

Korean Documentary on "Dokdo"

The following video shows some close-ups of Liancourt Rocks and also the small cave where a small amount of fresh, but not really drinkable water accumulates. It also mentions that a lot of seagulls on "Dokdo" are killed by falling rocks.

The following portion of the video complains about a lack of support from the Korean government to do "Dokdo" research. In Japan, on the other hand, the video shows a special "Takeshima" section in the Shimane Prefecture Library, and a Korean professor talking about seeing a group of Japanese researchers pouring over declassified documents at the U.S. Library of Congress, which he said gave him an uneasy feeling. does not provide many materials or support for Dokdo research. while the Japanese government, on the other hand, not provide support for Dokdo research whiltalks about the Shimane Prefecture Library, which has a whole section dealing with the Takeshima (Dokdo) issue. Also, at the end of the video, during an interview with one of the Japanese researchers who often supports Korean claims, the Japanese researcher suggests that Koreans are not asking his permission to translate his books.

The following portion of the video talks about the 1998 Japan/Korea fishing agreement, which many Koreans are unhappy with because they feel like they conceded something to Japan in regard to Dokdo (Takeshima).

1 comment:

  1. In the last part of the second video, Prof. Naito express his complex feeling towards Korean who use what he wrote.

    (SBS) : 内藤先生に、韓国の側から政府とが学者が一緒に研究しようと声をかけたことは?
    (内藤) : ないですね。だから私が書いたものを韓国の方が喜んで適当に利用していらっしゃるような節が見えますね。私の本のハングル版というのは、随分あるんですね。私の知らないところで。
    (SBS) :ほー。何でですか?勝手に?

    (SBS) : Have the Korean government/the scholar ever called Prof. Naito for research together?
    (Naito) : Never. Therefore, it seems Korean are happy and use the part which pleases them from what I wrote. There are fairly Hangul versions of my book. Where I do not even know.
    (SBS) : Is that so? Why? You mean, without your permission?
    (Naito) : Yes (without permission). They are translating without my permission.

    No wonder they can't translate Prof. Naito's whole book since he clearly admits that there is no Korean evidence that they had sovereignty over the islands before 1905. He even advised Korean to look for the evidence which shows Seokdo in 1900 Ordinance was Dokdo, in other word, even he doesn't believe Korean theory.


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