This "New Geography" in 1887 by Okamura Masutaro (岡村増太郎『新撰地誌』明治20) (from Waseda University’s site) is a revised edition of 1886’s.
On August 2012, Korean media reported that “Pre-colonial Japanese textbooks mark Dokdo as Korean territory”. However, it’s an another typical false claim by Korean historian.

As you can see, the island they claim “Dokdo” on the map is not Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks but Ulleungdo/Dagelet from its geographic coordinates. And strictly speaking, it is not for sure that this two islands are marked as Korean territory or not. It’s absurd to jump to the conclusion that other country considered them as “Korean” if they are not marked as Japanese territory. (The spot between Oki and Dagelet/Ulleugdo seems to be just an ink blot. )
(Right : GIF animation by O.M.R GT)
Although almost all the maps after 1882 made by the Hydrographic Department of the Japanese Imperial Navy and the General Staff of Office of Japanese Imperial Army blotted out Argonaut, it still remained on many private mapmaker’s maps including textbook or supplementary reader makers, such as Mr. Okamura, wrongfully map Argonaut and Dagelet thoroughout Meiji era. It seems that Ministry of Education were not keen on this issue. In some cases, especially among San-in residents, people’s old recollection of Takeshima/Ulleungdo-Matsushima/Liancourt Rocks combination in Edo era brought slight confusion on the description of those islands in private publication.
However, again, it is not wise to automatically conclude that Japan’s Matsushima was today’s Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks during Meiji or Japan considered Matsushima(=Ulleungdo in Meiji in fact) as Korean. It’s required to be very careful to ascertain what the “Matsushima” or two islands near Korea represent from its geographical coordinates, description of history and whole context of the book, and so on.
What we need is academic/scientific analization. No more propaganda, please.
연합뉴스기사전송 2012-08-28 22:56최종수정 2012-08-29 15:40
(도쿄=연합뉴스) 김종현 이충원 특파원 = 30년간 일본과 한국의 지도를 비롯한 세계의 고지도를 수집해온 일본인이 독도가 한국땅이라고 증언했다.
일본 오사카에 거주하는 고지도 수집가 구보이 노리오씨(久保井規夫.70)는 28일 독도를 일본땅으로 인식하지 않거나 한국땅으로 표기한 일본 지도를 공개했다.
그는 일본이 한국을 강제 병합하는 과정에서 독도를 일본 영토에 편입했기 때문에 부당하며 일본이 지금이라고 진실을 밝히는 것이 진정한 화해로 나아가는 길이라고 말했다.
구보이씨가 공개한 지도는 1880년 일본 내무성이 발간한 '대일본국전도(大日本國全圖)'를 비롯해 일본 문부성이 1886년 검정한 '일본사요(日本史要)', 1887년 편찬된 '신찬지지(新撰地誌)', 1878년 간행된 '일본지지요략(日本地誌要略)' 등 교과서 5권, 1888년 편찬된 '분방상밀일본지도(分邦詳密日本地圖)', 1901년 문부성이 검정해 간행한 '수정소학 일본지도(修正小學 日本地圖)' 등이다.
19세기 말에서 20세기 초에 걸쳐 일본에서 간행된 이 지도들은 이날 독립기념관이 공개한 일본 지도들과 상당 부분 겹친다.
이들 지도는 독도와 울릉도를 일본 영토로 표기하지 않거나 한국(조선) 영토로 표기하고 있다.
이는 일본 정부가 1905년 각의에서 독도를 자국 영토로 강제 편입하기 이전까지는 일본 영토로 인식하지 않고 한국 영토로 인정했다는 것을 의미한다.
구보이씨는 "1904년 한일의정서로 한국의 손발을 묶은 상태에서 러시아와 전쟁을 위한 재해권 확보 목적으로 일본이 독도를 강제 편입한 것에 불과하다"면서 "1905년 이전의 지도 가운데는 독도를 일본땅이라고 표기한 것이 거의 없다"고 말했다.
그는 "일본이 독도를 편입한 것은 정당하지 않기 때문에 나의 견해가 일본 정부의 입장에 배치되더라도 진실을 얘기할 수밖에 없다."고 강조했다.
이는 노다 요시히코(野田佳彦) 총리가 지난 24일 독도 관련 기자회견에서 "일본이 적어도 17세기 중반에 독도 영유권을 확립했다"는 주장을 정면으로 부정하는 것이다.
구보이씨는 오사카의 공립학교에서 교사로 근무했으며, 30년 전부터 일본과 한국 등 아시아를 포함한 세계의 고지도를 수집하고 있다.
聯合ニュース 記事伝送2012-08-28 22:56 最終修正2012-08-29 15:40
日本の大阪に居住する古地図収集家、クボイ・ノリオ氏(久保井規夫 70)は、28日、独島を日本の領土と認識していないか、韓国の領土と表記した日本の地図を公開した。
자 이제 태풍 이외의 소식으로 가보겠습니다. 요즘 한동안 일본발 소식에 들을만한 게 없었는데 모처럼 괜찮은 뉴스입니다. 일본의 한 역사학자가 과거 일본 스스로 독도를 한국 땅으로 여겼다는 사실을 입증하는 고지도를 공개했습니다.
오사카에서 유영수 특파원이 보도합니다.
일본 내무성 지리국이 지난 1880년 제작한 '대일본국전도' 원본입니다.
정부 공식지도로 당시 러시아와 분쟁 중인 쿠릴열도의 조그만 섬까지 꼼꼼히 표시돼있지만 독도는 흔적도 없습니다.
청일 전쟁이 끝난 1895년 발행된 일본전도입니다.
당시 승리의 대가로 받은 타이완을 일본땅으로 새로 표기했지만, 이 지도에도 역시 독도는 없습니다.
또 같은 해 문부성의 검증을 받아 발간된 지리 교과서 지도에도 울릉도만 표시됐을 뿐, 독도는 어디에도 없었습니다.
근대 일본에서 출간된 수십 점의 각종 고지도를 수집 연구해온 일본 역사학자 구보이 노리오 씨는 일본은1905년 러일전쟁기에 독도를 강점하기 전까지 독도는 일본땅이라는 의식 자체가 전혀 없었다고 단언합니다.
[구보이 노리오/일본 역사학자 : (러일전쟁 당시 독도가) 군사전략적 요지여서 일본이 영토화를 서둘렀고, 1905년 시마네현에 편입한 것입니다.]
구보이 씨는 고지도들을 보면 역사적으로 독도가 일본땅이라는 노다 총리의 주장은 명백히 잘못됐다며 진실을 직시해야한다고 일침을 놓습니다.
[당시 대한제국의 손발을 묶고, 입을 막고, 이후 국제법적으로 독도를 일본땅으로 편입했다는 사실은 명백합니다.]
(영상취재 : 안병욱)
유영수 기자
続いて台風以外のニュースです。このところ、日本発の良いニュースがなかったのですが、なかなか良いニュースです。 日本のある歴史学者が、過去、日本自らが独島を韓国領土と認識していたという事実を立証する古地図を公開しました。
1800年代の日本教科書 独島を朝鮮領と表記
2012/08/28 17:10 KST
中央日報 latest news
「独島は朝鮮の領土」 日本近代地理教科書も明示
[ⓒ 中央日報/中央日報日本語版]
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete韓国 独立記念館での発表(中央日報の報道)
c文部省検定「日本史要」1886年(明治19年)・・・・・ 上記2と同じ
日清戦争が終わった1895年に発行された日本全図 ・・・・・・・・・・上記になし
Kaneganese keeps misleading the readers.
ReplyDeleteKaneganese wrote "the island they claim “Dokdo” on the map is not Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks but Ulleungdo/Dagelet from its geographic coordinates." Kaneganese is wrong. It was typical that Takeshim(Ulleongdo then) and Matsushim(Dokdo then) were drawn at the inaccurate geographical location in 19th century Japanese maps due to the influence of western maps such as Seibold’s map. Please don’t try to say Takeshima and Matsushima in Siebold’s map are non-existent Argonaut and Ulleongdo respectively. Siebold didn’t know Takeshima was non-existent at the time even though he co-labeled Argonaut. Is there any 19th century Japanese map which drew only two islands –Takeshima(Ulleongdo) and Matsushima(Dokdo) - at the accurate geographical location? The answer is "No".
Kaneganese wrote “Although .... blotted out Argonaut, it still remained on many private mapmaker’s maps including textbook or supplementary reader makers, such as Mr. Okamura, wrongfully map Argonaut and Dagelet thoroughout Meiji era. It seems that Ministry of Education were not keen on this issue.”
You should provide the evidence on why they wrongfully marked a ghost island in the books for the Japanese students. You are degrading Japanese Ministry of Education then to justify your nonsense claim. Japan was very advanced then enough to get ready for a war with its neighboring nation. It’s hard to believe Ministry of Education of the nation like Japan was foolish enough to let the teachers teach the students that there were two islands on the way to Korea and one of them was a ghost island. Had Takeshima(Ulleongdo) and Matsushima(Dokdo) ever been separated from each other in the Japanese documents and maps?
The title of this post is “"New Geography" by Okamura Masutaro doesn't mark Takeshima as Korean territory” Then, it’s ok to say Okamura Masutaro must have perceived Takeshima as Korean territory, isn’t it? In 1870, the Japanese government ordered the Foreign Ministry officials to investigate how Takeshima(Ulleongdo then) and Matsushim(Dokdo then) became the belonging to Korea and in 1877, the Japanese government ordered the Japanese to remember Japan had nothing to do with Takeshima and another island(Dokdo). More Japanese historical evidence documents tell Dokdo was Korean land. Isn’t it plausible to say he must had been well aware of Japanese history of Takeshima(Dokdo)?
The analysis based on personal wish is not academic and scientific approach. It’s Kaneganese who should stop propaganda for the ignorant readers including Japanese young students who are wrongfully taught Takeshima(Dokdo) is Japanese land at school.
大日本国全図 内務省地理局地誌課 明治14年(1881)
製作したのは明治13年6月、地理局地誌課 監修 塚本明毅とあります。
【内題】 「大日本国全図」
【差込み地図】 「東京全図」 「京都全図」 「北海道全図」 「大隅大島及琉球諸島」 「小笠原島群嶋」
【刊記】 「明治十三年十一月版権届 同十四年二月出版 地理局地誌課」 「鐫工 結城正明 発兌 芝柴井町 松井忠兵衛(印:つちや)・両国吉川町 塩島一介(印:しまや)」
識語末尾に「明治十三年紀元二千五百四十年六月 地理局地誌課 監修 塚本明毅 校正 河田羆 小島尚絅 製図 吉田晋 赤松範静 高橋不二雄 市原正秀」
9/4/13 12:18
The Court recalls that Singapore did not, until 1995, publish any map including Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh within its territory. But that failure to act is in the view of the Court of much less weight than the weight to be accorded to the maps published by Malaya and Malaysia between 1962 and 1975.
The map which has not described a island does not mean the nonexistence of sovereignty of her country and the existence of sovereignty of other country. Korea is dependent on these poor evidences and selfish interpretation because she doesn't have any effective evidence in the international law.
ノギワ・カオルは、たぶん「野際 馨」で、「日本全図」を残しています。1895年(明治28年)のドンピシャのものはありませんが、これの異版だと思います。残念ながら画像はありません。
野際馨 編.
東京 : 學友舘, 1892.11.
地図 1枚 ; 56×75cm
共同刊行: 中村芳松 (大阪)
分図: 小笠原島ほか.
野際馨 (和歌山県士族)編纂、発行者 中村芳松(大阪市心斎橋北詰)、発行所 学友館(東京市日本橋柳原川岸)、印刷所 中田石版所、明治26年2月1日発行、1舗
再版、75×55cm、銅版地図、淡彩色、ボール表紙(裏表紙毛筆住所氏名記載)、折目部分小傷み裏打ち補修、右半分褪色、讃岐地方1カ所小穴(0.7×0.4cm)、左下端淵余白部分1カ所欠(3×1.5cm)、蔵書印、含む「千島」「西半球」「東半球」「大隅諸島 沖縄島」「八重山群島」「肥前島(福江島ほか)」
野際馨(和歌山県士族) 編纂者、発行者 中村芳松(大阪市南区末吉橋通4丁目89番地)、発売所 鐘美堂本店・鐘美堂支店、明治34年訂正、1枚
一枚もの、78×53cm、銅版淡手彩色地図、ボール表紙背上下端傷み、折目部分に小さな穴、裏面に蔵書印「仙台名掛丁 明治堂」 画像の送信が可能です。
日本全図 訂正改版 表紙付
重版、第5版 折り目、角少痛み
(上掲 中央日報
(上記 中央日報 「写真=独立記念館」)。
일본인이 '독도 한국땅' 지도 공개
이명박 대통령의 독도 방문을 계기로 한국과 일본이 외교전쟁을 벌이고 있는 가운데 고(古)지도 소장가인 한 일본인이 독도가 한국 땅으로 표기돼 있거나 일본 영토로 표기돼 있지 않은 고지도 여러 장을 처음으로 공개했다.
오사카의 공립학교 교사 출신으로 오래전부터 고지도를 수집해 온 구보이 노리오(70)는 28일 "가장 가깝게 지내야 할 한국과 일본이 독도 영유권 문제를 놓고 외교전쟁을 벌이는 것을 보고 안타까웠다."면서 "더 이상 진실을 감춰서는 안 된다는 생각에 일본인이지만 지도를 공개하게 됐다."고 말했다.
구보이가 공개한 지도 중에는 '수정소학 일본지도'(修正小學 日本地圖)가 가장 의미가 크다. 국민에게 자국의 영토를 정확하게 알리려는 목적으로 작성한 지리교과서에 게재돼 있는 지도로 문부성이 1901년에 발간했다. 문부성의 검정을 거친 당시 일본 정부의 공식 입장을 담은 교과서다. 동북아역사재단 독도연구소 정영미 박사는 "이 지도가 공개된 것은 처음"이라고 말했다.
지도에는 일본 영토를 상세하게 표시해 놓았지만 울릉도는 아무런 표시를 하지 않아 '조선' 땅임을 분명히 했다. 독도는 그려 놓지도 않아 당시만 해도 자국 영토로 주장하지 않았다는 방증으로 해석된다. 일본은 1905년 러•일전쟁 이후 독도 영유권을 주장하고 있다. 노다 요시히코 총리가 지난 27일 참의원 예산위원회에 출석해 독도와 센카쿠 열도(중국명 댜오위다오) 등 영토에 대한 교육을 강화할 필요가 있다고 강조했지만 이 교과서는 일본이 제국주의화하던 시절에 제대로 된 영토교육을 시킨 사례로 꼽힌다.
'대일본국 전도'도 의미가 있다. 일본 내무성이 1880년 11월에 발간한 지도로 일본 정부가 공식적으로 인정한 일본 영토를 표시한 지도다. 이 지도에는 오키나와까지 게재했지만 독도와 울릉도는 싣지 않았다. 이 지도에는 당시 도쿄와 교토를 상세하게 표기할 정도로 정밀도가 뛰어난 지도인데도 독도는 한국땅이라는 점을 인정해 기재하지 않은 것으로 해석된다.
노기와 가오루가 1895년에 제작한 '일본 전도'에는 독도가 한국 땅이라는 사실을 분명히 하고 있다. 새로운 영토로 당시 일본이 복속시킨 타이완을 새 영토라고 표기했지만 독도는 표시하지 않았다.
일본 정부와 일본인들이 제작한 지도 이외에 구보이는 독도는 한국 땅임을 알리는 서양인들의 지도도 공개했다. 이탈리아인 시볼트가 1840년에 작성한 한국과 일본 지도에는 한국을 노란색으로 2개의 울릉도와 같은 색으로 칠했고, 일본은 갈색으로 표시해 구분했다.
한편 독립기념관도 이날 '독도는 한국땅'임을 입증하는 근대 일본의 역사•지리교과서 7점을 공개했다. 일본 정부가 직접 제작한 초•중•고등학교 지리 교과서에서 독도가 한국 영토임을 확인하는 최초의 자료라는 점에서 의미가 있다.
이번에 공개된 자료는 일본 문부성이 1905년 직접 만든 '소학지리용신지도(小學地理用新地圖)' 1886년 문부성이 검정한 '일본사요(日本史要) 상권' 1900년 문부성이 검정한 '소학지리(小學地理) 1•2권' 1887년 오카무라 마쓰타로가 편찬한 '신찬지지(新撰地誌) 1권' 1878년 오쓰키 슈지가 지은 '일본지지요략(日本地誌要略) 1•4권' 등 교과서 5권과 1888년 아오키 쓰네사부로가 지은 '분방상밀 일본지도'(分邦詳密日本地圖) 1925년 도쿄 개성관이 제작한 '표준일본지도'(標準日本地圖) 등 지리부도 2권이다.
오사카 이종락특파원•서울 문소영기자
地図には、日本領土を詳細に表示しているが、鬱陵島は何の表示もなく、「朝鮮」領土であることを明確にした。 独島は描いてもおらず、当時も自国領土と主張しなかったという傍証と解釈される。日本は1905年露日戦争以後、独島領有権を主張している。ノダ・ヨシヒコ総理が去る27日、参議院予算委員会に出席して独島と尖閣列島(中国名釣魚島)等領土に対する教育を強化する必要があると強調したが、この教科書は日本が帝国主義化した時期に正しくなされた領土教育をさせた事例に選ばれる。
「大日本国全図」も意味がある。 日本内務省が1880年11月に発刊した地図で、日本政府が公式に認めた日本領土を表示した地図だ。この地図には沖縄も掲載したが、独島と鬱陵島はのせなかった。この地図には当時の東京と京都を詳細に表記するほど精密度が優れた地図であるが、独島は韓国の領土だという点を認めて記載しなかったと解釈される。
今回公開された資料は、日本文部省が1905年直接作った「小学地理用新地図」、1886年文部省が検定した「日本史要 上巻」、1900年文部省が検定した「小学地理1・2巻」、1887年岡村増太郎が編纂した「新撰地誌1巻」、1878年オオツキ シュウジが作った「日本地誌要略1・4巻」等教科書5冊と、1888年アオキ ツネサブロが作った「分邦詳密日本地図」、1925年東京개성관が製作した「標準日本地図」等地理付図2冊だ。
大阪イ・ジョンナク特派員・ソウル ムン・ソヨン記者
2012-08-29 1면
일본인이 ‘독도 한국땅’ 지도 공개[동영상]
고지도 수집•소장가 구보이 1901년 발간 日교과서 게재 ‘수정소학 일본지도’ 등 다수
日本人が「独島韓国領」地図公開 [動画]
古地図収集・所蔵家クボイ 1901年発刊 日本教科書掲載「修正小学日本地図」等多数
이명박 대통령의 독도 방문을 계기로 한국과 일본이 외교전쟁을 벌이고 있는 가운데 고(古)지도 소장가인 한 일본인이 독도가 한국 땅으로 표기돼 있거나 일본 영토로 표기돼 있지 않은 고지도 여러 장을 처음으로 공개했다.
▲ 일본 문부성은 1901년 발행한 ‘수정 소학일본지도’(修正 小學日本地圖)에서 자국 영토를 상세하게 그렸지만 독도는 아예 지도에 넣지 않았다. 대신 울릉도(붉은 점선 동그라미)를 당시 일본에서 부르던 마쓰시마(松嶋)로 표기하고 ‘조선’의 영토에 속한다는 의미로 아무런 색을 칠하지 않았다. 독도와 울릉도를 자국 영토라고 주장하지 않았다는 방증이다. 왼쪽 위 작은 사진은 수정 소학일본지도의 표지.
구보이 노리오 제공
▲日本文部省は、1901年発行した「修正小学日本地図」で自国領土を詳細に描いたが、独島は最初から地図に入れなかった。 代わりに鬱陵島(赤い点線 丸印)を当時日本で呼んだマツシマ(松嶋)と表記して「朝鮮」の領土に属するという意味で何の色も塗らなかった。 独島と鬱陵島を自国領土だと主張しなかったという傍証だ。 左側の上小さい写真は、修正小学日本地図の表紙.
오사카의 공립학교 교사 출신으로 오래전부터 고지도를 수집해 온 구보이 노리오(69)는 28일 “더 이상 진실을 감춰서는 안 된다는 생각에 일본인이지만 지도를 공개하게 됐다.”고 말했다.
구보이가 공개한 지도 중에는 ‘수정 소학일본지도’(修正 小學日本地圖)가 가장 의미가 크다. 국민에게 자국의 영토를 정확하게 알리려는 목적으로 작성한 지리교과서에 게재돼 있는 지도로 문부성이 1901년에 발간했다. 문부성의 검정을 거친 당시 일본 정부의 공식 입장을 담은 교과서다. 동북아역사재단 독도연구소 정영미 박사는 “이지도가 공개된 것은 처음”이라고 말했다.
クボイが公開した地図の中では、「修正小学日本地図」が最も意味が大きい。 国民に自国の領土を正確に知らせようとする目的で作成した地理教科書に掲載されている地図で、文部省が1901年に発刊した。 文部省の検定を経た当時日本政府の公式立場を入れた教科書だ。 東北アジア歴史財団独島研究所チョン・ヨンミ博士は“この地図が公開されたのは初めて”と話した。
지도에는 일본 영토를 상세하게 작은 섬까지 색칠로 표시해 놓았지만 당시 일본에서 부르던 마쓰시마(松嶋)로 표기한 울릉도는 색칠하지 않아 ‘조선’ 땅임을 분명히 했다. 게다가 독도는 그려 놓지도 않아 당시만 해도 자국 영토로 주장하지 않았다는 방증으로 해석된다. 일본은 1905년 러•일전쟁 이후 독도 영유권을 주장하고 있다.
地図には、日本領土を詳細に小さい島まで色塗りで表示しておいたが、当時日本で呼んだマツシマ(松嶋)と表記した鬱陵島は彩らず、「朝鮮」領土であることを明確にした。 その上、独島は描いておくこともなくて、当時も自国領土と主張しなかったという傍証と解釈される。 日本は1905年、露日戦争以後、独島領有権を主張している。
함께 공개한 ‘대일본국 전도’도 의미가 있다. 일본 내무성이 1880년 11월에 발간한 지도로 일본 정부가 공식적으로 인정한 일본 영토를 표시한 지도다. 이 지도에는 오키나와와 오키섬 등을 상세히 그려넣었지만 독도와 울릉도는 싣지 않았다. 당시의 도쿄와 교토를 상세하게 표기할 정도로 정밀도가 뛰어난 지도인데도 독도는 한국땅이라는 점을 인정해 기재하지 않은 것으로 해석된다.
共に公開した「大日本国全図」も意味がある。 日本内務省が1880年11月に発刊した地図で日本政府が公式に認めた日本領土を表示した地図だ。 この地図には沖縄と隠岐島などを詳細に書き込んだが独島と鬱陵島はのせなかった。 当時の東京と京都を詳細に表記するほど精密度が優れた地図なのに独島は韓国の地だという点を認めて記載しなかったと解釈される。
노기와 가오루가 1895년에 제작한 ‘일본 전도’에는 독도가 한국 땅이라는 사실을 분명히 하고 있다. 당시 일본이 복속시킨 타이완을 새 영토라고 표기했지만 독도는 표시하지 않았다. 일본 정부와 일본인들이 제작한 지도 이외에 구보이는 독도가 한국 땅임을 알리는 서양인들의 지도도 공개했다. 이탈리아인 시볼트가 1840년에 작성한 한국과 일본 지도에는 한국을 노란색으로 ‘2개’의 울릉도와 같은 색으로 칠했고, 일본은 갈색으로 표시해 구분했다.
ノギワ・カオルが1895年に製作した「日本全図」は、独島が韓国領土という事実を明確にしている。 当時日本が服属させた台湾を新しい領土だと表記したが、独島は表示しなかった。 日本政府と日本人たちが製作したのも以外に、クボイが独島が韓国領土であることを知らせる西洋人の地図も公開した。 イタリア人シーボルトが1840年に作成した韓国と日本地図には、韓国を黄色に、‘2個’の鬱陵島と同じ色で塗り、日本は茶色で表示して区分した。
울릉도를 두개 표시한 것은 프랑스 탐험선과 영국 탐험선이 각각 발견한 뒤 다른 이름을 붙여 별개의 섬인 것으로 오해했기 때문이다. 한편 독립기념관도 이날 ‘독도는 한국 땅’임을 입증하는 근대 일본의 역사•지리교과서 7점을 공개했다. 일본 정부가 직접 제작한 초•중•고등학교 지리 교과서에서 독도가 한국 영토임을 확인하는 최초의 자료라는 점에서 의미가 있다.
鬱陵島を二つ表示したのは、フランス探険船と英国探険船がそれぞれ発見した後、違う名前を付けて別個の島であると誤解したためだ。 一方、独立記念館も、この日「独島は韓国領土」であることを立証する近代日本の歴史・地理教科書7点を公開した。 日本政府が直接製作した小・中・高など学校地理教科書で、独島が韓国領土であることを確認する最初の資料という点で意味がある。
오사카 이종락특파원
서울 문소영기자
ソウル ムン・ソヨン記者
“대마도는 본시 우리 땅” 입증하는 고지도 발견
기사입력 2013-03-24 11:30
【부산=뉴시스】허상천 기자 = 대마도가 한국령이었다는 사실을 확인시켜 주는 고지도가 발견돼 관심을 모으고 있다.
한일 관계사 등을 전공하는 한일 문화연구소 김문길 소장(부산외대 명예교수)은 “지리학자로 영국에서 활동하던 이태리인 J.H.Kernot 씨가 탐험에 나서면서 1790년에 작성한 ‘일본과 한국’지도에는 울릉도와 독도뿐만 아니고 대마도가 한국 영토로 그려져 있다”고 밝히고 지도 사진을 공개 했다.
김 소장은 “이 지도와 자료를 지난달 11일 지도 학자 일본인 구보이 노리오(久保井規 夫)교수의 연구실에서 입수했다”고 밝혔다.
이 지도에는 대마도를 ‘STRAIT OF COREA’ 로 표시해 ‘한국해협안에 대마도가 있다’ 는 사실을 확인시켜 주고 있다.
특히 독도와 울릉도, 대마도의 관할 국가를 표시하는지도 바탕 색깔을 한국 본토와 같은 황색으로 나타내 이들 섬이 한국령이라는 사실을 한눈에 알 수 있게 했다.
김 소장은 “이 지도에는 독도를 일본식 발음인 ‘Dagelet(다제레트)’, 울릉도는 ‘Argonaut(아르고노우트)’로 표기해 일본에서 입수된 자료로 지도를 작성한 것으로 추정된다”고 밝히고 “당시 일본인들도 대마도를 한국 영토로 인정하고 있었던 사실을 반증하는 자료”라고 설명했다.
그는 “대마도는 일본 고지도 고문서에 우리말과 한글을 사용했다는 사실은 일찌기 알려진 사실이지만 이번에 발견된 지도는 대마도가 한국 해협안에 있다는 사실을 확인시켜 주는 귀중한 사료”라고 밝히고 “대마도는 본시 우리 땅”이었다고 강조했다.
김 소장은 “대마도를 한국 영토로 표시한 지도는 많이 발견됐지만 우리 해협 안에 있는 것으로 분명하게 그려진 지도는 드물다”고 밝히고 “이번에 발견된 고지도는 당시 세계인들도 대마도가 코리아 땅이라 인식했다는 사실을 확인시켜 주는 귀중한 자료”라고 말했다.
한편 이전에 공개된 1592년 도요토미 히데요시의 명령으로 일본인 구키가 제작한 ‘조선팔도총도’에도 울릉도와 독도가 그려져 있고 대마도가 경상도에 속한 모양으로 그려져 있다. 1830년 일본에서 만든 ‘조선국도’에도 울릉도와 독도, 대마도가 조선 영토로 나타나 있다.
記事入力2013-03-24 11:30
【釜山=ニューシス】 ホ・サンチョン記者=
この地図には、対馬を‘STRAIT OF COREA’と表示して「韓国海峡の中に対馬がある」という事実を確認させてくれる。
(写真説明)地図名:JAPAN&KOREA(日本と韓国)製作年度:1790年 製作者:J.H.Kernot
Collection: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Author: Martin, R.M.; Tallis, J. & F.
Date: 1851
Short Title: Japan & Corea.
Publisher: J. & F. Tallis New York
Type: Atlas Map
Note: Countries and regions in outline color with illustrations in black and white of Yedo, a state barge and "Coreans." A geometrically designed borders accented by flowers in the corners.
Full Title: Japan & Corea. The Illustrations by H. Warren & Engraved by J.H. Kernot. The Map Drawn & Engraved by J. Rapkin.
Pub Title: The Illustrated Atlas, And Modern History Of The World Geographical, Political, Commercial & Statistical, Edited By R. Montgomery Martin, Esq. ... The Maps Drawn & Engraved By J. Rapkin. H. Warren. J. Rogers. J. & F. Tallis, London & New York.
Pub Note: Maps by J. Rapkin. The edition without the town plans. Date estimated. This copy has a few pages of the Index/Gazetteer, as issued, almost as a sample of the later edition with the complete gazetteer. Earlier editions have a second title page dated 1851, a view of the Great Pavilion opposite the ornamental title page, and an index sheet titled "Directions to Binder - arrangement of maps" (Huntington Library copy). Maps are hand colored with outline color, and bound in half leather marbled paper covered boards with "Illustrated Atlas" stamped in gilt on the spine.
2013.03.24 金文吉「対馬は本来われらの地」~立証する古地図を発見 の嘘
87. J.Rapkin: 『日本・朝鮮図』; London, [1851]
J. Rapkin: Japan and Corea.
John Tallis: Japan & Corea
116番 ラプキン 日本図 ロンドン(1850)
「J. & F. Tallisタリス(テイリス?)の出版した世界地図帳 The Illustrated Atlas, And Modern History Of The Worldにのった、ラプキンJ.RapkinのJapan & Corea『日本及び朝鮮図』」とでも言うべき地図でしょう。出版は1851年です。
確かにJ.H. Kernotという名前は登場しますが、イラストの版画家であり、地図製作者ではありません。
Full Title: Japan & Corea. The Illustrations by H. Warren & Engraved by J.H. Kernot. The Map Drawn & Engraved by J. Rapkin.
Note: Countries and regions in outline color with illustrations in black and white of Yedo, a state barge and "Coreans."
すなわち、「江戸」と「御座船」と「Coreans」を描いたイラストの版画家がJ.H. Kernot氏であり(しかも彼は彫っただけで原画はH. Warren)、地図は製作も版刻もJ. Rapkinによるものです。
「独島,は日本地ではない」と 元共産党&日教組の元非常勤講師・久保井さんが言ってくれたnida!
I wrote "It was typical that Takeshima(Ulleongdo then) and Matsushima(Dokdo then) were drawn at the inaccurate geographical location in 19th century Japanese maps due to the influence of western maps."
ReplyDeleteThe link below shows how a Japanese mapmaker copied the mismapped western map in 1872.
Two islands between mainland Korea and Japanese Oki Island are Ulleongdo and Dokdo.
It was typical the Japanese mapmakers drew the Japanese traditionally called Takeshima and Matsushima at the inaccurate geographical positions (Ulleongdo in more westerly location and Dokdo in the location of Ulleongdo) as the result of copying the mismapped western maps.
Again, I ask to bring any 19th century Japanese map which drew only two islands –Takeshima(Ulleongdo) and Matsushima(Dokdo) between mainland Korea and Oki Island at the geographically accurate positions to prove Kaneganese’s claim was right. Kaneganese’s claim that two islands on Okamura’s map are Argonaut and Ulleongdo, not Ulleongdo and Dokdo from their geographic coordinates is deadly wrong.
Pro-Takeshima people, please stop misleading that the two islands between Korean mainland and Oki Island in the 19th century Japanese maps are Argonaut and Ulleongdo to deny Dokdo was marked as Korean land in some of them. It’s the matter of conscience. Isn’t the conscience the virtue to the pro-Takeshima people to practice?
It’s very sorry to see some Japanese, especially the Japanese politicians these days, choose to abandon their conscience to glorify Japanese history of territorial greed.
Kaneganese wrote :
ReplyDeleteIt’s absurd to jump to the conclusion that other country considered them as “Korean” if they are not marked as Japanese territory.
The Japanese maps linked below marked 竹島 and 松島 as Korean territory. They were made in the same period as "新撰地誌(New Geography)" by Okamura Masutaro. 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima) are Japanese old names for Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively no matter where they are geographically located.
測量朝鮮與地全圖 (The Measured Whole Map of Chosun,1876)
Whole Map of Chosun Country,1877)
銅版朝鮮国全図(Copperplate Print Whole Map of Chosun Country, 1882)
万国新地図(New World Atlas,1892)
新撰 朝鮮國全圖(Newly Made Whole Map of Chosun Country,1894)
朝鮮輿地圖(The Map of Chosun, 1894)
朝鮮明細全圖(The Detailed Whole Map of Chosun,1894)
實測日淸韓軍用精圖(The Measured Map of Japan, China and Korea, 1895)
From those maps and the many Japanese maps excluding Dokdo as Japanese land, I think it’s not ridiculous to conclude Dokdo was considered as Korean land when it was not marked as Japanese territory. Before the Japanese incorporation of Dokdo in 1905, the Japanese had never considered Dokdo as Japanese land. Even after Japan’s incorporation of Dokdo, some Japanese still considered Dokdo as Korean land.
ReplyDeleteAll maps you have shown indicate “Dagelet (Matsu shima)” and “Argonaut (Take shima)”.
So they only mean Ulleuong Do belongs to Korea.
And are you sure 測量朝鮮與地全圖 (The Measured Whole Map of Chosun,1876) was made in 1876?
I think Japanese could not enter Korea to “Measure” the Land at that time.
Moreover,『測量朝鮮「與地」全圖』 should be 『測量朝鮮「輿地」全圖』
Just like as 『東国「輿地」勝覧』
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ReplyDeleteAll maps you have shown indicate 'Dagelet (Matsu shima)" and "Argonaut (Take shima)".
--> I already wrote why they can't be "Dagelet (Ulleongdo)” and “Argonaut (a ghost island)" in the comments above. Give me the reasons why you think they are "Dagelet (Matsu shima)" and "Argonaut (Take shima)", I can explain the reason why you are wrong again for you.
Matsu, why do you keep insisting the Japanese mapmakers drew non-existent ghost “Argonaut” in the maps? If they recognized Takeshima was non-existent, why didn’t they mark so? (Just a few drew it in a dotted line.) Why did they forget Dokdo? Can you give the plausible explanation about this to me? If your ultimate goal is finding the truth, not just insisting Takeshima is Japanese land, I’m sure you can accept my explanation about Takeshima(Ulleongdo)-Matsushima(Dokdo).
And are you sure 測量朝鮮與地全圖 (The Measured Whole Map of Chosun,1876) was made in 1876? I think Japanese could not enter Korea to “Measure” the Land at that time.
-->I don’t exactly know it was measured or not, but that’s the title. If you have a better translation for ‘測量’ than ‘measurement’, please let me know. I’ll change. Regardless of the title, I think this map was not made by real measurement.
Moreover,『測量朝鮮「與地」全圖』 should be 『測量朝鮮「輿地」全圖』
--> Thank you for correction.
Sloww:Give me the reasons why you think they are "Dagelet (Matsu shima)" and "Argonaut (Take shima)"
ReplyDeleteGeographic information of these maps.Latitude, longitude, the shape and size.
In international law, islands are determined from these geographic information of maps. Only Korean and her biased supporter don't think so.
These maps didn't describe Takeshima. But these maps are not concerned with sovereignty.
ReplyDelete[PALMAS CASE]
Any maps which do not precisely indicate the political distribution of territories, and in particular the Island of Palmas (or Miangas) clearly marked as such, must be rejected forthwith, unless they contribute—supposing that they are accurate—to the location of geographical names.
As regards maps of Dutch origin, there are in panicular two which, in the view of the United States, possess an official character and which might exclude Palmas (or Miangas) from the Dutch possessions. The first of these, published in 1857 by M. Bogaerts, lithographer to the Royal Military Academy, and dedicated to the Governor of that institution, if it possesses the official character attributed to it by the American Memorandum and disputed by the Netherlands Countei-Memorandum, might serve to indicate that the island was not considered at the period in question as Dutch but as Spanish territory. Anyhow, a map affords only an indication—and that a very indirect one—and, except when annexed to a legal instrument, has not the value of such an instrument, involving recognition or abandonment of rights.
Thank you helping me, OPP.
Latitude, Longitude, the Shape and the Size.
Why don’t you want to see the” Geographic information” of these maps?
>Why the Japanese mapmakers kept drawing non-existent ghost “Argonaut”?
Maybe because Japanese had been thinking there were two islands called Takeshima and Matsushima between Oki and Korean peninsula.
After the Amagi’s investigation in 1880, Japanese, including the Japanese government, found the island named Matsushima was Korean Ulleungdo.
But it was difficult to forget about Takeshima, the second island, so Japanese mapmakers kept drawing “Argonaut” as Takeshima .
That’s my explanation.
>Why did they forget Dokdo?
Because, these islets were economically worthless.
The Tokugawa Bakufu never prohibited to go there, but people actually didn’t go because there were no resources worth for taking a risk sailing two days and nights.
The islets were forgotten after Ino Tadataka’s map didn’t draw them.
The islets were re-found only after Nakae Yozaburo’s technical method was successful for catching the sea lions.
ReplyDeleteCould you show me where do you find the map?
Maybe some information is written in the map itself.
I think this map is younger than 1876.
ReplyDeleteTo me, your stubborn and nonsense lecture on international law is not worth to listen to. The argument with matsu has no slightest relation with international law. Give your absurd lecture on international law to the ignorant Japanese to mislead them. They may listen to you and be happy with your lecture.
ReplyDeleteOpp maybe helped you, but unfortunately doesn’t help the Japanese seeking the truth on Dokdo.
Why don’t you want to see the” Geographic information” of these maps?
---> What is your point? Are you saying Takeshima and Matsushima are Argonant and Ulleongdo because their geographic information is not correct? What does your “Geographic information” indicate? Does it mean geographical location, shape and size of Takeshima and Matsushima? If so, check the other parts of the maps if they were drawn based on the correct geographic information, and let me know the result.
>Why the Japanese mapmakers kept drawing non-existent ghost “Argonaut”?
Maybe because Japanese had been thinking there were two islands called Takeshima and Matsushima between Oki and Korean peninsula.
Yes, the two islands traditionally called Takeshima and Matsushima in the Japanese mind were today’s Ulleongdo and Dokdo. They are the islands the Oya and Murakawa families illegally traveled to for decades in 1600s, the Japan’s Edo government prohibited the Japanese to travel in 1696 and the Meiji government ordered the Japanese to remember Japan has nothing to do with them. Two islands called Takeshima and Matsushima between Oki and Korean peninsula were today’s Ulleongdo and Dokdo in the Japanese mind before 1905 with very a few exceptions. Thus, your insisting the Japanese drew non-existent ghost island “Argonaut” is deadly wrong.
ReplyDeleteAfter the Amagi’s investigation in 1880, Japanese, including the Japanese government, found the island named Matsushima was Korean Ulleungdo.bBut it was difficult to forget about Takeshima, the second island, so Japanese mapmakers kept drawing “Argonaut” as Takeshima. That’s my explanation.
You mean the Japanese drew non-existent ghost island because they couldn’t forget about Takeshima which was the traditional name for Dokdo, right? You are admitting against your will that two islands named Takeshima and Matsushima in the Japanese recognition were today’s Ulleongdo and Dokdo. Yes, how could they forget Takeshima? The island they couldn’t forget was Takeshima as Japanese traditional name for Dokdo, not as non-existent ghost island.
Japanese government found the island named Matsushima in the Muto Heigaku (武藤平学)’s petition was Ulleongdo, but Amagi’s investigation didn’t affect the Japanese recognition on two islands traditionally called Takeshima(Ulleongdo) and Matsushima(Dokdo) much. If the Japanese clearly understood and widely accepted the result of Amagi’s investigation, why did they persistently even after Amagi's survey draw the non-existent Argonant (Takeshima). Amagi didn’t find Argonant and mention about Argonaut. You like other pro-Takeshima people highlighted the fact that Amagi found Matsushima was Ulleongdo to mislead the island named Matsushima was not Dokdo in the 19C Japanese maps. Make it clear Amagi found Matsushima in Muto’s petition was Ulleongdo. Amagi’s survey didn’t affect the Japanese general recognition Masushima was the traditional Japanese name for Dokdo.
>Why did they forget Dokdo?
Because, these islets were economically worthless.
The Japanese maps were made based on the economic worth? You may realize by now your comment is nonsense.
Could you show me where do you find the map?
I think this map is younger than 1876
You can find 測量朝鮮與地全圖 on Internet. Does it make any difference if the map was made before 1876? I think it doesn’t matter.
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ReplyDeleteI wrote:
ReplyDeleteAmagi’s investigation didn’t affect the Japanese recognition on two islands traditionally called Takeshima(Ulleongdo) and Matsushima(Dokdo) much. If the Japanese clearly understood and widely accepted the result of Amagi’s investigation, why did they persistently draw the non-existent Argonant (Takeshima)?
The Japanese map linked below perfectly proves the Japanese were not influenced much by Agami’s survey report that Matsushima(松島) was Ulleongdo in the Moth’s petition. It was quite general the Japanese used the traditional Japanese names Takeshima and Matsushima for Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively until Japan illegally incorporated Dokdo giving the name “Takeshima” which was Japanese traditional name for Ulleongdo to Dokdo in 1905.
The New Detailed Map of Japan, Russia, China and Korea (日露淸韓明細新圖)
This map was made in 1903 by the Department of Survey of Imperial Army/Navy(帝国陸海測量部) 23 years after Amagi’s survey and still used the traditional Japanese names Takeshima(竹島) and Matsushima(松島) for Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively.
The pro-Takeshima people including prof. Shimojo, the Director of Takeshima Research Center refute Takeshima and Matsusuhima in this map are a phantom Argonaut and Ulleongdo, not Ulleongdo and Dokdo, which is ridiculous.
Kaneganese wrote the map was made for the soldier who goes to war to the oversea land. Then, this map must have been made for the solders who go to the Russo-Japanese War because it was produced just 4 months before Japan's declaration of war with Russia. To Japan at a war with Russia, Dokdo was very important as strategical site for Imperial Japan’s Navy. It's nonsense to claim “The Japanese Empire’s Army and Navy Survey Department knowingly or unknowingly drew non-exist phantom island Argonaut in the military map for the Japanese soldiers who go to the war. Can you imagine Imperial Japan’s Army and Navy let the Japanese soldiers go to the war with the map depicting an phantom island without Dokdo in the East Sea(Sea of Japan)?
In other words, Takeshima and Matsushima in the map linked are Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively and Imperial government of Japan clearly considered Dokdo as Korean land.
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ReplyDeleteKaneganese wrote
ReplyDelete“As you can see, the island they claim "Dokdo" on the map is not Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks but Ulleungdo/Dagelet from its geographic coordinates."
Matsu wrote:
Why don’t you want to see the " Geographic information" of these maps?
Kaneganese and Matsu, Takeshima (竹島 = Ulleongdo then) in the maps linked below is located at the similar geographic coordinates to that in "New Geography" and those in the maps I linked above. Then why are they labeled as Ulleongdo? According to your logic, they can’t be Ulleongdo.
Ulleongdo and Dokdo in the Japanese Maps of 1880s
Those maps clearly your claim that Takeshima(竹島) and Matsushima(松島) are Argonaut and Ulleongdo is deadly wrong. Even though they are not drawn in the geographically accurate position, they are absolutely Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively. In other words, the Japanese mapmakers at the time drew Takehsima and Matsushima based on the names, not geographical position. Therefore, it’s very foolish or sneaky to claim Takeshima and Matsushima in the in the 1880s are non-existent ghost island Argonaut and Ulleongdo, not Ulleongdo and Dokdo from geographic coordinates and Dokdo was omitted. The Japanese mapmakers then clearly recognized Takeshima(竹島) was Ulleongdo and Matsushima(松島) was Dokdo by their names.
Why do Japan distort 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima) are a non-existent phantom island and Ulleongdo, not Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively? It’s to deny the Japanese maps of 19C depicted 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima) as Korean land. It’s very unconscientious.
The judicial precedent about the identity of the island or land
ReplyDelete[geographic information of maps and records]
Legal Status of Eastern Greenland
An examination however of the maps of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries shows that the general features and configuration of the East coast of Greenland were known to the cartographers.
The Island of Palmas Case
A proof of the fact that the Dutch authorities were quite aware of the identity of “Miangas” with the island charted on many maps as “Palmas” is to be found in the reports of the Commander of the Dutch Government Steamer “Raaf” (November 1896) and of H.M.S. “Edi” (June 1898). These officers mention expressly the double name and give the almost exact nautical location of the island then visited.
[The error of the name ]
The Island of Palmas Case
The identification of the Nanusa with “Meangis” Islands may he explained by the desire to locate somewhere the Meangis Islands, famous since DAMPIER’s voyage. Seeing that up to very recent times an extraordinary inexactitude about the names and the location of the islands in precisely that part of the Celebes Sea is shown to exist by almost all the maps filed by the Parties, including the two maps of MELVILL VAN CARNBEE, an erroneous attribution of the name “Miangas”, even by Dutch cartographers, is easily possible.
[The error of the maps(non-existence island)]
The Island of Palmas Case
The St. Joannes Islands, Hunter's Island and the Isle of Mata are shown, all or some of them, on several maps even of quite recent date, although their existence seems very doubtful. The non-existence of the Island of Mata and the identity of the St. Joannes and HunLer's Islands with Palmas, though they appear on several maps as distinct and rather distant islands, may, on the evidence laid before the Arbitrator, be con- sidered as fairly certain. […] The only large scale map submitted to the Arbitrator which, as appears from inscriptions on it, is directly based on researches on the spot, is that attached to the Netherlands Memorandum (British Admiralty Chart No. 2575). Now this map shows neither an island of Mata, nor of Hunter, nor of any other name in the regions where they should be, according to the other maps, and Haycock Island is indicated at two points other than that adopted in "Ex- hibits Nos. 8 & 11".
In international law, a land is identified by geographic information of maps and records. The name of land is not important. The geographic information looks like latitude, longitude, the shape and size of this map shows that the two islands are Ulleungdo and Argonout (dobbled Ulleungdo=non-existence). Korean always make her own rule for her desire. But her own rule always denies by the reliable source.
ReplyDeleteI wrote you have an illusion that international law is a hope for justifying Japan’s false claim on Dokdo here. Your comment above proves I was right.
Next time, I’ll show you Japanese maps of 19C which depicted two islands labeled as 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima). The ownership of them are not marked, but you can study the Japanese mapmakers then drew two islands based on the name, not by geographic information.
Look forward to it, please!
I wrote you have an illusion that international law is a hope for justifying Japan’s false claim on Dokdo here.
ReplyDeleteI already proved your illusion with the reliable source there. Thank you.
Next time, I’ll show you Japanese maps of 19C which depicted two islands labeled as 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima). The ownership of them are not marked, but you can study the Japanese mapmakers then drew two islands based on the name, not by geographic information.
ReplyDeleteSo? You must show the reliable source of your own logic which prove that name is prior than the geographic information for the identity of the land instead of a map. If you can't show, your essay about the map is valueless and a individual hobby.
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ReplyDeleteWhat kind of reliable source other than Japanese maps do you want? Do you want the so-called international law? There’s no such an international law relating to the fact the Japanese mapmakers of 19C clearly recognized two islands labeled as 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima)were Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively.
It’s stupid to try to interpret the Japanese maps of 19C based on the geographic information. The Japanese mapmakers then didn’t care about geographic information. You deny 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima) are Ulleongdo and Dokdo in the 19C Japanese maps because their geographic information is not correct. Then why doesn’t the geographic information about the other parts of the maps matter to you?
I didn’t write an essay about the map. I wrote about the fact on the Japanese mapmakers’ perception that 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima) were Ulleongdo and Dokdo, not a non-existent ghost island and Ulleongdo respectively based on the most reliable source Japanese maps.
Sloww: There’s no such an international law relating to the fact the Japanese mapmakers of 19C clearly recognized two islands labeled as 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima)were Ulleongdo and Dokdo respectively.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to say? If cartographers didn’t know the Sebald's map or influenced maps by Sebald and knew maps by Tottori-han, they drawn at original positions and labeled original name. This comment proves his ignorance very well. He doesn’t distinguish evidences and legal principles. Though evidences differ for every case, legal principles ruled all cases.
[legal principles or rule about maps]
・ Maps can’t use as the evidence about existence or nonexistence of the sovereignty.
・ Maps can use as the evidence about identification of the island.
・ The island is identified by a companion between actual geography and the geographical information of the map.
・ There is a map which draw a island (A) labeled Takeshima at the point of Algnaut and a island (B) labeled Matsushima at the point of Ulleungdo.
→ A is Algonaut, B is Ulleungdo
・ There is a map which draw a island (C) labeled Umeshima at the point of Algnaut and a island (D) labeld Takeshima at the point of Ulleungdo.
→ C is Algonaut, D is Ulleungdo
Slow: It’s stupid to try to interpret the Japanese maps of 19C based on the geographic information. The Japanese mapmakers then didn’t care about geographic information.
Japanese mapmakers didn’t case the geographic information? It is incoherent. Maps make from the geographic information. A map without geographic information is not a map.
You deny 竹島(Takeshima) and 松島(Matsushima) are Ulleongdo and Dokdo in the 19C Japanese maps because their geographic information is not correct.
geographic information is not correct? Who did say so?
If the geographic information of an island labeled Takeshima on a map resembles to Argonaut rather than Ulleungdo, the island identifies as Argonaut. If the geographic information of an island labeled Takeshima on a map resembles to Ulleungdo rather than Takeshima, the island identifies as Ulleungdo.
This large scale map. prepared evidently for administrative purposes, of which a reproduction has been filed with the Explanations of the Netherlands Government, shows an isolated island "Palmas of Melangis" which, though not quite correct in size and shape and though about 40' too much to the south and 20' too much to the east, cannot but correspond to Palmas (or Miangas), since the most reliable detailed modern maps, in particular the British Admiralty Chart, show no other island but Palmas (or Miangas) between the Talauer or Nanusa Islands and Mindanao.
If neither latitude nor longitude of an island is correct, it can identify islands by the positional relation from other islands or lands.
Because the geographic information of this map corresponds to Algnaut and Ulleungdo quite correctly, these islands can identify as Algnaut and Ulleungdo without doubt according to the rule of the international law.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to say?
--> If you don’t or pretend not to understand what I wrote, let me repeat. I want to say the Japanese maps of 19C I presented are the most reliable source showing the Japanese mapmakers of 19C clearly firmly believed the two islands between Korean Peninsula and Japan’s Oki Island were Ulleongdo and Dokdo, not a non-existent ghost island and Ulleongdo. This source strongly supports 松島(Matsushima) marked as Korean land in some of Japanese maps of 19C is Dokdo, not Ulleongdo. The reason you desperately insist 竹島(Takeshima)≠Ulleongdo and 松島(Matsushima)≠Dokdo in 19C Japanese maps is to claim Matsushima(松島) marked as Korean land in those maps is not Dokdo, thus to justify Japanese incorporation of Dokdo in 1905 was legal.
Japanese mapmakers didn’t case the geographic information? It is incoherent. Maps make from the geographic information. A map without geographic information is not a map.
--> If you make such an absurd comment, let me rewrite. It’s stupid to try to interpret the Japanese maps of 19C based on the geographic information such as the accurate latitude, longitude, shape and size. The Japanese mapmakers then didn’t care about the accurate latitude, longitude, the shape and size. They didn’t draw not only Takeshima & Matsushima but also the other parts based on the accurate geographic information. Therefore, it is stupid to claim Takeshima and Matsushima aren’t Ulleongdo and Dokdo from their geographic coordinates. Now, is it clear to you?