

Korean Dokdo Documentary Flopping at Theaters

According to THIS KOREAN ARTICLE, the Korean documentary "I'm Sorry Dokdo" is flopping at Korean theaters. Besides showing on only about sixty screens around the country, some of the theaters are just squeezing it in between other movies or showing it at only midnight showings.

Instead of reinvigorating interest in the Dokdo dispute, which was the intent of the documentary, the film seems to be confirming a lack of interest in the dispute among Koreans, at least to the extent that they are unwilling to spend money to watch a documentary about it.

Actually, the documentary does not sound very interesting since it does not really deal with the historical facts of the dispute, but, instead, focuses on people who are involved in drawing attention to the fact that Korea currently occupies the islets, such as the old Korean man and his wife who live on one of the islets.

Though I am interested in the Dokdo-Takeshima dispute, I would not waste my time and money watching the above documentary, which seems to ignore the historical facts of the dispute.


  1. Anonymous4/1/09 14:10

    only Tom Cruise had starred in it, there might have been a chance for the movie to be a top draw.

  2. Speaking of a movie, I went to see "D-Wars" the other day. And it was horrible. None of the story/setting doesn't made sence to me. The script was simply garbage.

    But it helped me a lot understand Korean people. Considering it was a mega-hit in Korea, the contradictory, illogical stories are not so important, but only the justice (only for them) matters for them. That is exactly the Korean mentality we can observe in Takeshima/Dokdo Issue.

    Somehow, I'm not sure if "Dragons" in the movies were firing or not since I was almost sleeping in the final scene. Are they dragons, or 龍, the Chinese legendary creature which don't fire at all? That was confusing. I guess it also doesn't matter for Koran, oh well.

  3. The japanese mentality shown in the smash hit traditional Manga culture is far better LOLMAO hahaha


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