

A Russian businessman published a book for appealing restoration of four islands of Kuril to Japan.

This is an interesting article from 16 May of The Hokkaido Shimbun Press(北海道新聞) (cache). It's really good to see Russian still holds the freedom of speech. True friendship comes only from truth, not distorted facts.

Mr. Chetulin, a Russian businessman who lives in Vladivostok, published a book on the appeal to Russia a restoration of four island of Kuril to Japan in hope of true friendship.

Mr. Alexandre Chetulin(56), a Russian businessman who deals the import sales such as used cars of Japan in Vladivostok, published the book at one's own expense on the appeal for admitting northern territories as Japanese territory, and urging to build true friendly relationship. It's unusual for Russian to publish the book which appeals for four island restoration around the Russian Far East.

Mr. Chetulin had doubt in perception of history when the Soviet Union broke-up in 1991. He spent seven years from 2000, piled up documents and interviewed the specialists to learn four islands were Japanese territories. He started writing because "I want to tell a correct history to the Russian people who has opposite recognition against truth".

Mr. Chetulin says "Though it's government's responsibility to solve the territorial issue, it is important that the people understand the issue. World War II doesn't end if this problem is not solved." He has been appealing in the Khabarovsk junior high schools and in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The book entitles, "To whom do Kuril Islands belong ?", and prints 10,000 on the A5 size and the strangeness type page 52.Since he wants the Russian people to read widely, the history and grounds, etc. were concisely brought together. Many words of "Thank you for teaching the truth" were sent to him, while there were no one who complains in local Vladivostok.

Mr. Chetulin claims, "Because it is originally one of Japan's, still, it is necessary to restore it", even though the surrounding of northern four islands is a treasure house of living aquatic resources including the crab. He continues that he's going to continue this activity for understanding, since "the conclusion of the territory issue becomes a new start of Japanese-Russian relations".


  1. Anonymous20/5/08 12:55

    Apples and oranges.......

  2. Pulau Petra Blanca, the territorial disputed island between Singapore and Malaysia, it was concluded that the island is belonging to Singaporte, judging on the International Court of Justice on 23 MAY.

  3. The news from Malaysia Navi.


    2008/05/23 20:53 JST配信

    【クアラルンプール】 マレーシアとシンガポールが共に領有権を主張しているジョホール沖合のバトゥ・プテ島(シンガポール名:ペドラ・ブランカ)問題で、国際司法裁判所(ICJ)は23日、同島の領有権がシンガポールにあるとの裁定を下した。
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