A study of the territorial dispute between Japan and Korea over Liancourt Rocks, a small cluster of barren, rocky islets in the Sea of Japan that Japanese call Takeshima and Koreans call Dokdo.
Japanese Politicians Stopped from Leaving Korean Airport
Three Japanese lawmakers arrived in Seoul, South Korea on the morning of August 1, but were denied entry into the country at Seoul's Gimpo International Airport because the Korean government claimed it could not guarantee their safety.
The three lawmakers wanted to visit the Dokdo Museum on Ulleungdo, which showcases maps and documents that supposedly support Korea's claim to Takeshima (Dokdo), a small group of rocky islets that is claimed by both Japan and Korea. The Korean president, himself, ordered that the Japanese lawmakers be denied entry to Korea ("Lee Wants Japanese Lawmakers Barred from Dokdo Mission").
Even Japanese Professor Shimojo Masao, who studies the history of the disputed islets, was denied entry to Korea on Sunday (July 31) even though he was not on the list of those banned from entry. According to this article, "Right-wing Japanese prof. heading to Ulleung Island denied entry to S. Korea", he was denied entry "due to the local Justice Ministry's disapproval of his visit."
I have read that Professor Shimojo has a Korean wife and property in South Korea. Is anyone who disagrees with Korea's historical claim to Takeshima a "right-winger" and banned from Korea?
It is very possible that the Japanese lawmakers would have been attacked by ultra-nationalist Koreans, but the Korean government and some of her politicians helped to incite the fanatics with hysterical rhetoric that claimed the Japanese were coming to Korea to "deny Korea's constitutional order" and "to pounce on Korean territory."
The policy committee chairman of Korea's leading Grand National Party called the Japanese "assassins without swords," and Korea's Special Affairs Minister called them "descendants of war criminals." See LINK.
The photo to the left shows Korean protesters throwing salt and red pepper powder up into the air near the arrival gate inside the Korean airport while airport security stand by and watch.
Why would Koreans not want Japanese lawmakers visiting the Dokdo Museum on Ulleungdo since it supposedly has evidence to prove Korea's claim to Takeshima (Dokdo)?
The answer is that the museum does not have evidence to prove Korea's claims. It is essentially a propaganda facility designed to brainwash Korean school children and ignorant Korean tourists. The Korean government most probably did not want Japanese lawmakers seeing the distorted history and exhibits in the museum, fearing that they would return to Japan and expose the distortions and fabrications.
HERE is just one example of how the museum uses distorted models to try to support its false historical claim to Takeshima (Dokdo).
The Japanese lawmakers were denied entry to Korea because it was feared they would expose the lies of the Dokdo Museum.
Japan Probe has a great article on the story HERE.
The following is a Japanese language report of statements made by the Japanese lawmakers at the airport:
Japanese people wish Takeshima-Dokdo issue will be solved by the logic. But Koreans who do not have the logic of sovereignty for dokdo only could shout in loud voice and burn Japanese flags.
独島 強硬対応 李在五に逆風
ReplyDelete2011/8/7 天地日報
李長官は、4日、全羅南道求礼郡土旨面五味村の奉仕現場で、「領土守護は筆先や舌先でするのではなく、国民の団結した力が重要だ。」と強調した。併せて、自分に向けられた疑惑に対しても口を開いた。李長官は、この日、「建国以来、独島で眠り歩哨に立った長官はただの一人でもいたか」と述べ、「独島で 'ショー'をしようとして行ったのではなく、現政府の力強い独島守護の意志を示すためにしたこと」と明らかにした。続いて、「日本の議員たちが純粋に鬱陵島を観光するための目的だったら直接来れば良い」(翻訳?)とし、「厳然たる領土主権侵害を見過ごすことができなかったから返した」と付け加えた。
これに対して、民主党のキム・ヨンチュン最高委員は、1日、最高委員会議で「今、特任長官は日本の国会議員たちが来もしない鬱陵島へ行って 'ショー'をするのではなくて、釜山の韓進重工業に駆け付けなければならない」と皮肉った。