

1904 German map of Japan

This map is from the "Andree's Allgemeiner Handatlas", published in Leipzig, Germany by Velhagen & Klasing in 1904. You can see "Matsu Schima (Dagelet)", "Liancourt R (Hornet In.)" and "Oki Schima" in the "Japanisches Meer (Japanese Sea)". Although "Liancourt R" is too small to identify the colour, "Matsu Schima" (Ulleungdo) is coloured in brown - the same as Oki Schima and Japan's mainland. It means that the mapmaker believed that Liancourt Rocks, the rocks between Ulleungdo and Oki island, were in the Japanese territory. This is another example of many western maps that deny Korea's sovereignty over Liancourt Rocks in the early 1900's.



  1. If possible please let me know the gulf name around "Broughton Bay", thank you.

  2. gtomr様,

    The map didn't carry the name of the bay, so I didn' mention in the post.

  3. Germans are not in the position to deny Koreans anything.


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