

1950 The Daily Telegraph Map of Korea

This map of Korea was specially drawn for the Daily Telegraph by Geographia Ltd, 167 Fleet Street, London in circa 1950.

One can clearly see an island labelled as "Ullung" (Ulleungdo) in the Sea of Japan, but there are no Liancourt Rocks. It is natural because Korea's eastern limit was believed to be Ulleungdo and it was believed that Liancourt Rocks were out of Korean territory in those days.

But please think of the Korean claim demanding Tsushima, Dokdo (Liancourt Rocks) and Parangdo - it was made in July 1951 - just around the time this map was made.


Obviously Korea's claim was received by the world as outrageous. So USA reproved Rhee Syngman, the then president of South Korea, for his unlawfullness but he didn't listen to the advice.

Adedendum: Broughton Bay was labelled as "East Korea Bay".


  1. Thanks, pacifist

    I agree. Mr. Daniel Roh, the author of "Takeshima Secret Pact", wrote that the reason American declined Korean claim of Dokdo being their territory was because they also claimed non-existant Parangdo. (I know they claim it is today's Ieodo, but that is highly doubtful.) But I think it was because American thought Korean are expansionist since they claimed Tsushima, which was Japanese land from ancient times. It is crystal clear for me. Korean again started to claim Tsushima recentrly as some kind of countermethod for Japan's claim over Takeshima, but it is really good for Japan since it proves Korean expansionism.

  2. Thanks Kaneganese.
    I know (and many know) that the culprit was Rhee Syngman. He stole the island, it was obvious to the world in those days.

    Japan may not have cared too much about it at that time because the world knew the fact.

    But after half a century now, people who don't know the fact are increasing, so I think that we must keep showing the fact in order to prevent the Korean lies to spread to the world.

  3. Korean owns the islets rightfully.
    Japan is just showing its sleazy attempt to steal them again. There need to be some atomic bombing on Japan again.

  4. dokdo-korea,

    Your opinion is not adequate. We are discussing the issue with a gentlemanship.

    If you have different opinions, we would like to hear you but no emotional writings here please.

    If you want to refute, (for example, if you believe that Dokdo is Korean territory) please show us the evidence, not assumptions.

    All the documents and maps have indicated that Korea had no right to own the rocks - please review all this website.


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