

How should 大東輿地圖 be translated in English?

"Dae Dongyeo Jido" (大東輿地圖) is the name of Kim Jeong-ho's famous 1861 map of Korea. It is sometimes translated into English as "Map of the Great Eastern State," but I think it should actually be translated as "Big Map of the Eastern Territory" since the Chinese character 大 seems to be referring to the size of the map rather than the size or greatness of the country. The assembled "Dae Dongyeo Jido" is 6.6 meters high and 4 meters wide.

At a recent exhibition of their "Dae Dongyeo Jido," the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee translated 大東輿地圖 as "Territorial Map of the Great East," which I think is the wrong translation.


In Korea, the English name for the "Dae Dongyeo Jido" (大東輿地圖) seems to be "Grand Map of Korea," which means it was the map that was "grand," not the country.

Also, there is an atlas in the National Museum of Korea that was labeled "Dong Yeo (東輿 - Eastern Territory), but the large map that the atlas assembles into was labeled "Dae Dongyeo Jido" (大東輿地圖 - Grand Map of the Eastern Territory), which, again, suggests that the 大 (big) was referring to the map, not to the country. The Chinese character 大 (big) seems to be used only with Korea's especially large maps.

It was not until Japan liberated Korea from Chinese suzerainty in 1895 that Korea became "Great" (大), that is, "The Great Han Empire" (大韓帝國 - 대한제국).

"Dongyeo" (東輿) literally means "Eastern Land" or "Eastern Territory," which implies that the name was given to Korea by her suzerain, China. Therefore, it seems that Korea's most celebrated map is also, unfortunately, a reminder of Korea's past subservient relationship with China.

Maybe, the real name for the map should be "The Grand Map of China's Eastern Territory"?


  1. Anonymous1/12/09 00:03

    미묘한 문제군요. 님이 말씀하시는 것 처럼 「大」는 지도의 크기를 가리킨다고 볼 수도 있다고 생각합니다.

    그러나, 이러한 큰 지도를 만들 때는 작성자는 그 나라를 위대한 나라라고 생각하고 있고, 그 심정을「大」라는 글로 표현했던 가능성도 있을지도 모릅니다.

    저는 "Territorial Map of the Great East"하고"Big Map of the Eastern Territory" 어느 쪽이 더 맞을까 판단이 어렵습니다.

    微妙な問題ですね。あなたが言われるように 「大」は地図の大きさを示すと考えることもできると思います。


    私は "Territorial Map of the Great East"と"Big Map of the Eastern Territory" どちらがより合うか判断が難しいです。


  2. Anonymous2/12/09 21:50

    "Big Map of the Great Eastern Territory" 는 어떻습니까?

  3. I have update the post with some of my thoughts on the subject.

  4. "大東" means an east end. It means the Far East again. And it is a Japanese another name. I think that you had better not be particular about a meaning of character called "大".



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