The article is important in the Dokdo/Takeshima debate mainly because of the description of Ulleungdo in its first two sentences, which follow:
蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵이라 其附屬한 小六島中에 最著者는 于山島竹島이니.The above sentence is important in the Dokdo/Takeshima debate because it seems to be using two names, "Usando/Jukdo" (于山島竹島), to refer to Ulleungdo's most prominent neighboring island. In other words, the 1899 article seems to be saying that Ulleungdo's "most prominent" neighboring island of Jukdo, which is about two kilometers off Ulleungdo's east shore, was also called "Usando," which would be more evidence disproving the Korean claim that Usando was the old name for Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo/Takeshima).
There is an island in the sea east of Uljin called "Ulleung." Among its six, small neighboring islands, the most prominent one is Usando/Jukdo.
Korean historians, however, claim that the above sentence was not referring to one island with two names, but to two separate islands. They claim that the sentence should be translated as, "Among its six, small neighboring islands, the most prominent ones are Usando and Jukdo." The problem with translating "于山島竹島" as "Usando and Jukdo," is that the Korean article did not use the word "and" to separate the two names, even though the word "and" (과/와) and commas were used to separate list items in other parts of the article. Here are some examples:
- 所産은 柴胡, 藁本, 石楠, 藤草, 香木, 槻木, 蘆竹
Its products are siho, gobon, seoknam, wisteria, juniper, zelkova, nojuk..... - 香木과 蘆竹
juniper and nojuk - 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가
shipbuilders/merchants and fishermen/farmers - 薯와 豆
potatoes and beans - 上年所穫이 薯 二萬包, 大麥 二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오
Last year's harvest was 20,000 po of potatoes, 20,000 po of barley, 10,000 po of yellow beans, 5,000 po of wheat. - 材木은 老年巨杉과 各種貴重寶木이 亦多하고
The are many wood products, including Japanese cedar and a variety of rare, valuable trees.
There are a few examples in the text where commas were not used to separate list items, but in those cases, there is no ambiguity since the words were either idiomatically linked together or were obviously separate list items. Moreover, the instances of the unpuncuated list items all occured in the last half of the article, which is a summary of the report submitted to the Korean Ministry of Interior, where officials there may have translated the foreign language report using their own style of punctuation. The reporter who wrote the article may have just copied directly from the Ministry translation.
More evidence that the "Usando/Jukdo" (于山島竹島) reference in the article was referring to one island, not two, is Korea's 1900 Imperial Edict 41, which made Ulleungdo a county of Korea's Gangwon Province. In that edict, Jukdo was mentioned as one of Ulleungdo's neighboring islands, but not Usando, suggesting, again, that Usando was just an alternate name for Jukdo, which is supported by several old Korean maps and documents.
At any rate, even if the "Usando/Jukdo" (于山島竹島) phrase had been referring to two separate islands, neither of the islands would have been Liancourt Rocks since Liancourt Rocks is NOT one of Ulleungdo's "most prominent" (最著者) neighboring islands. In fact, Liancourt Rocks can very rarely be seen from Ulleungdo, and then only from high elevations when atmosperic conditions are just right. That is because Liancourt Rocks is just a very small grouping of rocky islets ninety-two kilometers southeast of Ulleungdo. Such islets would not have been referred to as one of Ulleungdo's "most prominent" neighboring islands.
Also, the article said that "sea lions" (可之) "used to" (古에) live on Ulleungdo, which means they were no longer living on Ulleungdo in 1899. Since sea lions were still living on Liancourt Rocks in 1899, the sentence in the article saying that sea lions "used to" live on Ulleungdo is more evidence that the Usando mentioned in the article was not referring to Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo/Takeshima).
Below is my translation of the article and the article, itself. If you find any errors or have any suggests for improving it, please let me know in the Comments section. (Click twice on the article below to enlarge it.)
Special Report (別報)
Ulleungdo Situation (鬱陵島 事況)
There is an island in the sea east of Uljin called "Ulleung" (蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵). Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에) the most prominent one (最著者는) is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島이니). According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡 – bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 – Photinia serrulata Lindl), wisteria (藤草), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk [(蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo)이오]. The land is suitable for barley (土性은 宜麥하고). In the past (古에), there were water animals that looked like cows without horns that were called “gaji” (牛形無角한 水獸가 有하니 名曰可之오). There are also seabirds that are called "gwakjo" (海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라).
There are few people on the island (島中에 人烟이 稀少하야), so the government exempts them from paying tax (國家에서 公稅를 免徵하고). Every three years (每式年에), the authority in the neighboring region (附近地方官으로) selected and sent emissaries (差使員을 定送하야) to inspect the situation on the island (島中情形도 査察하고) just bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 裁還하야 御貢할 뿐이러니).
In 1883 (癸未年에), the royal court (朝廷에서) appointed Kim Ok-gyun as the Southeast Islands Development & Whaling Official (金玉均으로 東南諸島開拓史兼捕鯨使를 任하고) and appointed Baek Chun-bae as his assistant (白春培로 從事官을 任하야). They were given the task of settling the island (該島開拓事務를 辦理케하였더니), but because of the Gapshin Coup the following year (翌年 甲申의 變을 因하야), they could not achieve much (泰效치못하였고). Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander and given the duty of increasing the island’s population and preventing the illegal harvesting of the island’s forest by foreigners. (島民徐敬秀로 越松萬戶를 差定하야 該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊를 防禦케 하였더니), but Seo Gyeong-su died the following year before completing the job (翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고).
In 1895 (開國五百四年에), the Ministry of the Interior appointed island resident Bae Gye-ju as the Island Supervisor and had him manage the island (內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니).
In the spring of this year (1899), Bae Gye-ju reported to the Ministry of Interior that Japanese had recently been arriving in large numbers and were cutting down trees, encroaching on residents, and causing disturbances (本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니), and requested that the government establish law and order (政府에서 設法防護하기를 請함의), which prompted the Interior Ministry to request Sir John McLeavy Brown, chief commissioner of the Korean Customs Service, to dispatch one Westerner to the island to investigate the situation there (內部에서 海關總稅務士 柏卓安에게 委託하야 西人一員을 派送하야 該島情形을 査報케 하였더니). A summary of the report follows (其報告의 槪況이 如左하니):
Ulleungdo is about 200 ri from land (鬱陵島는 距陸二百餘里오). It has an area estimated to be about seventy-five square ri (面積은 約計 七十五方里니). The entire island had little cultivated land (遍嶋中에 耕植하는 地는 不多하고), and there was a thick forest of trees from the seashore to the mountain ridge (樹木이 海濱으로 從하야 山嶺까지 鬱密하였는되). The height of the mountain is calculated to be 4,000 English feet (山高는 計有四千英尺이오). The depth of the water within three ri of the shore is between 6,000 and 9,600 English feet (距岸三里內의 水深은 自六千至九千六百英尺이라).
There are about 300 families of men and women living on the island (居民은 男女 約 三百口이니). Over the past couple of decades (數十年來로), shipbuilders/merchants and fishermen/farmers have gradually come to live together on the island. (漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되). Since the water is extremely deep, it is said that fishing is unprofitable, but annual shipments of seaweed reach as much as 2,000 dam (海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 運出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고).
The land is fertile, so fertilization with night soil is unnecessary (土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고), but wood ash is plowed into the fields to achieve two harvest a year (樹叢燼灰로 覆耕하야 一年兩熟을 得하니). Barley and wheat are planted in the spring (春季에는 大小麥이오), and potatoes and beans in the fall (秋季에는 薯와 豆인 되). Last year’s harvest was 20,000 po of potatoes, 20,000 po of barley, 10,000 po of yellow beans, and 5,000 po of wheat (上年所穫이 薯 二萬包, 大麥 二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오). The incline of the land is too steep to grow rice (地勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고). There are many wood products, including old, large Japanese cedar and a variety of rare, valuable trees (材木은 老年巨杉과 各種貴重寶木이 亦多하고). There are zelkova, juniper, pine nut, and Integra holly (槻木 香木 柏子木 甘湯木이 産有하어라).
Trade with the mainland is extremely rare, but they occasionally get a shipment of only a few po of such things as foodstuff, tobacco, and cotton cloth (大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 往往히 商簇의 輸入하는 物貨는 食物烟草布疋 等數包 뿐이오.) The goods they ship out is mainly seaweed, but also lumber, and occasionally clothes (其 載出하는 物品은 海菜가 居多하고 板木 間或 裝 運하더라).
Among the confusion of rock cliffs at the shoreline of Seal Peak (嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에), there is a small inlet about 100 English feet wide (一小灣이有하니 約闊一百 英尺이라), where Japanese ships loaded with such imports as rice, salt, pottery, Japanese wine, wool, cotton cloth, kerosene, matches, and umbrellas trade with the locals using the barter method (該灣으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 塩 瓷器 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되 土民으로더부러 交易하는 法은 物로物을易하고). Besides beans and barley, the exported goods include wood that is cut indiscriminately from all over the mountain, loaded onto ships, and carried away--the price is insufficient (其輸出品은 豆麥外에 満山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 船隻에 載往하는者--其値가 不實하고).
There are places on the island where about 200 Japanese have built houses and are living temporarily (本嶋中에 築室旅居하는 日本人이 二百餘名인되). They encroach on the locals and have inappropriate relations (土民을 侵凌하야 相関하는 弊가 有하어라). The farmers and merchants are originally not taxed 農民商民의 公税는 原定함이 無하고), but, the island supervisor is collecting one-tenth of the seaweed (但 嶋監이 海菜에는 十分의一을 徵하고) and a wood charge of 100 ryang per ship (木料에는 毎船一隻에 葉一百 兩을 徴하여). When the Japanese sell goods, they pay only a negotiated fee of two percent, but no tax (日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라).
In September of this year, the Interior Ministry (本年九月에 内部에서), based on the above report (右項報告을 等因하야), requested that the Foreign Ministry request the head of the Japanese mission in Korea (外部에 照會하였더니 外部에서 駐京日本公使에게 照會하야) to promise to set a date to remove the Japanese trespassing on the island (該嶋에 潜越한 日本人을 訂期刷還하고) and stop and prohibit the stuggling trade from non-trade ports. (不通商港口에 密輸買賣함을 禁戢케하라하였더라).
Special Report (別報)
ReplyDeleteUlleungdo Situation(鬱陵島 事況)
There is an island in the sea east of Uljin called Ulleung (蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵). Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에) the most prominent one (最著者는) is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島니). According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡 – bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 – Photinia serrulata Lindl), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk (蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo). The land is suitable for barley (土性은 宜麥하고). In the past (古에), there were water animals that looked like cows without horns that were called “gaji” (牛形無角한 水獸가 有하니 名曰可之오). There are also seabirds that are called "gwakjo" (海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라).
There are few people on the island (島中에 人烟이 稀少하야), so the government exempts them from paying tax (國家에서 公稅를 免徵하고). Every three years (每式年에) the authority in the neighboring region (附近地方官으로) selects and sends an emissary (差使員을 定送하야) to inspect the situation on the island (島中情形도 査察하고) and bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 御貢할 뿐이러니).
In 1883 (癸未年에), the royal court (朝廷에서) appointed Kim Ok-gyun as the Southeast Islands Development & Whaling Official (金玉均으로 東南諸島開拓史兼捕鯨使를 任하고) and appointed Baek Chun-bae as his assistant (白春培로 從事官을 임하야). They were given the task of settling the island (該島開拓事務를 辦理케하였더니), but because of the “Gapshin Coup” the following year (翌年 甲申의 變을 因하야), they could not achieve much (泰效치못하였고). Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander (島民徐敬秀로 越松萬戶를 差定하야)
該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 *를 防*케 하였더니 翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未*하였고 開國五百四年에 內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니 本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵*하니 政府에서 設法防設하기를
Gerry, this is what I could read. GTOMR and pacifist are having a long holiday, so it could be just me...I'm stuck in a school schedule. Anyway, here it is.
ReplyDeleteThere is an island in the sea east of Uljin called Ulleung (蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵). Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에) the most prominent one (最著者는) is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島니). According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡 – bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 – Photinia serrulata Lindl), 藤草,juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk (蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo). The land is suitable for barley (土性은 宜麥하고). In the past (古에), there were water animals that looked like cows without horns that were called “gaji” (牛形無角한 水獸가 有하니 名曰可之오). There are also seabirds that are called "gwakjo" (海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라).
There are few people on the island (島中에 人烟이 稀少하야), so the government exempts them from paying tax (國家에서 公稅를 免徵하고). Every three years (每式年에) the authority in the neighboring region (附近地方官으로) selects and sends an emissary (差使員을 定送하야) to inspect the situation on the island (島中情形도 査察하고) and bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 裁還??御貢할 뿐이러니).
In 1883 (癸未年에), the royal court (朝廷에서) appointed Kim Ok-gyun as the Southeast Islands Development & Whaling Official (金玉均으로 東南諸島開拓史兼捕鯨使를 任하고) and appointed Baek Chun-bae as his assistant (白春培로 從事官을 任하야). They were given the task of settling the island (該島開拓事務를 辦理케하였더니), but because of the “Gapshin Coup” the following year (翌年 甲申의 變을 因하야), they could not achieve much (泰效치못하였고). Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander (島民徐敬秀로 越松萬戶를 差定하야)
該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 発(?)를 防飛(?)케 하였더니 翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고 開國五百四年에 內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니 本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니 政府에서 設法防護하기를
Thank you, Kaneganese. I will try to do the rest of the translation when I get home tonight.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, in the process of translating this article, I have noticed something very important that I do not think anyone has been written about before.
In the Dokdo/Takeshima debate, the most important sentence in the article is the following:
Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에) the most prominent one (最著者는) is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島니).
Korean historians mistranslate 于山島島竹島 as "Usando and Jukdo," but the problem with that translation is that there is no "and" in the original phrase. If you look at the other sentenes in the article, you will notice that they use "and" (과) and commas to separate list items, but there is no "and" or comma used between "Usando" and "Jukdo." For example, if you look at the island product list, you will notice that the product items are separated by commas, which are used to separate three or more list items. Also, to separate two list items an "and" (과) is used as can be seen in the following sentence:
bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 御貢할 뿐이러니).
Therefore, since commas and "and" are used to separate other list items in the article, we can know that 于山島竹島 was not meant to be two separate items. That means that 于山島竹島 should be translated as "Usando/Jukdo," which tells us that two names were used to refer to the same island.
"If you look at the other sentenes in the article, you will notice that they use "and" (과) and commas to separate list items, but there is no "and" or comma used between "Usando" and "Jukdo."
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right. Why we didn't notice that? We should collect all the documents we can get and peruse them once again and try to render what was going on and what 石島 really indicate around 1900. This report, Akatsuka's report and U's Uldo-gi, hopefully La porte's too. Thank you, Gerry.
ReplyDeleteThis newspaper article was using modern punctuation rules, but I do not remember any of the other documents using such rules. At any rate, I think these punctuation marks and conjuctions, or the lack of them, are the key to accurately translating this article.
By the way, this article talks about details of La porte's survey report, but I am not sure it there were other details not mentioned here.
嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에 一小湾이有하니 約濶一百萬尺이라
ReplyDelete該湾으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 塩 甕○ 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되 土民으로 더부러 交易하는 法은 物로物을易하고
其輸出品豆○外에 満山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 ○隻에 載往하는者 其値가 不賣하고
本嶋中에 筴室旅居하는 日本人이 二百餘名인되 土民을 侵凌하야 相関하는 弊가 有하어라
農民商民의 公税는 原定하어 無하고
但 嶋監이 海菜에는 十分의一을 徴하고 木料에는 毎船一隻에 葉一百両을 徴하여 日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라
Thank you, chaamiey !!
I've noticed some of my Japanese posts are started to be quoted in many sites. I guess I have to resume translating your posts soon.
Could you please put this for Japanese readers?
"日本人の皆様へ 現在、この皇城新聞を解読し、英訳する作業を行っています。まずは書き起しから始めていますが、あやふやであったり不明な漢字について、おわかりになる範囲で結構ですので、教えていただければ幸いです。"
Maybe, Korean sentence will be necessary as well?
甕○ → 甕啚(?)
ReplyDelete豆○ →豆麥
該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 発(?)를 防飛(?)
該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊(evil or trouble)를 防禦(defend or protect)
本年九月에 内部에서 右項報告을 等因하야 外部에 照會하였더니 外部에서 駐京日本公○○○○○하야 ○○○○○한 日本人을 訂期○○○○○○○○○○○○ 売買함을 禁○케하라하였더라
Thank you, Chaamiey. You saved me a lot of work since I am not very good at reading some of these characters.
ReplyDeleteKaneganese and Chaamiey,
I am sorry, but I got home late tonight and realized it will take me a little more time to translate it than I first thought. Maybe, I can finish it tomorrow. Anyway, here is more of the text. If you have time, could you help me fill in the blanks and check for mistakes, please. I am very tired tonight, so there are quite a few blanks (*) in it.
Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander (島民徐敬秀로 越松萬戶를 差定하야) to increase the island residents and to stop the illegal harvesting of the island’s forest by foreigners. (該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊를 防禦케 하였더니). 翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고 開國五百四年에 內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니 本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니 政府에서 設法防護하기를 *함의 內部에서 Chief Commissioner of the Korean Customs Service (海關總稅務士) Sir John McLeavy Brown (British) 朴卓安에게 委託하야 西人一員을 派送하야 該島情形을 査報케 하였더니 其報告의 槪況이 如左하니
鬱陵島는 距陸二百餘里오 面積은 約計 七十五方里니 遍嶋中에 耕植하는 地는 不多하고 樹木이 海濱으로 從하야 山嶺까지 鬱密하였는되 山高는 計有四千英尺이오 距岸三里內의 水深은 自六千至九千六百英尺이라
居民은 男女 約 三百口이니 數十年來로 漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되 海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 連出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고 土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고 樹*燼炭로 *耕하야 一年兩*을 得하니 春季에는 大小麥이오 秋季에는 *와 豆인 되 上年所* 二萬包, 大麥二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오 *勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고 材木은 老年巨杉과 各種***木이 亦多하고 槻木 香木 柏子木 甘*木이 産*하어라 大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 **히 商簇의 輸入하는 物資는 食物** 布 疋等 數包*이오 其 載出하는 物品은 海*가 居多하고 板木 間或 裝* 하더라
Yes, I have noticed that several of your posts are being linked to, which, of course, is good.
By the way, what does the Japanese say, and where would you like me to post it?
"日本人の皆様へ 現在、この皇城新聞を解読し、英訳する作業を行っています。まずは書き起しから始めていますが、あやふやであったり不明な漢字について、おわかりになる範囲で結構ですので、教えていただければ幸いです。"
ReplyDeleteIt’s so nice of you to translate Hwangseong Sinmun (皇城新聞) September 23, 1899 edition into English, becouse many people talk about this document, but in many times it is quated only small part of it. This tlanslation will be a big help for many people to talk on a exact text when arguing the issue.
Especially you are identifying the name of trees and animals in latin name. This is surely hard working, but very helpful important.
That's why I like this site ,Kaneganese-san.
Below is my reading.
居民은 男女 約 三百口이니 數十年來로 漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되 海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 連出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고 土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고 樹*(叢)燼炭(→灰)로 *(覆)耕하야 一年兩*(熟)을 得하니 春季에는 大小麥이오 秋季에는 *(薯)와 豆인 되 上年所* (穫)二萬包, 大麥二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오 *(地)勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고 材木은 老年巨杉과 各種***(貴重)*(宝?)木이 亦多하고 槻木 香木 柏子木 甘*(湯)木이 産*(有?)하어라 大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 **(往往)히 商簇의 輸入하는 物資는 食物** (煙草)布 疋等 數包*(等?)이오 其 載出하는 物品은 海*(菜)가 居多하고 板木 間或 裝* (運)하더라
Former part
政府에서 設法防護하기를 * (請)함의
Sir John McLeavy Brown (British)
More former part
香木과 蘆竹을 裁還 御貢할 뿐이러니
The meaning of 뿐 is missing. They “only” did~
For chaamiey‘s part
ReplyDelete嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에 一小湾이有하니 約濶一百萬(→英)尺이라
該湾으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 塩 甕○(→「次の下に瓦」器(=陶磁器)) 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되 土民으로 더부러 交易하는 法은 物로物을易하고
其輸出品豆○(I agree this is 麦) 外에 満山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 ○(船)隻에 載往하는者 其値가 不賣(→資?)하고(I cannot catch the meaning here)
本嶋中에 筴室旅居하는 日本人이 二百餘名인되 土民을 侵凌하야 相関하는 弊가 有하어라
農民商民의 公税는 原定하어 無하고
但 嶋監이 海菜에는 十分의一을 徴하고 木料에는 毎船一隻에 葉一百両을 徴하여 日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라
The last part is difficult to read because printing is not clear.
本年九月에 内部에서 右項報告을 等因하야 外部에 照會하였더니 外部에서 駐京日本公○○○○○하야(駐京日本公使에照会하야)
○○○○○(潜越?)한 日本人을 訂期(刷還)○○(不)○○(岸)○○○(密)○ 売買함을 禁○케하라하였더라
Thanks a lot, guys
ReplyDeletechaameiy and matsu,
I've read theirs and I don't have more correction.
And that sentence was rough translation of your sentence and directed to Japanese visitor for asking them to join in writing and correcting blurrly Chinese Characters in the article and help us to translate, that's all. I thought we won't get many help so we should write it in Japanese too and add after your sentence, since it's a holiday season here. But chaamiey and matsu are helping you now, so I guess we don't need it anymore.
ReplyDeleteYour “punctuation marks and conjunctions” theory is very new and attractive!
By the way,
I am wondering which part is a quotation of『大韓地誌』.
The second part, from 「鬱陵島는 古于山國이라」to 「海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라」,is surely a quotation.
But the most beginning part 「蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵其附屬한 小六島中에最著者는于山島竹島니」is from 『大韓地誌』?
Actually I haven’t read the text of『大韓地誌』, so I am still wondering.
Which is right?
「蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵其附屬한 小六島中에最著者는于山島竹島니」is a quotation from 『大韓地誌』.
「蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵其附屬한 小六島中에最著者는于山島竹島니」is a quotation from other document.
「蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵其附屬한 小六島中에最著者는于山島竹島니」is written by the writer(editor) of『皇城新聞』 himself.
It's my pleasure to join this work,Mr.Bevers,Kaneganese.
ReplyDelete居民은 男女 約 三百口이니 數十年來로 漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되 海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 連出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고 土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고 樹叢燼炭로 覆耕하야 一年兩熱을 得하니 春季에는 大小麥이오 秋季에는 薯와 豆인 되 上年所穫 二萬包, 大麥二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오 地勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고 材木은 老年巨杉과 各種貴重寶木이 亦多하고 槻木 香木 柏子木 甘湯木이 産有하어라 大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 往往히 商簇의 輸入하는 物資는 食物烟草 布 疋等 數包*이오 其 載出하는 物品은 海菜가 居多하고 板木 도 間(聞?)或 裝* 하더라
Thank you, Kaneganese, Matsu, and Chaamiey. I would not have been able to figure out some of those Chinese characters without your help.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I could not find the English name for 甘湯木. Do you have that tree in Japan, and do you know the English name for it?
I have not read all of the Daehanjiji, either, but I think the part they were quoting was the following:
According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
I do not get the feeling that the writer was quoting the product list since I do not remember seeing that mentioned in what I read. That product list may have come from La Porte's report since the report is only summarized in this article, or the writer may have gotten it from somewhere else.
I have not seen the following phrase mentioned in any other document, so it may have been in La Porte's full report, or writer could have just gathered the information himself from old documents and maps.
「蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵其附屬한 小六島中에最著者는于山島竹島니」
Anyway, I am still working on the last two paragraphs, but here is what I have translated so far. I would appreciate it if all of you would check it for mistakes.
Special Report (別報)
Ulleungdo Situation (鬱陵島 事況)
There is an island in the sea east of Uljin called Ulleung (蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵). Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에) the most prominent one (最著者는) is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島이니). According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡 – bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 – Photinia serrulata Lindl), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk (蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo). The land is suitable for barley (土性은 宜麥하고). In the past (古에), there were water animals that looked like cows without horns that were called “gaji” (牛形無角한 水獸가 有하니 名曰可之오). There are also seabirds that are called "gwakjo" (海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라).
There are few people on the island (島中에 人烟이 稀少하야), so the government exempts them from paying tax (國家에서 公稅를 免徵하고). Every three years (每式年에) the authority in the neighboring region (附近地方官으로) selects and sends an emissary (差使員을 定送하야) to inspect the situation on the island (島中情形도 査察하고) and bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 御貢할 뿐이러니).
In 1883 (癸未年에), the royal court (朝廷에서) appointed Kim Ok-gyun as the Southeast Islands Development & Whaling Official (金玉均으로 東南諸島開拓史兼捕鯨使를 任하고) and appointed Baek Chun-bae as his assistant (白春培로 從事官을 임하야). They were given the task of settling the island (該島開拓事務를 辦理케하였더니), but because of the “Gapshin Coup” the following year (翌年 甲申의 變을 因하야), they could not achieve much (泰效치못하였고).
Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong the illegal harvesting of the island’s forest by foreigners. (該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊를 防禦케 하였더니), but Seo Gyeong-su died the following year before completing the job (翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고).
In 1895 (開國五百四年에), the Ministry of the Interior appointed island resident Bae Gye-ju as the Island Supervisor and had him manage the island (內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니). In the spring of the same year, Bae Gye-ju reported to the Ministry of the Interior that Japanese had recently been arriving in large numbers and were cutting down trees, encroaching on residents, and causing disturbances (本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니), and requested that the government establish law and order, which prompted the Interior Ministry to request Sir John McLeavy Brown, chief commissioner of the Korean Customs Service, to dispatch one Westerner to the island to investigate the situation there (政府에서 設法防護하기를 請함의 內部에서 海關總稅務士 柏卓安에게 委託하야 西人一員을 派送하야 該島情形을 査報케 하였더니). A summary of the report follows (其報告의 槪況이 如左하니):
Ulleungdo is about 200 ri from land (鬱陵島는 距陸二百餘里오). It has an area estimated to be about 75 square ri (面積은 約計 七十五方里니). The entire island has little cultivated land (遍嶋中에 耕植하는 地는 不多하고), and there was a thick forest of trees from the seashore to the mountain ridges (樹木이 海濱으로 從하야 山嶺까지 鬱密하였는되). The height of the mountain is calculated to be 4,000 English feet (山高는 計有四千英尺이오). The depth of the water within three ri of the shore is between 6,000 and 9,600 English feet (距岸三里內의 水深은 自六千至九千六百英尺이라)
There are about 300 men and women on the island, (居民은 男女 約 三百口이니). Over the past couple of decades (數十年來로), shipbuilders and merchants and fishermen and farmers have gradually come to live together on the island. (漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되). Since the water is extremely deep, it is said that fishing is unprofitable, but annual shipments of seaweed reach as much as 2,000 dam (海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 運出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고).
The land is fertile, so fertilization with night soil is unnecessary (土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고), but wood ash is plowed into the fields to achieve higher yields (樹叢燼灰로 覆耕하야 一年兩熟을 得하니). Barley and wheat are planted in the spring (春季에는 大小麥이오), and potatoes and beans in the fall (秋季에는 薯와 豆인 되). Last year’s harvest was 20,000 po of potatoes, 20,000 po of barley, 10,000 po of yellow beans, and 5,000 po of wheat (上年所穫이 薯 二萬包, 大麥 二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오). The incline of the land is too steep to grow rice (地勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고). There are many wood products, including old, large Japanese cedar and a variety of rare, valuable trees (材木은 老年巨杉과 各種貴重寶木이 亦多하고). There are zelkova, juniper, pine nut, and gamtang (槻木 香木 柏子木 甘湯木이 産有하어라). Trade with the mainland is extremely rare, but they occasionally get a shipment of a few po of foodstuff, tobacco, and cotton cloth (大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 往往히 商簇의 輸入하는 物資는 食物烟草布疋 等數包 等이오.) The goods they ship out is mainly seaweed, but also lumber, and occasional clothes (其 載出하는 物品은 海菜가 居多하고 板木 間或 裝 運하더라).
I have already noticed a few mistakes. For example, here is a corrected version of one of the paragraphs:
ReplyDeleteAfterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander and given the duty of increasing the island’s population and preventing the illegal harvesting of the island’s forest by foreigners. (該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊를 防禦케 하였더니), but Seo Gyeong-su died the following year before completing the job (翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고).
本年九月에 内部에서 右項報告을 等因하야 外部에 照會하였더니 外部에서 駐京日本公使에게 照會하야 該嶋에 潜越한 日本人을 訂期刷還하고 不○○○○○○○買賣함을 禁○케하라하였더라
About 甘湯木
ReplyDelete甘湯木=감탕나무= 黐の木(モチノキ)=Possumhaw
ReplyDeleteI found THIS WEB PAGE that refers to 감탕나무 as "Integra Holly," with the scientific name of "llex integra Thunberg."
I see,I should withdraw "Possumhaw".
ReplyDeleteGood night,Mr.Bevers,praising your good works.
Gerry, this island can't be Ulleungdo.
ReplyDeleteIt says the island was 200ri from Korea. That is only 80kms, we all know that Ulleungdo is about 130kms away.
Dear every one,
ReplyDeleteI am also very happy to join in this work.
I wonder how you could read the last part!
It’s great!
Thank you again and I also praise your works.
Your English translation is so clear and very easy to understand.
Thank you, Chaamiey and Matsu. I did the best I could, but there may still be mistakes in it since I did not completely understand a few of the expressions. Nevertheless, I think I got the gist of the article pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI have not really had time to study the last part of the article, but the following sentence looks interesting:
嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에一小灣이有하니 約闊一百 英尺이라 該灣으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 塩甕○ 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되
I wonder where 海狗峯 (Sea Lion Peak) was. That is a new and interesting placename for me. I am wondering if that was possibly referring to "Seal Point" at the southern tip of the island? Actually, I have not really paid attention to the names of the peaks on the island, so maybe I need to go back and check Lee Gyu-won's 鬱陵島內圖.
Steve (dokdo-takeshima),
La Porte used "English" feet for measurement, so the 200 ri was most probably kilometers. And since he said the distance was from "the land to the island," we do not know exactly where he was measuring from, but he may have been measuring from Busan since that was where he was stationed at.
Also, the island being talked about was definitely Ulleungdo since the title of the article was "Ulleungdo Situation" (鬱陵島 事況).
In李奎遠's report『鬱陵島検察日記 啓本草』1882,
Japanese stayed 道洞(Do-dong) and southern port南浦槻谷.
南浦槻谷(南浦) is長斫之浦口.
渠等所謂南浦者 卽南邊長斫之浦口也
So, it is 沙洞(Sa-dong)today.
I wonder this has some relation with the southern port near the sea lion rock.
You can see the text『鬱陵島検察日記 啓本草』 in Toron’s site.
良い資料ですか...もったいない。図書館によってはそういったサービスもあるようですね。国会図書館は無いように思います。そう言えば、田中氏はどうやって撮影しているんでしょうね?私はいつも紙で複写したものを自宅のスキャナでデータ化しています。一番安上がりなので。ちなみに、Histoire de L'eglise de Coreeと鶏林事略、複写してきたので、そのうち投稿します。
ReplyDeleteBelow is a link to a 1908 Japanese map of Ulleungdo, on which you can see "Seal Pt." (Seal Point) on the southern tip of Ulleungdo, which is written as 間嶺末 in Chinese characters. Near that point are 間嶺, 通龜尾, and 新里. Anyway, at point, there is a peak with an elevation of 646 (meters), which I am thinking was probably "Seal Peak" since it was right at "Seal Point."
Since LaPorte was a Westerner, he would have probably referred to Western maps, which marked "Seal Point." Therefore, I am thinking that he referred to that peak as "Seal Peak" in his report, which the Koreans then translated as "海狗峯."
By the way, 海狗 means "seal," not "sea lion." I mistranslated it earlier.
Here is the link to the 1908 map:
As for La Porte, I found interesting sentence when I was reading Prof. Shin Yong-ha's book today. He wrote;
"大韓帝国内部(内務省)は官制を改正し、鬱陵島を独立した郡に昇格させたとき、禹用鼎の報告書と共に、釜山税関の税務士(税理士)として働いていたフランス人ラポルテの報告書も参考にした。(《名部請議書存案》第十七冊、光武四年十月二十二日条参照。) 彼はフランス人であったため、西洋人が製作した韓国地図をよく見ていただろうから、于山島=独島を西洋人がリアンクル岩石と呼んでいたことも知っていたと思う。この点を考慮すると、大韓帝国政府が于山島=独島を1900年に"石島"と表記した理由を彼はよく理解したに違いない。
When Imperial Korean Ministry of Internal Affair restructed beurocratic system and promoted Ulleundo to a independant county, they referred the report of La Porte's, French custom officer who were working for the custom office in Pusan, along with 禹用鼎's report(refer to 《名部請議書存案》第十七冊、光武四年十月二十二日条). Since he is a french, he must had seen Korean maps made by westerners very well. So he must had known that westernes called 于山島=独島 as Liancourt Rocks. Considering those points, He must have understood well the reason why the government of Imeperial Korean defined 于山島=独島 as "石島" in 1900."
I don't know anything about 《名部請議書存案》第十七冊、光武四年十月二十二日条, but it seems La Porte's report did had great influence on "石島". Besides, as I posted today, French knew Usan is Jukdo, not Takeshima/Dokdo, Prof. Shin's sentence has completely different meaning.
kaneganeseさん chaamieyさん
I understand what you said.
I respect your smart way to define place names according to maps and documents.
For every one,
About 『大韓地誌』Daehanjiji
Recently, a Shimane Prefecture’s site wrote that『大韓地誌』has three (or four) versions.
(Sorry in Japanese)
回答 大韓地誌は、250ページほどの本で、第一篇総論(第一課位置幅員海岸、第二課地勢地質、第三課気候物産など)に続き、第二篇京畿道、第三篇忠清北道、以下各道の説明で構成されています。第十二篇が江原道で、その第三課海湾島嶼に鬱陵島に関する記述があります。また、巻頭に「光武三年十二月十五日学部編輯局刊行 大韓全図」があり(四つ折にした紙が貼り付けてある)、第二篇以下各道の記事の前にその道の地図が(これも折込みの形で)貼り付けられています。
Web竹島問題研究所では、(A)「光武五年五月 廣文社新刊」という標題紙のある本(光武5年は西暦1901年)、(B)「光武九年七月 博文社」という奥付のある本、(C)「光武十年丙午後四月」の跋のある本を見ております。このほか、(D)景仁文化社「韓国地理風俗誌叢書」Vol.30にCと同じ跋文のある本が影印版で収録されています。
A、B、Cの各本は全体のページ数も異なり、例えば漢城(ソウル)の説明部分でBに「鉄路停車場」に関する記述が加わるなど内容も同一ではありません。しかし、鬱陵島に関する記述は、ABCDともに同一です。鬱陵島と于山の描かれた大韓全図、江原道の地図、慶尚北道の地図も(本によって脱落があるものもありますが)確認しえた範囲では同一です。 第十二篇江原道第三課の鬱陵島鬱陵島に関する記述は、次のとおりです。「沿岸に松島、沙島、無路島、猪島、竹島などの群島が羅列しているが、皆、渺少な(小さい)沙磧地である。獨(ひとり)欝陵島は東の海にあるやや大きい島で、島の中央に在る一峯を中峯と名づける。樹林が鬱蒼としていて、規木や香木等が有名である。」(原文は漢諺交)
So, there are three (or four) versions of『大韓地誌』.
(A)「光武五年五月 廣文社新刊」(1901 May)
(B)「光武九年七月 博文社」( 1905 July)
(C)「光武十年丙午後四月」(1906 April)
(D)景仁文化社「韓国地理風俗誌叢書」Vol.30・・・ Same as (C)
Today, at 「日韓文化交流基金図書センター」in Tokyo, I could see (D)景仁文化社「韓国地理風俗誌叢書」Vol.30 .
And I also confirmed that in 『大韓地誌』written by 玄采, there is only this description about Ulleungdo.
“Ulleungdo is a rather big island located in the eastern sea. There is a mountain peak at the center of the island called 中峯(Central Peak). There are many trees in the island and famous for 規木and 香木.”
Moreover, the writer of this site suspects it might be misunderstood that this book was published in 1899, as the author (玄采) wrote
跋文 dated December 25 of 1899.
So, there might be no published 玄采’s『大韓地誌』until the date of May 1901.
This means, the article of 「皇城新聞」here, quoted either another book called 『大韓地誌』 written by not 玄采 but by another person, or “大韓地誌曰” only meant 大韓の地誌に曰く “according to a geography book in Korea” or “according to some geography books in Korea”.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand, the 跋文written in December 25, 1899 (光武三年十二月二十五日白堂玄采跋) is from the 1900 version, not the 1899 version. Supposedly, there is an 1899 version, too.
I am at school right now grading quizzes, so I cannot write much.
Take care.
Below is my translation of the article. I hope people will check it for mistakes.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, when I translated 嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에, I got the feeling that 海狗峯 was not a particle place, but was a description of a particle kind of rock formation that seals had traditionally occupied.
If anyone disagrees with my translation or would like to make any suggestions on improving it, please let me know.
Here is the translation:
Special Report (別報)
Ulleungdo Situation (鬱陵島 事況)
There is an island in the sea east of Uljin called Ulleung (蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵). Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에) the most prominent one (最著者는) is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島이니). According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡 – bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 – Photinia serrulata Lindl), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk (蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo). The land is suitable for barley (土性은 宜麥하고). In the past (古에), there were water animals that looked like cows without horns that were called “gaji” (牛形無角한 水獸가 有하니 名曰可之오). There are also seabirds that are called "gwakjo" (海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라).
There are few people on the island (島中에 人烟이 稀少하야), so the government exempts them from paying tax (國家에서 公稅를 免徵하고). Every three years (每式年에) the authority in the neighboring region (附近地方官으로) selects and sends an emissary (差使員을 定送하야) to inspect the situation on the island (島中情形도 査察하고) and bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 御貢할 뿐이러니).
In 1883 (癸未年에), the royal court (朝廷에서) appointed Kim Ok-gyun as the Southeast Islands Development & Whaling Official (金玉均으로 東南諸島開拓史兼捕鯨使를 任하고) and appointed Baek Chun-bae as his assistant (白春培로 從事官을 임하야). They were given the task of settling the island (該島開拓事務를 辦理케하였더니), but because of the “Gapshin Coup” the following year (翌年 甲申의 變을 因하야), they could not achieve much (泰效치못하였고).
Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander and given the duty of increasing the island’s population and preventing the illegal harvesting of the island’s forest by foreigners. (該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊를 防禦케 하였더니), but Seo Gyeong-su died the following year before completing the job (翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고).
In 1895 (開國五百四年에), the Ministry of the Interior appointed island resident Bae Gye-ju as the Island Supervisor and had him manage the island (內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니). In the spring of the same year, Bae Gye-ju reported to the Ministry of the Interior that Japanese had recently been arriving in large numbers and were cutting down trees, encroaching on residents, and causing disturbances (本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니), and requested that the government establish law and order, which prompted the Interior Ministry to request Sir John McLeavy Brown, chief commissioner of the Korean Customs Service, to dispatch one Westerner to the island to investigate the situation there (政府에서 設法防護하기를 請함의 內部에서 海關總稅務士 柏卓安에게 委託하야 西人一員을 派送하야 該島情形을 査報케 하였더니). A summary of the report follows (其報告의 槪況이 如左하니):
Ulleungdo is about 200 ri from land (鬱陵島는 距陸二百餘里오). It has an area estimated to be about 75 square ri (面積은 約計 七十五方里니). The entire island has little cultivated land (遍嶋中에 耕植하는 地는 不多하고), and there was a thick forest of trees from the seashore to the mountain ridges (樹木이 海濱으로 從하야 山嶺까지 鬱密하였는되). The height of the mountain is calculated to be 4,000 English feet (山高는 計有四千英尺이오). The depth of the water within three ri of the shore is between 6,000 and 9,600 English feet (距岸三里內의 水深은 自六千至九千六百英尺이라)
There are about 300 men and women on the island, (居民은 男女 約 三百口이니). Over the past couple of decades (數十年來로), shipbuilders and merchants and fishermen and farmers have gradually come to live together on the island. (漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되). Since the water is extremely deep, it is said that fishing is unprofitable, but annual shipments of seaweed reach as much as 2,000 dam (海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 運出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고).
The land is fertile, so fertilization with night soil is unnecessary (土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고), but wood ash is plowed into the fields to achieve higher yields (樹叢燼灰로 覆耕하야 一年兩熟을 得하니). Barley and wheat are planted in the spring (春季에는 大小麥이오), and potatoes and beans in the fall (秋季에는 薯와 豆인 되). Last year’s harvest was 20,000 po of potatoes, 20,000 po of barley, 10,000 po of yellow beans, and 5,000 po of wheat (上年所穫이 薯 二萬包, 大麥 二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오). The incline of the land is too steep to grow rice (地勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고). There are many wood products, including old, large Japanese cedar and a variety of rare, valuable trees (材木은 老年巨杉과 各種貴重寶木이 亦多하고). There are zelkova, juniper, pine nut, and Integra holly (槻木 香木 柏子木 甘湯木이 産有하어라). Trade with the mainland is extremely rare, but they occasionally get a shipment of a few po of foodstuff, tobacco, and cotton cloth (大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 往往히 商簇의 輸入하는 物資는 食物烟草布疋 等數包 等이오.) The goods they ship out is mainly seaweed, but also lumber, and occasionally clothes (其 載出하는 物品은 海菜가 居多하고 板木 間或 裝 運하더라).
Among the confusion of seal peaks and rock cliffs along the coast (嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에), there is a small inlet about 100 English feet wide (一小灣이有하니 約闊一百 英尺이라), where Japanese ships loaded with such imports as rice, salt, pottery, *, Japanese wine, wool, cotton cloth, kerosene, matches, and umbrellas trade with the locals using the barter method (該灣으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 塩甕○ 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되 土民으로더부러 交易하는 法은 物로物을易하고). Besides beans and barley, the exported goods include wood that is cut indiscriminately from all over the mountain and is loaded onto ships that carry it away without paying for it (其輸出品은 豆麥外에 満山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 船隻에 載往하는者 其値가 不賣하고).
There are places on the island where about 200 Japanese have schemed to get houses and are living in communities (本嶋中에 策室旅居하는 日本人이 二百餘名인되). They encroach on the locals and have inappropriate relations (土民을 侵凌하야 相関하는 弊가 有하어라). The farmers and merchants are originally not taxed 農民商民의 公税는 原定함이 無하고), but, the island supervisor is collecting one-tenth of the seaweed (但 嶋監이 海菜에는 十分의一을 徵하고) and a wood charge of 100 ryang per ship (木料에는 毎船一隻에 葉一百 兩을 徴하여). When the Japanese sell goods, they pay only what is negotiated (baekchu 2), but no tax 日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라).
In September of this year, the Interior Ministry (本年九月에 内部에서), based on the above report (右項報告을 等因하야), requested that the Foreign Ministry request the head of the Japanese mission in Korea (外部에 照會하였더니 外部에서 駐京日本公使에게 照會하야) to promise to correct the situation and remove all the Japanese trespassing on the island (該嶋에 潜越한 日本人을 訂期刷還하고)…. Have him prohibit trade…. (不*******買賣함을 禁*케하라하였더라).
How have you been ? Garry Bevers? I have read your English-Korean translated article as the above. By the way, I have found that you have mistranslated the above English Special Report in to Korean language as below: Special Report (別報)
DeleteUlleungdo Situation (鬱陵島 事況)
There is an island in the sea east of Uljin called "Ulleung" (蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵 Among its six, small neighboring islands (其附屬한 小六島中에); the most prominent one (最著者는)is Usando/Jukdo (于山島竹島이니). According to the Daehanjiji (大韓地誌에 曰), Ulleungdo is the old country of Usan (鬱陵島는 古于山國이라). It has an area of 100 ri (地方이 百里오) and three peaks that stand out (三峰이 律兀한되).
울진 동쪽 바다에 한 섬이 있으나 이를 울릉도라 했다. 그 6개의 작은 이웃 섬들 중 가장 현저한 것은 于山島竹島이다. 大韓地誌에 따르면 울릉도는 옛 우산국이라. 울릉도의 면적이 100리이며, 3개의 산봉우리가 솟아 있다
Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡-bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 ? Photinia serrulata Lindl), wisteria (藤草), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk [(蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo)이오]. The land is suitable for barley (土性은 宜麥하고). In the past (古에), there were water animals that looked like cows without horns that were called “gaji” (牛形無角한 水獸가 有하니 名曰可之오). There are also seabirds that are called "gwakjo" (海鳥가 有하니 名曰 霍鳥러라).
울릉도에서 나는 산물(産物)은 시호(柴胡-bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠- Photinia serrulata Lindl), wisteria (藤草), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk [(蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo) 등이다. 그 토질은 보리 생산에 적합한 땅이며 옛날에는 강치(바다사자)라 하는 뿔이 안 달린 소처럼 생긴 수생동물(水生動物)이 살고 있었으며 곽조(霍鳥)라 하는 바다 새(海鳥)도 살고 있다.
There are few people on the island (島中에 人烟이 稀少하야), so the government exempts them from paying tax (國家에서 公稅를 免徵하고). Every three years (每式年에), the authority in the neighboring region (附近地方官으로) selected and sent emissaries (差使員을 定送하야) to inspect the situation on the island (島中情形도 査察하고) just bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king (香木과 蘆竹을 裁還하야 御貢할 뿐이러니).
그 섬에는 사람들이 별로 없다. 그래서 대한 제국 조정에서 그 섬 주민들에게 공세(公稅) 면제해 주었다. 매 3년 마다 이웃 지방장관은 암행밀사를 선정하여 파견하여 그 섬의 상황을 점검하고 왕에게 바칠 향나무 와 노죽을 가지고 돌아왔다.
In 1883 (癸未年에), the royal court (朝廷에서) appointed Kim Ok-gyun as the Southeast Islands Development & Whaling Official (金玉均으로 東南諸島開拓史兼捕鯨使를 任하고) and appointed Baek Chun-bae as his assistant (白春培로 從事官을 任하야). They were given the task of settling the island (該島開拓事務를 辦理케하였더니), but because of the Gapshin Coup the following year (翌年 甲申의 變을 因하야), they could not achieve much (泰效치못하였고).
1883년(癸未年)에 조정(朝廷)은 김옥균을 동남아 제도 개척사 겸 포경사(東南諸島開拓使 兼 捕鯨使)로 임명하고 김옥균의 종사관으로 백천배를 임명하였다. 이들은 울릉도 정착사업을 담당했으나 다음해 갑신정변 쿠테타로 인해서 상당한 성과를 낼 수 없었다.
Afterwards, in 1888 (其後戊子年에), island resident Seo Gyeong-su was appointed Wolsong Commander and given the duty of increasing the island’s population and preventing the illegal harvesting of the island’s forest by foreigners. (島民徐敬秀로 越松萬戶를 差定하야 該島人民을 繁殖하고 外國人의 樹木侵伐하는 弊를 防禦케 하였더니), but Seo Gyeong-su died the following year before completing the job (翌年에 徐敬秀가 身死未遂하였고). In 1895 (開國五百四年에), the Ministry of the Interior appointed island resident Bae Gye-ju as the Island Supervisor and had him manage the island (內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니).
번역: 그 후, 1888년(戊子年)에, 울릉도 섬 주민 서경수는 월송 사령관에 임명되어 외국인들이 마구잡이로 울릉도 섬의 산림을 불법적으로 베어 가는 것을 방지하고 섬 주민 인구를 늘리는 임무를 부여받았으나, 서경수가 그 직무를 완수(完遂)하기 전에 다음해에 사망했다. 1895년 (개국 504년)에 조정의 내부(내무장관)은 울릉도 섬 주민 배계주를 섬 감독자로 임명하고 그에게 그 섬을 관리하도록 했다.
To be continued,
DeleteIn the spring of this year (1899), Bae Gye-ju reported to the Ministry of Interior that Japanese had recently been arriving in large numbers and were cutting down trees, encroaching on residents, and causing disturbances (本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 ?數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니), and requested that the government establish law and order (政府에서 設法防護하기를 請함의), which prompted the Interior Ministry to request Sir John McLeavy Brown, chief commissioner of the Korean Customs Service, to dispatch one Westerner to the island to investigate the situation there (內部에서 海關總稅務士 柏卓安에게 委託하야 西人一員을 派送하야 該島情形을 査報케 하였더니). A summary of the report follows (其報告의 槪況이 如左하니):
이해 봄(1899년)에 배계주는 최근들어 다수의 일본인들이 울릉도에 들어 와서 나무들을 베어내 가고 주민들을 침탈하고 난동을 일삼고 있다고 대한 제국 내부대신(내무장관)에게 보고하고, 대한제국 관세청장 죤 맥클리비 브라운에게 이곳 울릉도 사태를 조사하도록 서양인 한명을 파견시키도록 대한제국 내부대신에게 촉구하고 조정에서 법을 제정하고 하명을 내려 달라고 요청했다.
Ulleungdo is about 200 ri from land (鬱陵島는 距陸二百餘里오). It has an area estimated to be about seventy-five square ri (面積은 約計 七十五方里니). The entire island had little cultivated land (遍嶋中에 耕植하는 地는 不多하고), and there was a thick forest of trees from the seashore to the mountain ridge (樹木이 海濱으로 從하야 山嶺까지 鬱密하였는되). The height of the mountain is calculated to be 4,000 English feet (山高는 計有四千英尺이오). The depth of the water within three ri of the shore is between 6,000 and 9,600 English feet (距岸三里內의 水深은 自六千至九千六百英尺이라).
There are about 300 families of men and women living on the island (居民은 男女 約 三百口이니). Over the past couple of decades (數十年來로), shipbuilders/merchants and fishermen/farmers have gradually come to live together on the island. (漸次 船匠商客과 漁人耕夫가 相隨而至하야 居生하는되). Since the water is extremely deep, it is said that fishing is unprofitable, but annual shipments of seaweed reach as much as 2,000 dam (海水가 太深하야 魚産은 未益하고다만 海菜의 運出이 每年에 二千 擔에 多至하고).
울릉도는 육지에서 약 200리 길이며 그 면적은 약 75평방 리로 추산된다. 그 섬 전체에 경작지가 거의 없으며 海邊 가에서 울릉도 산 준령(山 峻嶺)에 이르기까지 전부가 울창한 숲이다. 그 산의 높이는 4000피트로 산정(算定)된다. 해변가 3리 이내의 바닷물의 깊이는 6000 및 9600피트 정도 사이다. 그 섬에는 남녀 300가구가 살고 있다. 수십 년에 걸쳐서 조선업자/상인 및 어부/농민들이 점차로 울롱도 섬으로 몰려들어 와 살고 있다. 바다의 깊이가 극히 깊기 때문에, 어업은 부적절하나 연간 바다의 해초(바다 말) 선적 량은 2000단에 이르고 있다.
The land is fertile, so fertilization with night soil is unnecessary (土質은 膏沃하야 糞漑 를 要치아니하고), but wood ash is plowed into the fields to achieve two harvest a year (樹叢燼灰로 覆耕하야 一年兩熟을 得하니). Barley and wheat are planted in the spring (春季에는 大小麥이오), and potatoes and beans in the fall (秋季에는 薯와 豆인 되). Last year’s harvest was 20,000 po of potatoes, 20,000 po of barley, 10,000 po of yellow beans, and 5,000 po of wheat (上年所穫이 薯 二萬包, 大麥 二萬包, 黃豆一萬包, 小麥五千包이오).
번역: 토질이 비옥하여 분뇨는 필요하지 않으나, 연간 2모작을 하기 위해서는 들에 나무 재를 뿌리고 쟁기로 밭을 간다. 봄에는 보리 밀을 심고 감자 와 콩을 가을에 수확한다. 작년 수확량은 감자 20,000포, 보리 20,000포, 노란 콩 10,000포, 밀 5000포를 수확하였다.
To be continue.
DeleteThe incline of the land is too steep to grow rice (地勢가 太斜하야 禾穀은 耕作지 못 하고). There are many wood products, including old, large Japanese cedar and a variety of rare, valuable trees (材木은 老年巨杉과 各種貴重寶木이 亦多하고). There are zelkova, juniper, pine nut, and Integra holly (槻木 香木 柏子木 甘湯木이 産有하어라). Trade with the mainland is extremely rare, but they occasionally get a shipment of only a few po of such things as foodstuff, tobacco, and cotton cloth (大陸과 通商이 極少한 되 往往히 商簇의 輸入하는 物貨는 食物烟草布疋 等數包 뿐이오.) The goods they ship out is mainly seaweed, but also lumber, and occasionally clothes (其 載出하는 物品은 海菜가 居多하고 板木 間或 裝 運하더라). Among the confusion of seal peaks and rock cliffs along the shoreline (嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에), there is a small inlet about 100 English feet wide (一小灣이有하니 約闊一百 英尺이라), where Japanese ships loaded with such imports as rice, salt, pottery, Japanese wine, wool, cotton cloth, kerosene, matches, and umbrellas trade with the locals using the barter method (該灣으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 ? 瓷器 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되 土民으로더부러 交易하는 法은 物로物을易하고).
번역: 토지의 경사 너무 급경사지(急傾斜地)라서 벼를 재배 할 수 없다. 굵고 오래자란 참죽나무, 각종 희귀 나무들을 비롯해서 나무 산물들이 많이 있다. 느티나무, 향나무, 잣, 감탕나무 등이 있다. 본토와의 거래는 극히 드물지만, 경우에 따라서는 이들 목재들로 식료품, 담배, 면화옷감 등과 같은 그런 물건으로 몇 포대(包袋)를 싣고 가는 경우도 있다. 배에 선적한 상품들은 주로 해초(海草)이지만 목재 와 경우에 따라서는 의류도 있다. 해안선을 따라 바다표범 봉우리 와 암반절벽(巖盤絶壁)이 혼란스러운 중에, 일본 배들이 쌀과 소금, 도기(陶器), 일본 술, 양모, 목면의복(木棉衣服), 석유, 성냥, 및 우산 등을 싣고 와서 물물교환 방식으로 그 섬 지역과 교역을 하던 약 100피트 넓이의 작은 출입구가 있었다.
Besides beans and barley, the exported goods include wood that is cut indiscriminately from all over the mountain, loaded onto ships, and carried away--the price is insufficient (其輸出品은 豆麥外에 ?山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 船隻에 載往하는者--其値가 不實하고). There are places on the island where about 200 Japanese have built houses and are living temporarily (本嶋中에 築室旅居하는 日本人이 二百餘名인되). They encroach on the locals and have inappropriate relations (土民을 侵凌하야 相?하는 弊가 有하어라). The farmers and merchants are originally not taxed 農民商民의 公税는 原定함이 無하고), but, the island supervisor is collecting one-tenth of the seaweed (但 嶋監이 海菜에는 十分의一을 徵하고) and a wood charge of 100 ryang per ship (木料에는 毎船一隻에 葉一百 兩을 徴하여). When the Japanese sell goods, they pay only a negotiated fee of two percent, but no tax (日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라).
대두(大豆) 와 보리 외에도, 수출상품 품목에는 산 전체에 걸쳐서 가리지 않고 (마구잡이로) 베어다가 선적(船積)하여 실어갔는데---가격은 헐값이었다. 그 섬에는 200여명의 일본인들이 집을 짓고 임시거처로 살고 있었다. 일본인들은 그 섬 지역을 침범하여 부당한 관계가 있었다. 원래 농민들과 상인들에게는 세금이 부과되지 않았다. 그러나 그 섬 감독 관리자는 해초의 1/10을 징수해 갔는데, 배 한척 당 100량의 목재 값을 징수해 갔다. 일본인들이 상품들을 매매할 때 일본인들은 2%의 구전(口錢)을 내고 세금을 내지 않았다.
In September of this year, the Interior Ministry (本年九月에 内部에서), based on the above report (右項報告을 等因하야), requested that the Foreign Ministry request the head of the Japanese mission in Korea (外部에 照會하였더니 外部에서 駐京日本公使에게 照會하야) to promise to set a date to remove the Japanese trespassing on the island (該嶋에 潜越한 日本人을 訂期刷還하고) and stop and prohibit the stuggling trade from non-trade ports. (不通商港口에 密輸買賣함을 禁戢케하라하였더라).
금년 9월에 상기 보고서에 입각하여 대한제국 내부대신(內部大臣: 지금의 내무부 장관)은 대한제국 외부대신에게 주한 일본 공사에게 울릉도에 불법 침입하고 있는 일본인들을 철수시키고 무역항이 아닌 울릉도에서 밀매거래를 중단하고 금지시키는 날짜를 정하는 약속을 받아내 달라고 요청했다.
Also, I thinking the 三百口 in the following sentence is referring to families, not people. Does anyone have an opinion?
ReplyDelete居民은 男女 約 三百口이니
I think "300 families" is proper,by 禹用鼎 report.
Thank you, Gerry
ReplyDeleteIt is good to know the contents of the whole article.
We were talking about getting more clear image of the last part, but the most convenient library, which is Central Tokyo Municipal Library is currently closed for two weeks because of their restruction. That is a reprented version, so we are not so sure if we could clear image or not, anyway though. It looks like many Universtity keep 皇城新聞, but they are not easily accessible. We'll inform you as soon as we could get the clearler image of the last part.
It is sad that Korean doesn't show any interest in translating the article, even though this is a very important asset for their own.
Thank you, Kaneganese.
ReplyDeleteYes, it would nice to have a clearer copy of the article, but I think you, Chaamiey, and Matsu did a great job of identifying most of the hard to recognize characters. Of course, the last sentence or two of the article is unrecognizable, but it just seems to be talking about the Korean government complaining to Japanese authorities about Japanese being on Ulleungdo.
By the way, some Korean historians probably do have a translation of the article, but seem unwilling to share it with the general public. I have not seen a translation on the Internet or in any of the books written about Ulleungdo and Dokdo.
I am sure the average Korean these days cannot read the article without a translation, which makes me wonder why a full Korean translation of the article has not been made public. Maybe, Korean historians are afraid that Koreans would notice some of the things I pointed out in my post today?
About last sentence,
ReplyDelete買賣함을 禁戢케하라하였더라
戢=give up or stop
Thank you, Chaamiey. I think you are right, and I have added the Chinese character you suggested.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend.
About "When the Japanese sell goods, they pay only a negotiated fee (baekchu 2), but no tax 日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라).",
ReplyDelete"抽" means to extract or to pull out something.
So,I think "baekchu 2" will be "2% of goods.
I found some minor mistakes in the text; I will show from the beginning with my opinion.
○蔚珍之東海에 一島가 有하니 曰鬱陵 (이라is missing)
○Its products are (所産은) siho (柴胡 – bupleurum root), gobon (藁本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv. root), seoknam (石楠 – Photinia serrulata Lindl), juniper (香木), zelkova (槻木), and nojuk (蘆竹 - a reed-like bamboo).
藤草? is missing between 石楠and 香木. I don’t know what is藤草.
At the very last 이오 is missing
○and bring back juniper and nojuk to present to the king
(香木과 蘆竹을 御貢할 뿐이러니).
(香木과 蘆竹을 裁還하야 御貢할 뿐이러니).
裁還하야 Already translated as ”bring back”
“뿐”이러니 They only did ~ until that time, ~していただけであったが、(but in 1883 situation has changed)
○白春培로 從事官을 임하야
임하야 → 任하야
○島民徐敬秀로 越松萬戶를 差定하야
missing (already translated)
○本年春 is in 1899. (you have corrected already)
It was a beginning of new situation in Ulleungdo, so, to my opinion, to write like below is easy to understand.
In 1895 (開國五百四年에), the Ministry of the Interior appointed island resident Bae Gye-ju as the Island Supervisor and had him manage the island (內部에서 本島民 裵季周로 島監을 任하야 島務를 管理케하였더니).
In the spring of this year(1899), Bae Gye-ju reported to the Ministry of Interior that Japanese had recently been arriving in large numbers and were cutting down trees, encroaching on residents, and causing disturbances (本年春에 裵季周가 內部에 來報하되 近者에 日本人이 夥數流入하야 樹木을 斫伐하고 居民을 侵擾하니), and requested that the government establish law and order, (政府에서 設法防護하기를 請함의)
which prompted the Interior Ministry to request Sir John McLeavy Brown, chief commissioner of the Korean Customs Service, to dispatch one Westerner to the island to investigate the situation there (內部에서 海關總稅務士 柏卓安에게 委託하야 西人一員을 派送하야 該島情形을 査報케 하였더니). A summary of the report follows (其報告의 槪況이 如左하니):
○樹叢燼灰로 覆耕하야 一年兩熟을 得하니
could harvest twice in a year?
物資→物貨 meaning is the same
等數包 等이오 → 等數包뿐” (?) 이오 “only”
○該灣으로 日本船商의 輸入品은 米 塩甕○ 日本酒 洋布 木綿 火油 火柴 雨傘等件인되
where Japanese ships loaded with such imports as rice, salt, pottery, *, Japanese wine, wool, cotton cloth, kerosene, matches, and umbrellas
米 塩 甕○
“甕○”is “「次+瓦」器 ”
Already translated as “pottery”
○本嶋中에 策室旅居하는 日本人이 二百餘名인되
策室旅居 → “築” 室旅居?
“In this Island, there are about 200 Japanese who have built houses and living temporally (not permanently)”
○When the Japanese sell goods, they pay only a negotiated fee (baekchu 2), but no tax (日本人은 賣貨時 口文(百抽二)外에는 納税함이 無하더라).
baekchu 2(百抽二) this means “2 %”???
Is this mean when a Japanese merchant sell goods for total 100 yen to local people, he have to pay 2 yen to “island supervisor” 嶋監(裵季周)?
◎About the three “―” in the text
① 其附屬한小六島中에最著者는于山島竹島―니 이니?
Gerry has stated this as “이니”, but I think this “―” shows some kind of quotation.
Something like “Someone says this way~” or “It is said this way~”
② 古에牛形無角한水獸가有하니名曰可之오 海鳥가有하니名曰霍鳥―러라
I think this “―” also shows a quotation.
I first thought until this phrase is the quotation of 大韓地誌.
But大韓地誌(玄采), which I have seen, has no description like this.
It is only 1995 version ((D)景仁文化社「韓国地理風俗誌叢書」Vol.30), but “Web竹島問題研究所of Shimane prefecture says it is a影印版of 1906 version, and throughout the four version, the description about Ulleungdo is the same.
I am wondering if 1899 or 1900 version has this kind of description above. But as there is no reason to wipe out this phrase when making a new edition, I am still doubtful this is a quotation of 大韓地誌(玄采).
③ 其輸出品은豆麥外에 満山材木을亂斫鋸削하야船隻에載往하는者― 其値가 不賣하고
Besides beans and barley, the exported goods include wood that is cut indiscriminately from all over the mountain and is loaded onto ships that carry it away without paying for it.
In this case ― is not a quotation. It is just like dash “―” as we use now, to make one pose.
其値가 不賣하고
I cannot catch the meaning of this part.
I once thought this賣 is資,but “其値가 不資하고” dose not make sense either. Gerry has translated “without paying for it “
But whether they paid or not is very important factor when we think about the situation in Ulleungdo at that time. If they did not pay, they were thieves. But documents at that time show Japanese certainly paid for the trees, and it was a business trade.
But it was too much cheaper.Ⅰremember the age when oil was only one dollar before OPEC was made.
So this part should be 不当に安くtoo much cheaper,
but I still can not find a letter instead of 賣.
Thank you, Chaamiey and Matsu.
I really appreciate all of those corrections because most of the ones you pointed out were the ones that had confused me. Anyway, I made almost all the changes, except a couple.
At the turn of the century, "|" was sometimes used instead of "이," for a reason I do not know. Besides,even if it had been used to set off a quote, wouldn't it have come after "니" and "러라" in the text instead of before?
By the way, it was also used after 三百口 in the following sentence:
居民은 男女 約 三百口이니
The "|" after 載往하는者 in the following sentence is more confusing, so I changed it to a dash, as you suggested.
其輸出品은 豆麥外에 満山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 船隻에 載往하는者--其値가 不賣하고
As for the meaning of 其値가 不賣하고, I think it might mean that "a price was not set" or "without determining the cost," but I am not sure. Also, I think the 者 in 載往하는者 might mean "thing" or "situation" (것) instead of "person."
Anyway, thank you again for taking the time to make all of those corrections. If you have anymore, please do not hesitate to let me know. This is a learning experience for me.
I agree matsu's indications such as,
ReplyDelete“甕○”is “「次+瓦」器 ”(瓷器),
策室旅居 → “築” 室旅居
and about other two sentences,
"其値가 不賣하고" should be "其値가 不實하고"
(不實= not faithful)
不*******買賣함을 禁戢케하라하였더라).
→不*****密行買賣함을 禁戢케하라하였더라).
Thank you, Chaamiey.
ReplyDeleteI changed it from 其値가 不賣하고 to 其値가 不實하고. I am not sure if it is 不實 or not, but it looks like it could be, and it makes more sense.
I translated 其値가 不實하고 as "The price is insufficient," as in "it is too cheap." Can anyone think of a better translation?
Thank you Gerry, thank you Chaamiey-san,
ReplyDeleteSorry, last night my computer downed so I could not say thank you at once.
"其値가 不賣하고" should be "其値가 不實하고"
(不實= not faithful)
That’s it! It makes sense!
For the meaning of “―” here, we can say ”but”
"The exported goods, besides beans and barley, include woods that are cut indiscriminately from all over the mountain, loaded onto ships, and carried away—but the prices are insufficient (其輸出品은 豆麥外에 満山材木을 亂斫鋸削하야 船隻에 載往하는者--其値가 不實하고)."
I made it into plural because there should be many cases.
“At the turn of the century, "|" was sometimes used instead of "이," for a reason I do not know.”
I understand.
But, the fourth one (or should be the third one)
居民은 男女 約 三百口―니
“(It is said that) or (They say that) there are about 300 families….”
Also make sense. Anyway, the difference is not so big.
This part is in the Laporte’s report, so if we could find his original, it will be clearer.
Kaneganese – san,
For Laporte
各部 means 外部・内部・度支部 etc.
(韓国語をとりあえず日本語にしました。英語にする元気が、もうありません。Gerry さんは、もう読んでいるかとも思います。)
「内部から議政府に、正式に設郡請議書、すなわち「鬱陵島を鬱島と改称し島監を郡守に改正することに関する請議書」を提出したのは、この年(1900年 光武4)10月下旬(22日)になってからのことだった。(注94 《各部請議書存案》17 奎章閣所蔵)
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of maps could Korean Government refer when they made 勅令41号?
I think『大韓地誌』「江原道図」 is a very important one.
We can see it in
資料3 『大韓地誌』所収「江原道図 」
In other words, as 『大韓地誌』 was edited by Education Ministry(学部)of Korean Government at that time, this map shows how Korean Government recognized Ulleungdo and its neighboring islands at the time through 1899 to 1900.
You can see 于山 in the east side, and five small islands in the southern side.
Every one who sees this map, would say,
“There are 6 small islands around the main island. And among them, the most prominent one is Usan.”
It is just like as 其附屬한 小六島中에 最著者는 于山.
And they also will mention about five small islands in the southern side.
Actually, they are ghosts which never exist, but these five islands were continued to be shown in Korean official maps, as Gerry has shown us with many evidences in this site.
This map(『大韓地誌』「江原道図」)shows they still thought(=believed) at the time of 1899 to 1900, there were five small islands there.
In October 1900 , when they made“勅令41号”, they might refer this map.
But to use the name 于山 as a name for a neighboring island of Ulleungdo, it was denied by李奎遠 in his report『鬱陵島検察日記 啓本草』1882, which says,
“則于山之稱鬱陵 卽如耽羅之稱濟州.”
“于山is another name for 鬱陵, just like as 耽羅 is another name for 濟州.”
This was an official report to the King Ko-jong (高宗), so they(the government stuff who made 勅令41号) could not use于山 as a name for a neighboring island.
Therefore, they used another name of the same island, namely 竹島.
And for five small islands in the southern side, they gave a new name of “石島”, which means"a group of islets."
So in 勅令41号, the area of 鬱島郡is “鬱陵島 and竹島 and石島.”
If we compare the words above and the map(『大韓地誌』「江原道図」), it is very clear to understand.
And again, this map doesn’t show Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/ Dokto which is located 92 kilo-meters away from Ulleungdo. So Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/ Dokto was never thought to be Korean territory at the time when 勅令41号 was made in October 1900.
See also the site GTOMR showed us before;
小六島の推論に関しては、”But to use the name 于山 as a name for a neighboring island of Ulleungdo, it was denied by李奎遠 in his report『鬱陵島検察日記 啓本草』1882, which says,” のところ以外は、ほぼ私達が昨年末まで考えていたとおりです。その後、新たに2枚の年代不詳の検察使の鬱陵図がでてくるまでは。李奎遠 、そしてこの2枚の地図では観音島が島として認識、命名されているので、困ってしまったのです。1908年の地図に鼠項島観音島に記載されていることもあります。この二つの事象が両立しないので、19006月から10月にかけての論議の内容をもっと知りたいと思っているわけです。禹用鼎報告書と島監・裵委周の牒報釜山海関税務司ラポーテが提出報告、それにヒントとして赤塚の報告、全てをみないとわからない、と思い始めた所以です。赤塚の報告書の所で、私が観音島がrocky isletsに含まれるかどうかGerryにしつこく尋ねたのもこのためです。大韓地図でも、1899~1900年の調査でも、現竹島について何らかの関係があったとは考えられないので、現竹島が石島、小六島のどちらにも含まれない、と言うのは明解な共通認識なのですが。
“その後、新たに2枚の年代不詳の検察使の鬱陵図がでてくるまでは。李奎遠 、そしてこの2枚の地図では観音島が島として認識、命名されているので、困ってしまったのです。”
先にGerryさんが紹介してくれた、田中邦貴さんのサイトの「竹邊湾至水源端 in 1908」鬱陵島図 (軍艦松江による測量)の地図ですね。
1882 李奎遠 「島項」
1900 赤塚正助 「島牧」
1902 通商彙纂 「島牧」 日本人は「観音島」
1906 福原碧雲 「観音崎」(島の名前として)
島根県の調査は1906 出版は1907
1908 軍艦松江 「鼠項島 somokusom」
明治41年(1908)測量 出版は1909
島項・島牧とも、「音読み」はそれぞれ、“Do-hang”、“Do-mok”。「訓読み」は、両方とも“Seom-mok”だと思いますが、島の人は “Do-hang”、“Do-mok”とは呼ばず、ずっと“Seom-mok”と呼んでいたのではないでしょうか。
さて、鼠項島 somokusom は、so-moku-som「ソモクソム」で、これも「ソムモク」ですね。
1899の大韓地誌は于山しかのせず、観音島はありません。GTOMRさんが教えてくれたサイトに載っている「1898朝鮮地図 江原道図」も大韓地誌と同じ地図と思われます。
1699 - Today's Kwannundo(観音島) and Small Udo(小于島) in 「欝陵島図形」 by Choson Official Inspector, the Identical Figures.
19th c. Map of Ulleungdo: "Ulleungdo Dohyeong" (鬱陵島圖形), property of Samcheok Museum
”先にGerryさんが紹介してくれた、田中邦貴さんのサイトの「竹邊湾至水源端 in 1908」鬱陵島図 (軍艦松江による測量)の地図ですね。”
1909 「韓国水産誌」鬱陵島全図
1886 在馬関内務少書記官檜垣直枝ヨリ朝鮮国欝陵島近況報告ノ件 附属図
全く個人的な見解ですが、これは逆で、1902年には観音島と呼び始めた日本人が“石島(Seokdo)”やSeom-mok と言う発音を聞いて鼠項島と言う当て字を一時期したのではないかと思っています。鼠項島が石島になった事は無いと思いますけれど。
Index of Posts on Dokdo-or-Takeshima?
I have amended my translation of the last sentence in the 1899 newspaper article based on something I read about the September 15 report mentioned in the article. Here is my revision: promise to set a date to remove the Japanese trespassing on the island (該嶋에 潜越한 日本人을 訂期刷還하고) and stop and prohibit the stuggling trade from non-trade ports. (不通商港口*密輸買賣함을 禁戢케하라하였더라).
I am still curious to know what place was being talked about this portion of the article:
ReplyDeleteAmong the confusion of seal peaks and rock cliffs along the shoreline (嶋邊海狗峯石壁亂叢中에), there is a small inlet about 100 English feet wide (一小灣이有하니 約闊一百 英尺이라), where Japanese ships loaded with such imports ....
I am curious because it mentioned a place called "Sea Lion Peak" (海狗峯), which I am not sure was referring to a particular peak or a kind of rock that sea lions use to gather at. If it were a particular rock, it may have been what was once called "Gajido" (可支島), which meant "Sea Lion Island."
Anyway, in Japan's 1909 "Joseon Fisheries Directory" HERE, it talks about the cape at the extreme southern tip of Ulleungdo, which was called "Ganryeong-mal" (間嶺末) and a small bay to the west, which seems to have been called "Tonggumi" (通龜尾). On Western maps, the cape was referred to as "Seal Point."
I cannot read the Japanese around the Chinese characters, so I was wondering if someone could tell me if anything was mentioned about a peak or rock that could have been called "Sea Lion Peak" (海狗峯).
Gerry, the names around Chinese Characters are name of fish, not cape or peaks.
ReplyDeleteいはし(いわし) : Sardine
ぶり : yellowtail
さはら : Spanish mackerel
The map does't say about sothern tips, but west of the tips which seems to be 通亀尾 says "上陵(陸?)所"(Landing place). The document says that "通亀尾 といふ規模小なれとも漁舟を容るゝに支へなし、(Small inlets called Tongumi is no problem for mooring fishing boats. )"
Japanese recorded sothern tip of Ulleundo as "セユル崎" in many maps which is a direct translation of "Seal cape". And they have been and still calling seals around Takeshima as "トド"(Sea lions). Just for an information.
To Garry Bevers
ReplyDeleteIt seems you insist Ulleungdo's "most prominent" neighboring island is Jukdo, not Usando and Jukdo because 于山島竹島 (UsandoJukdo) is referring one island with two names.
You explained 于山島竹島 can't be Usando and Jukdo because the word "and(와 /과)" or comma is not used to separate two list items.
Then why isn't your theory applied to the 皇城新聞 article of 1906 ?
皇城新聞 said:
"...該郡所管島는 竹島石島오、東西가 六十里오 南北이 四十里니, 合 二百餘里라고 하였다더라."
There's no "and" or comma in the word "竹島石島". According to your theory, it should be translated " the islands under the authority of the Uldo county was JukdoSeokdo (竹島石島), but you translated "It said the islands under the authority of the said county were Jukdo (竹島) and Seokdo (石島)" on your post
You are wrong. Ulleungdo's "most prominent" neighboring island are Usando and Jukdo. Thus the Seokdo in the Ordinance No.41 is absolutely Dokdo.
I basically agree to the theory of this website, but this opinion of sloww is convincing. It seems strange for me to assume "于山島竹島" is one word while considering "竹島石島" are two words.