- 長久保赤水 (Nagakubo Sekisui) - 19th century Japanese mapmaker
- 林子平(Hayashi Shihei)- 18th century Japanese Political-economical researcher(1738-1793)
- 奥原碧雲(Okuhara Hekiun) - a 19th century Japanese local historian from Matsue, Shimane (1873-1935)
- 勝海舟(Katsu Kaishuu) - a Japanese naval officer and statesman during the Late Tokugawa shogunate and the Meiji period.
- 大谷甚吉(Oya Jinkichi) - 17th century Japanese cargo-vessel businessman in Yonago, Tottori. Hedrifted to Takeshima (present Ulleundo) and, together with the Murakawa clan, received permission from the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1618 to harvest the island. The clan also used Matsushima (present-day Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks) as a stopover point, where he also harvested abalone and hunted sea lions.
- 村川市兵衛(Murakawa Ichibee) - 17th century Japanes cargo-vessel businessman in Yonago, Tottori. He shared the trade on Takeshima(present Ulleundo) and Matsushima (present-day Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks) with the Oya clan.
- 会津屋八右衛門(Aizuya Yaemon) - 19th century Japanese shipping agent in Iwami, Shimane. He engaged in a contraband trade with Takeshima (present-day Ulleundo), Phillipine and Indonesia to help the sinking economy ofhis 浜田藩(Hamada_Han) by pretending to go to Matsushima (present-day Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks) but going to Ulleungdo, instead. He was excecuted by Shogunate when 間宮林蔵 discovered his illegal activity and reported it to 幕府(Bakuhu) (?-1836)
- 間宮林蔵(Mamiya Rinzo) - 19th century Japanese explorer, who later in life would become an undercover agent for the Tokugawa shogunate. He is best known for his exploration and mapping of Sakhalin (1775 - 1844).
- 中井養三郎(Nakai Yousaburou) - 19th Japanese fishery businessman who submitted a petition to incorporate Takeshima(Liancourt Rocks) into Japanese territory.(1864-1934)
- 江戸(Edo) - An old name of Tokyo
- 江戸時代(Edo_period) - A period of Japanese history running from 1603 to 1868 that is also called the Tokugawa period.
- 幕府(Bakuhu) - The Shogunate, or the office of political power in the period of samurai rule.
- 将軍(Shougun) - A "supreme general of the samurai",a military rank and historical title in Japan. The rank is equivalent to "general," a high officer in an army. As a title, it is the short form of Seii Tai Shougun(征夷大将軍).
- 藩(Han) - the fiefs of feudal lords of Japan that were created by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and existed until their abolition in 1871, three years after the Meiji Restoration. Most were led by a daimyo with an assessment of 10,000 koku or more. The daimyo swore loyalty to the shogun.
- 大名(Daimyou) - the most powerful feudal rulers in Japan from the 10th to the 19th century. The term "daimyo" literally means "great name.".
- 老中(Rojuu) - One of the highest-ranking government posts in Tokugawa Japan. It means elder.The term refers either to individual Elders, or to the Council as a whole.
- 家老(Karou) - A top-ranking samurai officials and advisors in service to the daimyo(大名) of feudal Japan.
- 対馬(Tsushima) - An island in Japan, situated in the Tsushima Strait at 34°25'N and 129°20'E.
- 対馬府中藩(対馬藩)(TsushimaHuchuu_han) - A domain of Japan during the Edo period that controlled Tsushima Province and a small portion of Hizen Province. It was ruled by the Sō clan. Its capital was located in Izuhara.
- 宗家(Soh_clan) - A Japanese clan that ruled Tsushima Island from the Kamakura period until the end of the Edo period
- 島根(Shimane) - A Japanese district locates in the Chuugoku region on Honshuu island, Japan. The capital is Matsue. Three old provinces of 石見(Iwami), 出雲(Izumo) and 隠岐(Oki) was consolidated to the prefecture in Meiji period.
- 隠岐(Oki) - A group of islands in the Sea of Japan, 40 to 80 km north of the Honshuu coast and are part of Shimane Prefecture, Japan.
- 鳥取(Tottori) - a Japanese district located in the Chūgoku region of Honshū island, Japan. The capital is the city of Tottori.
- 米子(Yonago) - a city located in the northwest of Tottori, Japan, facing the Sea of Japan, and adjacent to Shimane. It is the prefecture's second largest city after Tottori.
- 明治(Meiji) - the period which denotes the 45-year reign of Emperor Meiji(明治天皇)(1868-1912)
- 明治天皇(Meiji Emperor) - The 122nd emperor of Japan, reigning from February 3, 1867 until his death. His personal name was 睦仁 (Mutsuhito).
- 太政官(Dajoukan) - State Department of Japan's Meiji government.
- 内務省(Naimusho) - the Cabinet-level ministry established under the Japanese Meiji government that managed the internal affairs of the Empire of Japan from 1873-1947.
- 外務省(Gaimusho) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Japanese government.
- 文部省(Monbusho) - The Japanese Ministry of Education. At present, it is called The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (文部科学省).
- 渡邊洪基(Watanabe Kouki) - The author of "Concerning Matsushima" in 1878 when he was a chief director of document section of MOFA. He was born to Medical Doctor's father in Fukui(福井). He became a member of famous The Iwakura Mission or Iwakura Embassy (岩倉使節団, Iwakura Shisetsudan) which started in 1871. Later, he became the governor of Tokyo in 1885, and the first president of Tokyo University in 1886 when he was 39 years old. (1847-1901)
A study of the territorial dispute between Japan and Korea over Liancourt Rocks, a small cluster of barren, rocky islets in the Sea of Japan that Japanese call Takeshima and Koreans call Dokdo.
Japanese Name Glossary
People, placenames, titles, documents, maps, events, and other information related to the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute
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