was information related to two separate islands (Songdo and Jukdo) and thus it could be two distances are given in that strange quote. One island being near and the other quite distant.
Previous inspectors called Jukdo Islet “Jukdo”. Japanese maps also called the island Jukdo or Igashima. Previous inspectors called Gwaneumdo by the same name or Bangpae Island. No written surveys conclude Jukdo was Usando.
Again, using Lee Gyo Won and King Ko-jong’s pre-survey conversation to arrive at any conclusion is just speculation. We don’t even know where Lee Gyu Won got this strange information.
Arare you are right. The document you are referring to is here:
The posters on this forum are using the survey by the Amagi to claim the Japanese excluded Dokdo from Korea but this is wrong. Even after the survey, Kitazawa Masaniari wrongfully concluded that Ulleungdo was Matsushima and Jukdo Islet was the island in question. Thus the Japanese hadn’t really solved the origin of the mapping error (Seibold) We now know Ulleungdo was Takeshima and Matsushima was Dokdo simply mapped in more Westerly locations despite the very confused origin of the mistake.
So in reality, Japanese showing two islands in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) are not depicting Ulleungdo as a phantom but simply further West that it should be.
The Takeshima Report had three views of how to handle the issue of Matsushima. Only one of those officials opted that Matsushima should be Japanese. The Home Ministry had already concluded Dokdo was off limits before and they objected. The Foreign Ministry wanted Matsushima based on the premise the Matsushima (Dokdo?) was another island worthy of development or exploitation which was not the case. When no other lucrative territory was to be had, the issue of Matsushima (Dokdo) was dropped. However, when the islet was deemed of military importance during the Russo Japanese War, Komura Jutaro, Kimotsuki Kenko, Yamaza Enjiro, Kiyourga Kiego, all banned together to push forward Nakai Yozaburo’s petition to seize Dokdo.
ReplyDelete"I think the Meiji government concluded that Takeshima is Ulleungdo and another island (=Matsushima) is an island between Ulleungdo and Oki."
Care to present the concrete evidence? All you wrote was just an speculation. As I said twice and yabutarou also explained to you, another island in 1877 Order was already identified as Ulleungdo by the exchanged letters among Shimane, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreigne Affairs from 1881-1882.
「内務権大書記官西村捨三発外務書記官あて照会」 and Shimane Prefectural Orders
I haven't posted English version yet, since there are too many things to be explained prior to this important post, or English readers can't fully understand the meaning of those exchanged letters. But you read Japanese, then you should be fully aware that this another island used in 1877 Dajokan Order was Ulleungdo, not Liancourt Rocks by now.
In 1877, Meiji government seems to have avoided to define which island the other island is. However, one thing is clear that Meiji government were only concerned with and talking about the islands which can be reclaimed, not a infertile two barren rocks in the middle of the sea of Japan. That is why both Ministry of Interior and Foreign Affairs didn't get concerned with ancient Matsushima(=Liancourt Rocks) since they are apparently uninhabitable and waterless as Shimane informed. I think this is very important to note that Meiji government excluded ancient Matsushima from the Order in which is defined the islands which don't belong to Japan.
In Kitazawa's Takeshima Kosho, Watanabe Kouki clearly said that if what we call Matsushima is called "Hornet Rocks" by westerners, it is Japan's.
"Many records say that “Argonaut,” which is the Western name for Takeshima (Ulleungdo), does not exist, and that “Dagelet,” which refers to Matsushima, is actually Takeshima (Ulleungdo). So what we call "Matsushima” (Liancourt Rocks) is called “Hornet Rocks” by Westerners. Foreign maps show Hornet Rocks to be Japanese territory, but there is still no agreement among countries concerning the other two islands."
On the other hand, Tanabe couldn't identify which island this Matsushima is.
"After that, we can compare writings, maps, and documents to finally determine if Matsushima is a part of Ulleungdo (蔚陵島), if it is Usan, or if it is an ownerless island. "
If you insist that Usando in Tanabe's opinion is Liancourt rocks, you owe the responsibility to prove this Tanabe's Usando really meant Liancourt Rocks.
In fact, Usan/Usando was Korea's old name of Ulleungdo, and it became the name of Jukdo, a Ulleungdo's neighbouring island after they started the inspection on Ulleungdo. Around 1850s, Usando again started flying or missing from their maps. 金正浩's maps are a good example. And in 1882, inspector Lee Gyu-won said "Usando is just Ulleungdo. Usan is just the name of the capital for the old country of Usan." Usando again re-emerge on maps and documents around the very end of 19C, but they were plotted as old Usando in the location of Jukdo. There is no single proof which shows Usando is Liancourt Rocks. As you can see, Usan/Usando had never ever be a Liancourt Rocks. They only exist in Korean's mind.
The misunderstanding that U(Ja)sando is Japan's Matsushima " only started by Ahn's inconsistent false claim.
I have already presented all the evidence I have stated above on this blog, so you can check them on 日本語インデックス
Kaneganese, you are being very slick by citing Watane Kouki. You are wrongfully using his quote to say Japan as a nation thought Dokdo was Japanese. This is wrong on a few points.
ReplyDeleteFirst. Watanabe had wrong territorial perceptions of the East Sea (Sea of Japan) He thought there were three islands in the sea, which we know is wrong.
Watanabe Kuoki was a greedy expansionst. He stated “even if this Matsushima is Korean we should protect it.” In other words, he wanted to exert Japanese military influence over territories that weren’t even Japanese.
Watanabe Kuoki was wrong and when their was no third island. The issue was dropped and all maps of Shimane Prefecture post 1877 showed no islands West of Oki Island.
The other island in the 1877 report was Dokdo not Ulleungdo.
Couldn’t you read the attached map? It shows Ulleungdo and Dokdo in location and form. In this chart which was appended to the inquiry. There was no question at all.
In the attached map, Takeshima was Ulleungdo and Matsushim was Dokdo.
Dokdo is Matsushima
Anyongbok’s Usando was not a misunderstanding. He clearly stated Ulleungdo and Dokdo were Korean land and the Japanese complied in 1696 by declaring the region off-limits to Japanese. This was further clarified to include Dokdo in 1837 with the Takeshima trespassing incident.
In other words, Japan had already ceded BOTH Ulleungdo and Dokdo by 1837. It was the mapping errors by Seibold and greedy expansionist Meiji Japan that were to blame for their annexation of Dokdo. So whatever, may have happened after 1837 Japan had already deemed Dokdo as Korean.
Kaneganese it seems you concede Japan has no historical claim to Dokdo prior to 1905.
Well, it’s a start anyway. When you can admit that Japan’s 1905 annexation of Dokdo was a greedy expansionist land-grab then tell your buddies at Japan’s MOFA to drop their silly demands to draw the Japan~Korea border back to the colonial era
ReplyDelete第二十壹號 松島巡視要否ノ議 公信局長 田邊太一のところで、
ここのところは重要です。arare さんが指摘されたように”武田勝次郎『大日本朝鮮支那全図』(1882)は橋本玉蘭『大日本四神全圖』(1871)と殆ど同じ”なのにもかかわらず、川上氏は”玉蘭図を踏襲した地図では、比較的早くから「竹島」はその姿消している”と書いてますから、1882年になってもなお『大日本朝鮮支那全図』のように竹島松島のほかに「リエンコヲルトロック」のある地図が存在していたことを知らなかったようです。
By the way Kaneganese, when the Japanese undertook their study of Ulleungdo they did a detailed comprehensive study of Ulleungdo’s (Takeshima) and Dokdo’s history (Matsushima) The Japanese did an analysis of records BOTH Korean and Japanese. These records went back far beyond the mapping confusion era to the very earliest Japanese records of Ulleungdo.
ReplyDeleteTanabe Taiichi stated:
"It is said that Matsushima (Dokdo) was named by us Japanese, but the truth is, the real name of this island is Usan which is part of (attached to) Ulleungdo of Chosun (Korea). During our 舊정부 (government) era it was proven through an exchange of documents that Ulleungdo belonged to Chosun and we confirmed that Ulleungdo was not Japanese territory, which is stated in both of our countries' historical records...."
It’s not important whether or not Matsushima was Dokdo (Usando) in the record. What we know is that Matsushima is NOT Ulleungdo because he describes them as different.
Secondly Tanabe Taiichi cites the Anyongbok era in which Japan ceded Ulleungdo (Takeshima) These records predated the mapping confusion era by over 150 years.
This leaves us the question what was Matsushima? Well there was no other island adjacent to Chosun’s Ulleungdo that the Japanese consistently referred to as Matsushima, other than Dokdo.
So in reality, the onus is on these Japanese “historians” to put forth concrete evidence that Meiji era Japanese were referring to another Matsushima in both maps and documents that clearly declare Dokdo as Chosun territory. Simply trying to cast doubts without a plausible alternative is not an option here.
GMTOR that link you gave is a joke.
Oh well, simple explanations for simple people I guess
ReplyDeleteI present more concrete evidence that Takeshima is Ulleungdo and another island (Matsushima) is located on the way to Ulleungdo from Oki.
In the year 1876 the Japanese Ministry of Interior inquired to Shimane Prefecture detailed information of Takeshima to compile the cadastre. Shimane Prefecture sent some documents and a map concerning Takeshima and another island to the Ministry of Interior.
The first part of a document “General History of Takeshima” is translated by Mr. pacifist as follows: “Isotakeshima is also called Takeshima. It is located 120 ri (480 km) northwest of Oki county, and its circumference is about 10 ri (40 km).” Subsequently, the document describes in detail topography and production of Takeshima.
After that, it writes as follows: Next, there is “another island” called Matsushima that has a circumference of about 30 cho. It is located on the same line as Takeshima and is a distance of about 80 ri from Oki. There are few plants, but it produces fish and sea animals.
The document “General History of Takeshima” submitted to the Ministry of Interior says evidently that “another island” called Matsushima is not definitely the same island as Takeshima. The attached map depicts Takeshima 40 ri northwest of Matsushima, too.
Logically Takeshima (Ulleungdo) and “another island” (Matsushima) represent two separate islands and “another island” is not identified as Ulluengdo.
The Meiji government in 1877 declared that Takeshima and “another island” are not Japanese Territory, judging from these documents and map.
Kaneganese様 you wrote “another island in 1877 Order was already identified as Ulleungdo by the exchanged letters among Shimane, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreigne Affairs from 1881-1882.”
But I cannot find why “another island” was identified as Ulleungdo in“杉原隆:「竹島外一島之儀本邦関係無之について」再考―明治十四年大屋兼助外一名の「松島開拓願」を中心に―”.
Open-minded Meiji government tolerated the use of SIEBOLD’s erroneous name Matsushima to Ulleungdo. Thus, I think OHYA simply made an application to develop Ulleungdo using the name Matsushima.
ReplyDeleteIt is understandable that you are confused and unable to understand Mr. Sugihara's article enough. Even for me, it took almost few days to understand what those documents says. But if you read throughly, you'd understand Matsushima is island which can be "reclaimed". This completerly rules out the possibility of Liancourt Rocks. In fact, they are not interested in the barren rocks in the middle of the sea of Japan.
Well then, Could you please exlpain why do you think Matsushima in Nishimura and other's documents? Maybe, it'll tell you you are wrong.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, do you have any relationship with Mr. Park, a.k.a. half-moon? If so, what kind? What about Korea?
此ヨリ後復タ竹島ノコト言フ者ナシ、其後奧州ノ人武藤一學、下總ノ人齊藤七郞兵衛等浦塩斯德ニ往來シ、竹島ノ外別ニ 松島ナル者アリト唱ヒ、瀨脇壽人ニヨリテ渡海ノコトヲ請フ、於是竹島松島一島?名、或ハ別ニ二島アルノ?紛、紜決セス、遂ニ松島巡島ノ議起ル、甲乙兵丁ノ ?ノ如シ、雖然其事中止セリ、明治十三年天城艦ノ松島ニ廻航スルニ及ヒ其地ニ至リ測量シ始テ松島ハ蔚陵島ニシテ、其他竹島ナル者ハ一個ノ巖石タルニ過キサ ルヲ知リ事始テ了然タリ、然ルトキハ今日ノ松島ハ即チ元禄十二年稱スル所ノ竹島ニシテ、古來我版圖外ノ地タルヤ知ルヘシ
Steve Barber様
ReplyDeleteI almost agree with you.
But I do not think WATANABE Kouki was a greedy expansionist. He was a realistic nationalist. Returning to Japan in 1876 from Vienna, WATANABE had no accurate knowledge of Takeshima and Matsushima, so his opinions were illogical, but he did not persist in them.
When some petitions to open up Matsushima (Ulleungdo) were applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WATANABE Kouki (1848-1901) proposed that we need urgently to dispatch a ship to inspect the Matsushima area, where English and Russian warships are frequently seen. But TANABE Taichi (1831-1915), who firmly believed Takeshima (Ulleungdo) and Matsushima (Usan) to be Korean islands, objected strongly to the inspection of Matsushima which is “like counting furtively stranger’s treasure”.
Then it seems that WATANABE withdrew his proposal accepting TANABE’s opinion. Even KITAZAWA Masanari, whom WATANABE requested to compile diplomatic documents, wrote in “A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima” (竹島考證) that the Matsushima inspection was stopped as a result of the dispute.
Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteIt is a great honor to be questioned any relationship with Mr. Park, a.k.a. half-moon. I have a deep respect for Mr. PARK Byoung-sup.
I am very impressed with his comprehensive knowledge and sound logic on the belief that Takeshima and Matsushima are Korean islands.
But I differ with him on some minor points. Please read 「ヤフー掲示板竹島Nos. 15715, 15720, 15815, 15816, 15893, 15914, 15927, 15931」.
TSUKAMOTO Akitake (塚本明毅), who much contributed to civilization and enlightenment of Japan as a nationalist and technocrat, described Matsushima and Takeshima as the islands attached to the Oki Province in “Summary of Geographical Records of Japan (日本地誌提要)” published in 1878. Therefore, I thought that he attempted to take these two islands in Japanese territory. Finally TSUKAMOTO recognized Matsushima and Takeshima as Korean territory, however.
Thanks for your deep interest.
Arare wrote:
ReplyDeleteBut I do not think WATANABE Kouki was a greedy expansionist. He was a realistic nationalist. Returning to Japan in 1876 from Vienna, WATANABE had no accurate knowledge of Takeshima and Matsushima, so his opinions were illogical, but he did not persist in them.
Actually, Watanabe Kouki's letter described the situation almost perfectly.
Watanabe said that if the Matsushima being talked about was Ulleungdo, then it belonged to Korea, but that if it were not Ulleungdo, then it must belong to Japan. It turned out that the Matsushima being petitioned for was, indeed, Ulleungdo. See HERE.
Watanabe also seemed to understand the island confusion on many maps at the time, as you can see from the following excerpt from his letter:
Many records say that “Argonaut,” which is the Western name for Takeshima (Ulleungdo), does not exist, and that “Dagelet,” which refers to Matsushima, is actually Takeshima (Ulleungdo). So what we call "Matsushima” (Liancourt Rocks) is called “Hornet Rocks” by Westerners. Foreign maps show Hornet Rocks to be Japanese territory, but there is still no agreement among countries concerning the other two islands.
The above described the situation perfectly.
Also, there was no mention that Watanabe withdrew his proposal. The inspection of Ulleungdo was delayed until 1880 because of continuing debate, which was why the name "Matsushima" was not used in the 1877 development request denial.
Gerry Bevers様
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
I wrote: But I do not think WATANABE Kouki was a greedy expansionist. He was a realistic nationalist. Returning to Japan in 1876 from Vienna, WATANABE had no accurate knowledge of Takeshima and Matsushima, so his opinions were illogical, but he did not persist in them.
I think that’s the truth.
WATANABE did not understand Japanese had the right, accurate knowledge that Takeshima is Korean Ulleungdo and Matsushima is a separate island located on the way to Takeshima from Oki.
On the other hand, he seems to have been familiar enough with the false, vague views of Westerners.
WATANABE says that if the Matsushima being talked about was Ulleungdo, then it belonged to Korea, but that if it were not Ulleungdo, then it must belong to Japan, though it is still inconclusive.
That is wrong almost perfectly. The Tokugawa Shogunate renounced Japan’s rights not only to Takeshima, but also to Matsushima.
In the years of 1876 to 1878 some petitions to open up Ulleungdo using SIEBOLD’s erroneous name Matsushima were submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Then, TANABE Taichi, elder official of MOFA, wrote that the Matsushima of the petitions is Korean Ulleungdo and not within our territory, so we have no right to permit the petitions.
He also understood clearly that Matsushima was named by us Japanese, but the real name of this island is Usan which is attached to Korean Ulleungdo.
But WATANABE Kouki, Director of the Bureau of Documents, proposed urgently to inspect the Matsushima and to determine under whose jurisdiction it belongs.
Thus it is entirely natural that TANABE objected strongly to the inspection of Matsushima, as “counting furtively stranger’s treasure”.
In “A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima (竹島考證) ” the following was written: Finally the Matsushima inspection was proposed, which includes the arguments Kou, Otsu, Hei, and Tei(遂ニ松島巡島ノ議起ル甲乙丙丁ノ説ノ如シ); however, the Matsushima inspection was stopped(雖然其事中止セリ).
ReplyDeleteTANABE Taichi did not seem to know anything about Liancourt Rocks and seemed to based his opinion simply on the name "Matushima" (松島) and the fact that An Yong-bok had said Matsushima was Usando (于山島). Koreans, themselves, determined that Usando was Ulleungdo's neighboring island of Jukdo, which is only two kilometers off Ulleungdo's east shore. Both Korean and Japanese maps showed Usando as a neighboring island of Ulleungdo, not as Liancourt Rocks, so Tanabe was probably just basing his opinion on An Yong-bok saying Matsushima was Usando and old maps showing Usando as Ulleungdo's neighboring island of Jukdo, which, again, was not Liancourt Rocks.
The petition said that "Matsushima" was covered in pine trees, so if Tanabe had known anything about Liancourt Rocks, he would have know that the Matsushima in the petition could not have Liancourt Rocks since they were just barren rocks with no trees.
Watanabe, on the other hand, knew about "Argonaut" and the map confusion and suspected that the Matsushima mentioned in the petition was Ulleungdo, not Liancourt Rocks. Watanabe also knew about Liancourt Rocks (Hornet Rocks) and believed them to be Japanese territory (HERE).
Tanabe's opinion (HERE) to just accept An Yong-bok's claim that "Matsushima is Usando" without determining exactly where the Matsushima in the petition was located was irrational and wrong, as the 1880 survey of Ulleungdo proved HERE.
Gerry Bevers様
ReplyDeleteTANABE Taichi wrote: Matsushima was named by us Japanese, but the truth is, the real name of this island is Usan which is attached to Korean Ulleungdo.
The above, simple and substantial, passage described the situation perfectly.
The phrase that Matsushima was named by us Japanese excludes the possibility of Ulleungdo and Jukdo from Matsushima. Ulleungdo has been called by us Japanese Takeshima. Jukdo seems to have been named by the OHYA family Manoshima (マノ島), as shown on the map sent by Shimane Prefecture.
TANABE’s opinion that Takeshima is Korean Ulleungdo and Matsushima which is attached to Ulleungdo is Usan located on the way to Ulleungdo from Oki, and that both islands are not Japanese territory, is rational and right.
On the other hand, in his last 22nd document of “A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima, 3rd Vol. (竹島考證、下巻)”, WATANABE Kouki concluded as follows: We have to investigate and ask these prefectures if Matsushima is a neighboring island, if Takeshima and Matsushima are the same island, or if they are different islands. Then we can clearly know if Matsushima is a genuine island of Japan, if it is Takeshima, or if it is a small, neighboring island of Takeshima. Also, we can determine the island's correct position and learn its current situation and details of its past.
He did not seem to understand thoroughly the situation of Takeshima and Matsushima.
ReplyDelete"The above, simple and substantial, passage described the situation perfectly. "
No, Tanabe's opinion was not substantial, nor perfect at all. It was based on extremely superficial, out-of-date information, which was obtained from the incident more than 150 years ago. He even said that he only had heard this. Besides, your explanation is illogical and doesn't give us any hard evidence that Tanabe's opinion was based on Shimane's map. Tanabe didn't mention anything about the map submitted by Shimane in his opinion.
"Whether the island should be opened can be discussed another time, but today we should debate the merits of an inspection. I have heard that Japanese use the name "Matsushima," but the actual name is "Usan," which is part of Joseon's Ulleungdo (蔚陵島). Concerning Joseon's ownership of Ulleungdo (蔚陵島), there was a dispute during the old government (Tokugawa) when, after exchanging several documents to support our claims, we agreed to give it up, a fact that is permanently written in our two histories. To dispatch someone to inspect without any reason is like counting another treasure, and trespassing into a neighbor's territory."
As Gerry said, Tanabe only reiterated Korean old documents which rooted in Ahn's inconsistent testimony that Usando was Japanese Matsushima. But I have already showed that his Japan's Matsushima=Jasando could not be today's Takeshima of Japan.
1696 - Ahn's so-called Matsushima/Usando was Jukdo, afterall. (元禄九丙子年朝鮮舟着岸一巻之覚書 肅宗実録 30卷, 22年 戊寅)
As we know, Tokugawa Shogunate and Joseon never ever had any negotiation concerning Usan(do) nor Matsushima. They simply talked about Ulleungdo. Besides, if there is any adjacent island "Usan" to Ulleungdo as Tanabe says, it should be Jukdo(竹嶼) "which is part of Joseon's Ulleungdo (蔚陵島)", not ancient Matsushima, according to your logic, since Jukdo is on Shimane's map depicted as adjacent to Ulleungdo, but not ancient Matsushim. See? Your logic doesn't reach to anywhere as long as there is lies included. You are trapped in a vicious circle. Truth is, as Tanabe wrote, Usan was Ulleungdo's old name. Korean are confused if Usan(do) and Ulleungdo were two islands or one islands. Korean recognized and started to describe Usando as Jukdo, east to Ulleungdo, only after Tokugawa Shogunate and Joseon negotiated.
We can conclude, from Tanabe's opinion, that he didn't understand any modernized location of Usando at all. On the other hand, Watanabe clearly recognized the location of Liancourt Rocks/Hornet Rocks, presenting many maps, Gazettes etc.. And most importantly, he knew that Hornet Rocks/Liancourt Rocks was Japanese territory.
"Also, an island which is 1.5 ri around is drawn at the southernmost position in the map. This would be 于人島. When distances were measured using original maps, distances between Oki islands and Matsushima, Takeshima and Chosun are almost consistent. "
"So what we call "Matsushima” (Liancourt Rocks) is called “Hornet Rocks” by Westerners. Foreign maps show Hornet Rocks to be Japanese territory, but there is still no agreement among countries concerning the other two islands."
As the name of Matsushima were confused, the name and the location of Usan(do) in Meiji was also confused. In fact, as Watanabe said, many Japanese maps from late Edo to early Meiji described Usando much nearer to Choson peninsula than Ulleungdo, like Korean did in 八道総図. It is very dangerous to patch and darn the name of the island (Usando, Takeshima and Matsushima) to identify the real identity of the island in Meiji era.
ReplyDeleteFrom GTOMR's site;
鬱陵島の西に同じような大きさで于山島が記載 (朝鮮の地圖模写?)
1873.「朝鮮全図」 海軍水路寮 明治6年
鬱島と、その西に、鬱陵島より大きな亐山島カイサン島が記載 (朝鮮地圖系統)
1874清十八省輿地全図 津田静一
1875『佐田白茅著 改訂新鐫朝鮮全図』(外務省)
arare, Gerry knows what Watanabe wrote in the documents. You can't trick/drag him into your poor logic.
ReplyDeleteTANABE Taichi wrote: Matsushima was named by us Japanese, but the truth is, the real name of this island is Usan which is attached (or belonged) to Korean Ulleungdo (松島ハ我邦人ノ命ゼル名ニシテ其実ハ朝鮮蔚陵島ニ属スル于山ナリ).
I show again that the above, simple and substantial, passage described perfectly the situation at the time of Takeshima and Matsushima.
Kaneganese様, “Japanese use the name Matsushima” (松島ハ我邦人ノ命ゼル名ニシテ) does not translate accurately. TANABE, who wrote “Matsushima was named by us Japanese”, seems to understand the mistake of SIEBOLD.
In the years of 1876 to 1878, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received several petitions opening up Matsushima, but the truth was Ulleungdo, which was erroneously named by SIEBOLD Matsushima. Because Ulleungdo has never been named by us Japanese Matsushima but Takeshima, the Western maps which identified Ulleungdo as Matsushima, were wrong evidently.
But WATANABE Kouki attempted to inspect Ulleungdo assuming the false name Matsushima, because he clearly recognized Takeshima or Ulleungdo as Korean territory.
TANABE seems to be disgusted with the shameless proposals for the inspection and development of Ulleungdo. He knew the Shogunate renounced Japan’s rights not only to Takeshima, but also to Matsushima.
TANABE was also very familiar with Chinese letters books. He seems to have known Usan from “History of Koryo (高麗史)”. It wrote: Usan and Muleung are originally two islands and the distance between them is not so far to each other. Thus we can see Usan from Muleung on a windy, clear day (于山武陵本二島相距不遠風日淸明則可望見).
In MOFA it is said that TANABE has never taken conspicuous action as a subject of old Tokugawa shugunate. SAKATA Seiichi wrote: Since he served the Meiji government, TANABE always aimed at keeping silent and having nothing to do with its policy (明治政府に出仕してからの田辺は常に沈黙無為を旨とし、政府の施政に吾不関焉の態度をとることが多かった), quoted from “Commentary on TANABE Taichi: Diplomatic Documents of the Last Days of Tokugawa Government (坂田精一:解説,田辺太一:幕末外交談,平凡社, 1966)”.
I am greatly interested, however, to note that TANABE argued against the inspection and development of Matsushima by hot and forcible words.
He concluded the arguments of Matsushima inspection as follows: Absolutely we cannot and should not open up Matsushima (松島断シテ開ク能ワス又開クベカラス). To inspect it while knowing the development of Matsushima is impossible and illegal, would be extremely unbeneficial (其不能不可ヲ知テコレヲ巡視スル豈無益ナラサランヤ). Moreover, it would cause harm later (況ヤ後害ヲ醸サントスルオヤ).
I am indebted to the excellent translation by Mr. Gerry Bevers of “21st document in A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima, 3rd Vol. (竹島考證,下巻,第二十壱号)”.
Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteNo, You are wrong again. The passage doesn't describe the situation around Meiji era at all. It is very old knowledge from Joseon. Japanese in Meiji era called Ulleungdo , which can be reclaimed, but Japanese until Edo called Liancourt Rock as Matsushima, not Usan= Jukdo. It is Ahn Yong-bok who testified Japanese called Usan as Matsushima, not Japanese. If you connect Usan with Liancourt Rocks, you are obliged to prove Usan to be today's Takeshim=Licanrourt Rocks. Usan had never been Liancourt Rocks, while it had been Ulleungdo's another name and Usando was identified by Ulleungdo Inspector as today's Jukdo, the adjacent island of Ulleungdo, not Liancourt Rocks.
Don't get tricked by Ahn's inconsistent testimony.
Japanese, even thos officials, confused with the situation of Takeshima and Matsushima, but at least Watanabe clearly recognized Hornet Rocks, which is Lancourt Rock's another name, was depicted as Japan's on western maps. This is the correct the situation after the Takeshima Incident in 1696. Tanabe's opinion was extremely shallow, one-sided and out-of-date from the end of 17th century, while Watanabe had a wealth of knowledge based on up-to-date information from numerous books and gazetteers from western scientific arena. Notice he cited the island of Dagelet with longitude and latitude. As for Usando, he identified Usando on western maps, which is affected by Chinese maps, as non-Liancourt Rocks.
Just as you had quoted, Tanabe's so-called Matsushima was also meant Ulleungdo, since even he said "Never ever reclaim Matsushima. (松島断シテ開ク能ワス又開クベカラス)". Naturally, this sentence clearly tells us that Tanabe's Usan=Japanese Matsushima was Ulleungdo, not Liancourt Rocks. As I'm telling you thousand times, Matsushima they were talking about was Ulleungdo, the isalnd which can be reclamed, not Liancourt Rocks, the barren rocks in the middle of the sea.
Kaneganese, you are the one who is confused here.
ReplyDeleteWhat Tanabe did was simple. He compared Japanese maps and records showing two islands in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) with Korean maps and records showing the same. From there Tanabe made the logical conclusion Usando was what Japanese called Matsushima (Dokdo).
Whether Tanabe was right or wrong is a moot point because gives us a clear picture of Japanese territorial perceptions of the late 19th Century. In the end, it was Tanabe’s opinion that dictated foreign policy and won the day. Japan excluded Dokdo from all maps and records until Oki Region expanded her territory during the Russo Japanese War of 1905.
So, as you see Kuoki’s incorrect perceptions of a possible third island in the East Sea lost out.
All Japanese maps post 1877, pre 1905 show Japan did not consider Dokdo as her territory. This is dispite the fact tiny minor outlying islands such as Minoshima, Izu Seven Islnads, the Ogasawaras and Ryukyus were included. Thus Japan thought Dokdo was appended to Chosun’s Ulleungdo explaining why records listed the islets under Gangwando province of Korea.
Play the silly island confusion game all you want Kaneganese. It won’t hide the fact Japan consistently and deliberately omitted Dokdo from her land until the island was seized during the largest war of the day.
steven b様
ReplyDeleteYes, TANABE won the day and prevented the diplomatic conflict between Korea.
TANABE’s opinion in “A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima” that “first of all we must strive to raise and stabilize our country, and we will gain nothing by flaming Chosun and causing disorder (現今ノ務方ニ国脉ヲ静養スルニアリ鮮ヲ煎テコレヲ擾ス計ノ淂ルモノナラス)” was right. It was accepted by the Meiji government.
I think TANABE knew the Dajoukan order in March 1877 that “our country has nothing to do with Takeshima and another island called Matsushima”.
TANABE Taichi (1831-1915) was a lifelong friend with SUGIURA Yuzuru (杉浦譲; 1835-1877), Head of Geography Bureau of the Ministry of Interior, who was responsible for the compilation of the cadastre. TANABE taught him in Shogunate’s school of Kofu (甲府徽典館). TANABE also went with SUGIURA as members of the Embassies to France in the years of 1864 and 1867. In 1870 SUGIURA became an official in the Meiji government helped by TANABE and SHIBUSAWA Eiichi (渋沢栄一). After his death in August 1877 by overwork in surveying forests of the Chubu district, TANABE wrote SUGIURA’s epitaph.
Kaneganese様, I would like to introduce TANABE’s personality.
SHIBA Ryoutarou (司馬遼太郎), one of the most famous historian and novelist in Japan, wrote in “As Flying (翔ぶが如く)”:“TANABE was no brave man. Whether or not diplomacy needs the braves is debated. For example, however, it was not TANABE’s character by nature that he has rudeness as deciding the opening of hostilities in the course of the negotiation with Ching. OHKUBO respected this TANABE. Sometimes, he called respectfully ‘Teacher TANABE’.(田辺は勇士ではなかった。外交に勇士というものが必要なのかどうかは別として、たとえば清国との交渉において開戦を決意するなどという粗暴さは田辺の持ち味ではない。大久保はこの田辺を尊敬していた。ときに、『田辺先生』と、鄭重によびかけた。)”.
Then, OHKUBO Toshimichi (大久保利通) continued the negotiation, and brought it to the successful conclusion in October 31st of the year 1874.
ReplyDeleteTANABE’s personality has nothing to do with this debate. And please do not bring up with novelist SHIBA Ryoutarou (司馬遼太郎). So stupid, I would say. I like his novels a lot, but it is well-known that what he wrote is not always historically true.
As I said, what Tanabe said was practically proves that Usan was Ulleungdo. Read carefully what he wrote.
"Never ever reclaim Matsushima. (松島断シテ開ク能ワス又開クベカラス)".
Naturally, this sentence clearly tells us that Tanabe's Usan=Japanese Matsushima was Ulleungdo, which can be reclaimed, not Liancourt Rocks, uninhabitable barren rocks.
And against Tanabe's insist, in 1880, Warship Amagi was sent to Ullleungdo=Usan for survey and found Matsushima was Ullengdo and Takeshima was Jukdo. So Kitazawa finally concluded that Matsushima was Ulleungdo and Takeshima was Argonaut.
Apparently, Tanabe's old, unchanged and out-of-date opinion was ignored and he lost. On the other hand, Watanabe's global, up-to-date and objective opinion was employed.
ReplyDeleteTANABE wrote: Matsushima was named by us Japanese, but the truth is, the real name of this island is Usan which is belonged to Korean Ulleungdo (松島ハ我邦人ノ命ゼル名ニシテ其実ハ朝鮮蔚陵島ニ属スル于山ナリ).
The above was written when MOFA received several petitions opening up Ulleungdo assuming SIEBOLD’s erroneous name Matsushima.
Please read carefully what TANABE wrote. Naturally, this passage clearly tells us that the real Matsushima is Usan which is belonged to Korean Ulleungdo.
On the other hand, WATANABE’s opinion that we need to inspect Matsushima and to determine under whose jurisdiction it belongs was ignored and he lost out.
In “A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima” KITAZAWA concluded that finally the Matsushima inspection was proposed, which includes the arguments Kou, Otsu, Hei, and Tei; however, the Matsushima inspection was stopped(遂ニ松島巡島ノ議起ル甲乙丙丁ノ説ノ如シ雖然其事中止セリ).
Almost all Japanese maps and geographical books of post-1877 and pre-1905 show Japan did not consider Usan=Matsushima=Dokdo as her territory.
Good point arare.
ReplyDeleteJapanese posters on this forum like to play "smoke and mirrors" with historical records and ignore simple facts.
Whatever differing opinions the Japanese government may have had about Matsushima, they abided by their age-old principal from the Edo Era the Oki Islands were the Western limit of Japan.
Ulleungdo was not Matsushima is this record. The whole nature of this record was the research of "Ulleungdo - Takeshima 竹島"
The "island shell game" doesn't work on those of us who have studied the Dokdo issue in detail Kaneganese.
ReplyDeleteIn 1877, Japanese were not sure if there is neighboring island or one more huge island other than Ulleungdo. That's why Warship Amagi was sent in 1881.
Besides, Tanabe wrote notes to the no.17 document of Takeshima Kosho as below. (第十七号 公信第三号)
松島ハ朝鮮ノ鬱陵島ニシテ(Matsushima is Joseon's Ulleungdo)、我版圖中ノモノナラス文化年間旣ニ朝鮮政府ト往復ノ書アリト覺ユ、我ニテ開墾着手スルハ固ヨリアルマシキ事由ヲ答フルコト然ルヘシ、且歸路上陸港等見分スヘキトノ旨ハ如何ナル船ヲ雇ヒ此事ヲ圖ル積ナリヤ、海軍ノ一盤ヲ借ルカ三菱ノ汽船ヲ傭フカ其見込モ迂踈ニ近シ、况ンヤ上海ヘ至リ直賣ノ條約ヲナス如キニ至リテハ未タ出スマテニ至ラサル島ノ立木ヲ何等ノ算方アリテソノ約ヲナス迄ニ見込ノ附ヘキヤ、大切談夢ニ近キモノト被考候、
See? Tanabe clearly considered Usan=Japanese Matsushima as Ulleungdo, not today's Takeshima. Besides, Joseon's Usando is not today's Takeshima. Can you show the evidence to prove this? Don't make use of the confusion of Tanabe, but read whole documents.
ReplyDeleteWarship Amagi was sent in 1880, not 1881.
BTW, arare, I really enjoy talking with you. Please don't stop commenting on the blog every Wednesday or Thursday, but hopefully, bring the first-hand evidence, not second hand.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKaneganese, Tanabe wrote:
ReplyDelete"It is said that Matsushima (Dokdo) was named by us Japanese, but the truth is, the real name of this island is Usan which is part of (attached to) Ulleungdo of Chosun (Korea). During our 舊정부 (government) era it was proven through an exchange of documents that Ulleungdo belonged to Chosun and we confirmed that Ulleungdo was not Japanese territory, which is stated in both of our countries' historical records...."
See this record;
Also in this record we see Matsushima is NOT Ulleungdo but Usando.
When referencing past historical records Tanabe stated:
“In the middle of the Gangwando Sea stand two islands of which the West One is Usan and the East One is Ulleung..” These are what we Japanese call Matsushima (Dokdo) and Takeshima (Ulleungdo)
Kaneganese you are clogged up in you own pile of unrelated garbage. No matter what confusion existed. Japanese consistently excluded Dokdo from Japanese territory until she expanded her territory during the largest war of the day in 1905.
Please don’t mislead the public, Kaneganese..
And stop childishly talking about off topic subjects.
Kaneganese you are making some serious generalizations about Argonuat Island.
ReplyDeleteYour point can be disputed on many Japanese maps of this era.
Seibold's error was resulted in a minor confusion. However, it did not affect Japan's territorial perceptions to the point they excluded island thought to be Japanese territory.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I correct your slight mistake.
TANABE did not state:“In the middle of the Gangwando Sea stand two islands of which the West One is Usan and the East One is Ulleung..”. It was stated by KITAZAWA Masanari, compiler of “A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima (竹島考證)”, who quoted it from “Geography Book of East Country (東國輿地勝覽)”.
But I think TANABE also read “東國輿地勝覽” and “History of Koryo (高麗史)”. He was very familiar with Chinese letters books. In his later years it is known that TANABE taught Chinese poetry by Japanese style and literature to SHIMAZAKI Touson (島崎藤村), one of the most famous Japanese novelists and poems.
As you wrote, TANABE’s opinion that Matsushima was named by us Japanese (松島ハ我邦人ノ命セル名ニシテ), but the truth is, the real name of this island (其実ハ) is Usan which is attached to Iryoutou (Ulleungdo) of Chousen (朝鮮蔚陵島ニ属スル于山ナリ), described precisely the situation of Matsushima and Takeshima.
The sentence that “Matsushima was named by us Japanese” removes Ulleungdo and Jukdo from Matsushima, because Ulleungdo and Jukdo have never been named by us Japanese Matsushima. Ulleungdo has been named by us Japanese Takeshima.
You wrote: “Tanabe clearly considered Usan=Japanese Matsushima as Ulleungdo, not today's Takeshima”.
No TANABE did not consider Usan=Japanese Matsushima as Ulleungdo.
As you showed in “17th document of A Study of Historical Evidence of Takeshima, 3rd Vol. (竹島考證,下巻,第十七号)”, TANABE recognized Matsushima of the petitions for development as Ulleungdo.
He knew some Japanese planned to develop Ulleungdo imposing the false name Matsushima on it. Thus, TANABE emphasized that real Matsushima is not Ulleungdo but Usan.
Evidently TANABE stated: Matsushima is not Ulleungdo but Usan, which is part of Korean Ulleungdo.
Kaneganese様, I also enjoy talking with you in Japanese. I have often interpreted the situation of Matsushima based on TANABE’s opinion. I looked forward to your comment from first-hand evidence. Thank you. Next I will post my response.
坂田諸遠「松島異見」は、「松島竹島ノ二島ハ往昔隠岐国ノ管内ニシテ同国福浦ヨリ戌亥ノ方其距離四十里許ニ松島アリ・・」と『隠州視聴合記』他を引用し、「松竹ノ二島アルハ勿論ニテ強チニ松島ハ竹島ノ別号トモ定メ難キ歟」と、上司の渡邉洪基に憚りながらも、松島と竹島は別々の島と結論しました。なお、「松島異見」については面白いことがあり、「ヤフー掲示板竹島 (Nos.15104, 15105, 15107, 15134, 15171, 15178)」も見て下さい。
ReplyDeletearare said...
arare さんが「新政府は田辺の意見を容れ」たと判断した根拠は何ですか?
arare さん
紛紜=ふんうん・ふんぬん・ [名](スル)物事の入り乱れていること。事がもつれること。また、その乱れ。もめごと。ごたごた。 [ト・タル][文][形動タリ]物事が入り乱れるさま。
arare さんの書いた文章のうち、「田辺は、明治10年4月に瀬脇壽人が提出した」から「瀬脇氏の建言を採ることはできない、と述べました。」までの文章は「甲乙丙丁ノ議」の起こる前の出来事と「甲乙丙丁ノ議」の真っ最中の出来事についての記述です。
ひょっとしてarare さんは「紛紜定ラサルコト如斯」と書いてあるのに気が付かなかったために「新政府は田辺の意見を容れ」たと勘違いしてしてしまわれただけなのではないでしょうか。
もしarare さんがこれから先もネットに文章を書いて影響力を行使したいと願うのであれば、ここは一つ論説を転換して「新政府は田辺の意見を容れ」なかったことをお認めになってはいかがでしょうか。さもなければarare さんだけでなく韓国側に立つすべての論者にインチキ野郎のレッテルが貼られてしまうかもしれませんよ。
歴史的事実は私とarare さんの感情の外側に成り立っています。したがって個人的感情と日本あるいは韓国の国益と客観的な歴史的事実とはそれぞれ分けて考えるべきです。そうしなければ自分の心が傷つくだけでなく不用意に他人の心も傷つけることになりかねません。
嘘を事実であると証明するのは事実を事実であると証明するよりもはるかに難しいのはいうまでもありません。したがってarare さんが「新政府は田辺の意見を容れ」たことを証明できなかったからといってarare さんの能力に問題があるとは私は思いません。
以前も書いたことがありますがarare さんはもっと自分の知性と教養と情熱をを世の中の役に立つことに活用することができるのではないでしょうか。このようなことで無駄に消耗してしてしまうのは大変惜しいことであると私は考えます。