

Toda Takayoshi's (戶田敬義) pre-1876 Map of Ulleungdo - Map B

The following map, entitled "Map of Takeshima" (竹嶌之圖), is one of three maps of "Takeshima" (Ulleungdo) obtained by Toda Takayoshi (戶田敬義) in 1876 or earlier. I only know of two of them, which I will call Map A and Map B. This is Map B, and my post on Map A can be found HERE. You can go to the source of Map B at Mr. Tanaka's Web site HERE to find a much larger version of the map.

One of his maps was mentioned in an 1876 letter entitled "Concerning Matsushma 2," which was written by Watanabe Kouki (渡辺洪基), the Director of the Bureau of Documents in Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time. In the letter, Mr. Watanabe said that Toda Takayoshi's  survey map showed the circumference of "Takeshima" (Ulleungdo) to be about 23 ri, a measure that was calculated by adding up all the measurements of the ins and outs of the shoreline on the map. He also said the island in the south corner of the map was probably Uindo (于人島), which was very probably a misspelling of Usando (于山島).

The reference to the map in Mr. Watanabe's letter was as follows:
Moreover, it you add up all the measurements done by Toda Takayoshi (戶田敬義) on his map they total about 23 ri. (That includes all the ins and outs of the shoreline.) That circumference is more than just a little different than that of Matsushima, or Dagelet. On the south corner of the map is drawn an island that has a circumference of about 1.5 ri. The island is probably Uindo (于人島). 


  1. What does the 斗 in the 三里斗 on the map mean?

  2. 斗=許=計 (bakari)
    1) about, approximately, nearly
    2) less than, below

  3. Thanks 小嶋日向守. I thought that may be what it meant.

  4. I tried to add up the measurements on the map and got about 23 ri, just as Mr. Watanabe said. Could someone check it for me and tell me the characters for those I marked with an *?

    North Side

    1. 岩濵吾拾丁斗 = 5 to 10 丁 = .25里
    2. 吾丁斗 = 5 丁 = .14 里
    3. 大鼻吾拾丁斗 = 5 to 10 丁 = .25里
    4. 壱里半濵 = 1.5里
    5. 平地二里 = 2里

    East Side

    1. 大岩濵三里斗 = 3里
    2. 大岩濵三里斗 = 3里

    South Side

    1. 大岩阻壱里半 = 1.5 里
    2. *鼻壱里半岩阻 = 1.5里
    3. *內三里斗 = 3里
    4. *鼻壱里半 = 1.5里
    5. *所小砂*三里斗 = 3里
    6. *所大岩山三拾丁斗 = .8里
    7. *所砂*二里斗 = 2里

    West Side

    1. **壁地大石拾*斗

  5. Anonymous4/5/12 21:02


    My reading is as follows.
    Unfortunately, it became 27.7里.

    North Side

    1. 岩濵 五拾丁斗 = 50丁 = 1.39里
    2. 五丁斗 = 5 丁 = 0.14里
    3. 大鼻 五拾丁斗 = 50 丁 =1.39里
    4. 壱里半 濵 = 1.5里
    5. 平地二里 = 2里
    ----------------- 6.42里

    East Side

    1. 大岩濵三里斗 = 3里
    2. 大岩濵三里斗 = 3里

    South Side

    1.大岩阻 壱里半 = 1.5 里
    2.此鼻壱里半 岩阻 = 1.5里
    3.此內三里斗 = 3里
    4.此鼻壱里半 = 1.5里
    5.此所小砂濱三里斗 = 3里
    6.此所大岩山三拾丁斗 = 0.83里
    7.此所砂濱二里斗 = 2里

    West Side

    1.此濱陸地大石 壱リ(里)斗=1里


    I saw Toda´s map for the first time. My reading may have some mistakes.

  6. Thanks, Chaamiey.

    I interpreted 五拾丁斗 to be 5 to 10 丁 instead of 50 because I felt they would use 里 instead of counting 丁 that high. Also, the 5 丁 inlet next to it, did not look like it was 10 times smaller.

    Anyway, if you ignore 丁 and just count the numbers marked with 理 and リ, then it adds up to 24 里. I wonder if that is what Mr Watanabe did? Or may he have dicounted something that he did not consider relevent to the measure of the shoreline?

  7. Now I will have to count Toda Takayoshi's other map to see how it adds up.

  8. I agree with Chaamiey's reading and calculation.


    北(North Side)
    岩濵 五拾丁斗 川二ツ
    大岩山 川二ツ 五丁斗
    大鼻 五拾丁斗 岩阻シ
    壱里半濵 川弐ツ
    此鼻岩阻 奥行廣キ平地迄二里斗
    草木山 (もともと?)茂り
    岩組 五拾間斗 立岩三ツ 海中有

    東(East Side)
    大岩濵三里斗 岩粗 大岩濵三里斗

    南(South Side)
    大岩阻 壱里半  此嶌廻り壱リ半
    此鼻壱里半 岩阻
    此内三里斗 入海有り
    此所小砂濱三里斗 所々岩有り
    此所砂濱二里斗奥行 深キ平地有リ相分ス 川三ツ 
    此鼻山ノ尾大石アリ 壱リ斗

    西(West Side)
    此濱陸地大石アリ 壱リ斗
    大岩粗竹禾 大岩三ツ

  9. Thanks 小嶋日向守. This gives me something to think about.

  10. Not at all, Gerry.

    That was the usual use of a phrase "二里十八町" as a substitute for "二里半".
    But I think if it was a broken number "二里十四町", the term "五十町" was in popular use in those days.


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