To follow are the first part of June 2 1905 article of "Hwangseong Shinmun"(皇城新聞) , which seems to be the translation of 30th May, 1905 Japanese official gazette (官報 号外) about The Battle of Tsushima (Strait), commonly known as the Japan Naval Battle(日本海海戦) in Japan. This is the important historical primary resource which shows how Korean in 1905, the year Japan incorporated Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks into Shimane, actually called the island. All the documentations which shows how they called the island we found so far was Japanese resources, so it is the first time we confirmed Korean documents/evidence. And, it was Angohu島(island)=Liancourt Rocks which was same with Japanese, not Dokdo, Seokdo, Usando nor any other names Korean claim to be the old names for Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks afterall.
日艦隊의 公報 日本聯合艦隊司令官의 公報를 槪據한 則 聯合艦隊의大部隊가二十八日後에는 안고후島 附近에셔敗殘한俄國艦隊의 主力部隊를包圍攻擊하야 其降服을 受한 後에 追擊은 中止하고 此艦을 措處하는中이오
The official dispatch of Japanese fleet. According to the general official dispatch of Japanese fleet, that is, A big unit of the Combined Fleet, after 28th, near the "Angohu(Yanko= Liancourt)" island, encircled and attacked the main force of defeated Russian fleet. And followed by the surrender of the enemy, they stopped the pursuing and in the middle of dealing with the ship...
The original Japanese Navy's war report was written under the name of famous Fleet Admiral Marquis Togo Heihachirou (東郷平八郎) and it was printed in official gazette(官報). Korean journalist mainly quoted article no.5 of the original. The original itself starts with the famous phrase "本日天気晴朗 ナレドモ浪高シ" written by Vice Admiral Akiyama Saneyuki (秋山真之). To follow is the part which coincides with the sentence above.
(As it was already transferred, the most of Combined Fleet had encircled and attacked the main force of remaining enemy ship corps defeated near at the Liancourt Rocks in the afternoon on 28th and after their surrender, it stopped the pursuing and now engaging the dealing with the aftermath. )
* Korean reporter mistranslated "大部" as "大部隊"
* Korean reporter mistranslated "二十八日午後" as "二十八日後"
* "リヤンコルド岩(Liancourt Rocks)" is translated as "안고후島" and altered "rocks" to "island" in Korean article.

Korean reporter seems to have translated article no.5 of Japanese Navy report basically, but actually, if you read the whole article, you will notice that he/she edited the original and had put more information they got from somewhere else since some parts of them were not in the original Japanese naval report. In other words, although writer did translated the Japanese report, he/she had collected more information and re-organized this article in his/her own perspective.
Interestingly and importantly, the writer of this article used "안고후(Angohu)島(island)", which was common name of the Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks (ヤンコ島 : Yanko-to)by Japanese and used by Korean as well around early 1900s, instead of "안고후(Angohu)岩(Rock)", the direct translation of the "リアンコルド(Liancourt)岩(Rock)" in the original Japanese war report. In other words, the writer changed the name of the island into the name it commonly known by. It is the concrete evidence that the writer of the article actually identified the island in concern is Liancourt Rocks(Yanko-to(ヤンコ島)), not only copied the name of the island, and also he/she knew that the island played the important role in the battle of the Tsushima.
Moreover, the reporter wrote Liancourt Rocks as "안고후島", which is the Korean pronunciation of "Liancourt Rocks", not "Dokdo(独島)", "Seokdo(石島)" nor "Usando(于山島)", all of which Korean claim as the other names of Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks. Japanese started to call Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks, which they used to call "Matsushima(松島)" in Edo era, as "Yanko(Liancourt)" island after Meiji restoration in 1867 when they got to know that the western name of the island on the map. And it is known that Korean, in 1904 warship Niitaka report, had wrote the island "Yanko-to/안고후島"(Liancourt Rocks) as "独島(Dokdo)". This 1905 article is important Korean own evidence that Korean still called Takeshima Liancourt Rocks as "Angohu-island", just like Japanese called Yanko-to.
And lastly, in Admiral Togo's original report, notice that he/Navy officers still used "リアンコルド岩(Liancourt Rocks)" instead of "竹島(Takeshima)" which they had already officially incorporated into Japanese territory and renamed as it is four months ago. Apparently, for Japanese officials, Navy, especially Admiral Togo and his brains had not placed much importance on incorporation of Takeshima from the strategical point of view. This implies Navy Captain / A chief of Hydrograhical Department, Kimotsuki Kaneyuki(肝付兼行) had no intention of "secretly" incorporating the island when he advised Japanese fishermen that the island had not been occupied by any other countries and it should be Japanese territory, in September 1904, unlike Mr. Naito Seichu and Prof. Hosaka keep claiming falsely without any concrete evidence.
These points confirm the fact that Korean in 1905 didn't consider Yanko-to/Liancourt Rocks/Takeshima/Dokdo as their own territorial island. And it also excludes the Korea's illogical claim that Japanese incorporation in 1905 was done secretly for the purpose of the accomplishment of Russo-Japan war. In fact, Japanese Navy started to construct watchtower on Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks in July and they started to use it in August, not before, but "after the Japan-Russo War.
During those days in 1903-1905, there were absolutely no newspaper article, official reports, requests, inquiry nor claims which object Japanese (Navy/civilian) activities on Takeshma/Lincourt Rocks from Korean at any level, including this article, which called "Angohu島", not Dokdo. It was not until Shim, the head of Ulleungdo mistook "Dokdo" as their territory, probably mysterious "Usando" which is believed to be 100-ris(40km) away from Ulleungdo, and reported the incident to his boss in mainland, which lead Korean central government require the survey of "the geography and population" of the island. This happened after he was told that Takeshima was now Japanese island, by the delegate group of Shimane prefecture who visited to Ulleungdo in 1906. If Takeshima/Dokdo had been truly their "inherent territory" and had "effective control" over the island in/before 1905 as Korean government currently claim, why they didn't even notice/claim about those open and spectacular war activities on /around Takeshima/Angohu島 by Japanese Navy, like they did about on Ulleugndo? In addition, civilian fishermen including Nakai built the huts and were hunting salions at least from 1903 and Korean definitely knew about Japanese economical activities. But still, there is absolutely no trace that Korean set any claim on them. Why?
I think it was simply because Korean, especially government officials in Seoul had no accurate nor precise information about Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks at all in the first place and didn't consider over Ulleugdo as Korean territory and thought Jukdo, the modern name of Usando, for the eastern limit of Korea, excluding this "Angohu Island/Liancourt Rocks/Yanko-to" from their territory in 1905. In 1882, Lee Gyu-won used the same name "竹島" with Japanese for Jukdo after Japanese MOFA identified Jukdo as 竹島(竹嶼) in 1881 based on Navy's survey. Although Korean had no accurate information on the whereabouts of Japanese Matsushima, they had simply swallowed the phrase "Usando is Japanese Matsushima",the lie Ahn Yong-bok started in 1696, and kept recording the phrase in the documents. Making the issue complicated, for Korean, Usan(Usanguk/Usando) was the name of Ulleungdo in ancient times. Moreover, Choson people hadn't visited Ulleungdo often since it was prohibited by the dynasty and the voyage was extremely dangerous for them, so they were not perfectly sure about the location of Ulleungdo and Usando and if those islands are two islands or one island with two names until 1711, when Bak Chang-seok's (朴昌錫) inspected Ulleungdo and labelled Jukdo as so-called Usando (鬱陵島圖形). After 1711, in most cases, Ulleungdo started to be recognised as it is today and Usando had been depicted as the neighbouring island of Jukdo(竹島 : Japanes pronunciation = Takeshima), but the Ahn's false calim still kept cited without any doubt in the documents. When they noticed that new Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks was old Matsushima in 1906, which they believed to be Usando, they again started to get confused as if Takeshima(Liancourt Rocks/old Matsushima) was Usando, which was the Korean name for Jukdo. However, in July that year, Korean Ministry of Interior officially answered Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo is outside of Uldo(Ulleungdo) County to the Japanese Resident-General . It is apparent that Korean had no recognition of Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks as their territory until 1950s. I believe Korean government are making use of this chain of misunderstandings and the confusion of names/locations of the islands which Korean had long held from ancient times.
In conclusion, from this article and the original Japanese Navy report, we are safely to conclude that Korean in 1905 did not have even slightest idea/recognition that Liancourt Rocks(Takeshima) was their territory. And the Korean claim that Japanese Navy secretly incorporated the island into Shimane for the purpose of the war is nothing but just a groundless accusation.
The basic idea of this post, writing of Japanese report and Korean article, Japanese translation of Korean article and the detailed analysis of whole report/article, all of them were done by our frequent commentator matsu. Though matsu translated and analysed whole article/report, I have to confess that I couldn't translate all of it. And the article itself was introduced by another commentator GTOMR. Thanks, guys !!

Reference :
1656 - "Yojiji (輿地志)" by Ryu Hyung-won (柳馨遠) didn't say "Usan is so-called Japanese Matsushima."
1692-1693 - The 1692 and 1693 incidents: Ahn Yong-bok's(安龍福) first visit to Japan
1693-1696 - The Takeshima incident(竹島一件): the 1st dispute between Japan and Korea
1696 - Ahn's so-called Matsushima/Usando was Jukdo, afterall. (元禄九丙子年朝鮮舟着岸一巻之覚書 肅宗実録 30卷, 22年 戊寅)1711 - Bak Chang-seok's (朴昌錫) Map of Ulleungdo (鬱陵島圖形)
1774 - Chungwanji (春官志): "Ulleungdo is called Sambongdo (三峯島)" ( "盖 是島 以其産竹也 故 謂 竹島 以有三峯也 故謂 三峯島 至於 于山 羽陵 蔚陵 武陵 礒竹 皆音 轉 訛而然 也" )
1881 - Kitazawa Masanari(北澤正誠), a official of MOFA concluded that "Takeshima" is Jukdo in "A Study of Takeshima (Takeshima Kosho 竹島考証) "
Lies, Half-truths, and Dokdo Video, Part 5 : "The King, Lee Gyu-won & Many Names for a Neighboring Island"
Korean Eastern limits described in various books exclude Takeshima/Dokdo from KoreanTerritory
1905 - January 28th: the decision to incorporate Takeshima in to Shimane by a Cabinet meeting (公文類集第29編 竹島編入閣議決定)
Wow!! Great job again Kaneganese!
ReplyDeleteIt is certain that Korea in late 19th century and early 20th century didn't think that Liancourt Rocks were their territory. All of the documents and maps indicate so.
So then, it is also apparrent that it was Rhee Syngman who did this international crime - stealing other country's islands and distorting history to cover it up.
Thank you Kaneganese,
ReplyDeleteI hope this 皇城新聞 article makes a good chance for further discussion.
And I will send an information about 1899 investigation of Ulleungdo by MOFA’s 高雄書記生 soon.
I also think it is interesting that the Korean reporter changed the name from "Angohu 'Rock'" (岩) to "Angohu 'Island'" (島). As Kaneganese pointed out, this is evidence that the Korean reporter did not just mindlessly translate the Japanese report, but changed the name to one that Korean readers would recognize.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the Korean reporter did not use "Seokdo" (石島), "Dokdo" (獨島), "Usando" (于山島), or one of the other names Koreans claim was Liancourt Rocks is more evidence that Koreans did not consider the rocks to be Korean.
Sometime this week I will try to translate the full article into English. I hope some of our Japanese posters will help me with the many Japanese names.
Thanks, everyone.
I'm going to paste the both reports and the comparison notation by matsu below. I translated his notation into English and put Japanese pronounciation of some proper nown as well.If you need more information, please let me know.
I hope it helps your translation and save some time. If you give us the English translation of Korean article, then I can use that to translate Japanese original report. It's much easier for me rather than translating from scratch.
皇城新聞 1905・06・02 雑報
(皇城新聞)日艦隊의 公報 日本聯合艦隊司令官의 公報를 槪據한 則
(皇城新聞)聯合艦隊의大部隊가二十八日後에는 안고후島 附近에셔 敗殘한俄國艦隊의 主力部隊를包圍攻擊하야 其降服을 受한 後에 追擊은 中止하고 此艦을 措處하는 中이오
"Liancourd Rock(s)(リヤンコルド岩)" →「안고후(アンゴフ)島」
P.M. 3 → P.M. 5
"Admiral Oo-she-yah-kof" → 아도미라루자고후号
Enemy vessel "Doo-me-tory Don-s-koi" → 俄国巡洋艦라미도리돈스고리号
"Doo-me-tory Don-s-koi" → 가도미도리돈스고이号
二十七日戦闘中에沈没한俄国旗艦구냐스와로후号에셔司令官로지이엔스키副将과엔구이스도将과其幕僚八十余名이該艦에移来한故로皆捕虜하얐으나 両将軍이皆重症을被얐고
Enemy destroyer "Bee-ed-wi" → 俄艦류도뷔샨号
Enemy fleet commander/Vice Admiral Rozhdestvenskii, Rear AdmiralEnqvist → 司令官로지이엔스키副将과엔구이스도将
So far, the report is almost direct translation of Japanese reports no.5, except for some mistakes. (Hence,「안고후(アンゴフ)島」is almost certainly a translation of 「リアンコルド岩」.) However, from here, the report run off the no.5 of original.
(supposed related part of original)第三戦隊ハ、同日日没頃、敵艦「アルマーズ」カ、進退自由ヲ失ヒ、将ニ沈没セントスルヲ目撃セシト云フモ、暫ク疑ヲ存シ、(うしろから4行目)
(supposed related part of original)
戦闘艦후린스스와로후号와임페라도로아레기산도루三世号와보로지노号와오수라피아号와 미소이우에기号와나와리시号와
巡洋艦아도미라히나히모후号와도미도리든스고이号와우라지미루모노마후号와수에도다나 号와젬줏구号와
海防艦아도미라루우시야고후号와特務艦가무쟛구号와 이루쟜구号其他駆逐艦三隻이오
捕獲한軍艦은 戦闘艦아리요루号와 임페라도루니고리이一世号 海防艦제비라루아도미라루아루라기号와 아도비라루세니야우린신号와 비에도우이号니
合計二十二艘이오 噸数는十五万三千四百十一噸이오 此外巡洋艦아루마수号도撃沈한듯하고
This is the summerization of No.6 of the original report
And the last is from the last part of No.5, again.
(皇城新聞)日本艦隊各艦艇의損害에就하야난詳細한報告를接受치못하얏스나本官의視界内에在한者는大破한者가無하고 死傷者는調査키未邊하나第一戦隊에将校以下四百余名이라하얏더라
(related part of original Japanese report)我艦隊諸艦艇ノ損害ニ就キテハ、未ダ詳細ノ報告ニ接セサルモ、本職ノ視界内ニ在リシモノニハ、一モ大破シタルモノナク、孰モ尚ホ作戦任務ニ従事シツツアリ。死傷モ未タ調査ニ暇ナキモ第一戦隊ニ於テ将校以下四百余名アリ。
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKaneganeseさんの投稿本文の皇城新聞の記事が「二十八日後에는난 안고후島」となっていますが、「난」 は何かの間違いですね。コメントに書かれた文の方が正しいです。
Angohu はやはりへんで、
Angou でしょうか?
ReplyDeleteこの文書がGTOMRさんによって発見された Saturday, August 23, 2008付け
「1907 新編 大韓地理」のコメント(いちばん下のほう)にも書きましたが、
ReplyDeleteアンゴフ島の「ゴ」はひょっとして「꼬」に見えませんか? 原音は「C」なのでこっちの方が似つかわしいと思うのですが。
myCoreeさんは、最初の(Saturday, August 23, 2008付けコメント)では
99・09・23の時も、最後が良く読めませんでしたし、前回Gerry Bevers さんが紹介した03・03・30の時も、薄かったですね。chaamieyさんは、よくあれだけ読んだと思いますが。
Angoh Angowなどもあり得ましょうし、あるいは
Angô と基本的な表記の方が良いのかも知れません。
Angohu とか 「アンゴフ」とか書くと、どうも「ヤンコ」から離れてしまうので悩ましいのですが、やはりこの「안고후島」は、「ヤンコ」系の名前だと思います。
29日の其三"「リアンコールド」岩"とは、一字の違いがありますが、私はこの記事の記者は、Liancourt Rocks/「リアンコルド」岩ではなく、通称「ヤンコ島」の発音を韓国語表記したのではないかと思います。6月1日の「ジウンコルド巌」は、「リアンコールド岩」の訳で正しいでしょうけれど。
皇城新聞 dated on 1Jun1905
ReplyDeleteThese days I had serched another report about Linacourt Rocks and Battle of Tushima and I had also read this page, but I fail to find the text about Liancourt Rocks which Nidanosuke suggested.
記者はこのときに初めてLiancourd Rocks というものを認識したので、表記が定まらなかった、ということでしょうか。
ReplyDelete"記者はこのときに初めてLiancourd Rocks というものを認識したので、表記が定まらなかった、ということでしょうか。"
ReplyDelete皇城新聞の記者が「リアンコルド岩」と書いてある日本の文書をもとにして記事を書いたとしても、「リアンコルド岩」という日本語のカタカナ表示を直訳したのか、それとも、「リアンコルド岩」の原語である「Liancourt Rocks」を訳したのか分からないので、なかなか判断しにくいですね。
私は「アンコフ島」という翻訳の結果から考えれば「Liancourt Rocks」を訳した可能性が高いんだろうと考えています。「岩」が「島」に置き換えられているという点はありますけどね。
”私は「アンコフ島」という翻訳の結果から考えれば「Liancourt Rocks」を訳した可能性が高いんだろうと考えています。「岩」が「島」に置き換えられているという点はありますけどね。”
chaamieyさんは、もし当時の韓国人が「Liancourt Rocks」の名称をどこかで確認したとするならば、どういったソースを想定されますか?ご存知のように、西洋の地図には、「Liancourt Island」 と表記しているものもあります。私が考えるようにヤンコ島の音読表記ではなく、もし彼等が地図をみて「Liancourt Island」をアンコフ島と音読表記したのなら、話はさらに重要性を帯びると思います。つまり、現竹島の正確な位置を地図上で把握していながら、石島・于山島・独島など韓国側の通称とされているこれらの名称を使用しなかったことになります。
Someone please advice if there are some interesting text or not inside it?
chaamiey 様