

English Web Sites Supporting Japan's View on Liancourt Rocks?

Yuji Hosaka, one of Korea's Dokdo crusaders, has had an article translationed in the JoongAng Ilbo entitled, "Take the right approach on Dokdo," which suggests, "If we deflect the back-handed arguments of some Japanese, more and more will begin to share our point of view."

In the article, Mr. Hosaka complained about a Korean-language Web site he found that criticizes him and other "pro-Korean Japanese scholars." He does not mention the name of the site, but he asked the "cyber police" to investigate and found out that the site was created in Great Britain by someone with a Japanese name. He said that many Japanese operate sites abroad to avoid lawsuits and being reported.

Mr. Hosaka also wrote the following:

It’s widely known that this Japanese scholar has operated not only the site I found out about but also many others, all to promote his distorted arguments about the Dokdo issue. In order to attack Korea’s claims, he has even asked Americans to operate an English-language site on Dokdo.

He uses software to manipulate the visitor numbers for Web sites that attack Korea so that they will be listed on top of lists of frequently visited Web sites. Japanese “cyber-forces” even infiltrate Korean Web sites on the Dokdo issue. Their strategy is to wage a war in cyberspace against Korea through measures that nobody notices.

I know of no other English-language Web site that is operated by an American who support Japan's claims on Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo), except mine, so in case some may mistakenly think that my site here is the one Mr. Hosaka is talking about, I want to make it very clear that no Japanese or anyone else ever asked me to begin this blog on the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute.

I started this blog because I could find no evidence supporting Korea's claims on "Dokdo" (Liancourt Rocks) and wanted to explore the history more. After a few years of studying the issue, I have still found no evidence supporting Korea's claims. Korea has no old maps showing Liancourt Rocks or any documents showing that Koreans ever went there before Japanese started taking them there on Japanese fishing boats in the 1900s. Morever, the only two references in Korean history to an island that was probably Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo) were references to an unnamed, distant island visible from Ulleungdo, and those references suggested that the island was Japanese territory. (See HERE.)

I have read some of Mr. Hosaka's claims on Dokdo, but found them so ridiculous and flimsy that they are almost comical. I realize that Mr. Hosaka is now living and working in Korea, but he should still try to be a little more objective in the future. His school would probably keep him even without his making such silly claims.

Finally, if the English Web site he was referring to was this blog, then he should also stop lying.


  1. Anonymous29/5/09 20:54

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  2. Anonymous29/5/09 22:09

    I know that this blog is not the site which support Japan's claims on Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo/Takeshima) but the one which is seeking the truth about Liancourt Rocks.

  3. I think Prof. Hosaka is hallucinating. It reveals how low his ability of analysing something is. The fact is, over at occidentalism, I asked Gerry for his permission to translate his posts into Japanese mainly for my own better understangings on this issue, though I nor any other Japanese asked him to write anything, anything at all. As for this site, I, a Japanese non-scholar, was the one who was asked to help him and translate his posts into Japanese. And last year, I asked Shimane's Takeshima Web Recearch Center for their permission of translation, because I thought many of their research are so excellent that they should be read more in English.

    Almost three years ago, I started studying this issue since Korean government's calim "Usando in old Korean maps are today's Takeshima/Dokdo" seemed extremely doubtful and surreal to me. After three years of studying hundreds of maps and documents, I am now totally convinced that Korea had never ever owned the island and Shimane of Japan is the right owner of Takeshima.

  4. Oh Prof. Hosaka...I can't say a word, he is just an ex-Japanese who works for Korean government.

    As anybody knows, Gerry's site is a fair and science-based one.

    There are many clear evidences shown in this site to prove that Liancourt Rocks didn't belong to Korea. If Prof. Hosaka is a professional, why can't he refute all these evidences? He can't. Simply he can't.

  5. I think Korean doublt a website by foreinger asked by Japanese because Korean do ask propaganda campaign to foreigner,like propaganda events in NY?

    In addition, Korean sometimes distorts to say that "Pro-Korean Japanese scholor they had been threaten by rightwinger." because in Korea they did threaten pro-Japanese opinion holder and ban books and forced to close website and brainwash propaganda as if Korea be fascism and militarism.

    (*mostly those rightwinger is Zainichi Korean who pretend to be Japanese to imagedown Japanese nationarism.)

  6. この報道から読み取れる事。

    ところで昨年5月頃出てきて日本の良心的学者らを攻撃する韓国語サイトが登場したのを私は偶然な機会に発見した。 そのサイトに使われた韓国語が日本式韓国語という点を知ることになった私はサイバー捜査隊に捜査を依頼した。

    反論などのWebiteの存在は韓国側にとって不愉快らしく、言論弾圧に近い方法によってサイトを閉鎖させるファッショ的な性向が見られる。Daumの親日カフェやEnjoy Japanが自主的?の自主的廃業の関連は如何に?

    その学者が自身の娘に‘日本は過去に悪い行為をした国ではない。 日本は立派な国だ’ということを見せるために独島(ドクト)が日本土地であることを証明する研究を始めたという話を詳細に記述していた。 その学者が自身の著書に記述した内容よりさらに詳細な内容をサイトに記述したという点でサイト運営者がまさにその日本学者であることを直感した。


    サイトに多くの人が接続して,コメントでサイト運営者を徹底的に批判し始めた。 コメントの内容を対抗できなかったのか少し後そのサイトは自ら門を閉めた。

    攻撃内容はわからないが、推測するに、韓国人に特有の、論破された文章の連続Copy n Pasteによって参加者の討論の気力をなくす意図を持った方法。ここDokdo or Takeshimaにおいても、某多重IDが使用した方法も是に近いものと思われる。

  7. ”その学者が自身の娘に‘日本は過去に悪い行為をした国ではない。日本は立派な国だ’ということを見せるために独島(ドクト)が日本土地であることを証明する研究を始めたという話を詳細に記述していた。その学者が自身の著書に記述した内容よりさらに詳細な内容をサイトに記述したという点でサイト運営者がまさにその日本学者であることを直感した。”


  8. DOKDO island certainly belongs to KOREA. NO DOUBT!!!!!
    Do not distort the truth and be honest.
    You should reflect on your conduct and confess your lie of your own accord.
    Stop lying and cheating the world.

  9. Anonymous12/7/09 18:43

    The historic documents do not tell a lie.

  10. YES,The historic documents do not tell a lie. AND THE TRUTH WILL BE COME. there is enough evidence to prove that Dokdo is in south korea-many historic documents,photographs
    and even documens of Japan such as隱州視聽合紀 etc. In spite of that, Japan continues todistort the truth.We feel victimized. Realize and recognize the truth if you are an intellectual.

  11. BLYCHOI,

    Thanks for your interest in this blog.

    However, your opinion doesn't seem to be based on evidence.

    Korea's claim that Dokdo belongs to Korea is false because the base of their claim was not true. They have claimed that Usando was Dokdo and their old documents mentioned Usando so that they knew Dokdo. But truth is that Usando was NOT Dokdo, according to the old Korean documents - Usando was an inhabitable island where people could live but Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo) was not.

    The basis of Korean claim is nothing.

    And as to 隱州視聽合紀, please read the following:

    If you are intelligent, you will notice how pro-Korean people had distorted the interpretation of Japan's original document.
    The key point is that "the place to see the neighboring country very closely" was the outer limit of Japan.

  12. BLYCHOI,

    Thanks for your interest in this blog.

    However, your opinion doesn't seem to be based on evidence.

    Korea's claim that Dokdo belongs to Korea is false because the base of their claim was not true. They have claimed that Usando was Dokdo and their old documents mentioned Usando so that they knew Dokdo. But truth is that Usando was NOT Dokdo, according to the old Korean documents - Usando was an inhabitable island where people could live but Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo) was not.

    The basis of Korean claim is nothing.

    And as to 隱州視聽合紀, please read the following:

    If you are intelligent, you will notice how pro-Korean people had distorted the interpretation of Japan's original document.
    The key point is that "the place to see the neighboring country very closely" was the outer limit of Japan.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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